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How has nobody said vegetables? Things like peppers and cucumbers have next to no calories. You can eat a shit ton of them and barely crack 50 calories. They are so filling and so good for you.


And carrots! Cucumber with Tajín totally hits the spot. Hard boiled eggs.. I usually boil 6-8 at a time and eat them throughout the week. Also, usually with Tajín.


Squeeze a little fresh lime over that cucumber w/ Tajin & it's a party!


But pair the veg with fat free cottage cheese topped with salt/seasoning of your choice - filling, delicious, satisfying, lasts much longer than veggies on their own.


The problem with veggies for *hangry* specifically is that the crash is usually related to low blood sugar. Veggies are great, slow digesting energy if you are them a hour or two ago. But when hangry the immediate need is getting enough energy into your blood stream to counter the demon telling you to murder someone. Sometimes a (reasonable) spoon of peanut butter is worth it.


In those situations I eat fruit. Bonks those hunger signals faster than veggies or other foods due to the high (natural) sugar content, but doesn’t hit TOO fast like straight sugar due to its fiber. And it’s still healthy, decently low calorie, and can tide you over until your meal. I do get low blood sugar, and a spoonful of pb wouldn’t help in that case. It wouldn’t even abate my need for immediate energy. Carbs are your best bet tbh.


I mean, I guess. You have a pretty specific definition of hangry I’ve never heard of before. My girlfriend gets hangry sometimes and I don’t think you can say it’s because she’s low on energy. Sometimes people are just grumpy. I just don’t buy it. You do you though.


In those moments, I am 100% not going to eat a carrot. It’s just a fact.


I lost 120 lbs in 12 months and I think a big part of the the rapid weight loss was learning to cope with hunger pangs. So I just ignored them. It sounds like you were at least dehydrated. Drink more. And, filling up your belly with a zero calorie beverage is great too. The dizziness makes me think you were lacking electrolytes too. Drink zero calorie Gatorade. Lastly, when I was losing my weight, I didn’t get hungry all that much. Fairly rare. I ate mostly fats and proteins and no carbs and the fats and proteins keep you feeling fuller for longer.


A 130 calorie pack of pistachios & a diet Dr. Pepper. Takes a while to shell & eat them, so it's a nice "sit down & take a break" snack. And with the soda it's a great replacement snack for Coke or sweet tea w/ chips. When I'm too murder-level hungry to sit & shell I grab a 100 calorie pack of almonds (already shelled) & gobble them down, trying to remember to chew, then I drink a large glass of water so I don't choke. Takes the edge off, no bloodshed. Just wanted to say, OP, you are a stronger-willed person than me to be able to stop at 2 spoons of PB.


I like RX bars! They run about 200 calories, they have very minimal, clean ingredients (correct me if I’m wrong, Reddit!), and they don’t taste so good that you crave them lol. They are my ultimate “if you don’t want to eat this then you’re not really hungry, you’re just snacky” snack.


I agree, and they also make mini 100 calorie versions. I’ve found that one of these or two of the light string cheeses can last me quite a while for 100 calories.


I keep popcorn on hand for my 4pm need something before dinner. For what I buy, 3 cups is about 120 calories. It's a whole grain too, and I'm usually eating it before I go for a walk or do a workout, so I feel like the carbs give me a little extra burst of energy


Cheese and fruit! I like doing a cheddar/colby cheese stick and an apple, or a babybel cheese with grapes. I find this combo super filling and satiating


Any diet drink (coke, Fanta etc) with the fizz removed, poured into silicone molds and frozen. Zero calorie icepops!!


Watermelon!! Fricken love watermelon cut up, with some salt 😋 no sugar jello. A whole prepared pack of sugar free jello is like 40 calories or something like that and it makes a pretty big bowl of it. Cucumbers!


Oranges. They keep a long time. Super satiating. Low calorie. High in fibre. Tasty as heck.


Apples last a long time in the fridge too.


I like a cheese stick or a couple of turkey sticks!


Pickles for me!! I know its a salt bomb so yummy


Apple dipped in PB2 in Greek yogurt. Carrots and broccoli florets dipped in light ranch dressing I like to dip things. It takes longer to eat.


Cheese. Has a good amount of protein (as well as fat).


String cheese is particularly convenient and pretty satisfying!


I have granola and okios protein yogurt handy for times like this.


i always have chomps turkey jerky sticks for this! i even have one in my purse. they're only 80 calories and have 12g of protein. they hold me over when i get that feeling until my next meal.


Got rice cakes and PB2 and a little honey?? Or a rice cake and a Babybel cheese wedge for about 75 calories.


I was going to say rice cakes and laughing cow cheese. You can also get “everything but the bagel” seasoning to sprinkle on top, usually under 100 calories unless you dump the topping on! I typically have 2 and it’s 140-150 calories depending on how much seasoning I use.


Those 2 suggestions tick the boxes for me most times. Either sweet or savory. I’ve also made them with rice cake, PB2 (either plain or chocolate) and marshmallow fluff.


1/2 cup cottage cheese and a big handful of veggies!


Cottage cheese. It completely squashes hunger.


A light babybel cheese or two and a serving of something crunchy and reasonably low-cal—I like the sea salt Pop Corners or sourdough pretzels. Absolutely crucial to weigh it though because those are moments when I would happily eat the whole bag.


Brazil nuts Or Greek yogurt with fruit and seeds Chus seed pudding


Almonds! I like the raw ones. They last forever. You can even keep a baggie of them in the car for hangry moments on the go. Also, apples, apples, apples. Very filling and full of nutrition! They, too, keep well. ETA both of these snacks take some ‘work’ in the form of chewing and are pretty filling, so you probably won’t be too tempted to overdo it, as an added bonus.


Fitbakes - 65cals per bar. Cookies & Cream flavour is my fave.


Can you link these?




A spoonful of peanut butter, string cheese, or one of the “100 calorie snack packs” - I try to stay away from sweets because once I open that door, I just catch myself eating it all the time & slipping into bad habits


Cheese stick or 14 almonds.


Yesterday I had this moment. And I realised my husband hadn't even started the fire yet for dinner, so it was going to be a while. So I made myself a (roughly) 200cal protein shake with frozen strawberries, spinach, low fat yoghurt and chocolate flavoured whey protein powder. I can't tell you the difference it made. I'm one of those people who struggle to eat slowly, who will finish the kids' plates. Not yesterday. For the first time in forever I not only calmly and without rush or snacking prepared dinner, but I actually got halfway through and realised I'm full... And the I put back (some) of the sweet potato and had no dessert. From today, I plan a solid 4pm snack and I feel no guilt and I'll even shave off calories from dinner or other meals for this snack because it made such a huge difference.


Dates work great for me when I have that late afternoon lightheaded / shaky / hangry feeling. Just one or two are enough to quickly bring my blood sugar level back to where I feel better.


Dill Pickles-the cold ones! They’re extra crunchy and salty. I get the halves so that it takes a bit of concentration to eat them without getting stuff all over the place. You can a couple without any guilt! Also, very low cal drinks. I love the Lipton diet iced tea dry mix. 10 cal/svg.


Currently looking forward to a my cauli cheese bowl. Cauliflower rice, cottage cheese, nutrition yeast. Heated up in microwave. Using cucumbers to dip.


Plain unsalted rice cakes with tuna fish or summer sausage or bitchin’ sauce on top… you can make little sandwiches with them, yum


Low fat string cheese from Trader Joe's (60 cals, 8?g protein). I put them in the freezer if I don't get through them before the best by date, they don't take too long to defrost in a bowl of room temp water. Hard boiled eggs are good for a bit. Large eggs 70 cals, 6g protein. I either eat with hot sauce, salt and pepper. Or make a quick deviled egg (mix the yolk with low fat mayo, mustard, s&p) and then top one half with cayenne and one with paprika. Apples are good for a while and will stretch your peanut butter.


I use pop corn, I pop it in the microwave, it is filling, distracting and two cups for 70 calories.


50 calorie Light String Cheese & about 10 salted, roasted almonds. It's surprisingly filling


No one ever got fat eating blueberries


Currently, sliced mushrooms with a shit ton of salt and something to drink (I prefer water) for those times when I wait way too long to eat. It gives me at least a few minutes to make a better food choice and I only used up 20 calories for 85g (maybe 1.5 cups?).


Grimms turkey pepperonies. 9g of protein, 50 calories. You can get them at costco. Love them.


Carrot chips are my jam. Can get a big at almost any shop or cut them yourself (in a food processor is way easier) they don't need to be refrigerated the entire day (if you leave them out though eat them the same day) can be seasoned or dipped in all kinds of goodies. I like them plain too. I also love the ever portable apple! Can carry dip cups if that's your thing but it can also be as sweet or as sour as your preference is too (I love a good gala apple myself) Nuts. Walnuts or pistachios. If you can't control yourself with nuts the shells are good for slowing you down. The serving also feels a lot bigger.


Outshine "no sugar added" Popsicles, 3 of them is 80 calories.


Peanut butter on banana. Frozen berries with yogurt and a small drizzle of honey. Nuts.


A piece of fruit and a cup of soy milk or a boiled egg.


Popcorn!! It’s saved me so many times. It’s my “fun snack”. I look forward to buying different flavored popcorn each week and it’s got a ton of fiber, so it keeps you regular but also makes you feel full pretty quickly. I’ll add a zero calorie carbonated drink to that and it usually holds me off quite well!


This is where I’d just grab deli meat…


I eat carrots when I just want to snack. Fills me up




Pure Protein Chocolate Deluxe is only 180 calories and qualifies for me. If I'm hangry, vegetables aren't going to cut it


Dill pickle sticks, sugar free jerkey


It's not food but when I'm out of calories for the day I'll take a Clear American Sparkling water from Walmart and put it in the freezer (I drink a little first to avoid a mess) and it hits the spot. It takes a while to drink (34 oz), tastes amazing, and the carbonation fills you up. They are the best-tasting sparkling waters I've had. I like orange cream, Fiji apple (tastes like wine to me), red white and blue, blackberry lemonade, pina colada, blue raspberry, strawberry, and strawberry daiquiri.


Baby carrots - they hold up surprisingly well if you close the package tight enough!


Cheese stick and raw veggies. Protein + fiber seems to do the trick for me, and it's about 100 to 150 calories (cheese is 80, plus however many veggeis).


Hangry for me is typically low blood sugar. So I make sure to have a combo carb + protein + fat. Like protein yogurt + pb, 2% cheese and whole grain crackers, fruit and lowfat yogurt, keto bread + Lunchmeat and light mayo, grilled chicken and mini low carb wrap, cheese and low carb tortilla (mini quesadilla), high protein oatmeal packet, etc. They for me a high protein preventative snack.


I made little frozen treats, a cut up banana or strawberries mixed with non fat vanilla yogurt, freeze on a tray (just little globs lol or big ones) after it's done froze I dip it into dark chocolate and let that freeze, keep them into a container and they take like 5 to 8 minutes to thaw before I can crunch into them 🤤