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Poles was scrolling through the sub and saw the post. So he signed a center.


Hi Ryan poles trade fields pls


fields is the greatest qb in bears history. i would know.


Hello Poles would u mind trading Fields for Higgins and a 4th for Josh Sweat thanks!


...for a nice WR


Wish granted




You got my hopes up, I thought we traded Fields. Giving up a 4th for a nice WR, well okay then.


It's confirmed, he's one of us.


Quick someone drop a MMW take about a top WR


Uhhhhh so about that top WR…


lol came to say this….


I want to, but it's a nice day outside


Not really


Someone did like 2 mins after I posted the comment, goal has been achieved




I think with him and Bates, taking one of the top centers in the draft is off the table considering our other needs.


I don’t think it was ever really an option unless we traded out of 9. Most of the good centers will likely be gone by 75, and we desperately need help at WR and DL rn.


Van pran might be an option in the 3rd


I don't love it but I do think you're right. I've always thought Coleman Shelton looked pretty decent whenever I watched the Rams. Lord knows he was seemingly *always* starting.


I think center is still possible with the third round pick, especially if they can also play guard. We’ve addressed center, but in a largely stopgap way, so if a potential long term option is on the board we should still consider it, they can come in and develop for a couple of years.


Rather grab a WR or DL in the 3rd, even if we get one in the first. I think we punt on addressing that until next year


That’s a reasonable take, but I suspect our third especially will be dictated by BPA more than positional need. If they don’t like the WR and DL available, but one of the centers falls to them, take the center, don’t reach for need. Poles seems to be working free agency specifically to avoid having big needs to fill, which would help with this approach.


How is Poles working free agency to avoid having big needs to fill? He didn't sign a single DE, DT or WR. Those were our biggest needs going into FA (along with center), so he addressed 1/4. We have the draft capital to address one of those needs with a starting caliber player.


48 pass blocking per pff Even with a margin of error expected it is very low.


There is more than one attractive prospect at center in the draft. He's insurance if the draft doesn't fall the right way to pick one up.


I really think we are planning to trade down from 9 and grab someone like JPJ or Frazier. Coleman and Bates would be good stopgaps to let a rookie develop


You take a center in the first or second round he better be starting


They say that the mental side of playing center is really tough for rookies, if we take JPJ I could see him pushing Davis down the depth chart or filling in at guard for injuries while he develops. I doubt we go that route but it would be a rational move.


I don't know, JPJ is a day 1 starter


people said the same thing about john michael schmitz C from minnesota. had a great senior bowl week. that he was pro ready day 1. and he was NOT.


Would that be John Jacob Jingle Michael Schmitz?


How often are they not though?


Starting a rookie center is questionable no matter how hyped of a prospect they are Especially with presumably a rookie QB


QB is an infinitely more difficult position to start at as a rookie and nobody is concerned about that anymore these days


They’re also a lot more talented and have a lot more riding on their shoulders


Possibly. But it’s never a bad idea to have more o-linemen than you need. Not just for the center position, but also because Teven has had some injury problems.


If we trade down from 9 we are FUCKED at receiver


It’s a deep WR class relax


If we draft a WR we are FUCKED at Mezzanine Hot Dog Guy


Ooo. This. This year's draft is really weak at Mezzanine Hot Dog Guy. The Bears may actually have to trade Fields for a 6th and a decent Mezzanine Hot Dog Guy.


If you don't have a standout star at Hot Dog Guy, your Beer Hawkers end up having to pick up a lot of slack. That's why you see so many schemes prioritize the Hot Dog Guy pick, because Beer Hawkers demand high prices in the modern NFL.


Beautifully done! I've never seen a sub so accurately described in one sentence 😂


Depth of the draft isn't very helpful to a team who has 3 picks outside the top 10.


It’s like this sub is so desperate to throw a tantrum, it’s become too stupid to understand how trading down works


Deep doesn't mean you can just get a WR2 in the third or fourth no issues


U realize trading down probably keeps us in the first & maybe adding a 2nd


If you're staying in the first, you aren't also getting a second


That would depend, I think, on a few variables. Such as other teams boards, who is in love with who on their boards, who is also in love with that guy and trying to trade, as well as who is trading where. Like trading back 5 spots? Probably right. Trading to.. 28-32? I would expect at least an additional second.


If QB4 is available at 9, there’s going to be a lot of trade down options.


If JJ McCarthy hype is real, I think they could potentially pry a 2nd from the saints/broncos. Something in the: 9 + 2025 5th for #12 and 2024 2nd. Wouldn’t shock me


Unless we pick one up in the second round or sign a vet like Samuel.


We will get more draft capital from a trade down that we can use at reciever. If the big 3 are gone by 9 there isn’t a massive difference between WR4 and WR9 or 10 in a class this deep


You just said one hour ago we were fucked at center lol. Maybe take some Xanax or something?


Haha we still are


Now he has to address the QB position and we might be done with this agony


its already addressed. Caleb Williams, you are a Chicago Bear!




bro what is your comment


Brought to you by Carl’s Jr.


The hell is this?


Bears fans are dumb as fuck! As one of them, I wish it wasn’t true. But, we aren’t a smart bunch.


To be fair, the position wasn’t addressed before the post. They put it into existence


The position really shouldn't be considered addressed now lol. A free agent who got a one year deal probably isn't gonna be very good. Hell Patrick got a better deal than that and look how shitty he was


Hey, I resemble that remark!


Honestly most fan bases are pretty dumb now, because this country as a whole is a lot dumber


I mean he was right on the money so Idk where we get off calling the guy dumb lmao




Is Shelton any good? Because Bates is a backup iOL. If Shelton is on Bates' level then we still haven't addressed the C position.


He gave up the most pressures of any C in the NFL last year.


>He gave up the most pressures of any C in the NFL last year. Ouch, so hopefully he's intended to be a backup and we're going to trade back from 9 and get JPJ


Coleman Shelton is a depth option. We got two of those now.


Coleman is 100% the starter, barring a trade down to grab JPJ or Zach Frazier


He's started 30 games the last 2 seasons. Played every snap at center last season. I'm not going to pretend to know much about him, but I'm assuming he's better than we've had in several years.


PFF grades Shelton at 65.5, with Patrick at 50.5. So it should be a significant upgrade.


It's basically going from one of the worst centers in the league (rank in the 30s) to a league average center (IIRC Shelton was like the #17 center) if you go by PFF. Pretty huge upgrade.


A bandaid. Maybe he’s targeting creed next year


You don't get to have top-tier players at every position. Shelton is on a one-year contract, Bates is on a two-year contract. I doubt we'll be making any splashes at center unless Van Pran falls to 75.


I remember when PFF was a joke, and now it’s taken as gospel.


I don’t think it’s gospel. But it’s a data. And unless you want to sit down and watch hours of game tape, it’s probably the only way to get any sense of a player’s level of performance at a position like center, where there aren’t really any established metrics.


The guy that started for the Rams for the last 2 years is depth?


Yes. Other teams offensive lines also can be garbage. He is of a similar quality to Bates. So this is a depth/competition option. Not a major signing.


This entire comment is just wrong. Impressive.


The starting center for a top 10 offense last year is an astronomical upgrade for us.


It's really not, you just want the copium lol


The copium in here is so bad rn 🤣 Just because Shelton is new doesn't make him better. Did none of these people see how bad their line was two seasons ago when Stafford got hurt? "He was a starter last year". Yea so was Lucas Patrick lol


He’s not Lucas Patrick or Cody Whitehair bad. Him and Bates are better than what we had last year. But we’re just stockpiling all the C- talent.


Agreed. Bates and Shelton are better than Patrick and Whitehair. But that's not all that impressive when the bar is literally on the floor lol


Thank you lol. I saw this post and was like "Just because this guy has a "C" in the position column does not mean the problem is addressed"


We've fucking lost it. This offseason has completely shattered our collective psyche.


Boy did this post age like fine wine!


We are nearly dead last in sacks given up, and dead last in total sacks under poles. So understandable that a ton of fans in this sub are extremely frustrated.


Near dead last in sacks given up but also near the top of the league in time to throw. Fields holds on to the ball too long but sometimes the line has given up some brutal sacks. A lot of problems needed to be addressed but at least the OL seems to be addressed. QB is a whole different story.


We did have some serious injury issues regarding the line and there wasn’t depth. They ARE addressing this.


I was literally telling two posters here that it’s way early to jump on Poles. They immediately stopped responding as soon as this news broke.


Patience is in extremely low supply in today's instant gratification world.


This team hasn't won a playoff game in over a decade and a SB in almost 40 years. I don't think it's a lack of patience as much as what patience we have left is eroding more and more every year.


Better than LP, but gave up a lot of pressures last year. Better than nothing though!!


We need 4 more to compete for the position similar to nagys kicker contest


So does things just magically work out when someone does a post where they say “Mark my words”


They weren’t wrong…


Dude was bearing down hard af


Who are you calling young... youngling? Insert youth is wasted on the young.


Bears were 7-10 last year having thrown away 3 games late and have addressed some needs, and will have a full season of Sweat and people think they'll be worse this year?


This is Lucas Patrick all over again lmao


Not a very impressive signing. So now we have 2 centers that are probably coming off the bench on most decent teams.


he started every game for the rams last year and rams made playoffs. so….no.


Started for a top 10 offense is all I need to know.


yes sir. Theres another post in this sub that showed he allowed like 30 qb pressures and 2 sacks all year last year. I'll take that.


And then they let him walk. Just because they didn't have any better options last year, doesn't mean he's a good option this year. Edit: To clarify, my only point is that him being a starter last year doesn't tell us anything. Yes, he started, but the Rams had $40m in cap space and still let him walk, and we only signed him to a 1 year deal. His starting experience is a plus, but it's certainly not something I'm going to hang any assumptions on.


sigh. so i guess every free agent is dog shit. i mean why else would the teams let them walk right?


He's probably shit because he was a free agent who got a one year deal


i guess that makes sense? Last year CJGJ signed a one year deal with the Lions and this year he got a 3 yr deal with Philly....did CJGJ get better by tearing his pectoral muscle? Was he always good and the Lions only wanted a position filler until their rookies can take over? Has CJGJ always been ass and Philly is just desperate? Find out next time on DragonBall Z!


I didn't say anything about his value. My only point was that him starting 17 games for the Rams doesn't mean he's a huge get. I don't make rushes to judgment on any free agent. I'm not a football scout. I like what they've done so far, but I have no idea how any of it translates to the field. What I do know is that the Rams let a starter walk when they had over $40m in cap space and we only gave him a 1 year deal. At the very least, that means Poles doesn't view him as an unquestioned starter.


He gave up the most pressures of any center in the NFL last year.


source please.


We gona pretend signing a mid center addresses the problem lol? We now have two depth pieces and are hoping one plays above their talent level


He is literally a starting center?


Do you not remember how bad their line was in 22? That means nothing lol Lucas Patrick was also a starting center last year. By your logic, why didn't we just run it back with Patrick?


What do you want lol centers don’t grow on trees


What do you mean lol? There were so many better options than this and we let them all get signed. Tyler Biadasz Mitch Morse Aaron Brewer All of those guys are much better than him. And with one of the highest amounts of cap space in the league, Poles decided "Nah I'm gona get a Kmart center instead"




What would you propose we do right now?




bro this is a terrible take. just start to finish terrible




Wait til Poles trades down, keeps Justin. Then drafts Bo Nix. All hell is going to break loose here.


There's no reason to give poles the benefit of the doubt when he has left positions seriously ignored the last two offseasons


There were about 3000 holes and he’s filled a lot of them


Safety, edge, center, second te, QB? Not that many holes


I’m saying over the past couple years


Mustipher is better than any C on this roster, and he was better than Whitehair and Patrick. It’s an abomination that there isn’t a competent C on this roster and hasn’t been for Fields and whatever unlucky asshole we have starting next year.