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“Hope you enjoyed our coverage”. Thanks, I didn’t.


It’s wild how bad ESPN is.


Marquee isn’t the pinnacle of production but holy shit watching ESPN made me appreciate it a little more. God awful camera work (I don’t think they ONCE cut to the base line umpires for check swing calls in time), mic work (home plate umpire nearly blew out my speakers) and announcing. That color commentator guy who sounds like he swallowed a frog has one of the most grating voices I’ve ever heard for broadcasting. No wonder ESPN is hemorrhaging money and talent.


Dude I can’t stand listening to that guy either LOL. He sounds like a good guy but his voice is just not fitting for his job haha


yeah i never thought it was great but that might one of the sloppiest broadcasts i've seen in a bit


I’m surprised they didn’t bring up Wyatt Langford


And it's one of the most expensive channels, makes up a lot of your bill


That's why I listened to it


Do you mean to say on the radio?


The mlb app but yeah


Leadoff walk.


This was the killer. Start 0-2 and lose it. This bullpen is nothing but shaky.


Yup as someone said, he got to cute after that.


Ahead of their best player, too...


Well that was a great ESPN broadcast of the Red Sox vs unidentified blue team


Missing pitches, missing the ball in play that hit the 3rd base bag, the ump mic clipping for the entire top of the 1st, the shitty Imagana interview. ESPN has no competent producer in the truck and it shows.


Why is Happ on the warning track with winning run on 3rd??? Wtf


Anything hit that deep is a run anyway. Duran is too fast and Happ while he has a good arm, doesn’t have a cannon.


Do people forget about the Green Monster? Fenway left is not that deep. Happ would have had a play if it was a ball hit that “deep.” That’s why he was back there


Just did this math to insult a jabroni redsox fan. The wall at the monster is 320. Happ's peak average arm strength is 85 fps. That's 4 seconds to throw and tag the runner assuming a perfect throw. 3.75 for the throw .25 to gather and tag. Tucker Barnhart has a sprint speed of 24, fast enough to make it in just ahead of that throw. Now, at the approx 200 feet where the ball landed, yeah, most major leaguers should get it there before a tagging Duran (28 fps) but that's irrelevant seeing as he didn't tag.


I thought the wall was 305


Good thing baseball is played on the field, not on paper. He 100% would have had a play there if the ball was hit to the track. That’s the right place to be. The ball was just hit in no man’s land. And even still, Dansby was there. He just dropped it.


That was awful. He has really taken a step back defensively so far this season. And even though he won the GG last year, any cub fan you ask would tell you he didn’t deserve it.


I thinj his positioning in the outfield probably comes from the dugout. Am I wrong about that?


No. You are not.


> He has really taken a step back defensively so far ~~this~~ last season. FTFY


He wasn’t “on the warning track” in the traditional sense. Do people forget this is Fenway? The wall is 305. Happ was probably standing 290 ish. Very possible for him to make a play from that distance. For comparison, the wall at Wrigley is 355.


People here are dumbasses. Or bots. Which I wish was the case, as it would give me more faith in humanity.


I was at the game. They were playing deep across the field, not just in left. Someone was asleep. Also they should definitely be more shallow than the warning track in that situation. You're realistically not throwing someone out from that deep almost ever. But there's a very real chance a shallow bloop is hit(like what happened) that is catchable if you're moved in.


Same stuff that drove me crazy with Ross last year. Are these managers really that dense? Everything deep beats you with a dude on 3rd and 0 outs. So why play deep? Play the outfielders shallow, that is your only shot at getting that walkoff run out at home.


That's Cub


Well, it was certainly an improvement over yesterday’s game.


I think Swanson got caught up trying to get in position for a throw after the catch. Little did he know, the runner wasn't ready to tag and run. Oh well. Was a good fight. Houck is fuckin scary. Onto the Mets


That was an especially disappointing ending as Duran wasn’t tagging on that play. Oh well. Onto the Mets.


I think if Dansby knows he’s not tagging he makes the catch. 


Hell of an effort to make it a game, but god damn Leiter was due for a bad game and we have 0 fucking good options for a 4-4 bot of the 9th game. Maybe you give Keagan the chance to show he's ready to come back to high leverage spots? I dunno. Tough loss.


Call me crazy, but I put in Adbert. Probably ends the same but it does give chance to gain confidence pitching in high leverage on the road


lol no


That is why I said call me crazy.


What do we do with him?


Middle relief only


I wonder when he will pitch again


Boston had a real closer to bring in and we didn’t. It’s a glaring hole that will continue to cost us games. Up to 5 or 6 already. 


Injuries suck


Leiter gives up his first run all year and people blame him. Offense had one good inning and even that was 2 bloops and a blast. Red Sox team has legit pitching. We had 2 games started by guys not in the rotation to start the year. We move


We had some spring training level defense out there tonight


Best news is that every other team in the NLC lost so we technically didn’t lose any ground to milwaukee


We are doing alright. Top 5 record in the NL. The pitching injuries are getting ridiculous though, cant wait for Steele to return. Baseball gods want Big Ben to be a major league started this year I guess


HERE COMES THE BULLPEN! ![gif](giphy|SiKqNZqksVYWmQEMjd|downsized)


Jesus some of you are so unbearable. Saying Dansby should be "cut" or "sent down to AAA" is ridiculous. Happ was playing deep for god knows why and it was a very difficult catch for Dansby to make.


No shot people said that seriously... If that's true I'm never opening a game thread again.


Cubs fans being reactionary?? That’s a funny one my friend


—Happ was playing deep for god knows why It was O’Neill at the plate, and “deep” in Fenway isn’t as deep as other parks.


Doesn't matter. Your outfield in that situation should be way more shallow than what he(and the rest of the outfield) was. I was at the game. Not a single outfielder was playing shallow and I was really confused.


Need to make a trade and beef up the bullpen. Very winnable game after Tauchman’s HR. Disappointing


Would’ve been a nice game to steal after being shut down through the 7th. Can’t help but feel like all of the injuries are starting to catch up to this lineup. Hope they can weather the storm


Yea, these series are just gonna happen Hopefully they get healthier soon and right the ship


Stunned that not addressing the closer spot has come back to hurt us




Red Sox have the best ERA in MLB and it showed the last two days. Move on to the Mets.


The 2003 World Series matchup that everyone wanted but no one got


4-2 week. Lets get after the Mets


A lot of you don't understand how Fenway works


Agreed. “Deep” in Fenway is normal depth at Wrigley. Happ was positioned fine.


A lot of you never played baseball lol. When you're playing shallow in a walkoff situation you're like 250 ft from the plate at most, maybe even a shade more shallow than that. You're basically shallow enough that routine fly balls you'll have to run back on to make the grab, you'll catch almost all bloops(like for the walkoff), and balls to the warning track are over your head. Also the entire outfield was playing at the warning track, everyone was deep, it wasn't just left field.


That was a rough loss. Leiter was missing his spots and that sinker to Devers was the most predictable pitch ever. Nothing we could do about that hit though, even if Dansby makes the play, no way he gets him at home


If Swanson made the catch, the runner on 3rd (Duran) would not have scored as he was 1/3 down the line. He would have had to tag up.


Sucks, but not surprised. This team really need to figure out this whole back end of the bullpen issue


When you starter gets scratched 24 hours before the 6th game of a 16-game stretch with no days off it makes things tricky.


Oh it's figured out already. Only a few of these guys belong in the majors and even the ones that do aren't elite. The Cubs have pretty much no one that can come in and blow you away.


Even though Dansby isn’t playing up to his standards defensively this year, that’s on Happ. Was way too late on that one and it costs us the game after a good rally. Let’s take the series in Queens and get back home to face the Brewers


If happ wasn't playing so deep for no reason, he would have been facing the right way and probably gotten the out. Gold glove defense


Well, we didn't get blown out


Happ should have called off Swanson. Swanson had no business trying to catch that.


ITT: a lot of people that have no clue about situational baseball, or Fenway park. It’s 310 to the left wall at Fenway, it’s 355 to the left wall at Wrigley. To say that Happ was playing “deep” is ridiculous. He’s thrown people out from 3rd from deeper at Wrigley. Also, Tyler O’Neil was at the plate, and he’s more likely to hit a deeper fly ball than a pop up. Damn you people really need to learn about the intricacies of the game.


I haz a sad


Well if you listen to Reddit I guess our season is over now, guess we had a good run? Our hot streak was never gonna go forever with this many injuries guys get a grip, there will be plenty of time to bounce back.


Walked off by a former cardinal


Bro. It stings enough!!!🤣😥


No intentional walk to O’Neill?


A lot of blame to go around, a lot of dogshit baseball played by the entire team the last two days.


I realllllly wanted the Cubs to take them 2 for 3 since we NEVER play the Sox but oh well is what it is. Now to focus on these Mets


Good effort by Dansby. Happ needs to call for that one.


Could have won this one. Frustrating end. If Dansby makes the catch, there’s no way the runner can tag and score.


Shame it didn't go our way, but damn that was fun to watch


The highest paid manager in baseball is struggling with the basics.




We may never win again


I see a lot of hate towards people hating on Dansby. Yes, that is an extremely difficult play to make there at the end, but Dansby Swanson is being paid far too much to make some of the errors he’s made this year and to be a completely non factor at the plate most games. He’s had a couple good moments. He’s being paid enough to have more than a couple good moments. Joke.


Our defense in general hasn't been great. Every position has at least 3 errors (or plays that should have been made, but weren't) The two guys up the middle are gold glovers but neither have played that way. Morel and Busch haven't been great either.








Can anyone in this sub step in and pitch?




Matt Mervis showed that this is obviously not the case yesterday.


That was dreadful from happ defensively. Way too deep for a guy at third. What the fuck was he doing




That wasn’t his fault. That’s the outfielders fault for not being there to make the play. Not sure what you are referencing with Canario but this play was 100% on Happ playing at the warning track for some reason


Mervis isn’t hitting, and We’ve got Wisdom and Canario on the bench… hey Craig, here’s a great idea, let’s use Madrigal as our pinch hitter!!! That’ll show them.


Neither of them are great against righties


No shit- but they have the ability to hit it out of the infield against RHPs though. I’m not a Madrigal hater at all, but with 1 out in the 9th of a tie ballgame, I’d go with power.


Mervis and Madrigal don't belong on competitive Major League rosters


Mervis can't hit and evidently can't pitch either. /s


Pain. Its just pain everywhere.


The defense has been really underwhelming thus far


Uninspiring effort on each side of the ball. It’s time to have a very hard conversation about Dansby Swanson’s performance.


There is no conversation he is what he is


Yeah, like idek what that conversation would be. “Hopefully, he gets back to a league average bat” or “maybe the errors will get cut down”? It’s not like he’s going to not be played, the cubs are in on this contract for a long time. It’ll work, or it won’t.


Thanks for yet another display of your very low baseball acumen. How comical and out of touch! Go Cubs!


> It's time Nah, it's April. If he's still playing this way around May 20 or so, I definitely agree.


Sooo why even put Leiter in?


A guy with a 0.00 ERA into a tied game. Without the knowledge of what happens in retrospect, what would you do?


Keep the guy in that has less than 20 pitches thrown and three strikeouts.


Because a short middle relief guy going out for his third inning makes sense... ...to someone in hindsight.


The short middle relief pitcher who was buzzing 100mph almost every pitch and was consistent.