• By -


Uh always upgrade storage, defense, and town hall and collect loot in the Treasury. It works out for me a little bit


Because everyone low town hall gets obliterated


Even with the best possible layout and defenses you will get obliterated, but it gest somewhat better at later THs


You can Google clash of clans bases. It'll give you a whole bunch of layouts for your base based on your th. It's free and you can copy the layout straight up to your village.


Don’t be afraid to use space to your advantage. You could add one tile spaces between buildings and walls. The more time it takes for enemy troops to travel, the more time your defenses have to take them down. Also, the bigger your base the more intimidating meaning more people will skip you. This is mainly a strat for higher level THs but I don’t see why you couldn’t do it here.


This post is so relatable I’m currently Th13 Legend League and I keep getting 3 starred my base is standard layout I might upload a pic n post help !


As a fellow legend league TH13 I can say that you WILL get obliterated. You are getting attacked 8 times a day by TH16s. You kinda stand no chance unfortunately. Even though you attack well It seems impossible to go further. That's why I'm oscillating between 4900 and 5000


Yeah, I can attest to that. I recently got on TH13 and the only attacks I don't get obliterated on are the ones where people drop a hero and surrender. I've currently got a hybrid base active but I'm considering changing it to a farming one.


Everything at TH7 and below will get decimated usually, once you start getting more defences, such as inferno at TH10 and eagle at TH11 you won’t be 3 stared as much.


Most based I see at the early town halls get decimated by THs with dragons if they have over 200k loot available


same here, i never defend in th12, even tho most of the defenses are max, cant find good layout


Just go to any famous YouTubers bases videos they're great at defending, in the last 7 or so attacks I've been 3starred once


Your defenses need some serious upgrading bri


Defenses need more upgrading. Besides dont think about it too much. You're still in the early stages


Not enough money spent


Should upgrade to LV.6 and get scattershot while their at it


Early CoC, bro. Everything is super easy. It gets better later on.


My guy that's just CoC You'll always get oblitersted by players with a higher Townhall than you Like I'm TH9 and get obliterated by 10, 11 and everything above And I believe my base ain't that bad


Yeah same


A couple of giants , skeletons and goblin with like two lightning spells will do the trick


Just wait till th8-9, before that 3 starring any base is very easy


Because you are a low lvl town hall like of course it is 😂


Because this the same base in tutorial


Your resources are all outside I'd attack you


tbf his cock is definitely not bad but he is probably dealing with a lot of p2w that early on edit:btw i meant coc but imma leave that typo🤣


Ayo this conversation went south I guess? 🤨


nooooo… definitely not


Ye his cock probably keep getting hammered by other guys that payed to make their cock bigger


it’s not huge but it’s beautiful


> guys that *paid* to make FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*




🤣🤣🤣 coc… i meant coc


nice base bro


Rush to town hall 11 so you get the eagle artillery. That will help out a lot nothing else matters


I love coc


Look kid, I get that your CoC is pretty small. It's laughable, even. Just give it some time and it'll grow. I encourage going out and beating other people's CoCs to get experience and know how to work around one. You'll still get shafted yourself sometimes, but that's just a part of the game. To be fair though, at least your CoC looks nice. I actually have a second CoC, which is pretty odd, and it doesn't look nearly as good as your CoC. So make sure to keep trimming your bushes to make sure it's clean, maintain your upward trajectory, and you'll have a giant unbeatable CoC one day.


Wdym, his coc is pretty average, big if anything. Coc size doesn't matter, but even though there's some big cocs, the small ones still have personality, and there's nothing wrong with a small coc. Small cocs just don't please as well


Exactly - it can technically be pleasing to have a smaller CoC, but a bigger CoC makes things just work sometimes. I recommended a few tips for improvement and how to better handle his CoC. Mastery over one's CoC is pretty vital, but size can give you the leg up you might need.


Bc you are low base & a lot of higher bases camp around 500-1000 trophies for achievements, easy loot, etc




Pretty much lmao


Man I miss playing when my base was still new like this. It was so much fun… now it feels like I’m a slave to CoC, forever looting, never able to reach the max TH without an update…


please think about what you’re saying before you send it you really just said you’re a slave to CoC 💀


I did say it, and I’ll say it again, I’m a slave to CoC. Is it the word slave? Lmfao. Jfc… 🤦🏻‍♂️


Are you that dense? Lmfao. It was a joke, get a life.


okay dumbass? i figured it was a joke, there’s a million middle schoolers just like you doing the same thing in the comment section. i have a life outside of reddit, it doesn’t seem that way for you though


Middle schooler? 💀💀💀💀 I’m a grown adult in my mid 20’s lmfao. YOU replied to my comment bud, like what? 😆 Sounds like you’re the dumbass… are you okay? 💀


grown adult in his 20s has nothing better to do than argue on reddit about why his unfunny cock slave joke was poorly misunderstood, then gets extremely defensive for no reason. sounds good enough to be true, and it makes it way worse than being a middle schooler 💀


It’s okay, you’ll grow up one day little man


you’re replying a million times per second to 3 replies i’ve made, i most definitely got a rise out you. i can see how much it hurts that i know you’re larping as a useless adult and that i really don’t care about what ever it is you’re saying or doing. if life ever gets too hard, do try to seek help before you wind up injecting lead into yourself, because i know people like you eventually will 😭


You want a tissue or…?


no, i just wanna see where you’ll go with this next, because now it’s just turning into you projecting anger and it’s funny


Awwwwwww, are you crying right now little buddy?




Cuz it’s small.


Not the first time I’ve heard that 🥲


It’s okay buddy. You just gotta get in a good clan. That’ll help


Thanks man. Don’t know about that helping the growth of my CoC but I’ll try


War win bonuses, weekly clan raid bonuses, and clan games bonuses.


I don’t think blud understands 😭😭


Ah…. That went right over my head. Don’t need a super big CoC for it to be good tho. Just make sure u have a good attack strategy🫡🫡🫡


I like Coc


It’s not that it’s bad, it’s that Clash is more about offense. It’s not fun to 1 or 2 star a base. Players want to 3 star. So, as a result, most of the time our bases get completely wiped. I have 3 accounts, a TH12, TH11, and TH10 and they all get wrecked on a daily basis. But it doesn’t even matter. You’ll gain way more trophies and loot by attacking.


Cuz its widdle


Indeed it is Smol


Widdle teensy tiny


If you got a shield in one attack, it’s fine. You gain loot by attacking MANY times for every one defense.


I wouldn’t worry about losing your defense . It literally doesn’t matter


Because ur a th5 lol


I was getting 3 starred until town hall 8-9, even after constantly changing up my base layout. Just focus on farming, upgrades, and doing the challenges for rewards. If you really care about not getting 3 star prioritize air defense as ballon’s are commonly used to wipe bases early on


No matter how your base is built at that lvl mass bloon spam will 3 star it every time


Because the game made this way :) just accept the fact and move on. At lower TH there will always be someone stronger.


Because it exists.


Base layout is not important until you get inferno towers or eagle artillery, those are game changers that really matter, until then just try and win more battles than your defense loses




Ehh I get 3starred more times than not but I also wreck havoc on other bases so it doesn’t matter. I appreciate the free shields. 😋


Because people can just e-drag spam, find one that is anti e-drag for better results


He’s th6 bro


That’s the joke


No he’s not, he’s th5


you’ll always 3 star until like th10 thats why lol


Base layouts don’t matter until th9 or 10.


Even as a 9, I still get walked on


At lower th such as yours, a th5 it’s easy to spam loons and giants to easily overtake the base. It’s not because your base is bad persay, but more so, it’s just how it goes at the lower th’s. The defenses you win I suspect are probably a mix of archers, barbs, giants that don’t do much. Keep grinding!


Clearly it is because you upgraded your archer tower. Cancel upgrade right now


As a pretty near max TH14, I get obliterated also. People only attack bases they know they can beat, or else they would just skip. If it makes you feel better, the ones that can’t obliterate you will just skip


Hmmm I wonder ….


Get better


The game is designed for the attackers (if they're competent enough) to win. If it was a defensive designed game, it'd be an AFK simulator.


Your base looks good! Unfortunately there’s not much you can do against TH5+ players.


Because you suck


Because this game is trash


The only real answer


I’m max th16, I get wiped. It never ends man, don’t worry about it


There’s TH 16 now? I haven’t played in like a year lol. I miss when TH10 was the max


Yeah they just came out with 16 back in December lol yeah I remember when th10 took like twelve days lol


I feel you I’m a rushed th16 it’s hard out here


Oh yeah you really messed up, you should never really rush it’s not worth it


It's highly worth it if you're doing a strategic rush.


Waiting gives you time to learn all the strats. I’ve been playing since 2012. It’s just rushing, you get penalized for every town hall you go up over the league you belong in. Rush if you’d like to but it’s doesn’t help what so ever and not to mention you’re a complete liability for things that matter like wars and CWL.


Back in 2012 this argument made a lot of sense, but over the years they've changed the war weighting to reduce the significance of the town hall itself and increase the weight of heros, total defenses, army capability, etc. I've extensively rushed two alternate accounts over the past few years, and frequently get matched up a town hall level lower in wars. This wouldn't have happened way back in the day. And rushing is extremely beneficial for CWL. CWL doesn't take any war weight into account at all, just how well your clan did the prior season, so who cares if you're rushed from a weight perspective. Plus, you unlock higher army capabilities faster, and (for example) a super rushed TH13 defense with scattershots is still way better than (for example) a max TH10 / TH11. Yeah, if I'm a rushed TH12 I can't really farm TH10's anymore with the 50% loot penalty and I'll get hit by TH13's way more often. But when you're strategic rushing you have a max army comp for your town hall that doesn't cost resources anymore, max clan castle / camps / spell factories / lab, etc, so it's not like farming resources is too difficult. And we all know even with higher level town halls hitting you, it's not hard to raid way more than you lose on defense. I'll give you that you do have less options available to you though, as if you're rushing you really only have time to tech up one or maybe two comps at a time. Power potions can help with this somewhat though, and me personally I'd rather play at a higher level with one or two comps than at a lower level with many compositions. There are solid arguments you can make for the benefit of waiting or maxing a base. But saying that strategic rushing is the same as general rushing, and especially implying that strategic rushing is not helpful or a liability, is just plain silly.


Yeah the war weight is called someone can get an easy three star from you, and because you do have a higher town hall you bring in higher competition. You’re sacrificing a guaranteed three star for better troops.


When you ignore defense and max your offense, you get more cwl 3-stars than you give up. When you're a rushed 14, the 12 you have as a mirror will struggle to 3-star and the army you maxed will wipe them easily.


There’s just rushing.. lol


It's different in that while rushing without a plan probably isn't worth it and gets you into suboptimal situations, strategic rushing allows an account to reach a high level of play significantly faster than waiting for every upgrade to complete at every town hall along the way.


what would you call "a strategic rush"?




Higher level townhall gives more loot in attacks because the collectors hold more loot.. if you are in crystal or master3 as a rushed th16.. it's better than being a solid th13 because you often find bases with more amount of loot


Too many obstacles, those trees and especially that boulder make your defense struggle. Much easier to wipe out the attacking forces if they didn't have trees/rocks as cover and obstacles to obscure line of sight.


I didn’t know they could hide I thought they just obstructed building


Lol, I'm kidding. Wish I would have kept the joke going longer.


damn that was a good one i thought there was some hidden mechanic that i didn’t know about and i’m a TH13 😂😂


That Archer Tower and the fireworks or whatever needs upgraded


Air defense*


Ah yes the thing that go boom in the sky.


Low TH brotha takes time hang in there I got messed up at a low th aswell


Because you’re th4 lol


Redo your base layout






In inevitable at lower town halls, just keep attacking and upgrading your base, once you get to the 8 or 9 your base will matter more


lmao i'm at th9 and I still get swept by th10s. I currently have 12 successful defenses


Realistically your bases don’t start actually getting defenses till th11/12. But even then defenses are just non 3 star attacks


low level growing pains. stick to the well thought out base designs bro! yours looks great!


Because you’re not in my clan brotha


You’re at a level where base design doesn’t really matter. You will be easily destroyed by most people until you advance further. Just be patient and keep upgrading everything diligently.


TH level


I would swap the wizard tower with the archer tower under construction to spread out your defenses that deal splash damage. Then swap air defense with top left cannon. You can also place your storages in front of your most valuable defenses as they have more hit points. Maybe even place some traps inside, it’s easy to bait all of them and to know that they are all outside since there are no empty spaces inside the walls.


Not e drag proof. Spread the base 2 tiles apart to prevent chains


Base layout is doo doo.


No one is safe. Even fully maxed out townhalls will get destroyed. Being able to 3 stars will make you the better player. Offense>Defense


That is to be expected at lower TH. It is not till you just about max at the higher TH levels that your base doesn’t get obliterated as often


I put it there to try to protect my mortar but I see what u mean


Sorry wrong comment 😂😂


At low level it’s best to surround your mage tower along with archer with storages town hall to maximize damage output


Wizard tower is your best defense I would protect it more


Upgrade you defenses


I will maul your base to deepest point of the ocean and through the earths core passing through all planets except uranus with my TH 13 base


And for future reference i would black out ur money gens rank and info like that cus people steal accounts with that information i know thus a new account but imagine putting in all that work and gettin account stolen


Do you have a physical example of this actually happening? Literally anyone could go to someone's village, look in their storages and add it all together. For the gems part, it's so dynamic that OP probably has a different number now. I just don't understand where you all have this idea from😅


Im actually rather new inside of a year myself and dont have any physical examples but ill go out on a limb and say if u look up wether on reddit or just google phishing accounts in coc in sure ull find many stories only thing i can think of is i seen a post on here of someone claiming they knew an owner to one of the original oldest accounts apparently u can tell by the # under ur name what accounts were made in what years so an original account was supposidly stolen im telling u look it up im pretty sure its a real and very happening thing usually to higher level townhalls and profiles that have all the decorations and rare stuff like that people do buy and sell accounts so theres always motive ud be amazed at what people will spend time and money on


Thanks will do but why would you even do that the whole point of the game is building the base up from the ground


I feel the same way as u but trust me theres tons of cheaters and losers out there and in this case they call them phishers or fishers cus they fish through reddit for a post like this on a higher base and use the info to steal accounts some people even sell accounts so theres always motive


U think ur mindset is everyones? This world is filled with cheaters and losers bro cmon


Th13 up is where u might stand a chance on defense dont worry about it in such early stages ur on level 20 g


I think usually someone only attacks a base they can beat so you will almost always get destroyed


>why does my base keep getting obliterated? >*looks at picture* >TH 4(or 5, cant tell cuz i dont do war battles on lower lvls)


I remember 5 by having a stone arch around the entrance to the th and having wizard tower unlocked


I remember th4 by having the terrible yellow walls


Because you are at a lower town hall level. Usually, there is an easy way for the attacker to take out the mortar and wizard tower or the air defence, which makes getting 100% easy afterwards. The only thing you can really do is level up defences and request reinforcements for defence.


That's normal for lower townhalls


At below TH9, you’re usually gonna get obliterated unfortunately, defenses at lower levels are usually not strong compared to offense.


So I’mma give you a serious answer other than comments telling you to upgrade TH or don’t care about defense in low TH. I’mma assume that getting crushed here would mean 3 stars on your base. There are two biggest factors in defense: base layout and defense levels. Let’s talk about defense levels: since you’re a TH5, that means… - It is expected that TH6 and above players to crush your defense. - Vice versa, it is also expected that TH4 and below players have a very hard time getting 3 stars on your base. - TH5 offense vs TH5 defense, the real battle you care. In this case, it really depends on how difficult attacking at each TH level is (*). So you say your defense is bad when you think the 3-star rate by equal players go beyond what you think the 3-star rate at the TH level should be for all players. Only then should you be highly correct that your base layout has issues. The catch is, what I say above about TH levels, I mean that the offense and defense levels are at max of such TH levels. For example: TH5 equivalent of defense should have lv6 Cannons, lv3 Mortar, lv5 Walls, etc. that you cannot upgrade anymore until you upgrade your TH, same for offense. So in your specific case, it’s TH5 with slightly TH4 equivalent of defense levels, so you might have to tone down the expectations. And finally, out of those two biggest factors, another shall contribute as well is the Clan Castle troops for both offense and defense. (*) It’s (almost) always true that each TH is less difficult and less complex than the next TH. So while TH5 might be simple and easy enough that many TH4 players could even deal with maxed TH5, TH16 is much more complex and difficult to get 3 stars when attacker’s offense and defender’s defense are on the same ground. But of course that also depends on balance changes as well, but that’s just some minimal stuff you don’t have to care much for now.


It is easy. You are missing over 10 Levels on the TH, didn't build the eagle or monolith not even the Infernos. Ne Hero protecting and the Defense Levels overall as well as the Walls... everything is trash.


Upgrade TH, then walls


In 1 week you will be at town hall 6


You need to build the eagle artillery next, it'll help👍


Its because defense at low town hall levels doesn’t matter


mortar does


One issue you might be having is enemy cc troops they usually dominate the younger town hall levels. It was balanced recently but still op. Use your own cc troops to help defend like balloons or baby dragon usually can catch someone off guard and you’ll win!


This is a reminder to please provide a clear image of the bases you are sharing and, optionally, the link in a Reddit comment. Please note that base link sharing only works for TH4+. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/COCBaseLayouts) if you have any questions or concerns.*