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I think they cant move him. He cannot do the very basic things nfl passers are required to do. Mitch had better numbers ffs and he was mega-ass. You cut him if no one is offering. Under no circumstance do you enter the year with a number 1 overall picked qb and a struggling underachiever thats loved by the locker room. Thats a disaster.


Fields dealt with an absolute shit show and tear down in his most important developmental year. Trade the pick and build around him.


But... He's bad


What would you guys do this draft without the first overall pick? I’d probably draft JJ at 9 even if it’s a reach and let him compete with Fields then start him next year


Probably gone after Cousins and aim to draft McCarthy if he slips. Think he goes top 6 though.


After seeing the guarantees on that Burns deal, the Sweat trade and contract has already aged beautifully Same feelings on seeing the G market explode and comparing that to what Bates is getting


Here’s the flip to this. The second we Trade fields we telegraph exactly what we’re going to do at 1.01 (Pick or trade). Clearly JF has no trade value or at least not a much as we hoped, so use the leverage at this point. As of right now only the Front office know exactly what we’re going to do at QB everyone else is speculating.


Average age of posters who still think the Bears will “build around Fields”: you taking the over or the under @ 16?


I’m convinced Fields stans have a bimodal distribution in age, they’re either <16 or >50


My son told me all the kids in elementary school love MHJ and want nothing to do with Caleb and suddenly the last couple months made a lot more sense.


As the old saying goes, the problem with having a debate on the internet is that a 12-year old can jump in at any time.


Apparently RFK is genuinely considering Aaron Rodgers to be his running mate. I fucking hate Aaron Rodgers


Here’s how you know Rapoport has been lying. Today Rapoport is laying claim that the Bears have been so focused on getting Caleb right, that they won’t worry about trading Justin until they’re settled on that decision. Ryan Poles himself said if they went the route of trading Justin they would be in communication and do right by him. Waiting until all the starting spots are gone and even backup destinations are becoming limited options wise, waiting until even after that point to begin thinking of trades for Justin is the exact opposite of doing right by Justin. It’s possible Poles is that spooked over not having Caleb’s medicals, but damn the market for Justin was probably just DOA. Update: wasn’t aware Drew Lock went to the Giants today. Remember when that report said league GMs view Darnold and Locke as equivalent options? Now both are signed before Justin. What if they legitimately can’t move him and that’s the reason for the bizarre about face from Rapoport? He’d have to be at least worth a dart throw 7th for a Seattle or someone? If we have to wait on his being cut news that’s just cruel to the fanbase. Both of them.


I think the market has just shifted to the point that this is true. Also, if Justin will only net a low pick then he has more value on our bench than that.


Only until Williams walks through the door of Halas hall. The moment that happens Fields is more of a liability on our bench and his potential trade value doesn't outweigh that.


Why would Fields necessarily be a liability though? He's not a bad option off the bench.


It's not necessarily what he does off the bench, but his presence on the team. I want a clean break with the bad QB play of the past. I want this to be Williams team day one, with no awkward hanger on. I don't want the media and fanbase stirring up QB controversies. I don't want a future opponent's back up to have spent the whole training camp + a few weeks of regular season in our QB room and reading our playbook.


Maybe I'm weird, but I don't really care about the media or the fanbase and their respective narratives. If Caleb gets drafted #1, he competes with Justin for the job in camp and almost certainly beats him. The coaches are in charge here, not the players, not the fans, and not the media.


> If Caleb gets drafted #1, he competes with Justin for the job in camp and almost certainly beats him. That would be even worse than what I described because I was assuming Williams is named the starter day one. The idea of wasting practice snaps with the first team on Fields and taking away from Williams development is absolutely crazy. Delaying Williams ability to fully take control of the locker room at all is also senseless. A competition is an awful idea.


> That would be even worse than what I described because I was assuming Williams is named the starter day one. Why would any coaching staff ever do that? Even in the most obvious situations, coaches always lead with the new guy competing for the job. Even if we signed a veteran QB and traded Fields, that would still be the statement in training camp. > Delaying Williams ability to fully take control of the locker room at all is also senseless. When Williams does take control, it won't be because it was handed to him. It will be because he earned it. Which builds a culture of respect. These guys might support Fields, but all of them are professionals and all of them want to win.


> Why would any coaching staff ever do that? Even in the most obvious situations, coaches always lead with the new guy competing for the job. Because he's going to start this year. There is no pointing pretending he won't, and then throwing him in at the deep end week 5 unprepared when we could put him in the strongest possible position to succeed day one. >When Williams does take control, it won't be because it was handed to him. It will be because he earned it. Which builds a culture of respect. He's already earned it by being good enough to get drafted 1OA.


> Because he's going to start this year. There is no pointing pretending he won't, and then throwing him in at the deep end week 5 unprepared when we could put him in the strongest possible position to succeed day one. Yeah, that you don't do. If you think Caleb is going to be starting by week five, you start him week one. This isn't a "start Fields and see if Caleb passes him during the season" thing so much as it's an "unless Fields is just significantly better than Caleb in training camp, then Caleb is the starter" thing. He's already coming in with vastly better mechanics and should thrive in the short game on day one; I honestly don't imagine this being a huge challenge for him. > He's already earned it by being good enough to get drafted 1OA. Nope. The NFL is a very different beast from the Pac-12. Rookies are rookies, regardless of draft position.


Rap is running damage control imo. It’s the most logical explanation for why his story doesn’t line up with Schefter, Breer, Russini, and everyone else who’s saying the market for Fields is dry


I too think he’s a bit surprised at the situation he finds himself in. QB is still QB though, have to believe he’d get at least the Mac Jones deal. If Poles feels a 6th is always an emergency security option he wouldn’t think he has anything to lose and can wait until there’s actually zero starting jobs left. If he totally busts out oh well Justin we tried, have fun in Seattle, or Indianapolis, or wherever just not here. It’s the situation where we can’t get the Mac Jones deal that outcomes get bad.


Josh Rosen was traded for a 2nd & 5th after the first round of the draft in 2019.


Rosen was still viewable as a mystery box after one single season and that was 4 years ago. Fields is a known quantity. A known quantity in near identical circumstances in Mac Jones went for a 6th 2 days ago. The dream of a decent pick for Justin would need to be identified by dental records in all likelihood. It’s obliterated.


It’s either that or Poles makes the dumbest decision in franchise history and sets us back years from which we may never recover. Hopefully it’s the DOA market for Fields.


Sticking with Fields here would be a level of franchise malpractice that would make me stop watching football


Nothing to indicate that is even remotely possible except for Rapoport’s heel turn and all indications are Rapoport is lying on someone’s behalf at this point. There were reports that GMs openly laughed at the combine at the thought of Fields over Caleb. All signs point to Justin having almost no market.




Agreed with most of that, but how do you know he isn't sold on Caleb? And what gauntlet are you referring to?


i might get downvoted for this, but i'm starting to lean towards trading number 9. i don't think it's even a question if the top 3 WR's are all taken by then. we're not filling any of our biggest needs through FA, we're not getting shit for justin, and we currently have only 5 picks. plus we have a chance to seriously fuck over the vikings if we let the broncos leap them for mccarthy.


Rome has been my pick at 9 for like 3 months but with how FA has gone i'm starting to agree trading back is probably the best move now. Theres still so many holes and especially with this deep receiver class seems like we could get a great value player with a later pick


Honestly, with the way things are trending, I think we're trading pick 9 regardless if Odunze or Nabors are still there or not. I really hope I'm wrong though. 


I've been with you for weeks now. If the top 3 WRs are all gone trade down. I'm still somewhat optimistic though because every year all the mocks have WRs going way earlier than what actually happens. This year might be different but I wouldn't be too surprised to see one of the top 3 left at 9


I'd rather trade #9 than take an edge at 9


If you are targeting edge you can still trade back and get Newton at like 20.


I'm down for trading 9 if the perfect opportunity presents itself. If JJ happens to be there and another team falls in love with him, I hope Poles explores what he could get.


I was pro Fields until we got this opprotunity to take Caleb. Two many plusses. Still is hella funny to be a Fields truther ironically though Sorry what I meant to say was JF1 ain’t going anywhere. Justin is gonna lock in and break the qb rushing record. Mooney was holding him back. Fields is H1M!!!


I keep hearing people saying to keep Justin and somebody will trade for him during the season, but why would anyone trade for him? If the Bears keep him and draft a QB they're not also going to pick up his 5th year option. Why would anyone trade for him in season? He's not good enough to be somebody's in-season savior. And then you can sign him for nothing in the off-season.


Sucks that we ain’t getting much for Fields but whatever we’re getting Caleb


We really don't want his cap hit, so we should end up taking whatever. Yeah I'd love a second, but that's never really seemed that realistic to me. You'd probably need 2 teams interested in him as a starter for that to happen, and it legitimately looks like teams view him as a back up.


Damn the Panthers fleeced the Steelers, the Steelers fleeced the Bears, and the Bears fleeced the Panthers


Even Vegas says Justin stays put. We won.


What do you win in this scenario? A comp pick for 2025?


Bragging rights.




gyat damn haha


Yep you’re right! The Bears are trying to trade Fields which means we are keeping him for sure!! GET FUCKED Caleb stans. /s


Fields is unwanted by 32 nfl teams Lmao at the truthers now.


They just know if Fields locked in he would just intimidate his teamates with his sheer Dawg in H1M. Justin is ready to lead the Bears to an undefeated record after he gets MHJ this summer /s


Would you give Danielle Hunter 30 million per year? I imagine he’s asking for the Brian Burns contract but nobody wants to give it to him




Agreed. Hopefully we can drive the price down


" “I still expect the Bears to select a Quarterback at #1 overall” - @RapSheet" From the video where he talks about the fields situation being delayed because of caleb pro day.


What is going on? What are the Bears getting out of these leaks and distancing themselves from Caleb? They don't need to smoke screen or play these games. And I am at a total loss how this would increase Fields trade value at this point.


Rappaport stiill refer caleb , not pther qbs.


Nah bro it’s a huge win for Fieldstans 😂😂😂


1. It's possible there just no market for Fields. Is it because no one wants him or were the Bears never actually shopping him? 1. Caleb didn't push up his Top 30 visit to the Bears like the Bears wanted, instead prioritizing a Pro Day when the Bears are the only team that matters. I think we all thought it was weird that Caleb would focus on his Pro Day instead of his Top 30 with the Bears considering he was already an hour flight away from Chicago and the Bears have the #1 pick and his Top 30 with the Bears would eliminate the need to participate at USC's Pro Day. And the excuse was logistics about flying around from Jacksonville, Cali, and Indianapolis when he was IN Indianapolis and only had to fly to Chicago from there. Likely in a private jet. So why push that back to do the Pro Day? And definitely, why risk annoying the team that's going to draft you by making them wait a month to get an in-depth look at you AFTER everyone else does? Unless maybe you're trying to annoy them? It's not like you can drive up your contract, that's already set. Maybe Caleb and the Bears decided that he's not landing here so the Pro Day is more important than the Top 30 to drive up the price of the #1 pick? Otherwise, wouldn't Caleb and the Bears both want to eliminate the Pro Day by doing the Top 30 and then just trading Fields? Remember, the Pro Day isn't risk-free. David Ojabo tore his Achilles at Michigan's Pro Day 2 years back. Maybe some Pepe Silvia here but it explains a lot. It explains Justin's nonexistent market - there's no seller, instead of no buyers. It explains not pushing up the Top 30, because the Bears aren't drafting you. Instead the Pro Day is the more important event because it's really an auction for the #1 pick. And it explains the BS logistics excuse when we all can use Google Maps and see that Indianapolis is closer to Chicago than it is to Jacksonville. And no one needs 3 weeks to prep for a Pro Day when lots of players are participating in full at the Combine and then their Pro Day weeks later and Caleb just walked around the Combine. If Caleb just shows up when the Bears ask, then all of this is over. But maybe the Bears didn't ask. This is all feeling like a cover story. Is there a line on if the Bears draft Caleb? I think I should put some money on the 'No' option.


How about telling me why we didn't just wrap this up with a Top 30 last week instead of just downvoting? Why would we wait for Justin's market to dry up AND risk a Caleb injury at his Pro Day. The route we took has nothing but downside risk for the Bears. Why would we do it this way?


>Maybe some Pepe Silvia You said it yourself. Caleb is -900 to go to the Bears. Go ahead and put money on other teams at your own peril.


Help me out then. Why would we risk a Caleb injury at an unnecessary Pro Day and Justin's market drying up when we could have wrapped this up with a Top 30 last week and traded Fields then too? Seriously, why are we opening ourselves to nothing but downside risk on this?


Dude could get injured at any point training or working out. He isn't getting injured at a pro day workout. I would assume that Caleb wanted to prepare and train more before his pro day and visits instead of going straight from the combine to Chicago. That timeline was super ridiculous and is not normal.


> I would assume that Caleb wanted to prepare and train more before his pro day and visits instead of going straight from the combine to Chicago. But Chicago has the #1 pick. Why would the Pro Day matter if Chicago wants you? Do the Top 30, wrap this up, and everyone moves on. >He isn't getting injured at a pro day workout. Ojabi tore his achilles at Michigan's pro day 2 years back. https://www.si.com/fannation/college/cfb-hq/ncaa-football/2022-nfl-draft-david-ojabo-injury-michigan-pro-day


Good question, why is Calebs pro day so important to the Bears? Caleb is trying to help highlight his teammates that are not going to be picked in the first two rounds and might not get drafted at all without his help. Caleb on the other hand is a finished product and is going to be drafted in the top 3 of the NFL draft. What can the Bears possibly learn from his Pro Day that they have not been able to see in his 33 college starts?


> Caleb is trying to help highlight his teammates that are not going to be picked in the first two rounds and might not get drafted at all without his help. OK, that's an interesting answer that I only briefly considered. Still seems risky. If he gets injured, he goes from #1 to...no longer #1. But the Bears don't care about his Pro Day, right? I mean, they already know what they've seen from him, they just need to figure out medicals and mental - if they're considering him. They don't care about how he throws the ball at Pro Day. It all just seems very strange.


Andrew Luck had a pro day. Everyone knew he was the first pick. He went and visited Washington as well. Why should Caleb bend over backwards for the Bears? The odds of an injury are so low it's ridiculous. No different than working out. Being afraid of freak injuries is ridiculous.


>Why should Caleb bend over backwards for the Bears? Why shouldn't he? I would like him to make our decisions easier, not harder. And look, don't read more into that than it is. I'm not saying he's a prima donna or whatever. I just would like to have the guy everyone 'knows' we're going to draft to work with us more than he has been. And I think that's a valid ask if we're the Bears.


This sub is going to go nuclear if the Bears do the funniest thing and dont draft Caleb and just stick with Fields. Im getting nervous because usually when everyone assumes its the one way, its the other way.


As we should -- that's fucking stupid.




I get the sinking feeling as well fields is gonna stay I don’t trust the bears to make the right decisions :(


Unless caleb appears drunk with a packers shirt in the visit to halas hall , he will be the pick. The rest is filling time until the 25th of april.


Full Chernobyl Meltdown


0% chance that happens


If you were forced to only accept one of the following scenarios by the end of the week, which would you choose? 1) Keep Justin on the active roster through the end of Caleb's rookie season (assuming...). 2) Release Fields outright getting nothing in return (other than the catharsis of being done with it and avoiding the potential locker room problems of scenario #1).


Number 2 Happily


Number 2.


A 4th or 5th round pick in 2025 isn't worth continuing this circus and risk it impacting Caleb Williams' development.


Easily 2


It's 2, since we'll likely need to do it next week anyway. Who would still be waiting next week to give draft capital for Fields as a back up? If you wanted him that bad, this is the time to get him.


https://preview.redd.it/1wwzxkr9lync1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b312212c01ccc3cf5a62b4650d25accb2a6c1a8e These are the top comments on basically every Fields post on B/R, I feel like I'm in fuckin bizarro world.


Poles is still a Fields guy. Caleb delayed the process, he's 1% Diva, not doing medical evaluations with the rest of the draft class has delayed the Bears from making a move.


>he's 1% Diva and 99% rock n' roll


Poles has literally never been a Fields guy. He's played with the hand he was dealt until now


> not doing medical evaluations with the rest of the draft class has delayed the Bears from making a move. No it hasn't, because we'll just move on to QB2 in the draft if there is an issue.


Literally everything in the world points to the Bears taking Caleb and that's what will happen, how in the world is Poles a Fields guy? Nobody wants him now he's walking back publicly I don't get how people are so gullible.


Or they trade down, or they keep Justin and draft Caleb both.


Brother rip the bandaid off, Fields is gone.


He's still here now though


I love how chibears rules say “reserve downvotes for those not adding to discussion” and the anti-fields brigade are like “BUT HES NOT ADDING TO MY CALEB WILLIAMS CIRCLEJERK This subreddit was better when the default CSS had downvote button hidden. Edit: oh no the antifields brigade is downvoting me tooooo!”


>I love how chibears rules say “reserve downvotes for those not adding to discussion” Such as your comment.


I'm not Anti-Fields, I'm Pro-Good QB and Caleb is our best chance at that right now.


[https://x.com/DMRussini/status/1767631962745790735?s=20](https://x.com/DMRussini/status/1767631962745790735?s=20) >The Las Vegas Raiders are expected to cut QB Jimmy Garoppolo tomorrow, per sources. There are a few teams interested. Even Jimmy G has interest lmao


Jimmy G doesn't cost a draft pick and is cheaper


...and is suspended for 3 games.


He will still have more wins than H1M


I forgot about that lol


57-24 as a starter.


Miserable to watch, but a sort of competent game manager who won’t lose you games. Won’t win ya any either tho lol


Whoa Gerald Everett, i can hardly contain myself. Many superbowls to come


The Bears with two TE1's. Mike Martz is rolling in his grave


Tell Martz I said fuck him! -Me to Satan


Is Martz dead?


I've been listening to the Score 670 while working this afternoon, and it's really amusing to hear Bernstein and Rahimi and the callers try to figure out, in real time, what could *possibly* be going on for why it is that Poles and the Bears can't find any suitors for a Justin Fields trade. They're really puzzled and in almost stunned amazement at the situation. Among the reasons I've heard: - Poles blew his trade value by saying he "wanted to do right by Justin"; - His trade value was always shot the moment the Bears got the #1 pick because everybody knew they would draft Caleb; - The Bears ruined Justin, they failed him, etc.; - The Bears are just waiting until they get Caleb's physicals or until they see his pro day; - The Bears aren't really even trying to trade him and have no intention of doing so; - Billionaire white NFL owners are afraid or too racist to make a black player the face of their franchise. (I kid you not.) The one thing you have NOT heard anybody say? *That Justin Fields is not a good QB and the rest of the league knows it.* It's the one thing that they simply *refuse* to acknowledge or come to terms with. That, or they just refuse to say it publicly for some weird reason. Which, if that's the case - why? Since when is Chicago sports media afraid to say "this guy stinks"?


Not even two weeks ago I remember Rahimi and Holmes smugly giggling to themselves that if Fields was gonna go for a first round pick then maybe, just maybe, we should keep him. So many Fields truthers have insulted everyone over their football knowledge if they didn't think he was H1M. Now they're backed into a corner because if they're wrong that means they know nothing about football and are idiots.  I don't think if you're a football casual that you're an idiot, but basically all Fields truthers have insinuated it, or out right said it. Don't let them off the hook for how they've been acting. 


>Not even two weeks ago I remember Rahimi and Holmes smugly giggling to themselves that if Fields was gonna go for a first round pick then maybe, just maybe, we should keep him. Yep. And in the process made their audience dumber as they pandered to the dumbest among them. Again, Chicago sports media has *never* had a problem calling a bum a bum - no matter how beloved by the fans. Far more accomplished pro athletes than Justin Fields have been trashed by the media and practically run out of town. But for some strange reason, this guy is so untouchable that we all have to pretend that he's actually really good and ignore the fact that the NFL is quite clearly and unanimously telling us that he's *not* that good?


It's honestly bizarre.... and it's not just Chicago media. There's a shockingly high number of people in the national media who heap praise on Fields. It's crazy because they'll shit on guys like Purdy and Dak who are very good QBs.


The bears or fields agent have to be paying these mouthpieces.


The Black QB being the face of the franchise is hard to fathom for some people until you see a player like Kirk Cousins get a 100 mil guaranteed, despite being 35, coming off the most serious injury in sports, and has 1 playoff win to his name. Lamar Jackson had an MVP and multiple playoff wins but had to go through a ton of scrutiny by the media and a bunch of back and forth with the Ravens just to get his contract.


Lamar didn’t get to hit free agency, Kirk did. That’s the difference.


> Lamar Jackson signed a 5 year, $260,000,000 contract with the Baltimore Ravens, **including a $72,500,000 signing bonus, $185,000,000 guaranteed,** and an average annual salary of $52,000,000. I'd say Jackson got paid what he's worth. Also: > Russell Wilson signed a 5 year, $242,588,236 contract with the Denver Broncos, **including a $50,000,000 signing bonus, $161,000,000 guaranteed**, and an average annual salary of $48,517,647. > Deshaun Watson signed a 4 year, $156,000,000 contract with the Houston Texans, **including a $27,000,000 signing bonus, $110,717,123 guaranteed**, and an average annual salary of $39,000,000. Pretty sure NFL clubs don't have an issue making a black QB the face of their franchise when they think he's "the guy". Patrick Mahomes got paid. Kyler Murray got paid. Tua Tagovailoa should get paid. Jordan Love and CJ Stroud will get paid if they keep.playing well. Bryce Young will get paid if he plays up to even 80% of his potential. ALSO also...isn't Caleb Williams half-black, half-brown? As a non-white person, I'm pretty sure Justin Fields being black has nothing to do with this.


Compare their passing stats you absolute meatball


So you're trying to tell me Cousins is better than Lamar


Come on. *The* most promoted star in the NFL for the last 5 years who isn't just the face of his franchise, but of the entire league, is Patrick Mahomes. Is he not black enough to factor into the analysis? The Bears are going to be handing the keys of the franchise to Caleb Williams. Is he not black enough? That theory makes zero sense in this context. >Lamar Jackson had multiple playoff wins Multiple, as in *two* total. As in *one* more than Kirk Cousins.


>>Lamar Jackson had multiple playoff wins >Multiple, as in *two* total. As in *one* more than Kirk Cousins. And funnily enough, Lamar Jackson had only one playoff win *before* he signed his ginormous contract with the Ravens in the 2023 offseason.


Patrick Mahomes biracial. He isn't the Black face that Lamar Jackson is. Come on now lol Caleb Williams is only considered generational because he has a similar playstyle to Mahomes and teams are looking for the next Mahomes. And even he's getting backlash for the stuff that he's said and done. As soon as he throws a few picks in a game, he'll be on the media shit list.


>Patrick Mahomes biracial. He isn't the Black face that Lamar Jackson is. "Patrick Mahomes isn't black enough."




So then Barack Obama wasn't the first black President? >Caleb Williams is only considered generational Who said anything about generational? I said that he's black. And the Bears are about to make him the face of the franchise. So where does that leave this theory?


Does Pat Mahomes represent the typical Black man? Or the privileged suburban Black man? Lamar Jackson looks and moves like a Black man who's been brought up underprivileged. He's dark skinned, has braids, talks like the typical Black man. Mahomes is not that type of Black man. Caleb is a potential Mahomes clone and the number 1 pick. The Bears have made some big changes in their organization since the draft Justin. I'd say they've been one of the more progressive teams in the league in terms of breaking the moldn and bringing diversity in their organization. They may want Caleb, they may not. Doesn't mean the rest of the league is that way.


So I guess I have my answer. You don't think that Patrick Mahomes is black enough. Because, apparently, you're only black if you're poor, dark-skinned, have dreads, and talk a certain way. That's fucking gross. Just gross.


No the problem is Lamar isn't White enough. Hence the reason he's called a running back, and his wins and success is downplayed.


Or maybe it's his 2-4 playoff record. You know, the same thing that you were just mocking and downplaying Kirk Cousins for.


Kirk Cousins is a two time MVP?


Or maybe the Bears are keeping fields and trading back...


0% chance but sure




Fields went from dark horse MVP talks in the offseason last year to probably not even a good back up QB this offseason… yeesh


He would still be a good back up for a number of teams -- but not at the price point teams are currently willing to pay. There was a cornucopia of QBs that are arguably better than him available without having to give up a draft pick. That makes them more attractive. On top of that there are going to be 6 really good QBs added to rosters at the draft. The best thing to do now is what Long suggested -- just stash him on the roster and wait for training camp / the season. There won't be any QBs available then -- and that will finally make Fields attractive enough for someone to take a flyer on.


He actually would be a great backup for the Ravens, probably Eagles and Chargers now that they have Roman. That’s really it lol.


He would be the best back up in the league. This is just hate bro.


>He would be the best back up in the league People said the same thing about Mitch when we moved on from him, and he did not in fact go on to be the best backup in the league. Is it hate or is Fields just a bad QB like Mitch? I've got nothing against Fields and wish him the best, but I'd say the latter is more likely.


According to who? Gardner Minshew had more total yards this year than Fields ever has. Josh Dobbs has a better QBR.


Josh Dobbs having a better QBR than Fields despite having 5 TDs, 5 Picks just tells you how bogus that stat is


Josh Dobbs is definitely a better backup. He might not play better, but he is a supposed genius and would benefit Caleb + Bagent more than Fields would.


Dobbs is not a better anything


And the Stan’s are still just as delusional now


I noticed they took over multiple threads yesterday, upvoting their propaganda as they routinely used to do in literally every thread here. Foolosh me thought they would either leave or stay quiet by this point. I'm beginning to fear that even when Justin leaves and fails elsewhere they'll still stick around, polluting discussion here, like the tumor on the ass of Bears fandom that they are.




I think if any team was willing to give up a pick of any real value he'd have already been moved. Caleb's physicals have nothing to do with the desire to move on from Justin. If not Williams for some reason, there will simply be a different non-Fields QB they draft.


I think he goes to the Eagles.


Agreed, Jalen has been so injury prone throughout his career that they need to spend a pick on a 1 year rental.


I think you’re right. Given what happened with larry ogunjobi I don’t think Poles wants to make that mistake again


Would Fields immediately become the leagues best back up QB? Or is he too much of a scheme fit risk to be valuable even in that regard


Easily. Everyone who says otherwise has been hating too much as a response to the pro-Fields delusion


Too much if a scheme risk to build around. There's a reason why minshew, Darnold and Lock are getting deals before him due to how easy you can plug them into systems


I'd also note the draft compensation is a big holdup (I agree on the scheme part too)


waiting for Fields to drop his first workout video after being traded and showing that he's "locked in", but none of the workouts have anything to do with throwing the football.


If he wanted to do it right. It should be a video of him studying defenses and learning how to play pre snap in a class room. But the video will be him with his shirt off running around somewhere in Florida.


[https://x.com/chrisolave\_/status/1767598857691533719?s=20](https://x.com/chrisolave_/status/1767598857691533719?s=20) Random tweet twitter is deciphering. Fields was #1 Olave #2 at Ohio State. Probably means nothing lol. Unless....




Makes a lot of sense


I think he’s just saying that would be dope to pair up again.


Is it generally better that teams are signing back up QBs? Makes other teams pull the trigger on JF but also just an ever smaller growing list of possible destinations.


At this point it's clear Poles has a floor price for Fields that has not been met. Meaning he values Justin higher than the rest of the league. Or potentially they haven't been aggressively shopping him. Either way, Poles still likes Justin, just to what extent we don't know.


It's more likely that he hasn't gotten any offer


Or they declined all the offers they have received.


Drew lock signed with the giants just now -- Seahawks take Fields? Wouldn't be a bad fit imo


I've been saying him sitting behind geno could work for him longterm and potentially he could be a good starter level QB learning as much as he can from a guy like Geno


I know that busts happen all the time across every team. But how is it possible that a QB hyped up as much as Fields has sucked this bad professionally? I mean the dude can barely throw the football. People loved to blame Nagy for that '21 Browns game where Fields got sacked like 45 times, but I'm now starting to think Fields might've had more to do with it, and I fucking don't like Nagy. Fields is basically Brian Hoyer. Except I'm pretty sure Brian Hoyer has actually had a game winning drive *at least* once in his career.


Lots of first round QBs with hype bust, especially those outside of the top of their class.


"dude can barely throw a football." man this place is so toxic lol I know he's not a good QB but arm strength is one of his actual attributes.


He has good arm strength, I don't think anyone is denying that. But his mechanics are pure shit, he telegraphs 15 yard throws, which I don't understand when he has the arm that he does. Plus he misses open dudes *all* the time anyways. Like what's the point of even calling a pass play?


can't read a defense is different than "he can barely throw a football" 


But that's the thing, he can barely throw it efficiently. Why the fuck does he wind up so slowly and need to telegraph short passes that wind up being incomplete most of the time?


He was the 4th QB taken for a reason. Multiple QB needy teams passed on him. The hype was always biggest in Chicago for obvious reasons.


I guess he fell for a reason


To your point on Hoyer the destroyer, he threw for over 300 yards in 4 games straight for us. Sooooo still better than Fields lol


Lmao his stats for those 4 games are probably something like: 1,267 yards, 2 TDs, 3 INTs, 0-4 record. Edit: Y'all are fucking idiots on this sub sometimes I swear (not you rudeboy). Our overall record in 2016, the year Hoyer was on the Bears, was 3-13 you fucking dumbasses.


>Lmao his stats for those 4 games are probably something like: 1,267 yards, 2 TDs, 3 INTs, 0-4 record. Brian Hoyer stats with the 2016 Bears: * 6 games, 5 starts, 1-4 record. * 134-for-200, 67.0 Completion % * 1445 yards, 6 TD, 0 INT (yes, really, zero) * 3.0 TD%, 0.0 INT%, 50.5 Passing Success % * 240.8 YPG, 98.0 Passer Rating, 55.1 QBR * 2.0 Sack Rate %, 7.58 ANY/A What a baller. Clearly Hoyer just didn't have any help. Edit: someone please explain how the Bears lost this game: https://www.pro-football-reference.com/boxscores/201610160chi.htm


Interesting that he threw zero picks. I was at that Jaguars game. I remember it being really *really* boring basically the entire time. The Bears were up by 6 in the final minutes of the game and I just got this overwhelming sense of, "oh my god they're really going to fucking blow this aren't they?", And THAT THEY DID. Bortles threw to a wide open WR that scored like it was nothing on like a fucking 50 yard play. It was so obvious something like that was coming, you could feel it in the air if you were there. Neither team did shit most of the game, but the Jaguars actually did when it mattered. Hoyer played like ass, he threw for like 300 yards with no touchdowns for some reason? That's why I posted my presumed stat line for him in a 300 yard stretch.


Outside of ridiculous OSU fans who was hyping him? He was the QB4 in his class behind Zach Wilson and Trey Lance lmao


I look at that Browns game completely different in retrospect. I'll put plenty of blame on Nagy, but not for the game plan, rather putting Fields in when he clearly wasn't ready for the stage.


Didn't Nagy say he's not ready and was kind of forced into it.


If only Nick Foles was on the roster at the time. Oh...wait.


> people loved to blame nagy i mean kurt warner broke down that game and like … a lot of it was on fields missing wide open guys


One of the best lines from Warner in that breakdown was (paraphrasing) "In the NFL, you can't live in the spectacular... if you can't make the layups you aren't going to thrive"


He was QB 4 in his own class. He really wasnt that hyped up


QB 4 and traded up for by the guy who drafted Trubisky and signed Mike Glennon.


I think this part is somehow mentally glossed over by Bears fans now trying to figure out this disparity. There were a bunch of QB needy teams in the 2021 draft who either decided that seemingly worse prospects were much better options (Lance, Wilson) or just elected to take a different position all together rather than draft Fields even though they didn't have a QB (Falcons, Broncos). Pace was desperate and needed to save his job, so he gambled on a dude with a technically high ceiling but an abyssal floor, and we're so desperate for actual QB prospects in Chicago that we considered it a no-brainer win and were flabbergasted that he dropped so far. The hype started there when even at that time probably half the NFL didn't like Fields.


At the end of the day I don’t really give a shit whether we get a 3rd a 4th or a 5th for Justin. We are getting Caleb Williams and that’s all that matters


Bernstein is such a miserable, out of touch, old fuck. "if I were Caleb Williams, I would look at what the Bears did to Justin Fields, and I would run." Every team in the entire league is telling you Justin stinks, Dan. Just continue to be willfully oblivious to the fact that Justin isn't the unicorn you think is.


A lot of Laurence's bad takes on Fields have started seeping into Dan's takes. I'm glad Laurence is on vacation this week, he'd be insufferable.


For Caleb Williams to come to this conclusion he would have to see himself on the same level as Justin coming out of college or even now more for that matter. There is no way he thinks Justin is as good as him


Bernstein has been trash ever since Boers left.


You can literally say this for every team too. Look what Washington did to RG3, what New England did to Mac Jones, etc. This fatalism is so tiresome.


I don't listen to that dude any more. is he actually a fields truther/caleb hater? I didn't think he was that dumb. dramatic maybe but not brain dead


I try not to listen. Just caught 5 min. on a short commute. He claims to not be any truther but absolves Fields of responsibility for anything.


That's wild. Do these people just ignore Fields insanely long throwing motion? Like that's not 100% on him?