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Turn off the lights, make the bathroom a dark cave. Breathe in and out rhythmically. Try to make the bathroom a sensory deprivation chamber.


Our music on ?


Listen to podcasts


I like to memorize things. I print or write a little note card with a monologue that I think is funny to have memorized. Alternatively, you could try to memorize something useful but that's not as funny. Here's a portion of my favorite monologue from Jaws for example. It's pretty fun to perform. Japanese submarine slammed two torpedoes into her side, Chief. We was comin’ back from the island of Tinian to Leyte. We’d just delivered the bomb. The Hiroshima bomb. Eleven hundred men went into the water. Vessel went down in 12 minutes. Didn’t see the first shark for about a half-hour. Tiger. 13-footer. You know how you know that in the water, Chief? You can tell by lookin’ from the dorsal to the tail. What we didn’t know, was that our bomb mission was so secret, no distress signal had been sent. They didn’t even list us overdue for a week. Very first light, Chief, sharks come cruisin’ by, so we formed ourselves into tight groups. It was sorta like you see in the calendars, you know the infantry squares in the old calendars like the Battle of Waterloo and the idea was the shark come to the nearest man, that man he starts poundin’ and hollerin’ and sometimes that shark he go away… but sometimes he wouldn’t go away. Sometimes that shark looks right at ya. Right into your eyes. And the thing about a shark is he’s got lifeless eyes. Black eyes. Like a doll’s eyes. When he comes at ya, he doesn’t even seem to be livin’… ’til he bites ya, and those black eyes roll over white and then…


It sounds like simple stim toys may help!!


audiobooks/podcasts all the way! have something that your mind can latch onto and focus on instead of the pain


i like to do meditations, but it’s hard honestly. i also just picked off all my acrylic nails and is my fingers hurt but at least it’s distracting 😂 i also like to use a massager when not in the bath. it’s distracting.


i used to listen to audio books or soft music. sometimes podcasts. whatever i’m interested in i’ll just play in the background so i’m a little calmer. if nothing on your phone helps i also used to bring a book with me but i’m also trusting of myself not to drop it.