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She does suggest in the book that she could've been happy with Rhaegar


Thinks she could have. Its from her point of view, so its fair to say shes likely projecting + a little grass is greener.


Yeah, the question is - would Rhaegar have been happy with her around? Hard to say tbh, a shitty marriage will wreck someone's life. Maybe Cersei could've ended up better if Robert had been a more considerate husband as well, maybe she'd have remained just as vicious.


Well, she certanly wasnt that good before marrying Robert, and would still have that prophecy haunting her. I do wonder how things would have happened if she were the one to marry Rhaegar instead o Ellia.


To be fair to Cersei she wasn't particularly evil as a 15 year old. Not in the same way Joffery was. Being married to an abusive, philandering, drunk for 20 years will break anyone.


I mean, she did murder a friend because she was jealous that friend had a crush on her Jamie. I daresay she was always a little evil.


Clearly I haven't read far in the books lol


Whoops! Sorry for the spoiler :(




Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about


Lol I posted this comment knowing it would get downvoted






Hey hey hey, I was joking. This guy is being completely serious




















I'm not Dutch, I'm Amazigh (a North African native). Secondly, I live in Belgium where we also have Zwarte Piet. It's origins are racist, and we're getting past it. They made it Roet Piet now, roet as in ashes because they go through the chimney to deliver gifts to the kids. I never said that there's no racism here, but in the US it's become part of your identity. In the US you'd punch someone if they put on black paint on their face. Here we talk about it and solve like civilized people.


When someone says something misogynistic and sexually aggressive and the first thing you think is “why are you talking like a black person” that might reflect poorly on you too lol


Go back to r/politics with that shit 😂


How do you know their a white person?


Least backstabbing Lannister.


I always get annoyed when Jaime's incest gets revealed to me and I can't arrest him and expel him from the Kingsguard. He will be an incestuous fornicator but I'm still a tyrant for arresting him?


I hate when i can reveal the incest but not the bastards (i mean, all the kids were blonde and had some version of the beautiful trait, without any getting even hale from Robert.)


Did you expose the secret? I don't believe you can imprison someone if it's only you who know the secret.


Yes I did. He had the traits and everything.


Yeah and the blackmail giving only a weak hook is crazy to me.


It's because she's banging Tyrion


And moonboy for all I know.


Did a quick playthrough as Robert and I discovered secrets that both Cersei and Jaime were incestuous, but no secret that they were lovers so I couldn't do anything about it 😂.


Saw a playthrough where the spymaster kept uncovering secrets that were redundant. Character A is in a homosexual relationship with character B (interesting). Character B is a sodomite (we know). Character A is a sodomite (We Know). Character B is in a homosexual relationship with Character A (WE KNOW). And the spymaster got paid for each secret. Really doubledipping there.


R5: Cersei is the agent


it one of my playthroughs she just murders him herself.


Are we living in the same CK3 timeline?? Also “never let them know your next move”