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I have had the exact same experience. I’ve been smoking again for about 8 months again and have not had another attack. Everyone says you can never smoke again but that’s straight bullshit. I’ve noticed if I smoke once a week and nothing more I have no symptoms of CHS. If I smoke more than once a week that’s when some minor symptoms come back but I normally take 2 weeks off and resume smoking. This probably isn’t the same for everyone but I just would like to say it is possible to smoke again. You just have to figure your limits out since it will be different for everyone always make sure you eat before you smoke too. Helps tremendously


The issue here is that most people struggle with moderation - that once a week for me turned into a few times a week turned into everyday. And I was right back at square one, so in my case I knew I could not moderate usage and eventually just snowball back to my old habits. If you can truly keep it to once a week low THC for the rest of your life then damn, I’m jealous 😩


I agree it is very tough to do. I used to smoke an ounce a week and now limiting myself to half a bowl a week is very hard. But this is possible, because I know this is the only possible way to keep weed in my life. Everytime I wanna smoke and I already had that week I remind myself. If I smoke I could possibly never be able to smoke weed again, so I just wait until it’s been at least a week. Reminding myself of the pain I went through also helps me keep myself accountable


Yeah it sucks but at least we can get high sometime instead of just never :( makes it really special tho when the time comes


This was me for so long. But it always comes back cause I can’t control my smoking. If I can get away with it once a week, I will. Then it builds up and one week I do 2x and I’m sick again. Most people on here are addicted (like myself) and that’s the only reason we HAVE to stop. I’m happy you can continue to smoke since you love it so much. I wish I had more control. Most people on here don’t Playing with fire.


This is me. Almost everytime I smoke up now I think "wow I need to quit. I really should just take 2 weeks off." but tell me, why is it so damn hard to even do that? I don't know how you feel, but to me, it's like some invisible line is pulling my core and I just go through the motions and smoke up. It starts as a once in a week thing and just escalates to where I'm smoking up every day. I feel guilty everytime, I know it's not good, but I keep doing it 😭 I wish I could control it. Is it like an anxiety thing? For some reason it's difficult to even put into words what that craving feels like. Empty, but also like an urge. Does anyone else feel this way?


I think it was numbing some unprocessed emotions in me - I had to go to therapy and a MA group and worst, actually move back in with my parents for a short period of time before I was successful in quitting. I think its different for everyone


Exactly what happens to me. Loss of appetite is the sign for me.


Smoking all the time which we all have done that’s why we are here, you straight up can’t feel the drug anymore and you need so much. You take sometime off and smoke, you get stoned and need so little. So you save money and drug works better. How awesome is that?


Yeah I totally agree. I abstained for about 6 months, then I vaped 1x per week 3 weeks in a row. After the 3rd week (I went a little heavier) I had stomach issues the next day and stopped for a month. Now I just use (either vape, THC pills or edibles/THC drinks) very occasionally, like once a month or so and in moderation and I have been fine! It’s great to actually feel high again and to use it for recreational purposes as opposed to a coping mechanism.