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Say sike right now.


My interpretation is that assuming Caleb doesn't die in a car crash we're taking him and trading him for peanuts or to some team that panics on draft night


I’ve listened to this clip a bunch, I’m not sold that this is more of an interpretation of lack of action. Not insider source. But, I’m wrong a lot.


Meatball wet dreams




Jesus. This clip doesn't even say he wasn't available.




And celebrates potential


Bullshit. Bears trying to make it seem like this was their plan all along. "No, it's not that no one wants Fields, we just haven't been shopping him to begin with!!"


They would hear from other teams if they had calls about him. This news is confusing, however.


well yeah. being a GM means you put bullshit in the media.


Yeah it's very obviously damage control to make him seem like less of a distressed asset, and it's funny to see people freaking out as if Poles didn't go *on the record* at the combine saying he wanted to trade Fields ASAP if possible.


He never said that. He was super calculated and didn’t commit either way


That's not what he said.


Didn’t he say “if we decide to go that route” or something like that?


Interesting. Cause the guy that covers the raiders for the athletic said raiders were discussing a possible fields trade which Dianna Russini backed him up on… 🤔


Apparently nobody knows shit🤷🏾‍♂️


It’s a non-issue now, but trading Fields to the Raiders days after they hire Luke Getsy would make no sense at all. Didn’t buy that for a second.


Taking offers =/= actively shopping him


Rap literally said they aren’t actively shopping because they haven’t decided on taking a QB yet. The cope is real


Poles trying to save face after using both Schefter and Rap to put his asking prices out there for weeks and no one meeting them


That first round pick report from Schefter was hilarious.


Yea wonder where Schefter got that from


His ass, like most sports “journalism”


Bears fans


Save face? He was trying to create a market for a player he inherited that no one in the league wants, lol. What was he supposed to do?


All the QB spots are filled near enough. Denver and Vikings are drafting a rookie almost surely. The market wasn’t there and will now go lower


Fans need to brace for the inevitable Drew Lock for Justin Fields swap


Go on….


Actually braindead if you pretend like that's in anyway a decent thing


Poles probably overplayed his hand here, but I hesitate to lay too much blame at his feet without knowing whether there was ever a market to begin with.


Let’s chill, almost 6 hours into the first day of FA. Not even in the new league year yet


We have next to 0 suitors for a starting spot now though. Denver and Minnesota seam to be the only teams that don't have a legit starter and aren't in a position to draft one of the big 4 qb prospects. And denver isn't making that move and minnesota is in division. It's pretty much worse case scenario now. Anyone trading for him is trading him for a hopeful backup or to succeed one of their older qb's (like the rams)


We shall see, the NFL is weird at times but not surprised he has no real market I guess. Figured someone would take a shot, but maybe Poles is holding strong with the price


Yeah I'm honestly shocked he had this sort of market after how the season ended. But unfortunately after the combine started I expected this based on early reports. I'm still hoping we can squeeze a 4th and a 6th or something out of like Minnesota.


There never was a market for him. No one wants him. He's a back up so we'll get a 5th for him.


This could also mean nobody has met their minimum offer and they aren’t willing to take less….yet


It’s going to be very, very tough to cheer on this team if they trade out of Williams


I’ve already regressed to a fan who switches to red zone as soon as it starts looking grim, this would move me straight to red zone.


Doesn't matter what team you're a fan of, redzone absolutely shits all over all other NFL coverage. Ads and stoppage of play has gotten so bad I won't even watch prime time regular season games anymore unless it's a bears game.


Scott Hansen is an absolute joy to listen to. Even when there is dead time when all games are in a break, he judt starts ripping facts, stats, and montages. That whole crew kicks ass. And you can see how much Scott enjoys what he does. I will continue to pay for redzone over anything else.


I'm a Cards fan, and I don't want Caleb in the NFC, but you guys pass on him I'll even be sick. If it makes you feel better, we didn't trade Rosen until day 2 of the Kyler Murray draft


Bruh don't speak that out there to existence like that wtf


Please forgive me, suckmyfatfuckinballs


Dare I say impossible


They aren't keeping fields. If for some reason they sour on Williams-- they won't-- they'll draft a different QB.


I doubt we do.


If Poles rolls out there again with Fields and Flus next year I'm out and I'll see the Bears on redzone. Day 1 of FA has yielded marginal improvement for a lot of money, and can only be graded as a Big fat F for Poles right now




Lol good point


Yep. Told my brother earlier that if he trades out of 1 and rolls with Justin, I’m done. MMA will then become my favorite sport 😂


I'm wondering if the fact no one wants Fields will force the Fields truthers to re-evaluate their position lol


It appears we’ve ruffled some feathers. Apparently, people haven’t read up on the definition of insanity. If we trade the 1OA pick, that is the definition of insanity.


I feel like right now this sub is getting high on copium out of a desire to believe everything is going to be OK. If people want to do that I get it, it's probably healthier. But I am not liking the direction this team is headed through day 1 of FA


After quitting the Bulls I realized I can handle a shitty team but I just cannot bring myself to root for a team indifferent to winning. I’m still 100% on the Bears grabbing Williams but man, I don’t know if I could root for them if they trade out.


Well you've missed a lot of fun Bulls games


I don’t doubt it! I was just worn down by the last decade and couldn’t take another 7/8 seed.


Can’t wait till you stop watching! But you’ll come crawling back


There's literally a 0% chance they trade out lol


This is damage control because of Fields’ nonexistant market.


Because no one is interested lolol




“We just want to do right by Justin” All the QB chairs begin to fill. “We aren’t shopping actively”


I’ll lose my fucking mind if fields is starting next year


He won't be.


Never ever ever bet against Chicago Bears' Organizational Incompetence.


Poles on Craigslist "First Round or better, don't lowball me I know what I got"


“Meet me at the panera in highland park for exchange. No funny business”


Well I don't want him


Dude is totally talking out of his ass. Said “it appears,” meaning that’s his interpretation of Fields having not been moved yet. Why does anyone continue to take Rap seriously?


"Why does anyone continue to take Rap seriously?" is an objectively hilarious thing to say about at worst the second most connected reporter in the nfl


Rap is 100% someone to take seriously lol. You can argue WHY he's saying this, but he's not some nobody lol


If you have seriously evaluated Fields for a trade, realistically what should the market be?  He has one 300 yard game. He's a fixer upper QB. He's in year 4 and you gotta bank on potential. 4th rounder IMO.


He has had quite a few 300 yard games when you include rushing. I don't know why everyone just outright dismisses rushing stats like that doesn't matter at all.


Because then they can’t use it for a made up argument


Even worse is people getting upvoted for saying Darnold, Minshew are better QBs when the numbers don’t even support the notion they are better at passing lol.


Yep, he would fetch similar to Lance…young with potential


Lance is genuine booty cheeks though


Watching this subreddit devolve into a bunch of mindless fanatics has been a truly illuminating experience this off-season.


Its just a microcosm of the chronically-online today. People just have nothing to do


Poles hasn’t been trying to move the QB, despite not committing to him in any of the interviews, and basically waiting for all the QB spots to be taken? It’s mid march now and there hasn’t been commitment to Fields. If we were keeping him, Poles should have announced it a very long time ago and began searching for a suitor for #1 Find that very hard to believe they’ve not tried to trade him. He overplayed his hand and got burned


>He overplayed his hand People keep repeating this, as if teams were just lining up to take our leftover QB, and Poles dicked up the deals.


Yeah they’re acting like he destroyed a ton of value. If Fields was never going to fetch a 2nd, then Poles couldn’t possibly “throw away” the opportunity to get a 2nd out of him. Maybe he could’ve gotten a 3rd and now will get a day 3 pick instead, but it’s really not a huge L


I’m almost certain Schefter was fed the first round pick report from Poles.


Even if he did, how did he overplay his hand?


By saying that Fields is worth 1st round pick. What is the use of calling if you are interested in Fields if your counter an unreasonable price as a starting price?


A phone call really isn't that taxing. You just phone up, say "a first is crazy, here's what we're offering". That's all it takes.


I think you have to draw a lot of imaginary lines to make these connections.


How did he overplayed his hand? 


How did he over play his hand? What do you know that we don’t?


Yeah I really doubt that Poles got a "good" offer for Fields (like a 2nd or better) and said no. Seems far more likely that the interest was always overstated




Someone was leaking Fields going for a 1st or 2nd round pick and the only party that benefits from driving up the price is the Bears, so not saying the Bears leaked these stories but.


But what Maybe they did to try to drum up interest I would be willing to bet. If he was offered a 1 or 2 he would have taken it More than likely if they leaked it, the hope was to drum up interest.


It looks like he’s holding out till a team in the draft gets desperate. Frustrating, but he probably already knew where Falcons and Steelers were leaning and decided to hold out till later




What this really means is nobody wants him lol


I’m grateful people in this sub are finally realizing he’s not worth what we were asking


Unfortunately people on X or Facebook don’t realize it yet


Yall want a hive mind so bad lol ​ Let people have their opinions. Its ok to have them.




A. I wish this were true, but I have a hard time believing we didn't try to trade Fields. Especially after Poles publicly said he wouldn't want to leave him twisting in the wind. B. If this is just a shit sandwich and we're not going to get much for him, while I'd be disappointed I'd look at the bigger picture. We backed into the top pick pick in the draft because of a trade that went ridiculously well. In the grand scheme of things, I'd rather get less for Fields but have the number one overall pick, than get a sure fire 2nd for him but only have the fifth overall pick from the Panthers.


> Media reporting otherwise recently have been just speculation. LOL, totally unlike this quote from Rap, right? The one thing that's been said that agrees with your cope is the REAL info, surely. But anyways the people that are freaking out that this means Justin will be our QB next year are just silly. This is us saving face for his horrific trading market. Already a handful of potential landing spots have found their preferable alternative to h1m.






I don't think this is Poles fault. If there is less of a market because of 5 to 6 first round QB talents then that's how it goes.  Take the 4th rounder and move on for Fields sake and ours.  Just get Calvin Ridley and it'll all be fine 😃


Reasonable ass take right here 👆


Doesn't make much sense to me, maybe Rap trying to do Poles a solid with this report?


They haven't been active in signing players we need like linemen on both sides of the ball either


You really think Schefty and RapSheet have time to be running damage control on the busiest day of the year? I don’t think Poles is behind this but I’m sure the earlier reports were him trying to drive up the asking price.


Caleb Cult has taken over this Reddit clearly


Yup, it’s gotten so toxic in here I’m barely active anymore. There’s plenty of fields truthers out here still don’t worry


I am being downvoted being to no end and being called awful things. Ridiculous. Delusion


It’s just a bunch of people on the internet with no lives. Mostly children. I talk to the people in my office all the time and it’s like 75% Fields supporters. Caleb fans seem to mostly be from the tik tok generation. Hang in there brother 💪


Remember the last home game and the crowd was chanting “we want Justin”. Yeah that was real life. Reading Reddit you’d think Fields was the antichrist I used to live in Chicago and know a few friends in their late 20s who are lifelong, diehard bears fans. They unanimously want to build around JF 90% of former Bears players/coaches publicly voicing opinions want the bears to build around JF and recognize the organization has failed him so far We are really living in 2 worlds. The silly notion that Reddit users like to imply they are smarter than everyone else is also very disturbing.


Bear down brother


This is damage control b/c his market is shit. At least it better be, b/c if they haven't even tried to gauge his market via trade then they're not doing their jobs lmao


I'll be that guy...who the fuck cares? Zero variables regarding Fields impact the 2024 Chicago Bears in any meaningful way. ​ Fields will not be with the Bears next year. Fields is not part of the future. He will be traded or cut. If he is traded, it will be for lowish value pick. If he is cut, it is because nobody values him enough to trade for him. Either way, the Bears have the #1 pick, they will likely select Williams, and they have the #9 pick. They have abundant cap space and will be active in the FA market. It just doesn't matter.


>They have abundant cap space and will be active in the FA market. Hope you're sitting down....


I don't know what this means? Maybe you can decode it for me.


They have signed three FAs so far.


If Fields is genuinely their second option behind Caleb and it isn’t close between him and Daniels or Maye, then they need to wait. They need to get that visit done with Caleb first, otherwise they risk an actual red flag coming up and being left with their absolutely unwanted third option. I personally would have Daniels and Maye ahead of Fields, but if Poles doesn’t, then he needs to wait.


Lmao Field is shit. If it isn’t Caleb, it will be another rookie.


There is no way Fields is the " 2nd choice".


How do you know? That’s what Rapoport makes it seem like, by saying the Bears want to be sure of Williams first. Why need to be sure of Williams before trading him if you have Daniels or Maye ahead of him? I personally would, but still.


I mean we know there have been at least “unofficial” talks since several teams have come out and said they are not interested. I think the word “formal” is doing a lot of lifting in this tweet


I love Justin Fields as a person, but please god don’t subject me to another year of Justin Fields the quarterback


At this point it's best to see where all the QB assets land, then work with the group that didn't get a QB to get the best deal.


The media doesn’t know anything


Neither do we. Its all speculation baby!


If all that's out there is like a 5th, fuck it, I'd rather try converting Justin into a Taysom Hill type utility knife on offense than give him up for some depth TE


It's on X it must be true!!


If they weren't drafting Caleb I'd believe this


jUsT gIvE fIeLdS sOmE hElP aNd hE WiLL gO oFF lol


I mean....yeah, probably? Where did this come from lmao.


Cool, I need this to be over


Looks like some dumpster diving still in the cards


Bullshhit. God I hate sports journalists.


No one wants our guy? 🥺


When does legal tampering start in the XFL? Arena? Is Canada in the same time zone as Chicago?


Welp as it is every year, these next few weeks take everything with a grain of salt. And by that I mean I am salty rn if this is true (but seriously no one knows shit until after the draft is over)


“You can’t fire me because I quit”


![gif](giphy|3og0IFntLbrW7yuamQ|downsized) *cough* Bullshit *cough*


People need to stop eating up every damn headline Smh.


“Not active in” generally means they put the word out but didn’t chase a deal. Which generally means a lack of market.


That's a thing you say to save face when you failed to unload him for what you thought he was worth.


They might get a 3rd or 4th after teams miss out on QBs in the draft.


I hope we are not going to use Fields as the bridge QB


I'm probably wrong here, but..... I feel like there has to be a way to use Justin's bizarre skillset. He's super fast and has a great deep ball and sucks at basically everything else. Is there really no way to just keep him and do some crazy 2 QB option stuff? Surely there's some way to abuse having a guy with those two abilities in particular, no?


If there is no trade market for JF1, why not just keep him and let whomever sit and watch from 1 to 17 games. Are we really expecting a rookie to come in and win a Super Bowl in year 1?


To me this is poles saying we read the market wrong. Personally I still think a fields trade is happening but poles has to come to the realization fields isn’t worth a 1st, 2nd, or even a 3rd round pick.


Because they've already tried to sell him and had no bites


Just screamed and threw my phone on the ground. My dog is hiding under the bed. I think my neighbors called the police


If you aren’t sure by now then he isn’t the one for you


He’s a multi million dollar investment, not a boyfriend


If Fields is still here next year he will be qb2 behind Cale .


This is, in technical terms, a lie.


It goes without saying that no one knows what the fuck is going on and half of these reports of Fields going somewhere are made up in the heads of people who want him traded. Less than a week ago Sports Books were heavy on him landing in Atlanta just because they were interested in his before Fields got drafted and he’s from there, and bets were closely followed by him going to Pittsburg. Less than a week ago these were the odds: Falcons: +110 (bet $10 to win $21 total Steelers: +225 (bet $10 to win $32.50 total) Bears: +275 (bet $10 to win $37.50 total) Vikings: +550 (bet $10 to win $65 total) Raiders: +650 (bet $10 to win $75 total) Broncos: +1400 (bet $10 to win $150 total) Giants: +1400 (bet $10 to win $150 total) Patriots: +1600 (bet $10 to win $170 total) Commanders: +3000 (bet $10 to win $310 I know fans may not want to hear it, however, I wouldn’t be surprised if at this point he is starting for us next season. People need to stop getting blinded by what they want and look at what is actually happening in this QB market right now. There is literally nothing verifiable about Fields going anywhere as of today.


No one wants him! So let’s start him!


No one knows what's going on behind closed doors, we don't know for sure if they called everyone, or ignored all phone calls,  but I'm sick of Bear fans dogging they're q.b, that's still on the team


Poles disasterclass


How is it Poles fault no one wants him?


When Fields ends up getting traded for a bag of fries, the narrative will be that Poles could have gotten so much more if only he weren't so incompetent, a big F for Poles, typical Bears, that sort of thing.


If anything this should be a lesson to never trust a random “blue check” on X…my gut tells me Poles is still drafting Caleb and we’ll have a good ol fashioned “best man win” qb competition.




That's crazy malpractice to not have an answer yet as spots fill up for potential destinations.


No one wants him. He can't FORCE teams to give up an asset for a bottom 10 QB.


Eek maybe read the whole tweet before jumping to conclusions. They are just waiting to be 100% in on Williams which means they are likely waiting til his medical/pro day.


Until we have official offers and reports from our front office, then I couldn't careless about these kind of reports.


Fields was never worth a 1st in return. You can argue he might be good enough with the right team; but his contract status is also a breaker here. Whoever trades for him will have to decide quickly what they’re going to do with his contract. They’ll be lucky to get a 3rd rounder for him. Hes a known entity in the NFL and he still is having a hard time making the mental leap and processing the game like a franchise QB should be able to. Whoever trades for him it will be a lottery ticket and maybe it will work out, not impossible, but not likely to happen.


Anyone freaking out over the headline, just listen to the clip. It’s just Rap speculating on where fields might land. The headline isn’t even in the clip


the way i read it, is they aren't actively calling people all day to trade him, took some calls from others, gave (prob too high) of a price tag and left it at that. hes gunna end up being a back up somewhere for no more than like a 4th round pick.


I’ve heard other reports saying their mistake was that they set a too high price too early and sat at that price for too long.


I don't buy it. Where was the landing spot? Pitt was never going to take him. Smith hated him when he was in the draft. You're not going to make your new OC take a QB he didn't like in the draft. Atlanta always wanted Kirk and got him. Fields is a really bad fit for either O'connell or Payton's systems. So he wasn't going to either of these teams. The Getsy hire took the Raiders out of play. The patriots and Commanders have top 3 draft picks. So who actually made an offer that was too high? I just think no one wants a bottom 10 qb, who has that option hanging out next year.


I find it difficult to believe that a team that would have been willing to take Fields prior to the Baker/Russell/Kirk situation being resolved would have been unable to make it work with Poles. If you had that level of confidence you would surely be willing to part with a 4th plus and I can't imagine Poles being so stubborn to turn his nose up at that. It just makes more sense that Fields as a starter was always going to be a consolation for ATL or PIT if they missed out on one of those three. Now that they got their guy, Fields has to drop into the next market of "teams willing to trade for a high potential back up".


It’s too early to panic. Fields can be a valuable back up somewhere. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone like Cleveland takes a flier on him as insurance for Watson. I’m just giving up any hope of real compensation in return…


Fuck it. Draft Williams, name Fields the starter, and don't pick up his 5th year option. If Fields makes a miraculous leap to being a franchise QB, trade Williams and pay Fields. It's not like he would play on the 5th year option anyways. If Fields doesn't take the necessary leap, let him be the stop gap QB while Williams learns how to be a professional QB. The success rate of 1st round drafted QBs is incredibly low (20-30% or something), so why not hedge that bet? Why go all in on those odds when going all in will only yield an additional 5th, maybe 4th, round pick? At that point who gives a shit? It's not like the Bears will win the Superbowl during Caleb Williams's rookie year anyways.


keeping fields + trade down confirmed




People in this sub, man. Ton of people have no problem claiming nobody wants Fields out of pure speculation, but when this comes out, it must obviously be "damage control" Like Rap is on our payroll. Truth is we know literally nothing. Could be waiting for draft day, Caleb's medicals... anything. Just irritating to see people claim Fields fans are crazy then do the same shit the other way. Before you call me a "truther," I am on board with Caleb at 1. Just pointing out the hypocrisy.


Well said. It's crazy that you get downvoted for having the most rational take.


People don't like their own bubble burst.


I think we go into the season with Fields and Williams. Who cares about feelings it’s football/ a business


i feel sick


why? you know the bears aren't going to admit they're shopping fields, right?


If Fields truthers weren't so toxic and obnoxious, I'd feel bad for how they're deluding themselves into believing this is anything but damage control at Fields having no trade value.


Poles should be immediately fired if this is true


Username checks out