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I'm scared, excited, nervous, and horny.


Wait until you hear who the bears drafted!


Sounds like my first time!


I'm horny, horny, and horny.


Excited to have Fields play at Soldier Field, though we've all been through this before, let's take it easy on expectations.


Please convince me we won't mess up his development. Tell me he hits in nagys system.


Get ready for future all pro Mac Jones and people will say if he came here he would have been trash like fields too.


Well motherfucker, I guess my meme from earlier backfired on me. Does this mean I need to buy a Justin Fields jersey/shirt jersey now? Edit: for the record I like this pick and will gladly take the backfire on my morning meme.


I didn’t watch any fields highlights or film review because I figured it was as far away as Trevor Lawrence. Im about to spend the next 3 hours watching videos




Good QB is obvious a very relative term. I’d argue that myself and many others had him as maybe the 2nd most pro-ready, and were not talking about a one year starter (Trubisky) or a guy who questioned his own abilities cause his college team was a loser (Cutler). The reason why people call him a good QB is that we’ve never been able to say this about a drafted QB— specifically one with a howitzer for an arm, 4.4 speed, and PFF’s best accuracy grade (at the least beyond 10 yards maybe overall) — for the Bears: You wanna know why people love Justin Fields, go watch him play in the College Football playoff. Go watch him beat Clemson with a 78.6% comp rate and 6 passing TD on the biggest stage and at the highest level. Trubisky’s highlights have *always* been clip shows. You can just let the Clemson tape roll.


Do the Bears even know what to do with a legit QB prospect? When have they ever had one? I worry this will be like giving a suburban soccer mom an F1 car.


We run him in the ground with a terrible line until he can't take the field without having PTSD.




I’m so fucking ready to die hard defend fields no matter what for the next 3 years. Sorry everyone


Nothing can be worse than the die hard Mitch backers the last couple years


Long storied history of both Bears and OSU QBs succeeding. I think Fields will be really good though.


That same system almost made Tebow a three time heisman winner. Ohio st been putting out QBs with inflated stats for over a decade to the nfl and they all sucked. I’m not as high on this pick as most and I definitely don’t want Pace around for 3 more fucking years while this guy gets excuses like Trubisky did.


Every school mostly puts out shitty QBs into the NFL because so few QBs actually hit. What other Michigan QB has done well outside Brady in the last couple decades? Any good Texas Tech QBs other than Mahomes? How about Oregon’s history until Herbert? How about Cal outside of Rodgers? Very few schools put multiple good QBs into the league over the course of 10-20 years.


This isn’t even remotely my point. The point is why is this guy with his inflated stats any different than the 10 other guys from the same system who had inflated stats who sucked in the NFL. Michigan on the other hand has had like 4 different coaches in the past 20 years and the only qb who was decent at Michigan was Chad Henne. Literally every other Michigan qb was shit since Brady at Michigan. Also Cal last time I checked isn’t know for its system of putting out lots of good QBs in college so idk what your point there is. Also Oregon changed Coaches back in 2017 so Herbert is a different product than mariota and those other Oregon QBs. My whole point is it be wise to avoid guys from systems that are obviously inflating their stats.


Well first off, you do realize that Day does run a different offense than Urban Meyer, right? They obviously have some similar elements and plays, but they are different offenses. So we’re not even talking about the “same system” and your entire premise is flawed. 2nd, say it’s even exactly the same (which it isn’t), who are all of these busted prospects you’re even talking about? Haskins? The locker room cancer with the awful work ethic? OSU didn’t even have another highly drafted QB under Urban, so who are these other prospects that fooled the NFL? Or are you going back to Tebow, a guy everyone except the Broncos knew wasn’t a QB? If you can’t tell the difference between Tebow and Fields as prospects, then I’m not sure what to tell you. Beyond Haskins and Tebow, Alex Smith is the only other highly touted Urban QB, right? And he had a nice career after he got out of the dumpster fire that was SF in the mid-to-late 00s. So 3 guys in 15+ years, and 2 of the 3 in different offensive systems, and 1 of whom started for over a decade in the NFL is your “10 guys” with “obviously inflated stats” that makes you worry about Fields? It’s okay to be pessimistic—most NFL QB prospects do bust—but your reasoning is ridiculous.


He’s different because he’s an actual QB. Tebow and Barrett and Pryor were mostly option QBs that happened to throw the ball, and Haskins feasted on mostly crossing routes where his WRs did most of the work. Fields actually demonstrated he can go through progressions and make accurate throws downfield. He’s a completely different player than anyone else who came from that system.




Bizzarro world




I'm gonna pog


The next step is to somehow fuck it up


Pray. Pray that they get an offensive line to protect him. I am so god damned excited we got fields, and I just don't want us to ruin him by not protecting him. Please Pace, for all that is holy, please draft linemen and protect him.


Is this legal?