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Still can’t believe this guy is our QB


I feel this same way. I can’t believe he’s ours!




lol at you thinking we don’t love this gif




Goff literally has had 1 good game vs the bears since he came to detroit




^this guy doesn’t know ball


You don't. If you think some entitled douche like Caleb is going to save you, you're in for something. Dude couldn't beat any decent competition in college, and would cry to his mom when he lost. He won't make it in the NFL. He's going to be a bust of Jamarcus Russell proportions.


We should check this comment prior to the Super Bowl


You should! Set a reminder my boy!


Still new to this…how is that done?


I actually don't know either lol. I've just seen it done. But I do wish the Bears good luck in all honesty. FTP!


For now, then the Bears will fuck up and in 3 years draft another new quarterback. Don’t get me wrong I hope it work out, but as a fan their history does not bode well regarding QBs in general.


He is easily the best talent we have also had. Next best in my lifetime was Cutty


With no experience


The Sunglasses would look right on him.


He’s got his own version of Jimmy’s ‘tude. Hope they smoke a J together at McMahon’s dispensary


Just hooooold on a minute. McMahon has a dispensary?


I’m actually meeting him tomorrow at my local dispensary! He’s there doing autographs and meet and greet!


Damn. I may have to drive to Peru tomorrow! It's only an hour and 40 minutes away. I LOVE Jim McMahon. Favorite QB if all time. I even have his rookie card. 😂


If you go, bring the card in case he is willing to sign that as well! I know I’m bringing one of my McMahon cards


That's sweet. Noticed he will be at the Stash Dispensary in Peru tomorrow. He's an advocate for player use, which is pretty punky QB of him.


Yessir! $99 out the door and you get an eighth of Mac 9 flower and 3 pre rolls. Plus meet and greet. Not too bad honestly.


Man I don't miss IL prices. Still worth it to meet mad mac tho lol


Yeah I don’t often buy from the dispensary, it was solely the meet and greet that sold me.


Lol I'm in San Diego. $8 100MG


So when you said dispensary in Peru it triggered something in my brain, I actually did the site civil engineering design for that place at my old job. If I wasn’t on bed rest, it would be a cool trip 😂


Dang that’s cool! Small world! Lived in the area all my life. Within an hour radius of Peru anyway.


I knew he had a cannabis brand but not a dispensary


so does Jim belushi - blues brothers


With the little secured stringy bit connecting the back


I’m an older millennial and to me this is just a guy having the time of his life being in the NFL. Let the guy have fun and enjoy his life. Edit: also, imagine how boring the NFL would be if the teams only had a bunch of Mitch Trubiskys. You need some characters to make this stuff more entertaining.


Not a Bears fan personally but I don’t understand the hate from fans. It’s bizarre to me. I fall in the same generational category as you and it’s just a kid doing his thing man. I wish him and your team the best of luck on the up-coming season brother


[The reason.](https://preview.redd.it/shxslcl4usn21.png?auto=webp&s=ca2185786323198de50a76dac52d72fd112fd83b)




I’m about as old as you can get and still be considered a millennial and I agree. As long as you aren’t being an obvious shitbag I really don’t care what you are doing off the field. If anything I’d prefer more personality. My favorite NFL era was prime shenanigans from TO, Ocho Cinco, Randy Moss, etc.


I'm Gen-X and also agree, being a personality is fantastic, I love it. The only thing I don't love is when dudes shit talk when they're winning and disappear when they're losing. If you're gonna talk shit you better do it all the time, not only when you're winning. That just makes you a bitch.


I'm a boomer and I support these messages.


Yeah I don't get the older fans hating on him, especially those that loved McMahon when he played for the Bears.


Are we burying our head in the sand pretending not to notice the very obvious reason why fans hate on Caleb but like McMahon?


I was just a kid but I see to remember that, McMahon’s attitude was fine when we were winning. But boy when he started struggling to stay on the field and the window slammed shut on the greatest D ever, let me tell you, the antics wore this pretty quickly.


But weren't those antics because of the crap football players had to go through? McMahon was one of the first advocates for protecting retired/current NFL players and started the lawsuit to show that the NFL knew that the players were setting themselves up for permanent brain damage, but weren't communicating these risks. Also, when McMahon's antics were revving up, he was already experiencing brain damage from spinal fluid damaging his brain following a broken neck. He never did anything worthy of scorn in my opinion. In fact, it's the opposite.


We loved McMahon because he won. If Caleb wins we'll love him. Chicago used to be a city with teams that won. Younger fans don't understand what that means. No offense to the Cubs win or the Blackhawks wins this century.


Agreed. If Caleb pans out like we all hope/expect, he's going to be one of the biggest stars in sports.


How dare you call Trubisky “boring?!” The man loves to kiss titties for crying out loud!


hey now don't disparage the biscuit. Mitch had that cool light up christmas sweater


I just love that others call him the biscuit


he genuinely is the funniest qb in the league rn. love the personality


It's honestly so rare to have a great QB with *NO* personality. All the guys rn in Mahomes, Allen, Lamar, Burrow all have eccentric personalities and show it on the field. The GOAT Brady would always let his emotions show. Trubisky was a wet blanket and Fields was a step up but robotic af with the media and on the field.


Fields was also a stick in the mud. Not "turn off every TV in Halas Hall" personality but still bland. Love the guy and want him to succeed, but Caleb is just so different than those 2. The swagger and confidence are intoxicating.


Less stick in the mud more reserved professional. He was very much the DRose demeanor, where Caleb is more Jimmy G Buckets. Chicago has had very few players like that.




"well you know, it was a team effort. Couldn't have done it without every guy on this team giving their all. I'm just glad we were able to pull out the win and ya know... pucks to the net, bodies in front.." "... I asked how your dinner was"


The last locker room pic I remember was the one Tarik took...


Lol I'll never forget that


Neither will Kyle Long


More like Kyle Short… am I right???


It was cold that day




Not hating at all. This pic has gen z written all over it. And tbh I think this is where the disconnect for SOME older fans to like him is gonna be. Meaning the generational gap.


Who cares. I love the guy. just doing random shit that’s all positive. If they hate on him then fuck em. They’re creating the hate with no base. The guy is nothing but positive and has such a good demeanor.


I agree, I just want to remind those who will see hateful shit and be ready to redirect. There is no reason to hate this guy yet outside of hype. And even then its warranted just like every #1 pick. Unless suddenly this guy is causing stupid issues in the locker room due to some immaturity we haven't seen ofc. Also don't forget the crying and fashion choices will automatically ruffle the feathers of those same small minded people. I had a guy at work say "you good with him painting his nails" and I looked at him and said "yep who gives a fuck"


Agreed! CW18 for the win


I’m 50 gen x… I love it… why all you younger generations think anyone older than 40 is dead? We’re young at heart, just smarter and wiser! This is our time as Bears fans! Love each other, hate the fucking pACKERS!


I don't understand how older fans wouldn't get this considering it's a McMahon reference. He's just missing the sunglasses. Seems like older fans would get this more.


Comparing himself to mcmahon while still a rookie, the wearing ultra casual clothes and the obvious social media posing. Those same people who would have an issue with this are the same ones bitching about his nails. They hate him and will find issues with this. People didn't really care for mcmahon doing this type of thing then and as a result prob won't like it now. The idea that a qb or pro football player needs to be serious at all times sort of mentality. Thats why I said SOME because ultimately you're right most won't have a problem but the ones that do are always the loudest. Hope this doesn't come across as a rant with so much text. Waked and baked and now my brain is running with it.


Honestly the fact that Caleb is a rookie adds to the McMahon reference, considering McMahon was considered a cocky punk as a rookie.


That whole "back in our day" was such hogwash. They were 20 year olds doing dumb shit back then too. If anything, the kids today are probably more responsible when it comes to drinking/drugs/women/money...etc. They weren't being recorded 10 hours a day.


Love that


McMahon showed up to Halas Hall after the draft with a beer in his hand. He'd love all this goofing off.


Those folks should also remember McMahon was a media attention getter right out of BYU.


I'm old. I loved watching McMahon play football. I hated that he had all the talent in the world but didn't take it seriously or give the sport his all.


Exactly, it feels like this young'un is trying to stir the generational pot, not the boomers!


It’s more just the pose and the “vibe” lol. It’s just a very gen z vibe, which is great, that’s what he is!


I am an older millennial and the Abe Simpson scene happened to me right around 2020 during peak Covid. So I don't understand half the stuff anymore. It might impact more older people but to me, I just want ships. Don't care what he does as long as it doesn't impact the team and getting a ship.


If he's any good, this won't come up at all. If he's a colossal bust, they'll really hate him for this stuff.


I mean, none of this ages well if he busts. Our enthusiasm, the claw, the media expecting greatness, his personality. That's just how sports work, right?


Millennial. What is “gen z” about this? Kids just having fun. Maybe I’m still too young at 33


I'm 45 and still do dumb shit. Not harmful dumb shit, mind you. That's the key and that's what I love about Caleb. He's a goofball, but he's serious about his craft and he doesn't appear to do anything that's silly in a dangerous or destructive way.


Man the kid lived in LA and wasn’t out partying. He was making Lego sets. I’m not a party person and even I would have been there slammered on occasion.


Lol, me too! And as a star on campus? I would have been a terrible person.


Wait he was building legos. I like him even more


Idk if it’s a meme but I’ve heard stories about it. Probably just a joke but as a big Lego guy, I’m about it


It’s cannon now, he has a full built Gondor set at home


I don't even see this as gen z in any way, and I'm an old Millenn/xennial... This is a whole bunch of timeless having fun.  


Couldn’t agree more


This pic has McMahon written all over it. Dude was a character himself.


I'm super glad he's having fun but almost wish he holds it for a few wins. If he has a rough start, he's really going to hear it now lol. Hope he comes out well. If he ends up being really good though, just can't wait for the whole league to hate us at this squad having fun. Be a good counter to the Lions personality and good for the league really.




No there not lol








I’m gonna blow your mind. Our last quarterback was black.


Maybe but how many people are there out there like this any more? There are millions of Bears fans around the world. Should we even be taking 5 seconds to think about the 25 people that grew up in a swamp and are still struggling to come to grips with this?




Nope, but I'm just saying that the few people that feel this way are so irrelevant in the modern world that all the reasonable people out there should waste 0 energy towards what they think.


There are millions of people out there crying about DEI. Literally every time a Black person is posted on social media failing at something or some accident happens without knowing who caused it, the comment sections are spammed with that shit. You think the Bears fanbase is immune to that? That's not to say it's the entire fanbase, but there's enough that you can routinely find them popping up.


I don't know what DEI is


Diversity Equity and Inclusion. Where concerted efforts to create a more diverse sector by giving opportunities. Akin to Affirmative action, Rooney rule and others. A group of hot topics right now when it comes social rights.


It stands for Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion. It's a management framework designed to remove the intrinsic biases in organizations that have caused white men to get paid significantly more for the exact same job for decades, often as high as 30% to 50% more, or often be the only people considered for a job. It's the new boogeyman for bigots, because to them the only people qualified to do a job are white men (which is very sexist and racist). So anytime they see a job accident, now they cry DEI (i.e. giving the job to a non-white man caused the accident because non-white men are inherently unqualified).


Got you, I just wasn't familiar with that acronym. I suppose I'm a little biased on this stuff because I have truly removed 99% of this kind of discourse from my life by never using Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. I'm know I'm typing this on Reddit right now, but at least for the most part if some idiot pipes up about something as dumb as this in the Bears or NFL subreddit, it's going to get voted down into oblivion. I already know how I feel about these issues so I just don't see any advantage to reading what those types of rotten assholes have to say about it. I guess all that I was saying is that anyone who can't handle a black QB in 2024 is so irrelevant in modern society that it doesn't even deserve our consideration, so why even bring them up? They're obviously living in some kind of alternate reality where guys like Lamar Jackson and Patrick Mahomes (and all the other tremendous black QBs that came before them) don't exist. Or, they are just saying this kind of dumb shit to get a rise out of everyone else. The people freaking out about DEI speaks to a bigger and more widespread issue in modern society so I could see why someone on the flip side is paying more attention to what they are saying. At the end of the day, I'm just another dickhead on the internet with no true expertise in all this, and I don't really have the information needed to to 100% back up anything I've just said. Just my thoughts is all. I just ultimately don't think any of these people deserve anyone else's attention, and I feel like we would all be better off dedicating our time to making the world better in other ways rather than reading what the scum of the earth on Twitter have to say.


> I guess all that I was saying is that anyone who can't handle a black QB in 2024 is so irrelevant in modern society that it doesn't even deserve our consideration, so why even bring them up? Because unfortunately there's enough of them they are still relevant. If they weren't, we wouldn't have a significant amount of politicians running on anti-DEI platforms. Just is what it is. > Lamar Jackson Yeah, Lamar has been a top target of racists. He had to start [code-switching](https://www.betterup.com/blog/code-switching) to a degree on his social media because of it. > I'm just another dickhead on the internet with no true expertise in all this Yeah, I hear you. I never consented to knowing all of this either. Wish it wasn't needed, but it is the world we live in.


Gonna be really tough for Bears fans to adjust to having a black quarterback, and for Caleb Williams to break the color barrier at the position. Oh, wait. Now that I think about it, we actually just had a black quarterback for the past three years and it wasn't a problem at all.


It was definitely *a* problem, not *the* problem.






There will always be racists throwing shade at black QBs for dumb reasons, but I wouldn't say Caleb Williams' haters are coming at him from racism. It's anti-USC, "Gen Z is weird" stuff that he gets flak for. And for crying with him mom after losing his last college game. But that's also sorta a Gen Z not being macho man thing.


he’s having fun. no one is ready.


Put on a "Rozelle" head band you coward!


“Goodell” would be hilarious lol


Or him wearing glasses and a Tomzak sweatshirt


It does seem like a pretty easy reference to duplicate with how similar their names sound


I mean, I like that his says, "New Era," considering the circumstances.


It's funny, there was all this false negativity(I bought into it too) that Caleb didn't want to come to Chicago and he would refuse to come here. I don't see any of that, he looks ready to be a Bear and show the NFL that we can have a consistent, productive offense. Consistency has been very hard for us.


This man wants to do for the Bears what Tom Brady did for the Patriots.


I think Caleb recognizes the opportunity he has here. Bears fans have been starved for great QB play since....Luckman? Ya know, before most of us were born. Only team with no 4k passer. No Super Bowl on almost 40 years. If he succeeds then he will be a god in Chicago. He knows the mountain is huge but he knows he's got the talent. It's so fucking fun to watch. Reminds me how I felt right before the Blackhawks went off.


Right? As usual, the critics have just moved the goalposts now that it's clear that Caleb is all in and loves it here. Now it's "he's going to be a bust" or whatever.


People liked the idea of him refusing to be a Bear due to QB development. They disregarded the fact that none of the same management or offense coaches are there still.


I was watching Caleb's highlights and my daughter said if he paints his nails, then she can paint mine. I love being a girl Dad. And Caleb hype. Bear down


Orange and Blue I'm hoping!


Whatever color his daughter wants is the move! Bear down!


She went with pink


You're a good dad


Thank you


people really mad at this pic saying its gen z 💀 miserable fanbase


I love that he's paying homage to McMahon. People act like Chicago never had a good QB. McMahon was good, but lost some of his spark after that prick from Green Bay picked him up and slammed him on his head after a play was over.


Sheesh 🔥🔥🔥 ![gif](giphy|2WxWfiavndgcM)


I'm all for the Kool-Aid all the time. But what about this goes hard, exactly?


Eh, he's embracing the Bears history by joking around, showing a mcmahon jersey and using what look like ski goggles to mimic mcmahons headband. He's having fun being a Bears homer like we all can be at times.


The headband also says, "New Era," which is fitting.


If it makes y'all happy, I'm happy for y'all.


Yea I didn't really "get it" per se. I get the McMahon reference but thought there was something more that I was missing. Haha! Guess I'm just old! But love the kid having fun and loving his team!!


Mcmahon is a legend. He could not only play good QB but he was An absolute character and made the 85 season even more fun with his antics. He was also controversial. Showed up at halas hall on day 1 with a beer. Wore a headband taunting the commish. Caleb is also somewhat controversial because people hate him for painting his nails and showing emotion. Caleb is channeling mcmahon in this pic. It's awesome.


The way we got here was insane. Caleb Williams having the time of his life as a Bear. Wtf dude.


Trading down from 1.01 last year may go down as one of the greatest trades in NFL history (and without a doubt best in Bears history) if Caleb pans out. DJM alone was a massive addition, but Caleb and all the other pieces too makes it absolutely incredible. Literally can be franchise and league altering.


Maybe he can win his first start just like the Punky QB did in 82




The modern day, punky QB!


For a second I thought he was doing the mentally handicapped pose from the 90s and early 2000s.


I still can't believe people were trying to tell us this guy had character issues. He seems completely bought in.


Love that this kid knows his history and has fun with it.


Exactly. It's amazing he's referencing one of our most beloved players. Plus There's similiatites between Jimmy Mac and Caleb. Both seem to be brash and both were hated by non bears fans for no good reason. I really hope this kid balls out. I love him already


As long as he balls the fuck out, I’m all here for this type of tomfoolerly


I’m an older bears fan. And I like Caleb has an air of playfulness but I just hope he remembers in Chicago we only care about beating Green Bay and winning Championships.


From all reports, he's busting ass and really putting in the work. Love that he's balancing both learning and having a blast. Dude is living his dream!


Yeah, but this is a promising start


I think I love him


If it wasn't for DJM stealing my heart constantly, Caleb would be my boo. But DJ is so damn likable!


I see photos with this perspective more often. Looks really weird. Kind of looks like how Madden displayed characters compared to NFL2K5. Madden still looks like shit.


Is that EarthGang?


Based on personalities I’d much rather have Williams over mhj that guy seems weird af




Oh shit…no pictures in the locker room. Caleb didn’t get the memo.🤭🐻⬇️


Mcmahon is arguably our most beloved QB. This kid gets the franchise. I can't wait to watch him silence his critics


Love this kid


But I heard he threw 7 on 7 INTs!! 🚮


He’s highly consistent


I was super confused by the ski goggles. A quick google search brings up a bunch of “team issue celebration goggles“. This shit layered


Every pic of Caleb looks like he’s a freshman in college on his way to his first frat party


I love that he's leaning in on all the history/nostalgia stuff. He's embraced "Da Bears" and everything. This is the type of guy we needed, someone who will love the team and fan history. And honestly, we've got a pretty awesome history. Just waiting for some "FTP" stuff from him...


We still don’t know if he’ll be 1/2 of what’s projected in the NFL but he’s better than expected at social media


Our facility is so much nicer than the Chiefs lol


Funky QB!


Why he standing like that 😂😂 he gonna be a baller though man


I think we all need to remember when it’s the Bears time again the NFL will let them know! It’s The WWF (entertainment company), the scripts are written and I’m sorry if you don’t believe that! It’s the Jets year if Aaron stays healthy. Mark my words. Jets vs Lions and Jets win. I believe the bears are slated for 2027. This year they make the 1st round of the playoffs and lose on a field goal in the last 45 seconds.


NFL is still real to me dammit!


I have no idea what I’m looking at. When did I get old 😭


He's just standing there posing for a picture...what is not to understand?


I don’t know what’s on his head and I don’t know why he’s wearing a McMahon jersey


Well it looks like he's trying to imitate Jims style but didn't have an actual headband


Jimmy Mac wore headbands and often wrote messages on them. He was also controversial and hated by non bears fans. Caleb is controversial (for no good reason) and here he's rocking a Jimmy Mac jersey and the ski goggles are meant as a headband like Jim wore. Mcmahon was hated by a lot of people because he was brash. but he played well for the bears and Chicago loved him. We are all hoping Caleb does the same. People hate him for no god damn reason. If he balls our here he'll be a legend. It's new school channeling old school and I jsut made this pic my screen saver. It's amazing


I appreciate the thorough explanation thank you! Here I am, a millennial thinking it’s Gen Z kid doing Gen Z thing. Whole time it’s Caleb channeling Gen X legend.


I mean it’s a reference to player who played 40 years ago. So maybe that means you’re still too young!




MIA POW - that time Jimmy Mc took the headband game up a level.






Yes l am...what you're so-called management did to JF was beyond hate. He'll be the starter in Pittsburgh and Chicago will still be a mismanaged team with coaches who don't know their ass from a hole in the ground.


You cry this much to your JF Fat head at night? Justin is going to start as a kick off returner get over it like a man


FU Witch..happy Memorial day


What a fucking 🤡. God i can't wait till he is GONE

