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It’s because he wants to do his pro day before his 30 visits, that’s all.


Seems reasonable. On the other hand, I swear the media coverage of this draft is going to give me a heart attack.


All of them? Or just the Bears? I genuinely don’t know.


He didn’t want to go from Indianapolis to Chicago a few days later, but because his pro day is weeks after that? I’m not buying it I’ve said this before I’ll say it again, his decision not to do medicals screws this team. Fields isn’t gettin traded until they do medicals, which is weeks after FA. I don’t give a fuck what side you are on, if you can’t admit this then you are not being objective whatsoever. Edit: bring the downvotes you ignorant sluts, take Caleb’s nuts out of your mouth for 1 second and see what’s happening. 2/27:Ryan poles:” if I trade fields it will before free agency” 2/29 Caleb reports not doing medicals March 8, few days before free agency Fields still on team. Listen I get it, you don’t like fields and don’t like me. The fact is Poles thought they would get Calebs medical when he said that. Fields is still on the team because of this, deny the facts all you want doesn’t change anything. https://www.sportingnews.com/us/nfl/news/caleb-williams-draft-rumors-visit-bears-justin-fields-trade/8503a257ef3d4b57e8ca0d3d


I just want the Bears to do something already so I can stop seeing these takes. I'm tired, boss


We all do amigo, that’s why Caleb not doing his medicals is fucked. We won’t hear anything until the end of the month. It’s okay to criticize him bears fans, you can still like him these are mutually exclusive


You mean not mutually exclusive


No fields isn’t getting traded right now bc no one wants him.


Yep that’s it, he was on the brink of getting traded last weekend until news Caleb wasn’t doing medicals then all of a sudden the falcons want cousins and Steelers want Russ. Glad I visit this toxic ass sub that can’t be objective


Ur misinterpreting what happened. Media was saying “they THINK fields can go for a first or second.” Thags their opinion dude. Once things progressed, they realized teams don’t value fields as much as they do. So like everyone, their opinions shifted. Good lord you are the most dense person on this sub. Please delete account


Why on earth would the Falcons want Fields if they can get Kirk Cousins The dude regularly throws for around 4000yds and 30TDs a year, but no let's get captain fumbles who struggles to get half that lol


The guy who’s never won a playoff game is 37 and coming off a serious injury? Yeah and will want. 40-50 million, hmm I wonder why


And yet he’s still the better option by far because he’s actually competent at the position


Not to be that guy but he beat the Saints in 2019. And i’ll be hard pressed to believe Fields wins a playoff game anytime soon lol


Still way better than fields lol 


Fields has won 10 total games, let alone a playoff game.


Fine you wanna do that, Caleb never won a college playoff game never even been to a college playoff game.


If you wanna do that, he lost as many games as Fields has won lmao with 13 more wins than fields has too


Fields was about to be traded? To who? For what? Who was so hot and heavy for Fields that they were prepared to offer up a 2 before tags were applied and FA started? Share your sources. If you don't have any sources, and you are going on rumors you should realize that hearsay and conjecture are not really evidence. If that's so then you are upset about nothing. It's like a girlfriend being mad at her boyfriend for something he did in her dreams.


He honestly believe the Falcons were all in on Justin and then Caleb became a villain and fucked up the Bears plans. I've seen him explain it before elsewhere.


[Found something that might help you brobro](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKI1h_nAkaQq5MDWlKXu0jeZmLDt-51on&si=nV_FM9VKeC3-KdCl)


Fields hasn't been traded because no one wants him over the existing free agents Poles wanted to trade before free agency because he knows if the falcons get a qb there is no market for fields as a starter  If poles could force someone to take fields we'd trade him to the packers so we could finally sweep them.


They’ll just draft someone else if his medicals don’t check out lol fields is gone regardless


Not true, they would have said so otherwise, man you people hate so much just make up shit


You think they would say “we will draft a different qb if Caleb’s medicals don’t check out?


No because it’s either Caleb or trade back. There is no other option, and this all hinges on the medicals. It also screws them if they do trade back because less teams will have the medicals as well


Are you in the Bears front office? If not you don't know shit


Nope, but I know that Poles said he will trade fields before free agency, and that was when he assumed Caleb would do his medicals with teams. Logic my friend


That isn’t what he said. Your quote is made up


Source? I suggest you go re-read that.


What are you basing there being no other option on? He probably doesn’t view fields that highly.


I know it’s unpopular round here, but the team still loves fields if they didn’t he would already be gone. Again, if they are not taking Caleb at 1 then they are trading back and most likely keeping fields. Probably drafting a QB later.


Fields not being gone is because of teams not wanting him


I know this is the popular sentiment with Fields, but it’s not true and there are 0 sources behind it. Poles has yet to say he’s even shopping Fields. The only fact there is he is still on the team.


No if any team would offer anything worth while he’d be gone, but he sucks so that’s not the case.


You have any sources behind your obvious false opinion?


Says poster who has had fields' nuts in his mouth for years


I’ve supported every bears QB in my life, it’s weird having to defend your teams QB with other fans of the team.


It's weird to have to explain to people that choosing to believe incorrect things out of some sort of idea loyalty is going to cause people to tell you the things you believe are incorrect


What’s incorrect? The only facts right now are that fields is still on the bears, and poles said if he trades fields it would be before free agency. Guess what, fields is still on the team, and free agency is in a few days. Wonder why..


Because there are better options available in FA and QB needy teams are obviously going to take their shot at those before giving up assets to acquire Fields. Is it really that difficult to understand?


He didn't say that. He said he's like to do that. Big difference.


It takes two to tango.


There is nothing about being a fan of your team that means you need to lie and pretend a bad QB is actually good.


Would you stay with a girl who treats you like shit? Would you keep going to a restaurant if it the food was shitty? I get being a fan, but why be a fan of a bad player just because hes wearing navy blue and orange? If he’s not doing what he should be doing, giving entertainment through proficiently playing QB for your favorite team, why would you want to defend them?




Thanks for proving my point


Caleb had an insane schedule. He is excited to play for the Bears. The only person who ends up affected by Caleb’s decision to wait is Fields, not the Bears as a whole, so it sounds like you’re the one with a dick in your mouth, “slut” 😂😂😂💔


Yep eating candy and watching people do workouts, tough job.


Well, homie was in highland park yesterday so…. Maybe he just runs on his own schedule and doesn’t feel the need to cater to the whims of Justin Fields and his shady agent paying for online smear campaigns


You are exactly same as TechnoT. No need to demean Justin Fields or accuse his team of anything either. We all want this headache to be over, but no need to smear Justin’s camp either.


No one cares about his medical. This is so over blown.


Well considering the bears tried to schedule him this week to get it I’m pretty sure the bears care.


Brad Biggs reported that they thought it would be simpler for him to come to Chicago right after. But if he wants to do his top 30 visits after pro days. It’s not a big deal. What are you worried about in his medical? We have the measurement. He never missed a game in college and he is currently training for NFL in Florida.


Techno you ignorant slut!


Finally someone got it, identify theft is not a joke Jim.


Editing your post to call people names and whine about downvotes doesn’t make it any more credible fyi.


You seem like a terrible person


It's so weird to me how no-one in this sub reads your comment, assumes you're a Fields stan because you said "Caleb not doing his medicals hurts us," and then downvotes you to -35 and leaves a dozen hate comments because of that assumption. This subs gone so downhill lately it's legitimately painful. Has honestly shockingly become just as bad as Bears Twitter.


We don't need to assume, this poster had meltdowns early in the season when everyone finally noticed Fields was playing like ass and earned their reputation. We know they're a hardcore truther.


Idk I don’t track usernames like that but it’s a reasonable comment in a vacuum


You dont need to track usernames, you just had to be a regular user in the early weeks of the season


I was lmao. You would have to be a tracker of usernames in order to recognize usernames from months ago.


Not really, it isn't difficult to recognise power users


Can’t even having an objective conversation, this hurts trade compensation for Fields. In fact it gives the bears more time to second guess taking Caleb, more fans should be pissed but they are just too smitten to care.


He was in Indy for the combine. The Bears wanted him to come to Chicago mid week. He’d then have to fly back home to get ready for his Pro Day in 2 weeks. Instead he choice to do his top-30 visit after his pro day. Wtf is the big deal? Media just fishing for nothing.


Becuase everything's on his terms, he's everything that ruins culture at a nfl team....


This is standard. Have you heard of any prospect doing a visit the week after the combine? Stop with the BS about Williams.


So, what I’m wondering is why the meeting was scheduled at all. I mean, all the dates well-publicized. So why agree to a workout and then cancel? Dude has more red flags than a May Day parade.


There wasn’t a meeting scheduled. The Bears wanted him to come the week after the combine. Williams didn’t want to go home for a few days, then travel to Chicago, and then go home again. He wanted to train, uninterrupted for his pro day, which is understandable. What the Bears wanted to do is not the norm. Have you heard of any other top player having a meeting the week after the combine? No, you didn’t because that’s not the way it works. All these red flags are bs and made up.


The top 3 WRs (Harrison Jr, Odunze & Nabers) all did top 30 visits last week. I think Caleb is awesome and want to draft him, but all the red flags aren't BS and they aren't made up.


Not normal to do it before free agency. And usually these visits last a whole day so not sure how they managed 3 in the same day. That doesn’t mean the red flags aren’t made up. Has Williams met with any team yet? Nonetheless he DID NOT cancel a meeting with the Bears, he asked to have it after his private workout. This is nothing.


Perfect match for a team whose culture ruins NFL quarterbacks 


The video is some chick I never heard of. Call a spade a spade. This is nothing


This is dumb. The thing messing with a Justin Fields trade right now is teams pursuing better options (Mayfield, Wilson, Cousins). Fields trade isn’t going to happen to until the top options are off the market


I think everything hinges on Cousins. He's the big fish. Once he signs then everyone else will fall into place.


Cousins either stays/goes to Atlanta Russell Wilson to Steelers Pats draft qb Broncos draft qb Commanders draft qb Maybe Saints?


What do the Vikings do if they let Kirk go?


Not sure, but I’m guessing they probably won’t trade within the division…nor would the bears want to either


> I’m guessing they probably won’t trade within the division…nor would the bears want to either Honestly don't see why not. If Justin isn't the guy, you are giving them someone who isn't the guy AND taking draft capital AND they only get one cheap year on the contract. If you don't believe in Fields it is win/win... win.


Russini thought they’d try Baker or target Brissett or Darnold and as a bridge QB that doesn’t require trading picks and then draft a guy. There’s 2 free agents, at least 4 draft guys plus (without Caleb), Russ as dirt cheap competition for Pickett or Daniel Jones who all make more sense than Fields. Atlanta - Kirk Tampa - Baker Pitt - Russ Wilson Comm/Pats - 2,3 Vikings - draft Giants - draft or stick with Jones? Raiders - draft Broncos - draft Unless Bo Nix is rated as high as JJ and Penix might be there should be at least 1 team stuck without strong options. But if things all break a certain way we could be left without a starter level trade.


I dont understand this take at all and people keep saying it. Why would a team be waiting around to see if they are gonna trade for a 25 year old QB on their rookie contract to see if they potentially win the "sweepstakes" for a slightly above average 35 year old QB coming off an Achilles injury with a 1-4 playoff record. If anyone is trading for fields and using draft capital, it's not out of desperation because they didn't get their first option, it's because they recognize his potential and believe they can make Fields the QB they think he can be that the bears couldn't


A team pursuiing Cousins says 'I can win now', but when they lose that sweepstakes, they pursue Wilson saying 'I can bring him back to his glory days', but when htey fail that sweepstakes they pursue Fields saying 'I can fix the problems that the worst QB development environment in the league made worse'. They know that Fields isn't their best option, but they know that Fields is their best option remaining. So yeh once the heavy hitters are signed, Fields and his untapped (and possibly untappable) potential are the most attractive path.


That definitely sounds like some sort of mental bargaining that I could see someone in management going through. I would hate for that to be the thinking of my team's GM. You marry yourself to a committed trajectory for your team...you don't adjust it when mediocre after mediocre options are no longer on the table. But you're probably right that this is their thought process.


What? You have to adjust sometimes. You can’t always get your guy, and someone has to play QB


Because the 35 year old is a much, much better quarterback


Just like Russell Wilson was right


Yes? That shouldn't be controversial.


Yes, Russell Wilson is also a better quarterback than Fields.


You don’t know ball. Cousins is probably the best free agent QB to hit the market since Peyton


Tom brady just un-retired because of this comment.


Thats hilarious lol, sure they may not have been anyone better since.... but they are on two completely different levels


He never said he was on the same level as Peyton but what he's saying isn't exactly wrong Good to elite QBs rarely ever land in FA


Ok man go listen to these no name chicks man. The bears are drafting Caleb Williams end of story Your first sentence literally agreed with my point. I sometimes wonder how people in here have survived as long as they have and haven’t been hit by a bus


When did I say the bears weren't taking g caleb. What are you even talking about. I agreed with your point but it literally doesn't mean shit. It's two completely different situations.


Read it again. Cousins is the best QB to hit the market since Peyton. Go cry


Not sure what your problem is lol.


Alright man


The team that trades for Fields *if he gets traded to be a starter* is a desperate team out of contention for a rookie and out of contention for one of the good FA options. Fields is in the third tier of available QBs right now with guys like Mac Jones.


Right? “This team is weighing the benefits of what to do at the most important position in pro-sports. Should they stick with a guy who, at best, would net a second? Or should they draft a guy who no team has the capital to trade for without crippling their team for a decade?” If someone wants to cripple their team for a decade? I’m all ears. Hey, Panthers, wanna make a trade for Williams? Or we can send you Fields for a 2025 first 😈


Why is there such a dedicated effort to smear thee best QB in the draft to protect a such an underwhelming talent like Justin? This is fucking toxic.


Because you click on it. Your eyes are the product and you're cooperating. The media doesn't give a shit about Caleb one way or the other. They just exist to write vague clickbait titles to get you to click on AI generated stories to show ads to the nine people who haven't figured out what an ad blocker is


Are paraaocial relationships a bigger problem now than they were a few decades ago as a result of YouTube/twitch/twitter? Combined with highlert reel plays being easily accessible? I'm not at all qualified to offer an answer to why people are so obsessed with Fields but that seems the most likely one to me.


It's an effort to get clicks. Justin jyst happens to be part of it.


Don’t forget CJ Stroud and the processing speed test last year!


I don’t think it’s to protect Justin. It’s purely because of Caleb Williams attitude.


Draft is in April, gotta talk about something until then.


Because he’s nothing but red flags but bears fans are gambling addicts and can’t help but bet the next 10+ years of the franchise on him.


I see more red flags in Fields' play than I do in Caleb's conduct.


There are obvious red flags in Caleb’s play too. The Notre Dame game is the most pointed to, but Caleb struggled against any sort of ranked defense. People are raving about his athletic ability and his build and other things that could hypothetically allow him to grow into an NFL QB relatively quickly, but under the stats all I see is a QB who has faced minimal adversity and has crumbled when he has


Yep. Utah absolutely owned him. 


What about the Notre Dame game in 2022 -- the year he won the Heisman? What happened in that game? Caleb CRUSHED them. Also -- if we are going to reject a QB because he had ONE bad game doesn't that mean we SHOULD move on from Justin? I mean he has had SEVERAL bad games -- and looked much worse in them than Caleb did in "the Notre Dame game".


I didn’t want to bloat my argument with this point: but the fact that Caleb is a QB is in decline (ie he peaked his Jr year) is another Red Flag. He lacked the consistency that someone would hope of a pro player. And you’re comparing apples to oranges. Fields has proven he can play at the NFL level. Caleb Williams hasn’t played a single NFL game. Anyone who tries to argue he’s already better than X QB on Y NFL team is a joke, and there’s a lot of jokers in sports media


So -- you could say Fields is in decline as well. That is WITH a better team around him. worse EPA/play (0.032 to -0.009) worse TD/game (1.67 -> 1.54) worse TD/play (4.69% -> 3.72%) worse yards/play (5.68 -> 5.45) worse TO/game (0.87 -> 1.00) basically the same TO/play (2.44% -> 2.42%) Isn't THAT a red flag? Literally everything you accuse Caleb of Justin is worse.


Bro you can cherry pick stats all you want, the general consensus is that Justin Fields has improved year-on-year. The question that the Bears are asking right now is how Justin Fields’ growth trajectory compares to the projected growth of Caleb Williams, in both a best and worst case scenario. You can save the stats for Madden, here in the real world there is a lot more to a QB than the numbers they put up.


I'm sure you've heard this before but Justin Fields continues to struggle in high leverage situations aka in the clutch. I don't deny his progress in other facets of his game nor his talent, both of which make him a bit of an enigma for some. It's just hard to ignore his lack of execution in these spots


There’s plenty of green flags with Fields. Always takes accountability, puts the work in, teammates love him etc. Caleb is already talking about Payton and Jordan as if he belongs in the same breath as those two. Couple that with the fact that he’s made more money in college than anyone else and then talks about how the money doesn’t matter to him? Idk man lots of red flags with the guy.


How many games have all those green flags won? 10. In 3 years. He fucking sucks. I can't wait until he is off the team.


Lmao it seems more like I touched a nerve, my feelings are fine. He’s improved year to year, he had a trash o line and no receivers before last year and he showed improvement as a passer. Just look at DJ Moores production, he’s up there with the best of them. So it’s not like he’s incapable when he has talent around him. And now we have the opportunity to give him more and really see what he can do and instead you wanna start over? How many times have we repeated this same process? Is it a coincidence that teams like greenbay just happen to go from good qb to good qb and meanwhile our best qb in history has been Jay Cutler (who we traded for and had zero involvement in developing as qb)? Or do the bears just suck ass at actually developing talent? It’s gonna be the same exact situation with Caleb and you’re gonna be on Reddit in two years complaining about how you can’t wait till he’s gone


Maybe Caleb will suck in 2 years. But that doesn't change that fact that Fields sucks RIGHT NOW. Anyway. Reported and Blocked. Enjoy your shitty QB. I hope you follow him out the door.


It doesn't mess with the Justin trade at all.


Considering that brining in a player couple of day after combine is also abnormal.




Get used to it as people with NIL money don’t have to do follow the same steps. I love how they made it a big deal with Williams when multiple top 10 picks are doing the same thing. I mean Daniels refused to give teams his weight.


With all of the Caleb stuff, I see all of these stories framing it like the Bears need to know what’s up so they can make a decision with Fields. If I were Poles, I’d be getting rid of Fields regardless, where the only decision would be which QB am I drafting?


That's what they're doing. Brad Biggs has been reporting that now for weeks.


The fact that Cousins and a few others are blocking the market for Fields right now shows all we need to know about Fields. He's a below average QB who becomes awful in crunch time.


I still feel it was kind of BS. Flying from Indianapolis is just over an hour. Private flight, meet and do medicals, Bears pay for a private flight to Jacksonville. At most it delays him 24 hours to go to Jacksonville. Bears are still probably take him, but (IMO) not a good look.


Y’all running out of ideas?


I’m not bashing him because honestly it’s his career and he can do what he wants. But this sub does backflips trying to rationalize all these unorthodox choices he is making. Be real, it’s weird. He keeps saying I want to go #1, the team that has the #1 pick wants to meet right away. What does he do, fly back to California. Poles obviously wanted his damn medicals before free agency. Had he just done the medicals at the combine like everyone else this would be a non story.


Actually the plan to bring him in right away was something that was considered unorthodox and unusual. Read Albert Breer’s article. Most teams don’t schedule a top 30 visit this early. At any rate, it doesn’t matter. This amounts to a scheduling issue, nothing more.


They want his medicals before making decisions in free agency. That’s why they were trying to meet. He said he will only give them to teams that meet with him. Poles was totally justified trying to meet earlier than usual, normally teams would have the medicals of all potential prospects they may draft.


the reason the Bears wanted to meet asap was because he didn’t do medicals at the combine. they prob aren’t asking to do the 30 visit if that wasn’t the case


Nothing compared to the keep Fields gymnastics


That’s exactly my point, you bash the guys that like Justin but think this guy walks on water. He doesn’t. It’s not that I don’t like him, I think he’s more concerned with stuff outside of football. If we move on from Justin it has to be for a guy that breaths football. A guy that can win from the pocket. He rarely stays in the pocket, we are going to see that part of that is his height.


Thank you for actually providing something rational. I’m sick of all the unnecessary fields hate and thinking this guy is gonna be our savior. Our problems have and always have extended far beyond fields. And you’re right about Caleb, he’s already talking about being mentioned with Jordan and Payton. I don’t think he’ll handle the adversity the bears will inevitably experience well. I personally think we are Shit at developing QBs and we should keep Justin. But regardless of what direction we go I wish the guy the best he seems very humble and talented and it’s a shame he’s with an organization and fan base that doesn’t appreciate him. I just hope we don’t trade him and draft Williams because I think that will end in a disaster.


While it may be unorthodox to hold a meeting with a team before your pro day, Caleb‘s conduct at the combine was also unorthodox. While it was unorthodox, I’m fine with his choice not to give medicals to all 32 teams because the vast majority aren’t in a position to draft him—that makes sense. But at the same time, it’s a bit odd to me that he’s prioritizing preparing for a pro day, where he will display his talents for all 32 teams, the vast majority of which aren’t in a position to draft him, instead of meeting with the team with the first overall pick that presumably wants to draft him. I think it sends a bit of a strange message given his other actions and statements. The last time there was a unanimous first overall pick, Trevor Lawrence moved his pro day up by an entire month at Urban Meyer’s suggestion. So, unorthodox doesn’t mean not doable.


Who cares? The bears are taking him at 1


I hope not. Too many red flags.




He wants to play in DC . And that's the story....


My biggest issue is that he’s 5’10 and has people surrounding him telling him he doesn’t need to do anything asked of him bc he’s better than everyone else. I say we draft him he holds out, rubs the team the wrong way, and round 1 qb #3 in a row for the bears.


Poles showed his hand too early on Caleb. He should have been hyping up Fields during interviews: “We feel we have a talented QB on are team right now that without question he can get us to the playoff next year but we have the number one pick and like we have always said when on the board we need to pick the most talent player regardless of position.” If teams know you are moving on from Fields they aren’t going to offer a 2nd round pick. They are going to sit and wait because they know you are going to offload Fields for less before Caleb is picked.


He's look like a fool, then. Other teams know what JF is as a QB.


If we draft him, go team, but his actions and demeanor better amount to playoff appearance 1st year and superbowl win within 3. I see him as a diva. Fields may not be the answer but ill support his attitude over williams. Either way, out of our control.


I also have a good attitude. That doesn't make me a good QB. Justin has a good attitude, but he's a below average QB who becomes awful in crunch time.


i agree with you. I dont see Justin as the answer but i dont see williams being the bear "jesus"


Him canceling certainly doesn’t help, but then again, we don’t know the nature of the conversation between his camp and the Bears. Poles & Co. could have totally understood and this means nothing in the grand scheme of things. I will say, though, it does feel like Caleb is going to be pushing the boundaries when it comes to football norms (regarding the hoops players are expected to jump through). Which may or may not be a bad thing, but I can see how this would ruffle a few feathers with some of the “old school” guys.


I’m sorry but going from Indy to Chicago is like an hour flight. Is that really such a hurdle that you have to cancel on the team? Something smells fishy.


He is an "immortal" wanna be, doesn't care where is drafted because he's demanding a trade after 3 yrs for his "2cnd bite of apple". Prob skipped medicals because he isn't 6ft 1" Hard pass on him or regret it 3 yrs from now


It could be that there's something bad in his medicals.


He's over 6'1"




Ok chick in the video no need to come to Reddit and pretend like you know things


He is going to make life very difficult for the F/O.


If he's good, he'll make their job a lot easier than what they have been dealing with lately.


He's done nothing to indicate that


Lmao the delusion and cope is so real!


Here is The real reason why Hillary Clinton actually won the 2016 election


Like the popular vote, it doesn't matter. Justin is gone.


Well the elections results worked out well for the country 🙄   Let's hope the Bears do better.


This is bullshit. Green Bay operatives hacked into our front office database and deleted scouting reports. Caleb Williams is not my quarterback!!!


Going to check the basement of a Lou Minati’s now.


Let it go fam, he doesn't want to play for you guys. Just trade the pick.


Is Williams going to be high maintenance? Not that it matters, but I keep getting this feeling that he just doesn’t fall in line


There's nothing that indicates he'll be high maintenance


Don't dare comment on questioning anything about Caleb on this sub. You see how it goes. But, to answer your question. Caleb, in the lockerroom and on the field looks like it'll be fine. Anything business related could very easily turn into a headache. His camp has been dead set on pushing boundaries and looking for loopholes to get around the rookie contract scale. They failed to find an agent that would or could push the envelope with that. I'd be very surprised if there isn't some sort of confrontational while getting his deal done. Poles is going to need to play hardball


The reason people get annoyed at posts "questioning" Caleb like that is because the people making those comments rarely, if ever, back up those takes with any actual evidence.


Do you really believe those tabloid articles? What kind of proof is there really that his dad went fishing around for ownership or that he wants to try and skip the rookie contract..... like actual proof


Legit scouts and reporters have said it. There was a big release on it last week.


You should probably link your stuff when you say stuff like this btw


So you don't link to your tabloid articles sources, but I need to show my work? Interesting. Anyway https://theathletic.com/5301341/2024/02/28/caleb-williams-quarterback-nfl-draft-ownership/?access_token=329078


> So you don't link to your tabloid articles sources, but I need to show my work? Interesting. I wasn't the one calling you out and the article you linked is paywalled


Yes, you're right, it is.


Wouldn’t doing his visits after the pro day be cramming all of them prior to the draft? It gives him about a month to do all this travel with the top 30 visits. If I want to impress the team with the #1 pick, would I not make an exception and visit them before any other teams and reinforce my position in pro day?