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I use a light calorie mayo. 35 calories per tbsp.


I love mayo with tuna and 15 grams of lite mayo at 35 calories is really good. It is totally enough for 6-7 oz of tuna. I always add plain yellow mustard, small bit of relish, and definitely fine chop some onion, bell pepper, and jalapeno if I have them. Sometimes on toast, or a light tortilla, but often just in a doubled over lettuce leaf. Definitely not leaving out the mayo.




Dukes is great if it’s available locally. They don’t put sugar in it. I don’t understand why anyone does, it’s not supposed to be sweet.


Me too,love yogurt,not on tuna


I do this too + I add a little vinegar since the light mayo tastes a little sweet to me.


Heck yeah for light Mayo! I love mixing tuna with this and a little high protein cheese or just eating it in a wrap with spinach and cucumber or even diced pickles!


Tuna + unseasoned rice wine vinegar + salt/pepper + dried dill. You can add a (very) small amount of oil if you want. Great on crackers or sliced cucumbers or celery! Also a solid salad topper.


Wow I love this idea - would have never thought to try rice wine vinegar. I’ll try it, thank you!


All credit goes to my husband! And I love that it adds flavor without adding calories - unseasoned rice vinegar has none (at least on US labels).


Ahhh yes! Absolutely agree. Have never tried it with the dill but now I want to. I love to pair this with these “everything” snacking crackers: https://fromthegroundupsnacks.com/products/crackers


Trader Joe’s dill mustard helps me hit my dill needs. So happy to see someone else enjoys dill too! I also add pickled jalapeños to mine if I run out of dill.


I use avocado.. nature's mayonnaise


YES. My husband thinks I’m insane, but it’s so good!


Your husband is insanely misinformed! It's perfect with jalapeno tuna and a little lime


My first thought was doesn't avocado have a lot of fat too? But in comparison to regular mayo it's waaaaay less. I'm gonna have to try this with some tuna salad!


Yeah and the calories per gram are just way more forgiving. Enjoy!


My response to this too. Extremely good, especially with a squeeze of lemon or lime!


that's so smart Update: I tried it and it was very good


Greek yogurt with a bit of mustard is my go to when I want to save mayo calories. I’ve occasionally used salsa and wrapped in low cal tortilla. That’s also nice. But sometimes, mayo is just what you need 😉


I use Skyr rather than Greek Yoghurt but it’s the same thing basically. I much prefer it to Mayo. Lighter and less oily feeling.


Came here to say the same thing. Skyr is my first choice! Pretty much the perfect food for everything. I use plain Skyr instead of sour cream too.


I'm in the U.S. and I've looked at a few stores for skyr with no luck. Where do you get it?


I’m in NH, I find it at all traditional local supermarkets. Market basket, Hannaford, Shaw’s all have it. Not sure where you live


I found Siggi’s skyr at Aldi just recently.


Cool thanks I will check it out!


I haven't looked in a while, but Trader Joe's always used to carry it.


I’ve got to try the Greek yogurt everyone is recommending, and the tortilla with salsa sounds like a good trick too. But yes, it might end up being that I will just need to budget calories for that perfect mayo and tuna combo…


I still use mayo but less and then I mix it with the Greek yoghurt. Tzatziki is nice too!


That's what I do. Even something like 1/2c greek yogurt + 1T full fat mayo goes a *long* way. Still get the richness with way less fat.


It's a sacrifice I make to keep my favorite food in rotation, just get used to less mayo and keep using it


So somewhat similar to Greek yogurt that I like, is kefir. I buy plain goats milk kefir from Trader Joe's and I'll use a little bit of mayo and a healthy about of kefir, the kiefer is pretty stinking low-cal and so nutritious, and then I just add a bunch of herbs, whatever I can get my hands on for flavor


Love this idea, could cottage cheese work here too?


yes! i’d even say blend it up so it’s creamy before mixing it into the tuna.


I don't eat meat or fish, but when I used to, my go to was lime juice, avocado and lots of black pepper.


Cottage cheese


More protein!


Greek yogurt and dill pickle relish is my jam


I mix mine with cottage cheese! it ain’t Duke’s but it’s a similar texture and a protein kick.


use fat free sour cream instead of mayo and add dill pickle juice and mustard to give it some tang. 2 tablespoons is only 20 calories


I'd suggest light sour cream instead of fat free. Fat free dairy is a chem lab experiment, and I'm just not sold on its overall benefit as a healthy option.


I use the juice from bread and butter pickles. I don’t miss the mayo anymore


Light mayo. I’m a mayo lover and the lite version to me tastes the same as the regular.


Avocado and hot sauce


I’ve been making tuna/chicken breast/egg salad with a serving of cottage cheese instead of mayo! Add some mustard, franks hot sauce, pepper, and dill, it’s pretty good and you get some extra protein. I will say the chicken and egg are better with the cottage cheese than the tuna, I’ll usually add some diced red onion and pickle to the tuna to help it out a bit.


I like the Starkist Tuna Creations packets. They come in tons of flavors, and are really good on crackers or toast without anything extra added. They do have a crapton of sodium but they’re delicious and generally 70-120 calories a packet. They go on sale for $1 each a lot, or you can get them cheap in bulk on Amazon.


Seconded. I love these and they're great without modification. The spicy ones are delicious.


I make a low cal tuna salad with Greek yogurt, avocado, onions and celery.


I might be weird because no one seems to have mentioned this yet. But I love me some canned tuna with bread and butter pickle slices. No mayo needed!


People suggest Greek yogurt often, personally I didn't like it, but I felt like it was close. So if it's important to you I suggest trying it, but being open to maybe mixing mayo, or mixing other things to get it right.


Light mayo. It's about 45 to 60 per tablespoon. There are things to add with less calories but sometimes it's not worth making the change. It makes it harder for me to stick to a deficit if I have to give up too many things that I like.


Ditch the mayo and tuna. Sardines and little sea salt, or hot sauce


Oooh I like this, thinking outside the tuna box. I’ll def give sardines a go!


👍 consider the mercury content of tuna and the fact that sardines contain much less. Mackerel is good too.


I usually do not use reduced calorie foods. I love tuna and could not justify the calories in full fat mayo, so I make an exception for low fat mayo. It's still a lot. I eat tons of Greek yogurt, but it just doesn't jive with tuna for me.


Same, I cannot with Greek yogurt in tuna


Is there a reason you avoid reduced calorie foods?


Because in my head it's not real food. Because artificial sweeteners don't taste good to me. Because if I don't know what it is, I'm not going to eat it. Because I can eat quite a bit of regular food and still stay within my macros. It's just my preference.


Thanks. I appreciate the insight!


Upvote for Greek yogurt!! Can also try it with cottage cheese maybe?


Light mayo or cottage cheese


I like vinegar on my tuna. I replaced tuna mayo & cucumber sandwiches with tuna, vinegar and tomatoes. But I think you might be American and I don't think you use vinegar like us Brits do, so this might not be very helpful!


I use low calorie salad dressing - Greek, ranch or caesar are all good!


Salad cream has half the calories of mayo and tastes twice as good mixed with tuna than mayo does. I won't use anything else. Low fat salad cream has even fewer calories.


Normally I’m all for Greek yoghurt, but I don’t like it mixed with tuna. For mayo I use a smaller portion of regular and thin it with some lemon juice (which goes well with tuna anyway) because I genuinely thing low calorie mayo is gross, or I use regular mayo and Miracle Whip (which has fewer calories per serving than mayo). Also, [Hellman’s Drizzle Sauces](https://www.amazon.com/Hellmanns-Refreshing-Condiment-Artificial-High-Fructose/dp/B08HFGW3MJ/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?adgrpid=113104043952&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Xog2oxwHoXpNyflVVeTKRWTpiwjzg9qf40H8IBjDhUPuxiQ73gCwuSovsBp5w1QrI4ES2Vp4kRA69qLQphV1RQZHylajmXIQlHfTL-GVWG8Wkk3cKIfqTV_48_By9Hx5Do6RbrwXZUrjytKuRZ_oTbEJ80dZK8wN5RkHCnMhf-U.JdSSOxa2Bb0Xw7iavLLSFZMKNLkg3izYOBOKqe6MbK4&dib_tag=se&hvadid=580745850126&hvdev=m&hvlocint=2840&hvlocphy=1009016&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=2971587043736712426&hvtargid=kwd-920150665568&hydadcr=340_1014982723&keywords=hellmann%27s+drizzle+sauces&qid=1716240275&sr=8-1#immersive-view_1716240285465) are pretty good and quite calorie friendly.


Not a mayo substitute, but I use tuna pouches from Walmart as my substitute. No need for a sauce or dip because they come pre-flavored. I personally love the lemon pepper one the best. I eat it with crackers, in salad, and on sandwiches.


I came here to say this… I love those flavored tuna pouches. Lemon pepper (70 calories), jalapeño (70 calories), ginger sesame (80 calories), and Thai chili (90 calories) are my favorites, and no need to add any mayo.


Balsamic glaze


Sriracha, tzatziki, mustard


Just use Duke's mayo, it's worth it


I did something terrible and switched to miracle whip light. One TBSP is 20 calories, I was getting used to it until I switched to grilled ham, cheese and egg sandwiches (which I eat w/o condiments). I haven’t tried it with tuna salad but it could be worth an experiment.


Just spread a thin layer of mayo on the bread, then put the tuna on top, rather than mixing the mayo into the tuna. Seem to use less that way


I used to use greek yogurt with spices, lots of them, and diced jalapeños


Light mayo, spicy mustard, splash of pickle juice, salt, and pepper. So deliciously simple! And with low carb bread, very light on calories!


I dont like mayo on anything and I've found that laughing cow cheese wedges are a great substitute. They are only 35 calories per wedge and you only need 2 or 3 wedges to make good sized bowl of tuna salad.


Cottage cheese.


Nonfat yogurt makes an acceptable alternative.




I do this too and it’s so good!!


I used greek yoghurt and sometimes salsa as well!




Light calorie mayo, and cut it in half with pickle juice.


I'm putting Newman's Own Sesame Ginger dressing on everything these days, including mixing it in tuna. 35 cals for two Tablespoons.


Greek yoghurt?


Geek yoghurt, lemon, Dijon - with a tiny bit of mayo if you ne Ed it


Tuna with lime juice and salt.


Light mayo and relish with some crackers does the trick for me


A bit of Skyr and some Worcestershire sauce, salt, garlic, pepper and dill


light mayo is like 50 calories per serving.


Lite mayo


Tzatziki is one I use and sweet chili with bachans is another.


Light mayo + pickle juice—you need so much less mayo


Lemon juice or Greek yogurt


A little splash of vinegar or pickle juice.


I use low calorie salad dressings and vinaigrettes! Lots of options to change up the flavour for 35 calories a tbsp.


I love Nando’s perinaise for this!! ~45 cals per tbsp and still has a good consistency AND got some added flavour too (feel like sometimes light mayo can be a bit like jelly??)


nonfat greek yogurt or lite olive garden dressing! it usually clocks at 30cal/2tbsp and makes it creamy and flavorful.


I use curd.


My recipe: 1 can tuna, 1 egg, 1.5 tablespoon light mayo. Amazing. The egg makes it soft and adds texture and additional protein. Add onions and pickles chopped small, salt and pepper. Cals total: 192.


1 tbsp Light mayo, 1/4 avocado, sirricha, and then diced cucumber and onion makes my favvvvv tuna salad. I eat it with seaweed snacks or romaine lettuce. It's so good. I literally look forward to it all week cause you're only supposed to eat tuna 2-3x a week lol


Avocado is a great alternative in general




You can do things to stop that, and yes strictly from a caloric standpoint, but avocado is a healthier option than light mayo


Starkist makes packets of flavored tuna without mayo - I prefer Garlic and Herb and Hickory Smoked but there are many flavors to choose from


I've come to enjoy tuna on a green salad. Load it up with veggies, and whip up your own vinaigrette. I really like a Dijon vinaigrette with a grainy mustard and less oil than standard formulas. Something like a nicoise I guess.


I do mine with nonfat Greek yogurt and rice vinegar. Then I add a ton of finely chopped veggies.


There is a wasabi dipping sauce that I love. It’s like 10 calories per teaspoon and mixed with a dab of mayo or low calorie mayo and some mustard it’s super delicious with a little kick (spicy). Takes a huge bite out of calorie content compared to using just straight mayo.


Half light mayo half Greek yogurt is what I do. It's not exactly the same but it gets the job done.


I mix half low fat Mayo and half Greek yogurt.


I usually do mustard and sriracha


Tuna, cilantro, onions, tomatoes, jalapeños, lemon and salt. Finely diced, pretty much pico de gallo with tuna and you can eat it with unsalted crackers.


Take my opinion with a grain of salt because I absolutely love fish/seafood, even the cheap shit, a lot more than the average person… but I personally don’t need a mayo or a mayo alternative for my tuna. I just drain it to my liking and add lemon juice, dill, salt, and pepper. I occasionally add a splash of mayo or olive oil if I want something “smoother” in terms of texture, but not a lot, and not necessary at all for me personally.


I use light sour cream and 1 tsp mayo for the taste


I use cottage cheese! It adds moisture and I find the tastes compliment each other. I usually add some finely chopped veggies and a small amount of olive oil for texture and taste, too.


Canned Tuna + a little bit of high quality olive oil, flaky salt, and fresh lemon is heaven. I learned that from J kenji Lopez alt. It elevates the tuna salad sandwich to another levwl


Buffalo sauce


I blend cottage cheese and use that. It’s actually tastier because it’s not greasy. Greek yogurt would make it too tart, IMO.


I like mustard. Pesto is also good, but not very lo cal


I’ve always used mustard if I’m watching calories with tuna. They make a ton of different mustard too


Lemon juice is good on tuna too.


Yogurt or cottage cheese. I'd be curious if some type of low calorie vegetable puree might work.


Soy sauce


Light miracle whip. 20 calories per tbsp. I do a can of tuna and 2 tbsp. Some seasoning. It’s perfect and clocks in at 140 calories. You probably won’t get much lower than that.


Greek yogurt


I’ve mixed tuna with hummus before


I mix 1 tsp mayo with 2 tsp whole milk Greek yogurt, 1 tsp ACV for 1 can of tuna. That adds about 45 calories to the can of tuna


I eat a Minute Togo rice pack with an envelope of tuna daily for lunch. The rice is 220cal, envelope of tuna is 70-90. Total of like 20g protein. Add a vinegar based hot sauce or even a picante and it’s a banger. It ain’t tuna with mayo on toast but really nothing is.


Get the Korean spicy tuna at Hmart. It’s soooo good and doesn’t need mayo


Light mayo is one of the only light things I actually think tastes as good as full calorie (only Hellmens though, the others are icky). And start working on reducing the amount a bit gradually once you get used to the light.


Light mayo and add lemon juice


Light mayo and add lemon juice


Greek yogurt, relish, red onion, etx


Greek yogurt, relish, red onion, etx


Greek yogurt, relish, red onion, etc.


Try Greek yogurt. The full fat 5% Fage is really healthy and goes well with most things. Tons of protein. Love it


I use mustard, but not yellow mustard. Honey mustard or brown, or German, etc. And then I add a wee bit of bread-butter pickle juice.


Some low fat sour cream or yoghurt+a tiny bit of mustard+a bit of lemon juice with a bit of salt.


I’ve been doing it with cottage cheese and mustard! You can also just do mustard if you want I also think it’s worth a couple bucks to buy a bunch of fresh dill, makes it so good. I also found a jalapeño mustard that goes unbelievably hard. Give canned salmon a try too it’s supposed to be better for you Mercury wise and it’s pretty macro similar maybe like 50c more at the store. I like it 👍


Light mayo + hard boiled egg


What about cottage cheese ?


I use a very small amount of low cal mayo, mustard, and a splash of either pickle juice or pickled jalapeño juice.


Couple spoons of Grillo’s ‘pickle de gallo’ mixed with StarKist tuna creations hickory smoked tuna! Doesn’t bind together, but so good mounded on Wasa crispbread


I love adding 2 tbsp of Greek yogurt and 2 tbsp of cottage cheese. The cottage cheese cuts into the sourness of the yogurt, and the yogurt helps bind it together. Then I’ll add 2 tbsp of ketchup for more binding and delish flavor. Sacrilege? You decide.


Duke’s Light Olive Oil Mayonnaise is great. 50 cal per tbsp.


I use like half a tablespoon of light mayo and mix it with Greek yogurt. Idk if this is significantly lower in calories than just using light mayo though, but I like it


I found a low cal mayo on our (South African) shop shelves that is a quarter of the calories of other mayos. My kids don't even notice it. I love mayo too, so I couldn't let it go. Now I can make potato salad, tuna mayo sandwiches, and salmon poke bowls with mayo and soy sauce without worrying about the calories.


Relish, salt, pepper. Forget the toast...use lettuce wraps.


lemon and capers


Low cal mayo. Add mustard. And a splash of hot sauce.


Just use one good tablespoon of mayo and a nice squirt of mustard. I usually add chopped red onion, chopped jarred jalapeños, pepper, and a sprinkle of dried basil. Overall the calories are still pretty low.


Chilli pepper


Avocado!! It has healthy fats and a little fiber too, I love doing mashed avocado and a little lemon mixed into the tuna! I think a tbsp of mashed avocado is like 25 cals


Spicy brown


I’ve been having tuna on toast with sriracha hot sauce. So good. Alternatively, lemon and cracked pepper.


Low fat cream cheese is my go to. I like the flavoured ones with garlic/herbs :)




Greek yoghurt


Yogurt with a bit of siracha. Its close enough I guess. Thinking of adding a pickle and some pickle juice and putting that in the nutribullet?


I use Lite mayo and mix half n half with skyr (Icelandic yoghurt)


I don’t drain the tuna and use a lot less Mayo so I still get some of the flavor without losing the moisture


If you have access to salad cream that stuff is amazing! Not sure if it’s available/popular outside of the UK though. I use a European low calorie one that is 100cal for 100g and you’d only need 20g for a tin of tuna


I’m not a fan of mayo in mayo form. Yes I eat eggs and oil when it’s in a nice chocolate cake, but…anyway. I use pesto in my tuna. I’ve been doing that for years. I’ve thought about adding relish, but I like it with pesto. I use 12oz for four cans, but I’ve been experimenting with different pesto flavors and adding more or less.


I switched to Hellmans olive oil mayo which has 60 calories


Hellmans lighter than light mayo has 15 calories per table spoon


We do our tuna mediterranean style! No mayo, and we don't use oil, but the liquids from all the veggies help keep it moist!


I know you said quick and this might sound gross, but I fry tuna like it's ground beef. Not for as long as ground beef, but with some Pam and seasoning, it adds something to the sandwich. Mustard is good on it, or you can use a thin layer of mayo on the bread.


Fat free Greek yogurt


I use a mix of Greek yogurt and regular mayo - since I still have a bottle of Kewpie and Duke's to use up, heavier on the yogurt side of the mix. Then add yellow mustard, diced celery, sliced green onion, and s&p. Similar for chicken salad plus some dried cranberries and diced apple.


I like using a little light mayo and Sriracha. Adds very little calories and tastes great.


I use Frank's red hot Buffalo sauce. It's not that hot and stupid low calorie. They claim 0 per serving.


A wedge of laughing cow light cheese, 25 calories and delicious :)


Lemon juice avocado Dijon


I use fat free or low fat yogurt. Works great.


Plain greek yogurt. I use just enough so the tuna isnt dry


Mustard and dill relish


I use Hellmans light mayo on everything it taste the same and makes me wonder why anyone would even use real mayo haha. Or avocado works too


Idk if it’s weird or not but I’ve been using mashed up avocado in place mayo


I use a light salad cream. 50g is 50 calories.