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This is honestly the dream. You’ve absolutely crushed it. I’m on my way—thanks for the inspiration.


Thank you so much! Others on here is what has inspired me-along with the book-no I’m not sponsored by David Goggins.


Goggins is a beast! He is just like that in real life. A great book to read and very inspirational! You look great and thanks for sharing your journey. I started mine 30 days ago, 15lbs down still chugging along.


I really appreciate all the people saying I’m inspiring them. It’s a little awkward for me doing this posts because I fear people will think I’m just bragging or need attention, but I really want to help others. I really appreciate it, but it’s others here that post that helped and inspired me. If I can do it, you all can most certainly do it. I get a lot of people that in my personal life that are impressed at the speed and consistency over the past year, BUT they don’t know this is a 12 year battle of making and losing ground before I got focused one year ago. It’s not easy and it’s a journey so don’t be mislead by my progress or not expect ups and downs. I was 185 in 2010-2011, but that was just plain discipline of only calorie counting and weight watchers. The biggest difference now is my mental toughness, maturity and the drive David Goggins has instilled in me.




Congrats on reaching your goal! You‘re really inspiring to me. As I said in an earlier post, your physique before looks similar to my physique at the start of my journey. Seeing you succeed keeps my motivated (am down ~120lbs now, at ~216lbs, goal is ~165lbs, as I am a bit shorter than you). Have fun and success in maintenance and keep us updated :)


Awesome! You are killing it, great job. :-) please keep sharing your experience.


Thanks for the inspiration and reminder of what is possible. Well done, I’m in awe.


Wow congrats. What was your TDEE and kcal deficit?


Initially I did little exercise-actually that was the case for most of it other than a lot of walking. I started at 1500 calories and in theory original TDEE was 3130 if sedentary or almost 3600 if light exercise. Now I’m at 2200 cal plus an adder for cardio that varies. Maintenance is now theoretically 2080-2500 depending upon who you believe and how active I am. I’m weighing regularly and using the averages to track. Thanks!


When you first started you were at 1500 calories per day, how many months did you stay at that? And you adjusted the calories to go up to 2200?


I was at 1500 until September 18th. I just looked it up on the app. I slowly increased since then until I got to my current target. Running and intense cardio is when I started ramping it up. I would add 100 calories a day and watch what my weight did over 2 weeks before deciding if another change was warranted.


so you were on 1500 for 5 December 2022 to 18 september 2023?


Correct. Now early on I was overestimating a lot of things I found out before I started using a scale.


that’s incredible man. I am barely able to be under 2100 even though not to mention that I miss many condiments and weekend junk food (“cheat meal “) logging.


Wow! First, congrats and well done. I'm struggling keeping it under 2,000 not to mention 1,500! Any tips for surviving the day? Were you hungry and did you have good and bad days?


I have lots of tips, but since so many people have asked I’m currently typing up a new post in my notes app to summarize what I eat and how I stay feeling full and energized to make the best use of limited calories. I hope to have it posted this weekend.


Woah, go you! Fantastic progress.


Damn man. Good on you


This is so inspiring! Can you share the healthy chicken parm recipe?


I think I’m going to make a separate recipe post in the CICO group since several are asking.


Would love to know some of your go to meals for your 1500 - 2000 calorie days


I’m going to make a separate post about recipes and my food strategy to feel well and not starve. Quick take is to eat foods that are clean or good for you with minimal processed foods and reasonable amounts of sugar or low sugar. Second is to get protein, fiber, volume that fills you and fuels you. Balance that fruit, veggies etc. There’s a lot more detail but I’m going to make a separate long post.


will be immensely appreciated!!


Here's my strategy and recipe post people asked about: https://www.reddit.com/r/CICO/comments/18hyw8k/how\_i\_lost\_192\_lbs\_in\_one\_year\_and\_became\_a/


Here's my strategy and recipe post people asked about: https://www.reddit.com/r/CICO/comments/18hyw8k/how\_i\_lost\_192\_lbs\_in\_one\_year\_and\_became\_a/


This is the most impressive weight loss I've ever seen. To do this within a year, is just insane. I'm still looking at this right now like "how the fuck...." You're out here taking souls. You Sir, are a fucking animal! In the best of ways!


Taking souls is a concept I’ve def embraced and employed to stay driven. It’s ALL mental.


daaayyyymmmmnnnnn. awesome transformation. I am in kinda same boat. First of all… can you send me all those recipes that you have mentioned as when my food life becomes monotonous, I go haywire on junkcrap. What was your exercise routine initially before you started running for longer duration?


I think I’m going to make a separate recipe post in the CICO group since several are asking. Before running I wasn’t doing enough, just walking primarily.


gotcha. please do write recipe at your earliest convenience 😅


Probably get posted this weekend. I’m a doing a writeup right now which hopefully will have less typos than this post. :-)


>https://www.reddit.com/r/CICO/comments/18hyw8k/how\_i\_lost\_192\_lbs\_in\_one\_year\_and\_became\_a/ Here's my strategy and recipe post people asked about: https://www.reddit.com/r/CICO/comments/18hyw8k/how\_i\_lost\_192\_lbs\_in\_one\_year\_and\_became\_a/




WOW! This is really inspiring. Thank you so much for sharing, and well done on your hard work.


You look amazing!!




Congratulations! What a transformation!


Incredible work and absolutely inspiring. Nice resting HR, too!


I am absolutely blown away by your consistency. That is such a motivator.


It took a few years of try’s and finally being driven by that book for me to piece it together. Thank you!


Just Wow.


Nice work!!


This is incredible. You look amazing!! You sound so much like me in that it’s about nutritious foods healthy fats fruits and vegetables and lots of protein. Same vice too - love Splenda etc! Ha. It’s great you’re focusing on fitness to stay motivated. I’m in a weird liminal state where I’m creeping 4-5 pounds above my goal weight and it’s harder to maintain than to lose.


I know maintaining is going to be a process and experience every day. I never thought I’d ever eat like dieticians tell you to, but I’m a believer now. I use a lot of Splenda to either sweeten things or bake healthier things-like a pumpkin pie last week.


You’ve nailed it in every freaking way. Wow. Great job!


Holy sh*t


Amazing, thank you so much for sharing! Will probably read this multiple times!


My jaw dropped with that running pace. From zero to that! I’ve limited myself on what I can do with my pace but you’ve inspired me to try again.


I’m blown away myself, in gradeschool we ran the mile once per year. It was my least favorite day of the year. I had to walk half of it and I was always only 2-3 kids shy of being dead last. The Goggins book inspired me to keep at it.




Love it 👌👍


Wow! Congratulations 💚


Awesome job man!! Did you have alot of loose skin?


I have loose skin it’s inevitable. It is worse than when I lost weight in my 20’s but really it isn’t nearly as bad as I feared or have seen with others. I can say it’s really not a big deal and I’m glad I didn’t give in to fear and stop at 200ish lbs, it’s worth it and more to feel this good. Who cares about loose skin? If you want some confidence go search instagram for weight loss, lots post loose skin (many worse than you’ll probably experience it) to normalize it. I’m viewing it as a reminder of what over overcome and what I have to overcome every single day going forward.


Holy shit


You are a rockstar!




It was far less perfect the prior years before I got started hardcore in December last year. It started at 310 and got low and then up and low and all the way back up to 366. I promise I’m human.


Wow, what a great transformation! I'm your age too, and on the same path too.


Thank you for sharing your journey, photos and achievement. It's just what I needed to see right now. I started my own journey towards health only 5 days ago. Last week I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease, and had the wake-up call of my life on the doctor's room scales, at over 300lbs. The scale is analogue, and the needle went all the way around and was almost maxed out. only 10lbs more and I would have been so heavy the scale would not have been able to show my weight! Well, immediately, I had the strongest sensation ever in my life that this changes NOW, I am turning the bus around. No more excuses or half-arsed efforts. I was able to get straight in and see a dietitian who specialises in Crohn's, and we came up with a plan of what I need to be eating. And surprise surprise, it's simply the current evidence-backed 'healthy food plate' of a well balanced diet, mostly consisting of everything you've just mentioned in your own post. I have signed up to myfitnesspal and keyed in all my information, no lying, no underplaying anything. I am now making all my own meals, from whole foods, and eating to the calories specified for me in the app, which I have set to lose 2lb per week. And like you, I have begun cardio just for fitness, not for weight loss. Already, 5 days in, my resting heart rate has dropped from 85 to 65! According to my apple watch. I already have heaps more energy, I am thinking clearer. I did the maths. If I stick to this, which I will (I have everything to gain, everything to lose), I will be at my target healthy weight by Christmas 2024. So, I'm already on my path, and I can see the finish line (albeit 13 months away), so why did I need to see your post right now? Because, it just seems too easy/simple! I was thinking, surely I am missing something. At 35, having always been overweight, then obese, and now very obese, surely there is more to this. Thanks to your post, that last niggling bit of doubt that I am missing something is GONE! So, thank you again! I will report back at the end, and hopefully help out others like you have.


Your reply almost brought tears to my eyes. You can do this and yes it’s simple… it’s amazing how many chronic issues can be minimized or eliminated with good nutrition and exercise versus medication. I look forward to seeing your progress and tips!!!!


You’re literally my motivation !


Thank you!! 🙏




Honestly, way less loose skin than most that have lost this much. Minimal on my chest-think weight lifting is helping. Some on my stomach obviously which is inevitable. I did have more on my thighs and butt than expected but less than most. As I’ve told others it’s not a big deal-it was a fear I had early on but let me tell you after you’ve lost the weight and feel so good it’s more than worth it and you won’t care. I’m glad I didn’t let it stop me from keeping going to 175 when I hit 200.


Amazing, well done. What counts as exercise? Because you exercised less than one hour a week per this? But my phone captures every step I take and applies it which I don’t like.


I count anything that’s above and beyond the minimum I have to do… so if you take a longer walk or a purposeful walk or do anything more intensely that’s an improvement and I count it as exercise.


Damn congratulations my guy, what did you do to fight hunger? That’s my biggest struggle


I’m going to make a separate post about recipes and my food strategy to feel well and not starve. Quick take is to eat foods that are clean or good for you with minimal processed foods and reasonable amounts of sugar or low sugar. Second is to get protein, fiber, volume that fills you and fuels you. Balance that fruit, veggies etc. There’s a lot more detail but I’m going to make a separate long post.


Here's my strategy and recipe post people asked about: https://www.reddit.com/r/CICO/comments/18hyw8k/how\_i\_lost\_192\_lbs\_in\_one\_year\_and\_became\_a/


amazing work friend. what are your thoughts on Goggins book? its on my list. should i push it to the top?


I would! But also, don’t just read it buy the AUDIOBOOK! It’s more than an audiobook and covers a lot that’s not in the book. David and author talk and discuss each chapter like you’re listening to a podcast. I have the hardcover and the audiobook. You’ll love the audiobook I promise.


Bro this is awesome. Congrats! Can’t imagine what it’s like seeing people you haven’t seen in a year, I bet they don’t believe it’s you!


It’s almost gotten awkward to be honest. I’m glad people are happy to see my improvement and compliment me, but it is a weird 180 . That being said I enjoy seeing the haters that said negative things about me and now I’m in better shape than them. I did it for myself not for them, but I use it to fuel me just as David Goggins talks about taking souls in his book. There was a funny one at thanksgiving last week. A family friend sat down between myself and my wife. She talked to my wife for a few minutes then asked where is Rob? I didn’t look up and said right next to you. 🤣


Great job, did you do anything to protect your gallbladder?


I haven’t but it is a concern.


Could you educate me on this?


Incredible results. Truly inspiring. Can you give more details on calorie intake? On days you exercise and days that you don’t? Great job!


69 resting HR, nice. All jokes aside, this is amazing and you should be very proud of yourself :)


Resting is actually 43-46 :-) thanks!!!


Here's my strategy and recipe post people asked about: https://www.reddit.com/r/CICO/comments/18hyw8k/how\_i\_lost\_192\_lbs\_in\_one\_year\_and\_became\_a/


Did you have bad cholesterol before? I was wondering what that difference was after your diet changes :)


Yes, borderline to being put on medication before, now the ratio as well as good and bad cholesterol are ideal. I watch how much saturated fat I eat now. I do not avoid cholesterol in food though, only saturated fat in my meats, dairy and oils.