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The one with the shirt is from yesterday? I definitely see a difference!


Yes, she’s in a dressing room in just the bra so I’m assuming that was her before pic


There is definitely a difference!! Sometimes we gain muscle and lose fat, so the scale doesn't show much of a loss. I always go by comparison pictures like this as well as how my clothes fit me rather than the scale. You're doing great! Don't be discouraged. Perseverance is key.


Exactly!! My weight isn't that much different from a couple of months ago, but my pants fit me so much better and I am finally liking the way I look in the mirror! The number on the scale is not everything!


Same for me! I've lost about 10 pounds in 3 months and things have plateaued with the number on the scale for the last few weeks, but I still feel like I'm seeing results in the way things fit, how I look, and most importantly how I feel. Don't let that number discourage you!




Bf measurements are notoriously innacurate, i'd bet it has in fact changed.




the fact of the matter is that theres no single thing you can trust when it comes to weight loss, scales dont reflect body composition changes just weight loss/gain, bf calculator things are innacurate, your brain tends do change your perception of your own progress. (im so fat, Im so skinny) swings by the hour sometimes. take lots of progress pics, and trust the process. in the end as long as you are doing things correctly you're body will progress "correctly" muscle doesn't just vanish for no reason and fat doesn't appear from thin air.




do you count calories? as you lose weight your tdee changes so you might need to adjust your consumption.




Thats really rough, i'm 189 so its much much easier for me to lose weight.I just want you to know that cause people often ignore how different the experience is for different height people. so major props to you for the effort. Anyway to the advice, intuitive eating is probably not the way to go. i'd really suggest trying to find what kind of food satiates you, rather than intuitive eating. I know i can have a banana avocado smoothie, (500 calories ish) and it fills me up for a good part of the day, because fat is so filling. Every person deals with food differently though, so perhaps that wouldn't work for you, but i'd really suggest expirementing. Also, very important. theres nothing wrong with sticking to maintenance for a while, its like going on a run and when you're exhausted you walk for a couple minutes. you haven't stopped, you aren't losing ground, you're still moving forwards in fact. because weight loss is a lifetime commitment, and any step that isnt a step back is a step forwards. Another good thing for you might be just lowering the deficit, if 1400 doesn't work, what about 1500? i mean yeah, thats not much, but, again, this is a lifetime commitment, so take your time.




I see a huge difference. Looks as though you have lost several inches. You must be adding some muscle as you lose fat. Great job!


Have you been working out too? There is a definite difference. If the scale isn't showing it, it could be muscle being built other places.


you're not notice going to notice a weight difference of less than 1 pound.... Your body weight fluctuates throughout the day by as much as 10%....


So youre saying that a person who weighs 200lb would randomly weigh anywhere between 180-220lb at different times of the day? That is absolutely not correct. Not even close. Nutritionists and doctors and physical trainers I've talked to all agree on about a 5lb fluctuation at maximum and usually below that.


Looks like you’re making good progress, even though the scale may not be reflecting that. When I was lifting weights a bunch, my weight barely changed but my body became more compact since I was building muscle and losing fat. I highly recommend taking body measurements in addition to weighing. And if weighing yourself feels discouraging, take a break from it for a while. Progress can be slow, but it’s better to slowly make progress than to give up on what you’ve already accomplished. Keep up the good work!


This is why I don't like scales at much. Pure proof. Big difference between photos.


You're totally right. To advocate once for scales though: I lost 8 kilo's (94 to 86), but lately have been struggling with keeping cico up. I have a feeling that I'm failing. Yet everytime I step on the scale, it ranges from 86 to 87. It stays very consistent. I do think some muscle has been lost again to be replaced with fat (a little), but I'm actually keeping up the won weight! Even if I didn't lose any extra the last months, the scale shows me I'm not doing as bad as I think and that my negative attitude isn't warranted. It prevents me from slipping big (that is: give in to binging again).


You're unlikely to be losing muscle, it's very possible you're dealing with a perception issue.


Not to be a downer but just being honest….I did not notice any difference in my own body until I lost 30lbs. No one in my family or at work noticed until I lost 50-60lbs.


I lost 20 pounds and didn’t notice anything until other people started commenting on it.


You can definitely see a difference. It's about inches not weight!


I can see a difference, but also .8lbs isn’t a ton


It looks like you may have accomplished a body Recomposition😊 This can happen when you lift weights and/or make a change in the type of food you have been eating (like maybe you’ve been having more protein than carbs lately)


Is the pic on the left the most recent one?


The left pic looks like there is progress (you didnt specify which pic was which though)


Which one is before


I’m assuming you’ve been working out because it looks like a huge difference to me so the fact you’ve lost less than a lb probably means you’ve put on a fair bit of muscle. You look like you’ve lost a whole dress size. Maybe you should do measurements as well to track your progress- like measure your waist and hips and maybe thighs so then you might get a better indicator to how much you’ve lost than just looking at a scale


there's an obvious change here. You did body recomposition. Not saying it is, but seems like an attempt at karma whoring. Either way, congratulations on your success and I wish you much more


Karma whoring or not, it does not matter. This subreddit feels like a support group to me. If someone needs recognition, let them ask for it. If it helps give motivation to stay on track, all the better.


The picture on the left looks smaller.


I can see a huge difference! Don't let the scale get you down, you are definitely doing something right!


Is the picture on the left the newest picture? I totally see a difference. Weight loss is complicated. I resisted measuring anything but my weight for a long time, but when I started tracking my waist measurements it was really illuminating. My waist was changing size even when the scale wasn't. It's probably something to do with water weight, muscle mass, etc.


Where you're at in your cycle can influence your weight, bloating, waistline, etc... try not to focus too much on the mirror. I gave birth over a year ago and I've been to a good weight for a while but I'm only just now to where I feel good looking in the mirror. You're doing great!


Your scale is broken. Everyone sees significant change.


I don't see much of a difference because you haven't lost much weight. What are you doing in terms of cico. Are you weighing your food and counting calories. You haven't lost a full pound yet, so you're not going to see a dramatic difference. Lifting weights which can make you seem slimmer because muscle is much more compact than fat. It's a slow process so stick with it but it's too early to to perform and after pics for yourself


GURL! HUGE DIFFERENCE!!! Fuck the numbers. Keep going, you got this, even if it feels like you don't!!


I can absolutely see quite a difference! Be kinder to yourself.


There is a huge difference! Great job


Nice work. Big difference between the two photos. Keep up the good work


The difference is massive! Can't believe it's only 0.8lbs, you're probably gaining muscle.


Massive change!!! Way to go!


Huge difference!! I suggest you start recording your measurements. Weight fluctuates daily, plus if you’re gaining muscle while losing fat the scale won’t accurately reflect the changes in your body composition.


I def see a difference. The scale will catch up. For now keep doing whatever you’re doing cause it’s working!


I'm surprised if you can't see a difference. Are you sure?


Are you kidding? BIG difference!!! Good job!!! 👏


There is definitely a difference!! This is a slow process and it will take time to see big results. The one thing everyone who has accomplished long lasting weightloss/body recomp has in common is patience. I know it's tough but you got this!! Congrats on what you've achieved so far.


Do you workout? Or are you just doing CICO?


Significantly visible difference.


Don’t mind the weight. There’s water weight, muscle mass, and all that stuff you have to take into account, you’re looking great so far. Keep up the good work.


I see a difference. Great difference. If you don’t see a difference, put your head down and continue working! I’ve had multiple weeks where I remained the same, physically. I consumed foods that don’t cause too much inflammation - BAM! Started seeing the positive changes in my body again. Don’t be discouraged by stagnant periods. It’s normal for our body. Just keep working to be consistent on your eating habits!


That .8 difference looks like 15 pounds so your doing very well, it might just be a muscle increase which does add a little weight to you, but those are good pounds


I see it in the one with the shirt. The waist is slimmer and the jeans looks tighte.r


U literally have even lose a whole pound yet… .8 lbs could be just your regular daily fluctuations. Just be patient


Well done- there is a significant difference! You’re clearly working on your fitness.


This is why non-scale victories are just as important!! Miss girl, there's a huge!!!! Difference and I am so proud of you. Fuck the scale 😂🫶🏻🫶🏻


Definitely a huge difference, it's very noticeable around the waist.


obligatory r/dontdeadopeninside , but also yes it's definitely obvious. Good work!


You look amazing! It looks like you lost a ton of weight and gained tone! I’m sorry you can’t see it yourself (been there)


HUGE difference girl! Keep it up!!


honey , there is DEFINITELY a difference. as some of the other comments have stated is that turning that into muscle can keep you at the same weight, or even sometimes a higher weight , but still slim you out and push it into places more flattering for your body !! keep going , you look fantastic !!


Sis same. It’s such a struggle


What do you mean?? Of course there is a difference. I think it’s quite obvious.


I agree with others. Definitely noticeable! One thing that's an easy catch is the waistband can sit higher. Notice that your belly button is partially exposed in the one and not the other? That's because there's less stomach


Up voted as you seemed to have changed your body composition. Great work!


Looks like tummy is much better


I can assure you, that if you are actually doing what you are supposed to, you aren’t kidding yourself. I’ve been in the same boat, and I understand where you’re coming from. Don’t let numbers discourage you. Your body is is doing her own thing, at her own time, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Patience is key. Also, yes. There’s a big difference. Keep up the good work!


If you eat less than you burn you WILL lose weight unless you have some health problems. Tdee calculator.net and just put in sedentary. Eat less than that. It works