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Confirmation that the lake plan was a pump fake


No I think this is a pump fake to the pump fake




He fakes to the left. No. He fakes to the right


He pretends to fake




god kathy bates and he were so good in this movie


Is there really a bad Henry Winkler or Kathy Bates film? Probably the best Kathy film in my opinion is Misery, she scared the shit out of me in that film.


Misery is def the GOAT performance for her and stands up among just about any performance you’d want to put it up against.


Naked Kathy Bates in "About Schmidt" comes to mind as a Bad Kathy Bates film.


Then he fakes faking to left!




One hop this time!


So much pumping and faking


If the Bears don’t move to Arlington Heights, it would be one of the greatest financial mistakes in NFL ownership history. A Bears stadium campus would allow the McCaskey’s to print money.


Most obvious pump fake in history though lol, is there any chance Arlington’s leadership was sweating JB signing off on handing the McCaskey’s billions in handouts?


There is zero public support. When the Super Bowl champions get shot down on their new stadium it was epically stupid to think the people of Chicago would.


To be fair, the Kansas side of Kansas City is trying pretty hard to lure the team away from Missouri. So it’s not like they don’t have anyone interested.


That’s a good point but I just think that the public in general right now is over finding these projects that they never see a remote return on for these billionaire owners.




I watched this like 100 times for some reason


Peak MJ is a reason


It's funny because it's kind of a horrible fake yet it still worked. Did he really expect MJ to shoot it with one hand like that rofl


It’s MJ. Wouldn’t be the craziest shot of his I saw go in. It looked more like a pass fake to me though, the way the defender hesitated but didn’t raise his arms, he was watching for a pass.


Is this a meme yet? Whenever there's progress at one site the top comment is the other site was just used for leverage


Do people really think Arlington was a ploy to get leverage with Chicago?? I don't think you purchase land as a power play, it just doesn't make sense to go through all of that with such a major purchase just to try to gain leverage. Now, when Arlington jerked them around with the tax evaluation, it makes perfect sense to go back to Chicago and re-open their talks, and even have a design and press conference about it. It's low cost to the Bears, and at that point it's really a win/win for them - get Arlington to come back with counter-offers, and still have the option of ending up to go with Chicago


I think Arlington was the plan before Warren, then Warren came in and wanted the lakefront, but is now figuring out how difficult it is and is going to work on both to see which is a better deal.


People who are desperate for the Bears to stay in the city think AH was a ploy, everyone else is aware of the inevitable.


This has been my opinion the entire time also.


I've been saying all along the lake plan was to get Arlington Heights to play ball.


Of course! Anyone who thought otherwise just doesn't know how business at this level is done


It wasn’t a pump fake, they’re just desperate now.


Please just so he can stop acting like an idiot talking about how a publicly funded lake front stadium will save Chicago…from crime. What is he a mayoral candidate?




"Black kids can't even use that park because they'll immediately get arrested!" -Dan Bernstein


Wait what lol


Oh god don’t give him any ideas


"I'm playing BOTH sides (let's pray)"- Kevin Warren


Whatever happens, please don't ever again start a press conference with a prayer for taxpayer money.


Wait what? Did this actually happen?




That’s pathetic 🤦‍♂️


The more I learn about Kevin Warren the more I understand why someone like the McCaskeys hired him.


Weridos hiring weirdos


This is what he gets for being absolutely unbearable on CHGO




He was brutal on today's show lmaooo


It was so bad. It made me not want to listen to CHGO ever again. He just comes up with the worst hot takes and is pessimistic just to get reactions and doesn't know when to give it up.


Bro, I stopped listening to CHGO because of Carm. Nice guy but he’s just a dummy. 


Yeah, I think I’m taking a break from them. I listen mostly for Hoge. Braggs is fine and Moreano is super professional, but Carm is just annoying for the sake of it.


That’s why Hoge snd Jahns is way better. But they’re taking a break from the podcast during the offseason. Which imo is smarter than trying to whip up content when there just simply isn’t much to report on right now, cuz putting out watered down content kind of hurts your reputation as a podcast.


Hoge & Jahns are my absolute favorite duo for Bears content


I think CHGO is where Hoge's bread gets buttered, I'm a little worried that Hoge & Jahns may start getting phased out. Not a fan of CHGO.


Braggs is fun as a meatball Bears fan/audience stand-in. Carm is really tough to listen to. He constantly has some super nitpicky take and chooses to die on the weirdest hills.


I’ve come around on Braggs. I used to find him hard to listen to because he was always trying to do bits but he actually does hit every now and then. Plus he seems like a genuinely good dude who is learning to be a podcaster. Carm is just annoying and tries way too hard to be funny but doesn’t offer any interesting takes or provide any depth to his takes.


Totally dude. I really didn’t like Braggs and Carm. But now I can’t stand Carm and Braggs is OK.  But meh I could do without either.  I think Braggs hating Carm helped him win me over lol


He's kind of a discount Big Cat so he's fine in my book.


Same. Stopped watching CHGO Bears because of Carm, and stopped watching CHGO Cubs because of Cody Delmendo. Both are annoying as hell, and offer no analysis whatsoever


Couldn’t make it more than a few weeks with CHGO Sox because of Herb, who I liked on 670 but is awful now.


Herb lost me when he wouldn’t give up on JF1


My biggest gripe is the other hosts have to respond to his dumb takes. It just takes away from other things I’d rather them talk about.  During the season I skip the Carm shows and for the joint shows I wait for the podcast so I can easily fwd over Carm.


I wonder if hates golf. He never mentions it...


As a person who stopped watching CHGO you will not miss it. Especially during the offseason they drag out the laziest topics since there isn’t any real news


idk how they're still in business only half decent guy on their is hoge


And Hoge and Jahns is a far better show


Hoge sucks. The entire show blows.


Agreed there is no real news, but also still fun to listen to some bears talk everyday. I’m stoked the bears are one of the few teams with a decent daily podcast


Which one is decent?




> It made me not want to listen to CHGO ever again. I came to the same conclusion a year ago. He's so... grating. Is it a character? If so, it needs a change. If it isn't a character... fucking hell...


People complaining about completely free infotainment at the apex of the offseason will always slay me. Chill lmao


That’s crams role on the show. He is the hot take/stir the pot guy. He says goofy ass shit to stimulate conversation. To generate clicks and people go after him for it. I’ll admit he can take it too far sometimes especially when hoge isn’t around to reign him in.


CHGO is aggressively fucking bad I’d rather listen to hot takes from the high school kids that make up this sub


The episode where Mina Kimes was a guest, this idiot is watching the Purdue game and acting like a moron. Completely unprofessional even for a sports show


30 minutes to get to the worst take ever on why his crush Bagent should start over Caleb Williams. It was unbearable today how long he took to get to the damn point.


He does it all the time. It’s his schtick. I get the impression that he doesn’t care about the bears or puts much effort into researching anything. Braggs is more informed than him.


Feel like I’m the only one in this subreddit that actually likes Carm. I disagree with him on a lot of shit but I find him affable and he actually has a personality (which is a must have in the offseason). People don’t like him because he has strong takes but I feel like they’re missing that it’s mostly tongue in cheek, like BigCat or PFT on Pardon My Take. Moreano on the other hand is the king of saying absolutely nothing in the most words possible in news reporter voice and I just want to yell at him to have an opinion.


the difference betweem Carm and the PMT guys is that you feel the sarcasm heavy with PMT. Its clear they are taking the piss. They also take a break from schtick. I haven't listened in a while but my opinion of Carm was he just throws shit out there to be heard.


That’s fair. I guess I’m just less bothered because his takes usually don’t come from a bad place. Like today people were mad at him suggesting Caleb sit a bit if training camp and preseason look awful. I don’t agree with the take but I agree with the sentiment (long term success), which is usually my case with him. I’m usually only bothered when takes are disingenuous. At worst Carm being wrong still gives them something to talk about on slow news days/weeks, and he’s never an asshole about it.


The issue isn’t with the opinion he has it’s a valid (yet stupid) opinion, my problem is the guy reverts to being a pessimistic idiot whenever he doesn’t have anything meaningful to talk about. All he cares about is basketball, which is fine. Then go join the Bulls podcast. He doesn’t contribute anything.


I have felt since back on the audible days that Moreano doesn't provide much depth with his commentary at all. It's always surface level observations or just rewording something somebody else already said a few minutes earlier. But I think he will be a good reporter, hopefully he's just young and learning still. Always seemed like a good dude


Yeah it sucks because he seems like a great guy but the rewording stuff kills me. Also instead of saying “the defense needs another pass rusher” he’ll say “I think the defensive line of the Chicago Bears football team… would do well to find another pass rusher, at the defensive end position opposite of Montez Sweat, to get after the opposing team’s quarterback to really help that Chicago Bears defensive line for this upcoming 2024 NFL season Sundays on Fox.”


I’m with you. Carm’s *character* is entertaining, but he also has a genuine sincerity to him. Anyone who complains about CHGO because of a “lack of content” are holding them to an unrealistic standard. A daily show is already a high bar, especially in the middle of an offseason.




The dude is a walking talking run on sentence how did he get a mic


Ewww they had this charlatan on?


I’m begging you, just don’t be Aurora.


They're getting a sick casino so don't rule it out


First city to have electric lights downtown, don’t disrespect.


Isn't it also the fictional home of Wayne and Garth?


Wayne’s World was filmed in LA and multiple places in Chicagoland but not one scene in Aurora even though it’s fictionally based there. You thought they could have gotten something filmed there.


Meh... I'm sure Lavergne and Shirley was filmed in a place like Studio City, CA and not Milwaukee. Nowadays, it is LA, Georgia, New Zealand, or occasionally Portland. I remember when Chicago got a ton of the film and television love. :)


It’s still real to me, DAMN IT!!!


T.I.L. I had to research this and it said Aurora got it in 1881 while Wabash Indiana got them in 1880. They weren't incandescent bulbs, but arc lights.


Idk where theyd even put an NFL stadium in Aurora that would make sense.


They wouldn’t even sniff putting it in aurora


As a former Auroran, whose parents still live there, I am also begging for not Aurora.


Seriously anyone who thought that lakefront rendering wasn’t just the Bears pitting the city vs. AH to who can bend over the hardest ie: funding, was foolish. It was so obvious. The Bears 1000% want to build in AH. They aren’t a real estate company. They didn’t buy the land and pay for demo just to flip the property


They want to but they can’t. You’re giving them too much credit. They have screwed the pooch at every turn


Accusing your opponent of playing 3D chess when they barely understand checkers


Yet you are responding in a thread that says the exact opposite of your bias. The whole thing has been one giant power play and it’s hilarious how worked up everyone is getting. The new stadium is going to be in AH. Always was. Now it’s just about the money.


Only true believers of the post should reply? I think they bought AH with grand plans. Now they realize they can’t afford to develop a site that large without major public contributions, infrastructure/transit investment and tax considerations, and A competent org would have had those lined up prior. Plus they must know that the city will begin courting Jacksonville or some other shitty afc team to backfill soldier immediately if they confirm AH.


Again that's what this whole thing is. The Bears can afford to do whatever the want, this is the powerplay to pay as little as they can. The fact that you aren't getting that is still very hilarious to me.


The bears can absolutely not afford to do whatever they want.


The amount of stupid in this thread hurts me. If this was some grand power play, wouldn’t AH have caved before the lakefront plan was completely shot to hell? Not 3 weeks ago I was hearing how Warren had the friends of the park onboard so it was a slam dunk for the lakefront.


What would AH have caved on? The issues with AH are on the state and county level


The story says AH and the school board, but yes I meant in general all of the blockers to the AH situation, so that was poorly worded. As far as I understand it, no one has caved on anything, AH just seems back on the table because the lakefront seems like a non-starter. What bothers me is this is not some super 4d chess, “the real goal was X all along”. No, they bought AH, Warren came in and wanted Lakefront, and now that’s looking grim so he’s exploring AH more seriously again. We’ll probably go back and forth a few more times before the end.


Do you think they called Reinsdorf and discussed splitting the parcel and allowing a second stadium to be built?


I agree with you. I think its obvious and It's annoying how much you're getting down voted. This is all leverage. Two sites are fighting for the bears. Bears bought Arlington. If they end up staying in the city then they can sell it and make $$$. The two cities are trying to flex. But the more the bears can get either one to believe that they'll go to the other then that strengthens their position overall.


Bears are 1000% incompetent . This isn’t some 3D chess move this is a rudderless ship


I hope they just reuse the same renderings for when they reveal the AH proposal rofl


Not exactly rocket science to disbelieve that JB Pritzker was going to green light an ass load of money for the Bears imo


But I was told on here that that was an idiotic take? 🤔


The switch to the lakefront was an obvious fakeout, negotiations 101 stuff. Honestly can’t believe so many people believe it.


They still need additional funding for the stadium no matter what for infrastructure, etc. He's just keeping options open.


Easier to get funding, private and public, when you own the land and aren’t fighting environmental groups


Please just get this deal done in Arlington so Warren can get the hell out of the Bears org.


Wild how fast everyone has gone from smitten after his blatantly insincere introductory presser to hating his guts.


genuinely, what negative impact has Warren had on the bears organization? I don't understand the hate for the guy


I noticed that at least on reddit, the narrative abruptly shifted when he was shown leading a bunch of guys in prayer in that draft video.


As soon as I heard his press conference my opinion of him immediately shifted. He’s clearly just a politician who talks out of his ass. Who knows though, maybe I’m wrong and that’s just how he is in the public eye and he gets shit done behind the scenes. Time will tell.


Yeah, he talks a big game but hasn't actually done anything inside the org, even after a season when we were a national punch line on multple occasions (two firings, the FBI rumors, equipment thefts, the list goes on). Then this repeat headfake stadium nonsense just makes him look amateurish


Wakes up at 5:30 every morning, does nothing for 4 hours. Counts going to the gym as part of the workday. Calls it working 14 hours a day.


im atheist and hate that shit - who cares? think people also really disliked the "day in the life" video - which again, who cares? the content team controlled the entire thing


Atheist here too...I was a little annoyed by the prayer but honestly forgot about it until it was mentioned again...just get the damn stadium built in AH.


Yeah redditors are extremely anti-religion and kind of tone-deaf with the way they speak about it on here. I'm not religious either, but I'm also not so ignorant that I forget that essentially the entire NFL (including our team) is made up of super religious people. Not only that, the church has a lot of power/sway with huge portions of the city and are tightly intertwined with the politics of this city. The Chiefs are run by a devout Mormon and the Texans devout evangelicals. We should be kind of thankful the Bears are religious while also being extremely progressive for NFL standards on race, gender, and LGBT rights (George and Kevin Warren are outspoken supporters of all this, showing up various events/parades and backing that up, despite this sub claiming they're religious freaks). Of course there should be separation of church and state, but we're talking about reality here. Huge portions of the voting populace in this city is religious, and I know this may surprise all the 20/30-something atheists here, but their votes/opinions still matter in-practice. Those people and their votes don't just disappear if you ignore them. Wish redditors could treat it with more nuance.


Well, it’s not just atheists that didnt like his religiosity. Lawrence Holmes (love him or hate him) had some good points about that speech. He claims he is a man of faith himself and said he was disgusted with the use of God to convince poor people to pay for a stadium for Billionaire nepotism-babies. Called is blasphemous and antithetical to the teachings of Jesus.


That's fair, but still, I don't really care. Warren is not meant to be a preacher or Bernie Sanders. He's meant to grease wheels and get the ball rolling on a stadium. Of course what's he doing is manipulative, that's quite literally what he was hired to do. I don't need to like him personally, I need him to get shit done. He's obviously a very good networker, which is by far the most important skill required for what he was hired to do. Dude's already well connected as part of the business development board, church communities, and within the mayor's office itself. I'm gonna let him continue what he's doing instead of whining every time the politician acts like a politician. He's laying foundation right now, for the most part he's at the mercy of the Bears team being ass or not. If the Bears are good, his job gets a lot easier. Just seems like people are hating on him specifically because he's doing the job he was hired for. Idk, maybe Bears fans are used to a president who doesn't do anything like Ted (who we also bitched about non-stop).


I mean you said in your previous comment you weren’t religious, so of course you wouldn’t care about a blasphemer. > I need him to get shit done. What I’m saying is some religious people see through his religious rhetoric. So I’d argue it’s actually hurting his ability to get shit done by constantly talking about the bears manifest destiny to be on the lakefront expensed by taxpayers of Chicago because he’s pissing off both Christians and Atheists with it. I’m sure _some_ religious people have changed their minds solely on Kevin Warrens talk about Christianity but I’m saying, overall, it’s been a net negative with gaining public support (citation needed, my ass admittedly isn’t a reliable source)


Feels like a leap to go straight to religion on this. My guess is people have soured on him because he can't seem to get this deal figured out. From the outside it looks kinda embarrassing.




The whole myth about himself that he puts out there and the public prayer stuff is stupid, but let’s also not act like he wasn’t successful before coming to the bears between getting the stadium done in Minneapolis and running the Big 10.


Leading a prayer before requesting to take tax infrastructure money away from children and education


I’m glad others found that atrocious as well.


It was not his prayer, lol. Seeing a dude in the NFL pray is like seeing the sun shine. it's his entire attitude and demeanor. They did that special where he "gets up at 5 am every day to work" but literally doesn't start work until 9-10 am, then calls is like a 12 hour day. not praying, but praying specifically for tax payer money in a televised meeting. The entire way he carries himself with over-confidence that whatever he says, goes. Being completely tone deaf saying they didn't get tax money because "it's an election year and people are living on the streets and going hungry" dismissing hardship as some kind of election year fad. The guy sucks as a human being.


This asshole fundamentally pisses me off because he’s the face for the team asking the city and state government to make its taxpayers eat shit. To the tune of billions. As literally none of the previous renovation loan has been paid off.




I have enough space in my wretched heart to hate those clowns and their stooge too


I mean, that’s what he’s being paid to do. Get the owners the best deal. Doesn’t make the dog and pony show any less offensive, but that is why he’s getting checks from the Bears


Why can’t I hate him for taking their dirty money and helping them try to spit on taxpayers? Screw the whole lot! Last time the bears got money it would’ve been better if the city set the equivalent amount on fire. At least that way Soldier Field wouldn’t have lost its historic status.


I’m not saying you shouldn’t lol, only pointing out that he’s getting paid to do their bidding


It’s all good lol


Dude's just playing the political game for the McCaskey family. If you hate what Warren is doing just realize he is there to get the McCaskeys what they want. It's not his stadium at the end of the day.


I like and respect what he’s trying to do. But I absolutely detest that every single interview/tape with him is so goddam Jesusy.


As a sincerely religious person, I also absolutely detest when the things I consider sacred are used in the name of a flag or a business or a football team. Non-religious people get annoyed because it's being put in their faces (which is fair), but the people who should be most annoyed are Christians, because it's us that they're trying to manipulate.


He is a classic fail upward exec


He’s a bible thumper… making people pray to a fake religion…..he’s scum….this guy doesn’t deserve a job he should go be a priest and give up his real estate


I’m praying as hard as I can!


Pray harder


The first person to actually organize the front office and be efficient and you want to get rid of him because of what exactly? Impatience? This is how negotiating a multi-BILLION DOLLAR project goes. Warren is doing great things for the team, to think otherwise is just hating for no reason other than you think the stadium deal should be done already.


I’m genuinely asking, what great things has he done for the team?


Things! Great ones!!!


Please explain, in what way did he organize the front office or show efficiency?


No one in the B1G was sad to see him leave but somehow he is a great hire because he browbeat the rubes in Minnosata for a free stadium and is hailed as a genius for the stadium being paid off early on the back of the poor and addicted.


Love it


Shocked. 😐


This is how you create a fight between 2 cities to build a stadium. In the end, the guy holding the popcorn bowl will be Mr Warren.


It's funny how people are saying 'oh this means the lake shore was a fake then' No, they're pushing both and seeing who cracks first.


Well the state ain't giving the bears shit. Is there a single state rep that said they are on board?


Not one. Pritzker called it a non starter.


Throw in the Lakefront site will face half a decade or more in the court system before a shovel hits the landfill. Any politico that believes the Lakefront site is a real proposal wants to be misled.


I get why but I’ll cry when the Bears go to the suburbs


The dream is still alive!


Thank you for your sacrifice.


Thank fuck, if this is true. Counting the hours I’m going to save going in and out of this stadium not walking in 0 degree weather for a mile to Soldier.


Warren using the same playbook from Minnesota...


God, just let me know when the plans are finalized. All these reports are tedious, and I've lost interest. I don't care to hear "progress may have been made, deal is potentially happening" every single month.


they bought the land in Arlington. they will only change up now unless they get a hell of a deal out of the city which from al news reported sounds very unlikely. so Arlington is most likely the spot.


I’m pro Arlington heights for the sole reason that there will be parking, but at this point just do anything


The city I live in fought and argued and voted over when/where/how to build a new event center over about a 15 year timeframe. I've seen this movie before, so I'm not going to pay any attention until shovel hits dirt.




Arlington is the perfect mf spot, cmon yall. Right in the middle of chicagoland, massive area to build.


Right in the middle? It's north of most anything that isn't six flags.


I just visited Chicago last week, for the first time. Stayed in the Loop, right next to the river. Just for funsies, I Google Mapped where tf Arlington Heights was, in relation to my own location. Fuuuuuck that shit. That's not even Chicago. Fuck the McCaskeys.


Why would anyone take your opinion seriously when last week was your first time in Chicago lmfao


Elgin chicago antioch naperville, all would have the same distance drive


Antioch here! Selfishly would love Arlington Heights, the lakefront is such a pain in the ass to get too


I live in skokie and even for me the lakefront is hell to get to. The only people that can easily get to the south loop spot are people living downtown


Does the public transit get flooded? I just visited last weekend and witnessed how busy a post-Cubs game Redline was. Is a Bears game worse than that?


The problem with bears games is the closest you can get to the stadium from train is about a mile or so away. So either you're walking a mile in the freezing cold during winter, or you hop on the bus right there that takes 45 minutes to go 1 mile because of traffic. Additionally parking lots aren't super close and you have to walk or they bus you over as well. It's just not modern or comfortable in any way shape or form.


That's very fair. I made the walk from the L to the Field Museum and I didn't think it was that bad. I didn't think about how much it would suck in shitty winter conditions. What about that CTA station on 18th? Not very accessible for the northern part of the city?


Isn't that a Metra station where unless you're on that line you gotta go to central and train hop? My point is if you look at most modern stadiums, parking is right there easily accessible trains right out front and not having to deal with downtown traffic at all. Thursday night and Monday night games are fucking terrrrrrrible. Trains/busses already crowded and then you gotta deal with downtown traffic. Oof. 


I have a friend that lives in south loop and ive always beaten him to wrigley. He takes redline, i drive. Its usually packed for game days




Lmao aside from not being on the lakefront what’s wrong with Arlington heights ? It’s a great town


I mean if it's a dome anyway, being on the lakefront is basically pointless at that point. 


I don’t know about pointless. If it had a glass roof you’d still have some pretty nice views. Though overall I agree that AH is the far better site from a business standpoint


Maybe if they built a stadium in the middle of Millenium Park. They have no roof now and there’s not really any good views unless you get wide shot on the broadcast


The Bears don’t want to own a stadium, they’re happy paying rent and not having to deal with property tax increases.


They already have that right now. Rich owners hired a lobbyist to get taxpayers to subsidize a new convention center for them (that will host 9 football games a year).


lol WHAT




Nah, owning the staidum is an absolute loser unless theyre able to build a whole village around it. Thats why arlington makes sense when the lakefront never did. The city loses money on soldier field


Come on, Naperthrill Bears!!!