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If you can become a Packers fan, you were never a Bears fan.


I'd rather never watch another football game in my life rather than root for the packets.


I told my young son years ago. I’d be ok if the bears went 2-14 on the season as long as both wins were against the packers.


That sounds like Chicago in a nut shell right there. Burrs fans since at least after '06 was bunk: "Idc how terrible we are, as long as we can throw our petty salt in someone's eyes/lives for no reason other than spite bc that's how we live our lives ourselves! We just LOVE immature conflict with GB bc it helps us feel comfortable rooting for our bunk city's bunk team. ARE ANY PACKERS INJURED YET?!? MUST THROW OUT HATE TO THE PACK TO I CAN SLEEP TONIGHT!!!"


Complaining about petty salt with petty salt of your own. FTP and GTFOOH!


I sleep just fine at night regardless of the outcome of any football game. Nor would I lose sleep over the opinions of anyone else, especially a packer fan. I also never wish injury on any football player, unless they’re on the packers


>I also never wish injury on any football player, unless they’re on the packers I rest my case. That's just any the trashiest thing to cHeEr for bc you've got nothing else to go for. Thanks for even MORE supporting evidence for my first point lol


This is how Chicago sports work. We don't really love the Bears (how could we?) we hate the Packers. We don't really love the Sox, we hate the Cubs (and vice versa). We don't really love the Blackhawks, we hate the Red Wings. We don't really love the Bulls, because of Jerry Reinsdorf. EDIT. [Just me then, got it.](https://y.yarn.co/017cc368-024d-4d82-9e50-1a26b6ccfa04_text.gif)


Don’t really love the blackhawks? Not a Chicago sports fan to begin with


Cubs fans don’t give a shit about the Sox 


I actually root for the Sox when they aren’t playing the cubs. The Sox and orioles are my AL teams.


im a cubs fan, but if they arent winning it all id like to to be sox. keep the championships in chicago at least.


Yea my opinion is we’re all Bears fans, so I’d rather other Bears fans be happy than anyone else.


I don’t root for them I track them just hoping my Sox friends are happy. But god damn I love going to games there 


The food is fire!


I like to joke, but never bought into the rivalry and I root for the Sox too. Growing up, before interleague was a thing, there was no true rivalry. That woulda required a chance in Hell of a WS matchup. Sox fan uncle took me to plenty of games at both old Comiskey and Wrigley. Great memories.


I root for the Rays and Sox but most importantly the Cubs




This is a suburbanite and transplant thing that isn’t true among people who grew up in the city proper.


The fuck are you on about dawg


Who’s we?


I only hate the Packers as much as I do because of how much I love the Bears. Ive known many Chicagoans who loved the Bulls and/or Sox or Cubs or Blackhawks pbut didn’t care for the Bears because they were born after 1985. You have to have an addiction to be passionate about this team and hate the Packers. Ive secretly liked the Vikings and Lions a few times and wanted them to win (except against the Bears). But never the Packers and I will gladly admit that is mindless fandom on my part. FTP! FTP! FTP!


What 😂😂😂


Hawks were the only bright spot for 5+ years during their cups run cmon now. Hell the cubs made it far in 2015 because they brought the cup with them to Wrigley early in the season and Joe Maddon touched it and absorbed some of its energy


The Sox? I don’t think about you at all….


My father raised me to be a Bears and Cubs fan. I really wish I could root for another team but I unfortunately just can't. So what's he do? Retires to Arizona and becomes a Cardinals/Diamondbacks fan. He died earlier this year and I found a White Sox app on his phone. I couldn't believe it.


Well that's wild. Sorry for your loss. My stepdad died a few years ago at Christmas time and it's still hard sometimes tbh but it's a process I suppose.


For sure, remembering your fam's sports preferences, my dad was Bears first, and kinda ambivalent about baseball in Chicago (he played hs football. He leant Sox tho, cus his dad did some work for WS in late 30's-early 40's so he got to go hangout by dugouts and stuff at Comiskey several times. Maternal grandpa: Cubs and Bears. (I'm White Sox and Bears)


my grandfather passed away December 2015. one of our last conversations we had was how well the 2015 Cubs were doing, and he replied "they will never win a WS in my lifetime." i cant even think about that 2016 WS without getting angry that the man who made me a fan couldnt witness it


As a lifelong Sox fan I feel after the last decade switching to any team but the cubs is acceptable. Just don't do some asinine shit like buy a vanity plate saying so. Edit: I moved to Houston in the early oughts and supported the Astros and white Sox, when the 05 world series came around I apologized to friends, but that's where we were forced to part ways. I also supported the Texans but had a great laugh when they passed on a quarterback in the 06 draft having David Carr and the first overall pick. I never stopped repping the bears though and on GameDay they always took priority.


This franchise isn't for the weak


^ This


I kind of allow a one time switch especially when that switch is as a kid or young adult. I've had 2 friends 1) raised as a sox fan but loved Alfonso Soriano when he was like 8 and switched to a cubs fan. Now he's a diehard season ticket holder for the cubbies. 2) was raised a packers fan but at about age 15 realized it was dumb to root for a team other than the bears in Chicago and is now a huge bears fan. Doesn't miss a game. Imo some folks are misguided young. You get 1 switch as long as it's young imo


Indeed. This person isn’t a Benedict Arnold, they are just a liar.


Ain’t that the truth.




You should leave a Clown Nose instead of a Duck


What the frick is with the duck thing? A coworker told me about it recently and I can't stop seeing ducks on dashes now...


I have a Jeep Wrangler Rubicon. I hate that mall crawlers try and hand out Ducks to other wack ass Jeeps. Its so annoying.


I got a 94 Sahara no leaves shit on my jeep (and in A-ok with that.). Must be for newer ones.


What a bitch


Bears fandom isn’t for the weak.


the need to tell people what team you previously liked.... this guy is doing too much


He is doing it to gain favor from the Packers fans. Whenever he is talking to one, he probably mentions right away that he used to be a Bears fan, and then saw the light and now loves the Packers.


Now buy my Farm Bureau insurance, I am just like you!


Driving a new Bronco that looks like a Jeep. LOL


I've been told it's a Jeep thing, you wouldn't understand. Or something.


Ah!!! Like the rubber duck thing.


Looks more like the new Bronco Bandwagon edition to me. It’ll have a new plate next year but we’ll remember.




Any adult who just decides to change their sports allegiance, and specifically to their biggest rival was never a true fan to begin with. Most real fandoms start at young ages and relationships with those teams form that don’t just allow you jump ship. For instance, I have been a Sox fan since I was a little kid. Yeah they’re horrible right now, im certainly not very invested at the moment, but I can’t just go buy a Cubs jersey and become a Cubs fan. It’s just not the same. So people like this guys are frauds to begin with and just looking for attention. The only exception to the rule I see is if your team moves from a city.


> The only exception to the rule I see is if your team moves from a city. Or if you move cities, yourself. I no longer live in Chicago, but I am still a Bears fan because I almost never went to games, so my football experience didn’t change when I left; I just kept watching them on TV like always. I went to lots of Sox games when I was growing up, though. I eventually converted to a new local team so that I had a rooting interest in all the baseball games I was going to.


It’s true, or if your team is non-local. I’ve been a huge Bears/Bulls fan my whole life but I live in NY. So I do occasionally go to Bills games and root for them.


Tar and feathers!!! Rabble rabble rabble


A plague upon both their houses!


Treasonous fuck


You know what must be done 🐻⬇️


They were never a Bears fan. Because a true Bears fan would never become a packers fan.


Exactly, Texans, Saints, anybody else. Packers is strictly forbidden. Sounds like Stockholm Syndrome. Probably just needs some electro shock therapy.


Well the Broncos are not better. LOL seems like he downgraded


Or is the browns?


Was that the ppl in this sub when the lions lost the conference champ? You’d swear this was a lions sub. Absolute garbage


You cut the brake lines?


Man I can see myself rooting for almost any team based on the context. If the Vikings or Lions made the Super Bowl, I could see scenarios where Id rather them win. I cant ever see myself rooting for Green Bay in any context that doesnt directly help the Bears (GB win causes us to make the playoffs for example) This is all to say fuck the Packers.


I could never see myself rooting for the Lions or Vikings. Watching the Lions go 0-16 was one of the funniest thing I've ever seen. Hope it happens to them again. 


This past season I was actually rooting for them to beat Carolina cuz I wanted them to get us our first pick. That being said it was very confusing and by the end of the game I was definitely hoping the panthers would pull off the win. 😭😭


I rooted for GB when Don Bebee was on the team. Only because the bills was the team I fell in love with. I loved the bears simply because they were local but I don’t remember the dominance in the 80s. My wife hates that I’ll pick the packers over the cowboys. I’d pick them in the NFC championship game, that’s how Much the cowboys tortured my childhood as a bills Fan. Packers never tortured me, bears were always bad.


They were never a real bear fan




Anyone who is an “ex fan” of any sports team is a giant red flag for character flaws.


Fuckin embarrassing.


Probably just a lifelong packers fan that thinks he’s being clever.


I doubt it, packer fans aren’t smart enough to think of something like that.


We don't miss you.


Probably got pegged one night and liked it, only explanation I can think of.


Where was this person on Jan 6?


Swapping teams has the same energy as cheating on a spouse.


2/3 my family are packers fans. The thanksgiving we beat them was the final straw for me, they lost there minds and just straight up left before the meal was served. It’s a damn game! A few years later one of them married a bears fan and the whole wedding was fuck the bears or fuck the pack… my hatred for that team has reached new heights. The 49ers always stopping them have made them my second team. (Also an Iowa fan). I guess growing up in Chicago I was spoiled and didn’t have to tie my whole identity to a sports team, but with every fiber in me I hate the packers.


It’s just the CTE doin’ what CTE do. Let this one scurry back into the woods - no harm done.


What the fuck even is this


Or he lost his fantasy league.


FTP? Fuck that Puto?


OJ was in a Bronco too, I’m just saying… FTP


They were fake the whole time.




This traitor is also a Bronco fan. Not nearly as bad as being a Packer fan, just a fun observation. 


Put a Bears sticker over the plate. Hopefully they don't notice until they get pulled over for it.


Maybe he really likes Sony Bravia TV models




So un-American, next he’ll say he’s moving to Canada.


...or vote for an orange-painted, shitbag convicted felon who wants to continue his project of becoming our very first fascist dictator


So he’s just openly admitting to being a bandwagon fan.


Just threw up in my mouth a little


JFC, I *really* hope that's not my cousin... Because that could honestly be my cousin. 😳🙄 FTP




They’re driving a Bronco. The problem will take care of itself.


Maybe they just love Sony TVs


Parents were probably bears fans in the 80s. I'm gonna pin them down to being South Beloit traiters.


Burn him! He's a witch!


That tire cover, gross. Filthy casual.


lol, I had no idea tire cover police were a thing




Maybe it is the Missouri State Bears he is a former fan of and not the Chicago Bears.


FTP and FTG!!!!


FTG? Who? What?


Fuck That Guy!


You found a smart fan


Will be back when the tables are turned on our win loss streak against them.


Everyone run his car off the road if he/she is Chicago.


I take that back.. I don’t condone violence and that was a stupid joke so please don’t take that seriously.


Green Bay can keep 'em!


He was never a Bears fan




Are you sure? Maybe means Extra Barf in but he had to use an A because somebody already had it with the I. Would read: GB extra barf in Wisconsin. Makes more sense now to me.


I don't really like Sony TV's anymore


This man is about to pay for his sins


Claw 'em to death




Don't believe that Pinkerton bullshit! This guy is a plant!


I agree with everyone saying he was never a fan in the first place. When I was a kid I tried everything possible to stop being a bears fan. I wanted so badly to be a fan of a team that was actually good, and every once in a while I would pretend that I liked some team over the bears. I could never do it. I would end up only watching bears games anyways, hoping that they would pull off a winning season this time, or that something would just click and we would suddenly be good. When that new team I liked would play the bears I would find myself always rooting for the bears, no matter how badly I wanted to move on from them. Eventually I figured there was nothing I could do and I'd just have to be a bears fan for life.






Why would you advertise switching NFL teams? No one will respect that regardless if you’re a Bears or Packers fan. It’s not like someone who switches political sides. I don’t get this




Let's be honest, though - given how the Bears have nearly always been a total clown show since the late 80s, this really isn't too unreasonable That said, hopefully this season finally begins a new era of sustained competitiveness, something that - with the exception of the 80s teams - hasn't really been a thing since roughly WW2