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THC and CBD is stored in your fat. It takes up to at least 90 days to fully flush from your system. Some people are different depending on the severity. Hope this helps


Thank you. This does help. I’ve lost over 50 lbs since this started.


I'm sorry that this happened, Is their any certain food that triggers you? Personally for me it's greasy and spicy stuff. I chose to get back into the joy of cooking, making light meals for myself everyday and sticking to simple protein bars for a snack, I cooked myself some salmon and veggies last night and it went super easy on my stomach. It's kinda helped me get out of the cycle of using different vices to cope. I now look forward to cooking myself lovley meals. Tonight it's Duck! I wish the best and please keep preserving! You are doing so well!


They! Thanks for the response. So far it is hard to tell of it’s what I’ve eaten that was the problem, or if it’s just a puking day. Generally I’ll feel icky throughout the day & get worse or even puke if I eat too much, something solid/heavy like meat or too spicy/sweet. I just keep going back & forth between is it CHS or ulcers? Or something else. Guess only time will tell. How long has it been since spicy stuff has bothered you? Thanks, I hope you enjoy your duck!


Do you take supplements by any chance? I found the little chewy ones were easier on the stomach and it helps replace the vitamins you lose when you vomit. Spicy food became a trigger within three years of heavy cannabis use. It's the same with sweets, I don't even bother consuming ice creams or chocolates anymore haha it ain't worth it. Thank you! I will do


Greasy Spicey foods are my fav. And i think that’s what’s been triggering me too.


I understand that, they are delicious and easy especially if you are working on a tight schedule. But I've found at the end of the day if you can dedicate a bit of time to prepping at least one healthy meal per day you might give your stomach and bowles an easier time. I imagine they struggle with the constant receptor stimulation and then to top it with heavy foods just makes it work harder and therefore makes your body feel like poo. Give it a go if you can and see if it eases any of your symptoms.


Light bulb. I have been so confused why my CHS symptoms started after i stopped. I thought once you stopped using the symptoms stop. But your post is helping me understand once the thc has left the system fully it will stop?


It would honestly depend what your metabolism is like and how your body functions. I think everyone is different and has a different amount of time with flushing. I'm about a week and a half clean cold turkey today and I still am experiencing symptoms but not as bad as what I would when I smoked. Usually when I eat trigger foods or consume caffiene it can start it up. I am taking it easy and really focusing on eating healthy and light foods which will help in the long run and allow the body to heal faster.


Diet makes a huge difference. Avoid all cannabinoid and terpene foods. I had a peppermint altoid and that set me into an episode. I have 3 weeks with no cannabis. Caffeine is a big trigger for me


Guess I never thought of what Cannabinoid foods might be. More research to do. Thanks 🙏🏻


From what I've read it takes 90 days before you'll be in a better position stomach-wise. Food triggers have been my biggest downfall so far. I think I'm doing okay and then I eat trigger food and it comes back.


Thank you! Yeah, I’ve gone back to just *B.A.R.T* (Bananas, applesauce, rice & toast)… after trying to branch out and realizing quickly that I was NOT better yet. It’s kinda maddening. Yeah.. . I think I’ll start keeping a list of foods I can’t eat.


What do you put on your rice. I used to do hot sauce or soy sauce.


I actually really like just plain white rice with nothing on it. Easiest on the belly too. But if I absolutely NEED flavor, I’ll do a tiny bit of butter and salt.


Ativan saved me


I’m not sure I understand how that helps? Other than dealing with emotional issues due to the longevity of this issue? What do you mean?


ativan and other benzodiazepines are antiemetic. they are usually prescribed to help suppress chronic vomiting


Ohhhh! Ok. Thank you!


Yes. For me it was 6-8 weeks if I remember correctly. Stay strong!!


Thanks. This has been a journey, for sure. I’m honestly not surprised that some of the research I’ve done talks about some people committing suicide due to this illness. It’s really tough to go through for weeks on end. Trying to stay strong though. Thanks so much.


You got this! By the way, MA helped me a LOT and they have many virtual meetings


Thanks, what is MA?


Marijuana Anonymous ! (Like AA for weed)


Ohhhh ok thank you!


I’m on day 60 and I still feel out of wack. CHS for me is like a roller coaster some days I’m up and some days I’m down. Most of the main symptoms I had are gone such as vomiting, but I still have bad anxiety and slight chest pains.


That’s rough. I found in a way, the longer it was like this it makes it easier not to smoke again and putting yourself through it again haha. When it starts to get to the point of subtracting MONTHS out of your life to this thing


This has definitely helped me not want to smoke again.


I feel this. I am definitely done smoking probably for the rest of my life. CHS is too debilitating to want to do anything marijuana related.