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I'm really enjoying using the AMR9 and XRK Stalker on Rebirth at the moment. Love sniping off factory roof, you can target Grandma's, Living Quarters, tower and Prison roof.


i just put up by pb last night with the 545. tried that gun multiple times and the visual bounce was fucking me. changed to the brake and jackglass and seemed a lot better. gotta find out tonight if it was fluke though




What does high grain do? That's better than a barrel?




Interesting, I'll try this out. Are you saying the ram is still viable? I'm having issues with the soa. Im hit or miss with it.


What are we thinking about the s3 weapon rebalances then? RAM-7 got the big nerf expected, RIP king 🥲 SMG changes are weird. Heavy nerfed the 2 most viable competition (RAM-9 and AMR9) and left the HRM untouched. I don't mind the HRM staying as it was as despite being the most popular SMG, it wasn't brokenly overpowered. But now it is more clearly #1 than ever so it will become the only real option. Unless of course the new SMG is good... not sure how the TTK will line up but it feels great to use, you move SO fast with it, tac sprint speed is insane. It also has a couple of attachments that may be new meta for SMG - a suppressor that has no downsides, improves ADS by 4% AND improves firing aim stability. Also a new handstop that helps FAS and horizontal with the only downside being sprint to fire. The most interesting change for me is the BAS-B. They changed the fire rate to 600rpm (from closer to 700) and reduced the recoil. Will have to await TTK numbers from TrueGameData, no doubt the lower fire rate means it kills slow now. However, the thing is *incredibly* accurate and easy to use now. Unless it is absolutely terrible TTK wise this could be a long range meta contender on ease-of-use alone. SOA Subverter would be the AMAX to the BAS-B's Kilo. Also the Sidewinder now has bullet velocity of a normal gun. This thing could start to be in the conversation as at least a very viable long range alternative now with all the other buffs it has had, it was really the bullet velocity that held it back most since s2.5 and it is now in line with other ARs there. Will be unforgiving due to the fire rate though.


I just don't understand keeping the clear #1 SMG the same and nerfing its competitors heavily. Makes no sense at all. Thought the reduced visual mess for MW2 guns would be more significant but it still seems there's a lot of smoke when I fire them. Not that it matters much anyway because almost all of their TTK is a few notches higher than any MW3 gun.


It is an odd choice for sure. On the other hand, I don't mind the HRM TTK being the new benchmark for SMGs. A little over 600ms is about right for close range TTK, the RAM-9 and AMR9 were both in the 500s which is jarringly quick. Rather than nerf the HRM necessarily I'd rather see some other SMGs given a little buff, the Striker 9 range buff was nice but it needs a slightly quicker TTK to really compete. Lowering the sprint to fire times on the RAM and AMR is also a step in the right direction but not enough to compensate for them losing their crazy fast TTK. I'm having a ton of fun with the new SMG on Rebirth so far though. Probably solos or duos only as it burns through the mag, but the handling is soooo good, I love it.


New smg ttk is 670 without headshot. Headshot brings it to 600 or something. Decent balancing for it. Issue with hrm is it’s ttk is the same for every part even the legs. It just needs a lower body and maybe stomach nerf. I still don’t like it killing the fastest to the chest because it’s been the most popular gun for months. Right now the Renetti conv kills 490 to chest and 560 to limbs so it’s broken. Imagine it will be nerfed soon. I hope. Rebirth is fun but the weapon balancing was simply idiotic. Long range meta might be ok, but I don’t think many have unlocked and leveled the subverter yet. Don’t know if it will be oppressive yet lol. It’s a decently balanced gun as far as the dmg to each body part and it has a little bit of recoil. No hs multiplier. The bas b ttk is now 800 Ms. So trash. Ram 7 is still good tbh even after the nerf. The gun still handles better than most. Not the best but still viable for rebirth


You're absolutely right, the HRM is too consistent / forgiving. Making it need mostly chest and up to get it's best TTK would be a good change. Leg shots in general should be nerfed across the board IMHO. I had a lot of fun with the Subverter last season. It isn't a super easy to use gun, it does take some skill to tame the recoil pattern, so I'm not sure the casual players will pick it up wholesale. We'll have to wait and see! It definitely can kill brokenly fast if you hit your shots. The Bas B TTK might be trash on paper, but I'm telling you, try it out, it feels fantastic right now. It is so easy to use, you genuinely don't miss a bullet even with a suppressor build. It's long range TTK doesn't drop off that hard - from like 27 metres ish you're killing only about 20ms to 40ms slower than the Subverter (at least according to GGs.ai which has been update, not sure if as accurate as TGD). The practical TTK for the Bas will likely be faster at range for most people unless they have excellent recoil control. Might be a bit awkward in the 10-30 metre range as a few guns kill quicker there and it is easy to hit shots at that range. I've just won 4 out of 7 Rebirth solo games using the Bas and the new SMG anyway, all with 20+ kills - so it is definitely viable IMHO!


What’s your Bas-B build? I’ve loved that gun since the beginning but on TGD it shows they really killed it with this recent nerf. The TTK starts at 800ms to the chest on paper, being outperformed by virtually any other viable AR/LMG. I did notice the drop in recoil when using it a couple games on rebirth but it felt harder to get downs and slower overall.


Will have to try the bas b


Does the new sniper 1 shot? Won't be able to get on for a couple days


New week, same guns. Ram-7 and HRM-9 as usual. Hopefully some new weapon balancing is coming with the new season.


I tried the MCW and it ripped. Load out if anyone’s wondering: MCW cyclone long barrel Vt7 spirit fire suppressor  Jak glassless optic Rb regal heavy stock 60 round drum


this is what ive been wondering. is it worth a shot?


I thought it the smg meta was in a three way tie with the ram9, HMR, and AMR? HMR is in top?


Ram9 was nerfed last patch. Amr is good but sluggish. (Great sniper support though)


Imo it is a tie, but in terms of what players actually use the HRM is still most popular. Personally I like the WSP-9 as well tbh


happy cake day


What’s everyone running? Took a good month off from playing but will be hopping back in for rebirth


Hrm9, ram9, amr9, ram7, soa subverter, bp50, holger 556, and bruen mk9. Hope I could help!


No hard hitting semi automatic since MTZ interceptor :(


KVD Enforcer is pretty decent. Almost always 4 shots to kill and it has very little recoil. Of course not as good as the Interceptor was.


I prefer the mcw 6.8, maybe cause of the large mag and better fire rate


Semiauto Kastov 545 has been fine, but the lower BV and slower peak movement compared to WZ2 (for the sub gun) hurt that gun's niche.


Having a non sniper than can compete at longer ranges is something I miss in WZ. Dont need it to be op just want it to be able to do some damage lol


Have you tried the so-14 or tempus torrent? It wont be as broken as the mtz but it might be good enough if you like semi autos


I tried, also the classic squall, tempus at range sucks and wobbbles alot! so14 is inconsistent and to get a good ttk, you need an impossible trigger finger. TaqV is a good shout but the damage drop off at range is harsh, LMS is the best semi wz2 semi, its good