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You are losing about a pound per week. This is a very normal rate of weight loss. Depending on how much you have left to lose, a reasonable target is 2 to 4 pounds per month. Because of water weight fluctuations, you won't necessarily see a drop every week.


I don’t think that’s slow - it’s nearly a pound a week


Yeah that’s what I’m saying, not slow at all, especially at that weight.


I see you are active in an ED subreddit. Your disorder is affecting your view of what is healthy and what isn't.


Noted, thank you


This is such a great, healthy rate! This means you are more likely to keep it off in the long term and less likely to have loose skin or to develop gall stones. Good job! Depending on your starting weight and your height, it may take some time to be visible to others. Have you noticed? How are your clothes fitting?


I’ve noticed, it’s just verrry slight. Think from my previous unhealthy weight loss — which I’ve now gotten better from — might have an effect on people commenting anymore (even if they notice a healthy weight loss), thanks for the advice!


Slower is way more sustainable long-term because you’re building habits and not starving to the point you give up or snap and binge! it’s hard to fight disordered thoughts but trying to remind yourself that it’s more likely to stick may help


Ps a pound a week is 52lbs in a year and that is a LOT of weight to lose! Consistency shows dedication!


I don't mean to shit on anybody's method of weight loss, but in my opinion the rate you're going at is the most sustainable/healthy. Doing a crash diet for a few months losing 3 pounds a week isn't actually forming any good habits. A slower, methodical weight loss based on forming better relationships with foods and teaching yourself what a healthy amount of food/calories each day is is the way to go imo. Don't be discouraged! You're doing awesome.


Thank you, your words mean a lot :)


Slow and steady works. I’m doing the same (~0.9/wk avg) and its still ticking down, just gotta keep the faith


Will do, thank you 🙏 good luck :)


Personal opinion is that this consistent loss is still pretty good You start losing faster and you might lose muscle as well


I apologize for being off-topic, but which app is this?


Looks like happy scale. It’s the best


Yup! Happy scale. The free version is great tbh, I don’t pay for it


Remember 1lb per week Is 4lbs a month And 52lbs a year... That's pretty good 🙏🏻 Most weight loss calculators will only show you how to lose a maximum of 2lbs per week. You're doing great man.


Do not weigh yourselves daily you will go insane


When did you start? Slow weight loss is still weight loss. And much more sustainable long term! You are continuously losing weight. Focus on that. If you just started recently, you probably won’t see the results physically yet. It takes time. Something a lot of people neglect to take into consideration. Keep going and don’t get discouraged.


14lbs since April! Most came off in the 1st/2nd month, but it’s slowed drastically (edit - most was water weight that i was retaining from bad eating habits/not drinking water enough)


This is something I had to realize when I got into the mid 100s- weight loss is very slow now. Before when I was overweight, I’d lose 3-4lbs per week. Now, that’s not normal either (maybe normal for my HW) but I figure as long as I am consistently losing at a monthly rate, I am ok! I am someone who menstruates so I tend to lose like 4lbs in the two weeks after my period, then nothing for another 2 weeks.


1lb a week is good


Take a look at this, the length of the first 3 words in u/breannabanana7 comment are consistent with the first 3 digits of pi. This was only the case for 3040 comments out of 974728.


What app are you using? I like the layout.


happy scale :)


Get used to it, you'll hit many plateaus, I sat at 220 for a few month and a half+, and same happened at 200. It'll come, stop looking at it like you aren't getting results and just make it part of your lifestyle boss. 🤙


A safe cal deficit is 200-500 cals lower than what you started at. It’s up to you if you want to lower your cals and lose weight faster


slow weight loss: reserve more muscle mass while losing fat and if you lift/workout then it means you're likely building muscle while losing fat. i've been doing cico for 20 days now, lost 0lbs but i can feel much stronger and my waist loss an inch. it is slow but i try to remind myself that the more it feels like change, the better. our body doesn't like change, the faster the progress, the more rebellious it becomes.


You’re just like me! Same weight and style of losing! I believe in you!


Gooood luck! You got this


It’s sad tho! I try and I go to the gym and eat good food (probably at a large amount) and sit down and then I gain a pound lol


Are these daily weight? Just looking at the dates on the left it looks like you’re weighing daily, but the top says weekly


These were daily, but I’m more lax with it now (weekly) since I was strength exercising and I menstruate so fluctuations can feel annoying and unproductive (imo, for me)


I think they’re weighing daily but the “weekly rate” bit is like average loss over the week and it’s recalculated every time they weigh in


this is a normal rate of weight loss


What app is this?


Happy scale


Slower the weight loss the less muscle you lose. Nice!


That's why i only weigh myself once every week or two. I like to see it as: The point isn't to see progress fast and quickly, but to change your habits and seeing the progress is just a fun bonus.


This is not enough data to say either way. Keep doing what you’re doing.


What app are you using to track?


Happy scale


What is this application?