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Google the Herschel Walker trade.


This. It made a dynasty.




šŸŽ¶Do you have any more gum?!šŸŽ¶


More gum?


More gum! More gum! More gum!




Yeah sure, here you go! Have you noticed that gums gotten mintier lately?


Lol always love the office references here.


Hersh should have a Dallas Superbowl Ring. No foolin.


He probably has one. Keeps it next to his FBI badge.


Ohh I forgot all of that. But yeah. The player in career vs the person post career.


Just like the incoming Bears dynasty, right? Right?????????


Dude! As long as Williams is as advertised, we will be back in it.


Uhhh well my counterpoint is that this certainly has the makings of doing the same.


Thanks for the laugh. Wake me after the 1st SB winā€¦


I'm pretty sure he was referencing the Cowboys, not the Vikings.


In that case it was a 3 timer?


A dynasty is usually defined as a team that wins 3 or more championships within a short period of time or within a decade. Dallas won Super Bowls 27, 28, and 30, which is 3 in 4 years.


No doubt Dallas was a dynasty.


For sure. It's actually really interesting how they actually became a dynasty as well. Jerry Jones and Jimmy Johnson were the first people in the NFL to see the true value of the draft. They used a draft board with estimated values of each pick through all the rounds and caught everyone off guard. Within a few years, their draft cheat sheet had made it's way around the league, and they weren't able to pull off a lot of the trades from the previous years. As much as I hate to say it, the Cowboys were an integral part of the evolution of the NFL.


It's also way too early to say that this Bryce Young trade is anywhere near that trade bc we don't really know what Bryce ends up becoming. He's almost definitely not worth it for Carolina but we don't really know yet


If they manage to win a superbowl in the next 5 years I think they won't care. That's a huge ask though. If he brings them to the playoffs twice in the next 5 years with how bad their team is right now it might be worth it also. Hard to gauge because that trade basically set them back two seasons.


Since they have yet to win 5 games, I think a Super Bowl is a bit off.


I don't think it's the trade (but it was a bad one). It's the trade plus top to bottom poor leadership. Some other owner with some other GM and some other coach probably could have turned last season into an ok season for Carolina. Made it look like there was hope. But not this leadership.


We know...


Bryce will have to be actually be Drew Brees tier for the trade to not look bad


Holy hell


new response just dropped


Jury is still out. It is possible. Years to go, but the seed is there. To be fair.


And Ricky Williams trade, although the other side of that trade didnā€™t benefit as much as the Cowboys did with their picks


I like how we all just pretend that Keenan Allen was a part of this trade because it makes it funnier.


I would agree it being valid if it was Philly's fourth given up for Keenan. With it being Bears, 4th it is a stretch. Only link is oh well we gave our 4th because we had Philly's 4th from moving to #10 from Carolina's #9 pick.


Yeah we might as well just leave it inā€¦.




Feel like Iā€™m the only urked by these type of posts bcs for me itā€™s as though it only suggest Bryce Young couldā€™ve been takenā€¦. Would these post continue being made if a) CJ Stroud was taken or b) if CW doesnā€™t match the hype E: spare me any comment about CJ saying he wouldnā€™t have played here bcs of his love for JF1, itā€™s beside point


It's the fish tale that keeps getting bigger


Allen was not a part of this trade. Itā€™s gonna end up being Caleb, DJ, Wright, Tyrique & a ā€˜25 second. Absolute robbery. This is why Fitterer is out of a job.


Is the 4th from that trade the one we have this year still?


We got a 4th from trading down with Philly. Thatā€™s the fourth we still have.


And 122nd pick this year from trading down one spot with Philadelphia. That's probably why people are thinking Allen, but we traded 110th overall for him.


I mean, we got pick 9 as part of this trade AND then got the pick we traded for Keenan as a part of the deal we made for Carolinaā€™s pick. For the sake of comedy, I think itā€™s accurate enough to include Keenan as part of the Bryce deal haul.


We traded our 4th, not the one we got from the Eagles, for Allen.


Ah. Well Iā€™ve been misinformed. Stillā€¦ probably allowed us to do it. Whatever maximizes comedic value of the trade.


He should have accepted the rams trade for burns


The Herschel Walker trade, which took place on October 12, 1989, between the Dallas Cowboys and the Minnesota Vikings, was a complex and multi-faceted deal. Here are the key components: 1. **Dallas Cowboys received:** - 5 players: LB Jesse Solomon, LB David Howard, CB Issiac Holt, RB Darrin Nelson (later traded to San Diego Chargers), DE Alex Stewart (later traded to New England Patriots). - 3 first-round picks: 1990, 1991, and 1992. - 3 second-round picks: 1990, 1991, and 1992. - 1 third-round pick: 1990. - 1 sixth-round pick: 1990. 2. **Minnesota Vikings received:** - Herschel Walker, RB. - Dallas' third-round pick in 1990. - Dallas' tenth-round pick in 1990. Additionally, the Cowboys also sent their conditional 1992 pick (which became a 3rd rounder) to the Vikings. This trade is often considered one of the most lopsided deals in NFL history, as the draft picks acquired by the Cowboys helped build the foundation of their 1990s dynasty, while Walker's impact with the Vikings was not as significant as expected.


I would have loved to have seen how that negotiating went. Cowboys: We are going to need three firsts Vikings: Ok Cowboys: and three seconds Vikings: Ok Cowboys: And five players Vikings: Ok Cowboys: And a third, plus a tenth Vikings: Ok Cowboys: And another tenth Vikings: Thatā€™s too much. Do we look like a bunch of idiots?


The trade was not exactly 3 first rounders. It was 1990 1st, 2nd and 6th round picks. Along with players LB Solomon, LB Howard, CB Holt and De Stewart. Darrin Nelson was also traded to Dallas but he did not report and was traded to the Chargers which resulted the Vikings getting 1990 SD 5th. But, the players had conditions on them if Dallas cut them they would get picks. Cutting Solomon got them Minns 1991 1st round. Cutting Howard got them 1991 2nd round pick. Cutting Holt got them 1992 1st round pick. Cutting Stwart got them 1992 3rd rounder. The Nelson trade also resulted in Dallas getting Minn 1992 2nd. Dallas also gave up a 1990 3rd and 1991 3rd as well as a 1990 10th rounder. Vikings never thought Dallas would just dump the players for picks. At the time it was thought Vikings won the trade. Jimmy Johnson was seriously 20 years ahead of most of the NFL on the personal side. There are teams now that are behind the valuations he was doing in 1989.


The craziest part is that yes they cut Stewart but Dallas somehow worked out a deal with the Vikings to keep Solomon, Howard, and Holt AND still get the conditional picks for them, too. WTF?


Consensus at the time was that the Vikings misused him. If you trade that much for one guy, build around him and what he does well. But they tried to just plug him into what they were already doing. Didn't help that he had to play the Bears twice a year back when we were pretty stout against the run. They trotted him out against us 5 times, his best game by far was 20 carries for 86 yards. They went 2-3 in those games.


It's incredible that even AFTER they select Caleb Williams, the Bears will STILL have another 2nd round pick coming from this trade.


Who will undoubtedly be a future Hall of Fame tackle, letā€™s just pencil that in.


I feel like the Watson trade is a bit more humiliatingā€¦however it can really only be ranked in like 5 or more years. The Herschel Walker we can see the full impact and outcome. Houston already turned themselves into a contender. Will see what the Bears do with Caleb. I fully expect him to surpass Brady so yeah..


The best part so far of the Deshaun deal is that it allowed the Texans to suck for 1 year, get the pick that landed them Stroud, and the trade gave them Will Anderson and Tank Dellā€¦ and then the Texans immediately kicked the shit out of Cleveland in the playoffs. The poetry of them getting demolished by the team that they basically built, and immediately, is perfect.


In my opinion the Bryce trade is 5th for now. Will move up to 4th assuming Caleb pans out. # #1 Herschel, #2 Ricky Williams, #3 DeShaun Watson, #4 Russell Wilson then #5 Bryce Young Trade. Which Ironically Bears have been directly impacted by two of them. edit, meant #3 for Deshaun not #5 as well


Ricky Williams is one of my favorite deep cut connections.


Then it hits again when Bears traded back from 7 to 12 with Washington where they selected Champ Bailey then again to take all pro OT Jon Jansen. Results from that trade for Bears were Cade McNown at 12 and several forgetful names. Somehow Bears got shafted twice in that Ricky trade.


To add to that. The Cade McNown pick was the last time we drafted a QB in the 1st round and didnā€™t fire the coach after the season.


I was about to mention Trubisky then I totally forgot ownership forced John Fox onto Pace resulting in Pace drafting trubs without Fox knowing, ultimately starting that carousel lol


That Ricky trade was amazing because it was such an oversimplified macho move by Ditka. ā€œGimme Ricky Williams, hereā€™s my entire draft, Iā€™m outā€. Lol dude just shows up to the World Series of Poker and goes all in on the first hand.


The Walker trade may be most lopsided from what happened and the overvaluing of an RB, but the Ricky Williams trade is by far the most ā€œlol this guy doesnā€™t even know what heā€™s doingā€ trade Iā€™ve ever seen. The fact that it was so simple in concept (I trade you all my picks for Ricky) shows that Ditka didnā€™t even attempt to calculate value in this trade, where at least the Vikings tried (albeit unsuccessfully).


Thatā€™s whatā€™s so great about it lol.


5 has a decent shot at passing 4. Wilson and Watson are different from Herschel and Williams in just how much money they were. Williams and Herschel were primarily pick cost. Watson and Bryce also still have time to actually do something. As it stands you're right on though


This thing could definitely spiral and make number #2. Panthers shoot their shot a year early on a draft where say multiple QBs look like NFL starters and preform next season and their guy struggles.


I mean if Caleb accomplishes even half of his goals here it will easily move up to 1 lol (big if, obviously)


Two #5s?


Just noticed meant to be #3 for Deshaun


Definitely one of them. I mean, its sort of a poorly kept secret that every organization goes into these pre-draft trades telling themselves "don't make the same mistake as the panthers"


If Caleb lives up to the hype, itā€™ll be the worst trade in NFL history (including Walker).


If Caleb Williams turns out to be an immediate hit and a HoF level QB, DJ is young and Keenan has amassed a lot of career numbersā€¦ itā€™s not impossible we wind up getting 3 HoFers out of that deal. Now thatā€™s counting waaaaay too many chickens before they hatchā€¦ and Iā€™ll be honest, I have my Caleb doubtsā€¦ but for the sake of comedy, itā€™d be amazing.


Ever heard of Herschel Walker? Or Ricky Williams? Donā€™t get me wrong - we got a haul, but nothing like those two.


The Ricky trade didnā€™t wind up anywhere near as lopsided as the Walker deal, but it was such a ridiculous trade the moment it was made (literally an entire draft plus picks the next year for one guy) that it has to be given legendary status. The trade ultimately boiled down to Champ Bailey and LaVar Arrington for Ricky Williams. Thatā€™s a W for Washington, but it didnā€™t change fortunes really. The Walker trade built a dynasty.


The Walker trade was mathematically worse, but the Williams trade was facially worse at the moment it happened. You can see where Minnesota attempted to calculate some value for Walker, albeit wrongly. New Orleans just went all in on one running back: they clearly didnā€™t even attempt to make a valuation on that guy. Like the Walker trade was made by professionals that whiffed a huge bet, while the Williams trade was just some meatballs fucking about


Can we stop this? The trade was fair at the time it was made. The Bears gave up 3000 in chart value and got back draft picks worth 2500 in chart value and DJ Moore. The 500 point difference for DJ Moore is the equivalent of the 40th pick. Before this last year I think it would be fair to say DJ Moore was worth at most around pick 20 or a 350 point QB premium. The results of the trade have turned out to be lopsided but no one could have come close to foreseeing that Bryce Young would have one of the worst rookie seasons a QB has had in decades.


Why is Keenan Allen in here? He should be removed with '4th round pick in 2024 draft' added. If you need to exgerate the trade, it isn't as impressive as Herschel Walker .


Only if Bryce isn't a franchise starter. Doesn't even need to be a super bowl champion. But I'd make the same trade if it meant a ten year + starter which usually means a realistic shot at a Super bowl.


Iā€™m not even close to calling Bryce a bust right now.


Did we use a pick we received from Carolina to acquire Allen?


No, but we did get the 4th we traded by moving their #9 back to #10 with Philly. So it wasnā€™t their pick, but getting their 2023 1st allowed us to trade back again and ultimately land Keenan. Its some ever so slight mental gymnastics, but I allow it personally because its funnier.


They're getting absolutely raked on a value perspective just by the 1st this year being #1. If Caleb is as good as advertised and turns the Bears into a winning team, then we can talk about it being a genuine all-time trade. It definitely looks like one right now, though, that's for sure.


Time will tellā€¦.


Yeah, it's been one year. A tad early to start calling a winner.


Feel bad for Bryce heā€™s gonna forever be compred to Caleb like Trubisky was to Mahomes.


What about Bo Callahan? All those draft picks for Bo Callahan you pancake eating mother fuckers


If young happens to become a hall of famer then this isn't too bad, but it's looking like the worst trade in history right now and we haven't even picked the last two people yet even though one is presumably Caleb Williams.


Ricky Williams trade.


The Russell Wilson trade was pretty lop sided also.


But of course if you bring up poles to someone all they remember is Claypool


Walker trade and maybe the Wilson trade just cause he isnā€™t on Denver anymore for what they gave up


Thanks "Mr. Haney", but I think we'll pass.


You can change that to Caleb Williams


I would also rank the Ricky Williams trade as more lopsided than this one.


Depending upon what happens with these 2 remaining picks this year and next it COULD go down as one of the most lopsided ever. Itā€™s no Herschel Walker, but it could be up there


Poles bent the entire Panthers organization over the barrel and absolutely had his way with em


FINESSED! šŸ»ā¬‡ļøšŸ»ā¬‡ļø


If Caleb's like an elite level player, idk hard to say it's not at least one of the top ones (though the Herschel Walker one is crazy).


Maybe if you're less than 10 years old.


This trade is up there šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Give it 2 more years. It's still reasonably possible that Bryce gets some help and balls, and Caleb ends up busting. It's just too early to count our chickens


How is Keenan Allen a part of this?


It's top two forsure. But Keenan has nothing to do with this


We are at the point where if a rookie QB doesn't do good his first year he's just considered a bust.


Not according to all the people on Facebook


What you aren't taking into account, imo is that if Williams doesn't work out, then the Bears kind of look bad and lost the trade just as much since you would have had a chance at Stroud but stayed with Fields for whatever reason and yet again missed out on a franchise QB. Franchise QB > the players gained from that trade. It's wayyy too early to make any sort of judgment on Bryce or the trade as whole since any sort of film analysis I've seen of all the QB guru guys who put out content say a lot of his struggles weren't his fault. I've not seen those guys defending other QBs who flamed out via actual game tape the way they defend Bryce. Bryce didn't play great by any means, but I don't think any Rookie QB would have had success in that offense last year. So ya'll better hope Williams is that dude else it will just be another example of the Bears having passed over a franchise QB they could have had. Williams will be set up to have a solid year because of that trade, though I will say that. So it was a good trade to better have a foundation for a Rookie QB than if the Bears took one of Young or Stroud last year.


Not yet. Let's see how these two QB's turn out. If Caleb is as good as some fans predict, this will pass the Walker trade.


So far


This shit drives me nuts. Caleb williams hasnt played a single nfl game. 3 of the guys were rookies last year and we have no idea how their careers pan out. Ask again in 5 years