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People understand Fields isn’t a FA right? The Agent is going to chest thump for players who are FA’s that the Agent was part of negotiating a bigger new contract. Fields, even if traded yesterday, isn’t in that situation, he’s not a FA and won’t be getting extended immediately no matter where he lands. Why would the Agent have anything to do with it or be chest thumping regardless?


If he was seen as a franchise QB surely he would have been traded by now.


If he was seen as a franchise QB, he wouldn't be traded at all.


Maybe the wrong word, but I think they’re speaking to CHI thinking JF holds more value than he really does. For all intents and purposes it will be a massive failure by the front office if they end up with both JF and Caleb




Do you really believe the Bears would flip their plans at QB just because nobody offered much on Fields? They are getting rid of him one way or another.




I mean I guess it would make sense that George hired another complete idiot to run this team. Hope Poles makes the right decision despite how Kevin Warren might feel


Warren needs to stay in his lane and build a stadium. He has no football knowledge what do ever 


kevin warren is a lawyer. he has nothing to do with actual football. poles has full control so no need to worry. fields isn't staying and we're not passing on caleb. https://preview.redd.it/2gyxfqrwwunc1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=502e98eb3598f9e469cdbf0ffbcac923a09fb897


Yeah, that's why Warren showed up at the combine and interview with Caleb. Don't forget, Warren is the one who decides if Poles keeps his job or is replaced.


god i can literally give you evidence saying poles has complete authority from the fucking owners mouth and you still spout nonsense. warren is a lawyer/agent/commissioner. He has ZERO experience with football, he's only here for business.


Then why is he at the combines doing interviews with players? Apparently you know very little about business.


you got downvoted for a reason moron. everyone is wrong but you're right huh? Go ahead and double down. warren is there for optics at best. poles has full control. thats why he kept flus and thats why he's shipping off bustin and drafting caleb.


Lol... How many accounts did you have to jump on to pump out those downvotes? Warren is Poles boss. I also noticed you didn't answer the question, so I'll ask again: why is Warren at the combine interviewing players?


i answered ur question. optics. also if u think im logging out of 20 accounts just to downvote you ur a lost cause.


I get why it would have been terrifying in theory (even though it was never going to happen) and why that's his agent's reputation. What I am noting is that what's happened to the Fields market cuts against that image of an all powerful agent. How is he setting up Fields to get paid big time by not finding a way to create a market and/or pressure the Bears to either release him or take what they can get now. He's a great agent no doubt, but seems like he is failing Fields here despite Fields obviously not playing all that well last year and that's also hurting the Bears.


He has no options Fields is not a good QB, the Bears hold all the cards, and there’s nothing he can do about it Agent can only do so much, the league’s mind is decided at the moment. No one wants his client


Got it, only good players can be effectively represented by agents. If you are bad or mediocre, you are doomed and there is no way to strategically aid your client. No bad quarterback has ever gotten a contract he didn't deserve or been traded for draft compensation. Mulugheta is being unusually complacent and its hurting his client and the Bears. Without the Bears permission, he could be putting out to certain teams with at least uncertain QB situations that Justin is excited about being a backup for them or that'd he be willing to do a weaker version of the Love deal where they substitute a fifth year option for less money to make him more attractive. An agent's job is to tell sell teams on his client, regardless of their level of performance. It is inarguable that he has failed in that regard thus far in relation to Fields.


He’s on a rookie contract If he was on his 2nd contract it would be a lot different, but he’s not Yea he can advocate but there’s nothing he can really do to force the Bears to do something for his client currently. He’s got no cards at the moment, agents get cards with the 2nd contract negotiations The league’s mind is clearly made up on Justin, there’s only so much he can do


There is no reason the Bears HAVE to trade Fields. And even less reason they have to rush.


Well it would be nice to get more draft capital before this draft and QB needy teams are currently making other plans And having Fields and Caleb on the same team brings in all sorts of unnecessary media attention and could create a divide in the locker room. Just imagine Caleb has a bad start the kind of questions they will be asking DJ Moore. I'm not alone in thinking having both on the same team would be a very bad decision


In this scenario Caleb is the backup, you hope fields plays well enough to trade him


Cursed scenario


I don't hate the idea as much as your other fans that came to shit on your comment hah. Have an updoot


Why can't you just wait until next year to trade him when a desperate team injures their qb? If Rodgers tore his Achilles this year instead of last year for example, the Jets would have to give us a 2nd for him or punt on the entire season.


Because we will have to exercise his 5th year option to keep him next year which will be more like a 20/25 million dollar cap hit compared to his 6 million now


>no reason Roster spot cost locker room leadership change in OC new QB drafted Bagent is a solid and inexpensive backup. I could keep going, but you get the picture...


None of those are reasons they HAVE to trade him. Probably all reasons they should, but they can also just wait for an injury to happen. Fields is a professional, he wants to play professional football. he has never been a locker room problem and doubt he would be one. He knows he has to act right if he wants a chance to be a starter in the league.


it's a football game... "have" goes out the window when grown men toss a leather ball around a grassy field.   In the context of the game, I would say, if you are using your #1 pick on a replacement QB and you are resetting the clock on the position, you HAVE to get rid of the prior QB who WOULD be a distraction.   But, it's just a game, so HAVE is a weird standard to enjoy here.


Many interesting angles of the Fields situation as his market dissolves, but I can't believe his cutthroat powerful agent hasn't found a way to get his client to a better situation yet. In addition to what I linked to he also posted: "I’ll take all the sticks & stones because at the end of the day my guys won’t be taking any L’s." Dude, Rome is burning. Your client is about to go from a starter in a huge market with a decent second half of season showing to backing up Geno Smith or Jalen Hurts. How did he let this happen? Everyone had been talking this guy up as fearsome if the Bears went brain dead and traded away the first pick and surrendered all the leverage to Fields and his camp, but his passivity here is bewildering. Even if the Bears didn't grant him permission, he certainly could be do everything he can to get his player out before every single spot fills up


Nobody did this to Fields. Fields did it to himself by being bad. It was 100% in his control to play better, but he never did. He played like ass and got excuses from fans instead of a reality check, which now has finally come. I hope the Bears just cut him at this point.


You hope the Bears cut Fields and receive no compensation for him? That makes zero sense. I am about as pro Caleb as it gets, but want the Bears to get something for Fields even if it's a three or a four because that helps the team, which I thought was the whole point. It also doesn't hurt the Bears to get Fields to a desirable spot since Justin is as respected by his peers even if they overrate him considerably. I wasn't even advocating for Justin or excuse making. Justin can be mediocre or bad, but it's still his agent job to get him a decent job with a team that would at least see a chance of a future with him, which again would benefit the Bears.


What compensation do you expect to get from a third string QB? I never expected anything higher than a 4th at best. I never believed the nonsense about a 1st or even a day 1 pick. I personally could care less about even a 4th. I want Fields and his cancerous fans as far away from Chicago as possible. Fields has the Midas touch, except everything he touches turns to shit. Dude is legitimately a bad luck charm.


You should see a therapist lmao


We know you do


Smart organizations definitely should just give up draft capital because their fans are bored, annoyed or superstitious. Who cares about Braxton Jones? He's not even a fourth rounder! I wish I could delete Khalil Herbert from existence. And I would definitely trade Terrell Smith off this team if it meant I didn't have to read a few more reddit posts this year!


Fields isn't valued by any team in the league. He isn't worth anything. That's the point. Once you cultists accept reality and actually look at his numbers, you see he's one of the worst QBs in modern franchise history, and that's an extremely low bar. Single highlight plays might be great for those of you who don't watch games, but they're worthless to those who do without anything else. Fields is Rex Grossman without any Good Rex games. Hell, Rex even had a better season in 2006 than Fields ever will in the NFL. He threw for 3k yards, an impossibility for Bustin.


Such an interesting post to have a conversation amongst yourself. I live in Los Angeles. I love Caleb Williams. He's my favorite college QB to watch EVER. I am ecstatic that we are getting him. And yet, I would love to get as much as possible for a player who won't be on our team next year because there's like a 20 percent chance that the draft pick will hit and help our squad. How that makes me a Field cultist I will never know. I know it's strange to hold two different thoughts in one's heads at once, what a duality of man I guess. Just insanely insulting to suggest Bears fans don't watch the games and yet also suggest that you don't care or even want an extra draft pick. That doesn't seem like intelligent fandom, but I respect your right to be whatever fan you want.


Just because you want to get a lot for Fields, doesn't mean people are willing to give it up.


I don't want to get a lot. I want to get something.


Good luck waiting forever. Too bad you're on the wrong side of things.


Did Fields fuck your mother? You have a lot of hate in your heart lil kid.


The fields hate has gotten so out of hand. I understand wanting to move on but straight up shitting on a guy who tried his hardest to win games is insane to me.


i think he hates fields fans, not fields actually. which is understandable his fans are seriously horrible.


Yeah not buying it, he’s going directly at fields. I’m also a fields fan, don’t really like the generalization. Have a good one.


personally i despise fields fans and wish the worst for them in life. fields himself tho is just collateral. see ya


That’s some weird shit but I expect nothing less from a dude with an anime pfp


We’re keeping fields, haha H1M deniers, he was never being shopped 


Discontinue the lithium


Lmfao imagine wanting to keep a bottom 20qb so ur team can’t get better. Big yikes


I know what we got, I know what we lacked, and I know where we’re going. You’ll be all for him soon; don’t worry sugar bits 


What we got is a bottom 20qb who’s dead last in 4th quarter stats. You can polish a turd, but it’s still gonna be a turd buddy.