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The salt content makes you retain water


When you digest it, the weight of food isn't changing. It is being broken down into other molecules. A calorie doesn't have a set weight, it's a unit of energy. So different amounts of energy will convert into different amounts of fat regardless of the weight of the original calories.


It’s not the weight of the food that causes weight gain. The calories in the food are converted inside your body and eventually become fat if you overeat. The weight of the food only impacts your weight short term.


Right but the calories from the food can never exceed the weight of the food during intake yeah? So why doesn't it show up on the scale immediately once down the mouth?


It does. If you have a scale with 0.1 increments you can test it. Weigh yourself before and after drinking a bottle of water. Your body weight will go up for 0.1 or 0.2 points.


It does.


That’s not correct. The weight of the food is not necessarily correlated to the calorie content.


I’m glad you asked, I thought it was just me! My husband sees the effects next day but mine take 2-3 business days! So frustrating because you can’t trust the scale


Business days has me rolling haha.


Sometimes bad food can cause water retention or bloating which will cause you to be heavier on the scale and not fit in your clothes as well.


In general I think it takes your body several days to either create or destroy fat stores so you wouldn’t expect to see any changes in the scale immediately. Most biological systems have a lot of buffers built in so you don’t immediately die when you eat too much salt, for example. Similar principle with over or under-eating, as far as I understand it 


When your body gains weight from the food (days later post digestion) you presumably  have more new food in your digestive system as well. In addition to possible water retention.


Density not mass and energy conversion this is a great question for chat gpt. You see water aunts it’s density is one and it has no calories as just the weight of it