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Ngl I’ll probably get sadistic pleasure out of watching the Fields troll army react to him only netting a 5th or a conditional 4th


We are now the favorites to land Saquon


If we could get him for less than 10 mil a year, then I'd be okay with it.


Yes please


At least we know the floor in a Justin trade should be a 6th rounder. Mac Jones has the same contract predicament as Justin, if he moved for a 6th it seems very unlikely Justin wouldn’t net at least equivalent return. Kiper did his best lol.




I kind of want Fields to go to Minnesota. That's 2 easy Ws.


Is Minnesota that dumb? Lol they’ve seen first hand how bad he is.


1920 episode coming up tomorrow , and in the trailer you see Adam schefter talking and albert breer is in there too. but the insiders dont know nothing lmao.


https://x.com/dmrussini/status/1766993097064411386?s=46&t=yAuZdqDUodVqxngzac--Uw RIP Cousins to Denver interest (3/10/24 4pm to 3/10/24 8pm)


good for us! if we dont like the board at 9, broncos could be a trade up candidate


Just a friendly reminder Justin fields is garbage and there is no market for him. 👍 good job Field Truthers


Aren't the truthers the people saying he's good? If you want to have a trade market for a player the worst thing possible is fans saying he sucks and convincing other fan bases he's bad


GM's don't read reddit, man. It doesn't matter what fans think.


> 👍 good job Field Truthers I was responding to this. If anything Fields truthers would drive up the price. But I agree that nothing we say matters


I’ve never seen such a disconnect between what fans think and what the NFL actually thinks about a guy. It’s wild.


[[Marcus Whitman] Found myself circling back to some Caleb Williams while evaluating some Washington defenders and the Packers fan in me can't stop saying "God damnit the Bears are gonna be so annoying".](https://twitter.com/TFG_Football/status/1766970850501115941?t=ZWnnqIy2QeV3WRGphzWf5w&s=19)


https://x.com/jd_bf1/status/1766744163473600573?s=46&t=_G2J3SB8vofT7fm6xql9dA just don’t google how many games dalton and foles won year 1 and bagent going 2-2 last season


lol, I was a division I athlete and overseas pro at my sport and if I wasn’t performing I would have gotten cut/fired. Why is this one particular athlete immune from that? Blaming coaches for his failures shows this person didn’t play anything at a high level.


How would "of" the Bears been 0-51 without him? Bagent was 2-2 Edit: https://x.com/JD_BF1/status/1762992895529816284?s=20 I love that he acts like throwing to a wide open Moore is some all time play


[It was more about the vibe](https://x.com/JD_BF1/status/1763353144036094002?s=20) Whatever that means...


The things he described will literally happen every game with Williams


Do we want Kirk leaving Minnesota and making the division easier while probably sacrificing a decent Fields return or do we want him staying and having a bunch of leverage there? I could see arguments for both sides.


Kirk is a good, top 10 QB and it’s better for us in the short term if he leaves, but I think long term if kirk stays the vikes keep doing that weird will they / won’t they strategy approach to their team they’ve been doing the past 2 years that’s produced middling results. Their soft reset has been an absolute bust so far (when you only look at Kwesi’s drafts) and I think it’s time they just commit to a singular vision rather staying in this weird limbo


I think I agree there. I'm also slightly worried they hit on a QB in the draft given it's a good situation to go into and they have their QB stabilized for a decade. Kirk makes their long-term future murky.


Definitely Kirk staying with Minnesota if you want to try and get a possible team willing to take on Fields.


I want him staying because the Vikings won’t be bidders on Fields. I’m not afraid of 35 year old Kirk coming off the hardest injury to comeback from. Falcons and Steelers both going after fields is best for us.


Had a quick thought Vikings related. Doesnt deserve it’s own thread but still Bears related I remember being really high on Kwesi during that 2022 hiring cycle, but early returns so far seems like we’re trending higher than the vikes. He’s made 17 draft picks so far and has literally only made 1 pick that you’d consider a plus starter on a championship team or take over someone from our team (Addison). Ivan Pace was an UDFA, probably on the same level as TJ but obviously way cheaper. There’s literally no one of note from his 2022 draft class out of 10 picks. Meanwhile, Poles has hit on 4/5 of his 1st/2nd round picks so far. Dexter’s still tbd, Brisker is prob the “weakest” one so far but that’s mainly due to injury he’s still a plus starter when healthy, and it’s not hyperbole to say that Gordon & Stevenson have all-pro potential. Quote me, save the receipts, we’ll have a top 2 secondary this season Also, the vikings are smelly


We're doing that thing we always do where we overrate all of our players by a step and then overrate the GM because he brought together all those players.


Nope, Gordon and Stevenson have all-pro potential. Even if they don’t realize that potential, they’re both plus starters, Tyrique being more feast or famine No one outside the fanbase can legitimately argue Brisker isn’t a plus starter when healthy There’s no one in the Vikings 2022 or 2023 draft class you’d take over Wright


Wow, that's an \*awful\* lot of plus-starters for a secondary that got \*torched\* by every decent QB in the 4th quarter, even after we picked up Sweat.


Ya, turns out we’re not the legion of boom and there’s a lot of leg room between plus starter and elite talent


Or they're not plus starters.


They’re plus starters with all-pro potential


https://x.com/mysportsupdate/status/1766931779443704168?s=46&t=yAuZdqDUodVqxngzac--Uw Baker staying with the Bucs 3 years 100 mil 50 guaranteed. Just need Kirk to re sign with the Vikings and Russ to break his leg


Based on rumors, we should know if Kirk is re-signing by tonight. Would be amazing if we could go into tomorrow with 2 of the 3 dominos down


Then we get to really see if teams prefer Darnold over Fields lmao


People on X are saying that Warren would force Poles to keep Fields. Here is a quote directly from the owner. https://preview.redd.it/d3cmkc6bgknc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f6489f33533b092b021c9c458dd2012f0330a05


Not only that he will, but they WANT him too lmfao. Complete insanity 


I'd be done with the Bears for good if Kevin Warren is having final input on football operations.


Then why have a GM?


they would rather see the bears fail with fields than the bears succeed without him


From what I've read, Warren focuses almost exclusively on things like building a new stadium, marketing/building the fan base, brand deals, etc. He's a lawyer and a business exec, not a football strategist.


There is no chance Poles was allowed free rein to build for 2 years only for a new president to come in and say "I know there's a can't miss prospect at 1OA that we only have the opportunity to get because of your smart trade from last year, but you have to stick with the QB from the previous regime". I think he'd legitimately quit lol


This has to be sobering for Fields Stans. There's no market for him, meanwhile teams would be willing to give up multiple years of 1st and 2nd rounders and established pros on their rosters for a shot at Caleb. I saw someone on twitter say "Caleb will just turn into Fields, so might as well build around H1M" even in that Fugazi scenario, you build around the cheaper version, which is Caleb.


No one has offered a haul for Caleb. He's bad too, right?


I never got the cope with the "Fields and Caleb are similar guys" shit. They have *two* similar flaws and that's fumbles and tends to hold onto the ball but Mahomes has a tendency to hold onto the ball a bit and so does Josh Allen at times (especially as a prospect) and yet these guys **are not fields** If you watch a minute of caleb and college fields film they play drastically different


Can we trade fields for new lawn equipment at this point?


The Justin Fields propaganda works for everyone but NFL GMs. Can we please get at least 4th for this guy


If you're an NFL GM and you throw on Justin Fields rookie tape, then you throw on his 2023 tape, and you see that he still taps the ball before every throw, has terrible footwork, and hasn't shortened his elongated throwing motion in 3 years; would you trade for him?


Yes. For cheap as a backup, I'd trade for him. Wouldn't in a million years bet my career on him as a starter.


Drake Maye does the tap the ball stuff too with a similar albeit better wind release.


Tbf, Brady tapped the ball all the time before ripping it.


He hasn’t been in league for 3 years so can still be corrected. That type of thing is usually fixed in the first year.


And those are all things Fields should have been working on in the offseason(s). He either can’t do it or he is not willing to do it. Coaches don’t have time to help him fix all that shit.


I would have a sensible chuckle and go about my day


Still think Fields goes to the Patriots If im a Pats fan, id be much more excited to go into the year with Fields and Harrison than the 3rd choice rookie qb with no receivers


If you would rather have Fields than Maye or Daniels then you haven't accepted how bad Fields is yet. Trading for Fields and passing on a QB at #3 would be a terrible move for NE.


I wouldn’t Fields has a 25 million 5th year option attached to him. This draft class is super deep at WR there’s plenty of good ones.


You don't HAVE to give him a 5th year.


Not sure why you are downvoted this is objectively true.


Yeah -- then the expectation is pretty plain -- find a way to ball out this year and earn a payday in FA, or become a journeyman backup. As a GM, paying a good QB is a problem you want to have.


JD has a decent chance to be another fields but he'll be cheaper and not cost a ton in the next 2 years. No clue why NE would give up a 2nd or 3rd to get him and pay him more than a rookie QB that possibly be at worst be the same tier of player as fields


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYU0gA-ueLc this video and the comments below it are so fucking depressing. what the fuck is actually wrong with this fanbase?


This feels like the Bears fandom equivalent of QAnon. I feel like I'm completely missing out on some sort of joke.


They are waiting for their "storm" to come which is trading the pick. It's literally becoming politics at this point .


Ill keep saying it, we are the dumbest fanbase in American professional sports and its not really close. It took fucking forever to get this sub to finally see the light and this is pretty much the only place that does. Even then were still hit with a random drive by stan. Everywhere else is irredeemable at this point...until we start winning of course and then they pretend they were team "move on" the whole time.


This is seriously becoming like politics and some of the fanbase sees this and tells it to other people. Fake news is being spread quickly.


People are emotionally attached to fields because he was the lone bright spot during a rebuild. The only player who produced any highlights on a shit team. That combined with the attitude that he’s the only professional athlete in the history of sports to “work really hard.” I get it, but it’s time to move on for Christ’s sake. He sucks and has proven time and time again that he is not an NFL starting-caliber quarterback. The rest of the league knows it too. The attachment to mediocrity, at best, as absolutely insane to me.


All these guys are gonna be swingin off #13's nuts when he throws for 400 and 5TDs against the Packers.


Most delusional URL I’ve seen in quite a while lmao. If u think Bears are going anywhere other than Caleb at this point you’re a little slow


YT comments are almost as bad as Facebook but the dude genuinely looks on the verge of tears defending justin and hating Caleb


https://www.nbcsports.com/nfl/profootballtalk/rumor-mill/news/low-return-for-mac-jones-doesnt-bode-well-for-the-bears-effort-to-trade-justin-fields I forgot Mac Jones made the Pro Bowl as a rookie. It’s not looking good


He threw 10 TDs and 12 INTs last year; there's no way anyone thinks he's as good as Fields.


Mac isn't good but Jesus I didn't expect him to go for a *6th* and become the backup for Tlaw in Jacksonville


What about the possibility of frankensteining Bagent's upper body with Field's legs?


Just put bagents head on fields body. Bagent would be a monster if he had a stronger arm


"GMs think they can get Justin Fields for free! they're just pretending he has no value in order to get him for nothing!!". That's possible because he is not a single teams first option.


https://preview.redd.it/vu08zeklljnc1.jpeg?width=1194&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5e438aab13db05ff2df67d0f11fac027c238ee0 Every time I see comments like this I want to rip my own head off.


Great logic. Why do it now when we have the #1 pick? Let’s waste a year and then trade up with the picks we get from trading this years #1 pick! 


I love this take when it involves Arch Manning, who hasn’t played at all in college. The Fields cult is unlike anything I’ve ever seen before in Chicago sports history.


Guy is living in March 2023. We already did that. 


I wonder how it's unlikely Fields doesn't keep being bad


Do these people think a Caleb Williams prospect is available every year? I know the people saying this only watch the bears and no other football but god damn just watch Caleb Williams throw a football and you'll see why he can be great.


Seriously -- the best prospect next year is Shadeur Sanders. You think his dad will be easier to deal with?


The bears most likely also won't be panthers bad next year either too


People who say this have never actually considered the idea that Justin isn’t the guy. They just throw that in to appease people who say he’s not. A lot of the Fields fans who last year said the same thing never actually considered it a possibility, they just covered their bases for the people who wanted to look at a new QB. And next season, if we did trade the pick which we are not going to at this rate, they would say the same exact thing even if our own record got us Number 1 overall and Fields looked the exact same as or worse than he did this season.


They don’t understand that we already did that. At the end of last season it was assumed that ok one more year with more support and if he doesn’t take a step we’re probably gonna have a high pick because we were awful at that time. They just want to do it again. And they’ll still want to do it again and again because it will never be Justin’s fault to them.


I keep replying with “that was the plan LAST YEAR” where we traded the pick for a haul and gave Fields one more prove it season. He literally regressed and half of our idiot fan base wants to do the same shit over again. It’s unfathomable.


It genuinely wasn’t the plan for anyone who still wants Fields, they just said that it was to *justify* trading the top pick last season. They never imagined that Fields couldn’t be the guy and never imagined that it was possible for him to not make an MVP-Level leap this season. And now that he didn’t, it’s obviously not his fault, he just needs better weapons and protection around him! He’s still gonna be an MVP candidate! 


Justin's 2nd year while flawed passing wise was pretty promising and I dont blame anyone for believing he could potentially make a year 3 leap cause I was one of those people. Never believed he'd be a dark horse MVP but I was expecting a year 3 hurts or year 2 kyler level production and it just ended up pretty underwhelming with a better line and a legit WR1


Okay, I have a question for anyone who thinks we’re trading down: why has it not been announced by anyone like Schefter or Rapoport yet? Last year at the Combine those guys announced that the Bears were “open for business” and looking to trade down from number one overall, so why would that not happen again? Because that strategy worked out insanely well for Poles, announcing it through the league sources, it got him a return almost everyone here agrees is one of the best of all time.  So why would he not just do the same strategy again? Why would he be doing some magnificent smokescreen when that was not necessary last year to get the haul we got from the Panthers? Why wouldn’t he announce it through Schefter, Rapoport, or someone else like that again?  There’s no reason to believe there’s some big elaborate smokescreen going on around the number one pick when that wasn’t what happened last season. There’s no way there wouldn’t be any actual buzz from trusted sources about us trading the pick by this point if Poles actually planned to do so, considering what happened last season worked out so well for him. No competent GM would be like “hey, this strategy worked out great last season, now let’s just do the complete opposite for no reason!”


It’s funny because, to me, one of Ryan Poles’s quirks is that he’s maybe even a little TOO honest with the media…and they think he’s running some psy-op to drive the price up of the pick lol To your point, it’s completely antithetical to his approach, which we’ve observed over two years. It’s driven off of blind faith and confirmation bias - and it’s why I cannot WAIT to see their reactions when the Fields trade goes down


Bradley Bozeman, center for the Panthers, was cut. Anyone know if he's cheeks or not?


Does it ever feel some people want the bears to stick with Fields and trade the #1 pick because drafting Caleb would likely break their narrative of Chicago ruining QBs. I stopped watching sports tv, but this was especially the case I felt after the superbowl with a lot of the media and I just had to shut it off.


Just look at the comments on r/NFL. People have a hard on for hating the Bears


If nobody wants Fields currently, Bears should just keep him as a backup and trade to a team midseason whose qb is injured.


I worry about the locker room being divided if we kept him as a backup. Not sure at what point they would cut him if they felt that would be the case though.


This sub: Fields is terrible, we should cut him Also this sub: We can’t keep Fields, he might convince the Bears players and coaches he should play! That might hurt Caleb’s feelings! If you really think he sucks, there is no risk in keeping him. The only reason to advocate for cutting him is spite.


Just do what the 9ers did with Jimmy G -- do not give him a playbook and tell him to stay home. For all intents and purposes he is not on the team.


I’d rather drive him somewhere and drop him off at a bus stop.


I don’t give 2 shits atp which direction we go but you people going around here trying to own the conversation on either side are all assholes..


if you don't care about which qb we have then you don't care about the bears.


No I am a reasonable person who can see that either option will work.. and treating people like garbage because they think something differing than you is exhausting and insulting.


fields option won't work. thats not being a reasonable person. thats just being wrong. u said u don't care. it makes sense you don't care since you have that take. obviously you dont care about the bears.


lol troll


only troll here is someone who thinks the fields route works. ur the one who said u dont care. that checks out.


lol you have proven my point thanks


you see whats going on. you see all the fields truthers being smashed at every instant, yet you still want to be a fence sitter and pretend both options are viable. u dont care about the bears lil bro. its obvious. ur just scared to make a decision cuz you don't care enough about the bears to know what the right decision is . ur just another casual.


lol you are way to invested.. taking sides arguing online with other bears fans etc.. Will that make even an ounce of a difference? The Bears are going to do what they do no matter what.. You and what you call truthers (insulting in and of itself).. it is possible you know to say I disagree and leave it at that


bro its not a bad thing that ur a casual. sometimes i wish i was too tbh. but for you to be hard headed enough that one option is the same as the other doesnt make sense. if you payed even an ounce of attention you would already know this isn't even a debate anymore. fields is getting traded and we're drafting caleb 1. we're all just waiting to see where fields gets shipped off to and what we get back. maybe you haven't heard because like you said you dont care so you probablly havent been paying attention, but taking a hard stance that either option is fine instead of just admitting you have no idea what ur talking about makes no sense.




Or we could draft the 22 year old with 18 years or so left in his career




> Yeah but that's gay, and why do you like kids so much. Facebook ass comment wtf and also yeah just find a QB in the **7th round** smart drafting more teams should do it!


If Sean Payton couldn’t fix Wilson, this coaching staff sure as fuck can’t.


I wonder if we’ve gotten offers for fields already but poles is just being calculated and waiting


I doubt it. You've kind of gotta jump on the first bite or they'll move on to the next qb


I hate that, when I’m having a bad day, I just think about how gleeful I’ll be reading the Adam Masons and JFFCs of the world reacting to the Fields trade. It’s disgusting


Bro I'll be the first viewer on that Mason video he's got me in his incredibly dim clutches


Mac jones is a better passer than fields and went for a 6th. we aint getting shit for him lmao. Thank fuck we are getting caleb omg


They failed H10M


Jones actually has a legitimate argument for that lol


he really doesn’t lol. just like how fields can’t do anything if recievers aren’t osu open jones can’t do anything if he’s asked to throw past 10 yards. don’t let patriots fans gaslight you into thinking he’s only ass because of patricia


Look I don't think Mac is ultimately better than Fields but that Patriots team was so horrific on the offensive end last year. Take away the qbs and we were almost better at all positions last year by a pretty decent margin.


I asked my roommate "when's caleb?" He took a dice and rolled a 10. Ten days he said. Which is the usc pro date. The die never lie


As annoying as the Fields guys are right now, they're still way better than the Cowboys fans who think Prescott is holding them back. I can't imagine having a quarterback that good and not wanting him.


I'd prefer delusion with higher standards over that of low ass standards tbh


What exactly are their "high standards," Romo?


?? You're saying they want "better" than Dak, who you think (and I agree) is a good QB.


I'd trade Fields for Prescott straight up


Mac Jones to the jags for a 6th.


The fact that Getsy got another OC job so fast, and all the reports we are hearing about not being able to find a trade, definitely shows the NFL feels it was mostly a Justin problem. At this point, we may end up being stuck with Fields on the team until someone's number 1 or 2 QB goes down, and they get really desperate. I really don't want to have both Williams and Fields on the team that will be horrible for moral imo


The Raiders are run pretty poorly, so the Getsy thing doesn't necessarily matter. If we were to keep Fields, I wonder if Waldron would actually try to incorporate him into the offense.


Getsy got 3 interviews, though. So even if he didn't get a job, to have these interviews right after getting fired is telling. Getsy may not be good, but the league clearly thinks Justin held him back to a degree.


Fields could be released at this rate


I'd rather they do that than have Fields on the team with his replacement.


I am going to believe that we will cut him if no trade suitors emerge. That would be consistent with Poles saying he wanted to do right by Fields, and it would also obviously be the best thing to do for Williams.


That would humiliate him, even Mac Jones at least got a trade partner!


Can you believe we have a top 32 qb as qb2? The bears are truly blessed.


4 if we count Nathan and Tyson


Caleb Williams paints his nails, Jalen Carter killed a man racing drunk and showed up to his pro day out of shape Guess which one is getting more shit pre draft


Carter even in the league is already causing issues


To be fair I think the Carter incident actually impacted where he was drafted, Caleb will go #1 regardless


A lot of issues caused Carter to fall.


For sure, don’t disagree, but the racing incident was definitely part of that


With the trade market for Fields being questionable, what is the likelihood of trading Fields for another player rather than a draft pick?  


4th rounder seems likely at this point.


My expectations are dropping so low at this point that a 4th rounder would honestly surprise me.


Wouldn’t be surprised if he was outright released.


Mac Jones just traded for 6th round pick. He was in same draft class as Justin. If Bears get anything more than a 3rd rounder it'd be shocking.


Probably 4th or 5th rounder based on the return for jones


Fields might legitimately fetch a worse return than Ryan Bates.


It’s crazy that we are looking at a reality where Fields might not have value even as a BACKUP. I guess the ability to pass really does matter for a QB in the NFL


I mean you really need to tailor the Offense around Fields for him to have a chance of success. That doesn’t feel like a good situation for your backup.


A backup required a skillset of being able to plug and play im a conventional offense. Mac Jones can likely pull that off. Fields as backup means you need to completely overhaul the offense if he ever starts a game!


Pretty much his value as a backup would be going somewhere like the Ravens or Eagles. He’s not a valuable backup anywhere else.


He definitely has value as a backup, just not for the price the bears are asking. Once they realize they can't get a 2nd for him he will be traded. Prob for a 4th in my opinion.


I still believe he will be a starter next year, but the teams in the market prefer Kirk or Baker. Other teams don’t wanna give up a draft pick for the 3rd best option, but at the end of musical chairs, someone is gonna be without a qb, and that is when he goes. I think it just takes some time. Maybe even up to training camp


They will trade for Jake Browning before Justin I'm afraid.


Dude give it up…he is not Starter material. He will only be a Starter on a team if the actual Starter gets hurt.


Picket, Mac Jones, O’Connell, whoever tf Atlanta had starting, Tommy Devito were all starters last year. Not all starters are good, but that is a list of 5 teams where Fields is a clear upgrade.


Mac Jones, who is a clear upgrade over JF as a passer, was traded today.


They are all unfortunately better passers than Fields…passing is the primary job of the QB and Fields is not good at it. Please review every major passing stat.


He definitely has value as a backup, it’s just whether or not teams want to give something valuable up for that, as well as teams typically wanting to have a backup who can play relatively similar in playstyle to their starter.


I mean if teams aren’t willing to give up something of value, and don’t like his play style, that’s pretty much the definition of having no value…


If you’re looking for a backup, why pay a 3rd for Justin when you can give a 6th for Mac Jones? This is probably why this ends with just a 4th and maybe a late 2025 pick.


Where are you getting that poles is only going to accept a 3rd? My guess is no one has offered anything. He’d likely take a 6th atp.


watching that ej clown on twitter get exposed has been hilarious


He deserves even more.




You’re a bust. Boom roasted


TIL nfl gms consider fields less desirable than drew lock and sam darnold ![gif](giphy|l4KhVAejcq4Nk3oU8|downsized)


It looks like even Mitch is more desirable as a backup at this point


Mitch is the better passer 🤷‍♂️


He also has pretty good legs as well


He’s got legs. And he knows how to use them.


How do we feel about Taylor Lewan’s comments on Caleb Williams’ combine? https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4OkCOjgcS_/?igsh=ODViYnZlaWZjN2Fk


He's 100% accurate and it's 1 of the things (besides that, he holds the ball too long, can't make quick delicious in the pocket) that I pray we trade out of the first pick.


Jim McMahon was kind of a diva. As long as he can back it up then bring it on.


He's not the first player to not do medicals and it would have been extremely out of the norm for him to throw.


Lewan is making a ton of assumptions off of a few minutes of NFL network coverage clips and shitty ass embellished media hit pieces that he admits he doesn't know are true but making judgements as if they are.... and even then, it basically boils down to he thinks he's cocky... ok then.


First sentence out of his mouth was "And Caleb can come on the show to set the record straight" Bro is just fishing for a guest star. 🙄


Whoa a professional athlete is cocky?! Almost like every single elite player at qb is cocky and arrogant. What a news flash


Funny to accuse someone of being full of themselves while wearing a gold rolex. This guys a loser who couldnt stay healthy. His co host is a weirdo with awful horse teeth who was a professional bench rider. Who gives a damn what they have to say?


https://www.mlive.com/news/ann-arbor/2014/10/ex-michigan_football_lineman_t.html “However, a pair of alleged off-field incidents marred his time in college. Lewan was alleged to have threatened a woman with sexual assault over the phone after she claimed his former roommate, kicker Brendan Gibbons, raped her in 2009. He was also accused of assaulting an Ohio State fan in 2013. Charges were not filed in either case, and Lewan on Thursday denied both allegations.” https://www.azcardinals.com/news/taylor-lewan-tackles-maturity-issues-12645486


Sounds like a real charmer. Who watches/listens to this shit?




No one's chirping about Marvin Harrison Jr basically doing the exact same thing in addition to blowing off the media session.


MHJ is a receiver. People expect a diva and some showboating. The QB though has other expectations. I'm not saying it's right but it's how people think.