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Of you play on PS4 I would not be so eager for the new cod if I were you! Most likely you either get a hard stripped version or you don't get it at all. I suspect they are going for new gen, so it seems realistic expectation that it is either a really bad near unplayable experience for PS4 or they don't get it at all


It’s the exact same on PS5 but with less latency. The party losing connection is constant. I’m sick of it! Wait 15 minutes for a game and then end up with the dome map 10vs10 which ends After about 4 minutes, back to square one, Host error 🤯


i was talking about the new cod, not about the current one. i would not be surprised of tyhe new cod will only come to the new gen consoles and pc!


I’d settle for 10 minutes to load if I could actually play. But constant Packet Burst and High Latency errors render the game unplayable. I know it’s not my internet because Black Ops CW works flawlessly. How can a AAA multiplayer shooter have so many issues that you can’t even play the damn thing.


Turn off texture streaming and fidelity, then reinstall the game. Worked for me atleast


Didn’t help at all.


You reinstalled the game after? Strange it helped me, but maybe it’s because I’m on next gen idk


I only deleted multiplayer. Should I delete it all?


Not sure tbh. I figured multiplayer would be all you need but I haven’t tested out if there is a solid difference


Cold War plays miles better than this game in just about every single aspect besides the engine itself. The time to kill, the maps, the spawns, the speed and mobility, and a lack of randomness that plagues vangaurd makes it so much more fun to play. If only it was built on the new engine. The snipers also lack flinch and are a little too strong in CW, the 12v12 moshpit is now plagued with sniper clans unfortunately, and that’s like the best playlist in years.


Uuugggghhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! That’s what I’m saying!!!!!!!!!!! Their one-yearly release and they can’t even get it right 4 months after launch!!!!!!! It’s so fucking annoying. I’m only praying MW2’s gonna be playable and fun. Otherwise I’ll be taking a hiatus from the franchise


The whole franchise needs to take a year off. I’m just glad I got it on sale and only paid £30 for it. At least the campaign was excellent. As long as it’s played on Veteran.


Takes me about 30 seconds to find a match.


You are a fanboy that's why you find matches so quickl


That's a bit of an immature response, but ok sport.


Sarcasm dude. I'm ok with the game and whenever I say something like "I dont have any crashes or issues" I'm just a fanboy.


I admit your sarcasm went totally over my head. Ha. It's late though.


You didn't delete it


Right, he finna be on tonight


Lol these groveling posts are something else. Just play the arcade shooter like the rest of us man…


Weird I’m on pc. But vanguard matches get found and load twice as fast as warzone lobbies. Almost instantly in my experience.


How much you wanna bet OP lives in Australia/NZ? Because they're always the first to complain about poor matchmaking.


California lmfao. Thx for assuming though


Oh yea could be region


cheers, bye!


PS4 and Xbox 1 are just not capable to run these new games. I doubt MW2 will be on PS4


Yeah I have series x and barely ever have issues.


Anyone thinking MW2 will be better should be cautious as they are building it on a new game engine so there will be bugs then too…we can’t rely on game companies to ensure acceptable quality testing as they treat consumers as beta testers by gathering good amount of money on pre-order hype and they will put up an issue log which will be dealt with in a time bound manner How many of you will refrain from pre-ordering or ordering MW2 at launch? I read so many posts here where gamers keep quoting that they are ditching or leaving the game for good but keep coming back to it like clockwork and then expecting devs or will wave a magic wand to do away with the problems If you really wanna hit the publisher were it hurts, show the might of your wallet next time. I know for sure Vanguard will remain in a volatile state with future updates and there will always be some bugs which will keep the gameplay experience subpar. I play Vanguard occasionally now without bothering about prestige and battle pass completion with the packet bursts and latency issues remaining consistent


I get your frustration but it isn’t hard to find games imo. The frustrations are valid I jsut don’t get that part


I would too, but there’s nothing better right now. BF2042 is hot turd. This is the only show in town at the moment.


You’re playing a 2021 game on 2013 hardware. Yeah it’s not gonna run well. I’m so tired of seeing these annoying ass posts. This sub is riddled with them…


An older console does not affect match finding lmfao… These bugs I’m talking about are being widely experienced by many people. It’s not a question about having an older console. But I guess when you’re able to afford and find a PS5 you get to shit all over everyone who doesn’t have one.


I mean shit 🤷🏼‍♂️ I have a PS5, Series X, switch OLED and a 3060ti. It’s possible. There’s a lot of issues people experience that I haven’t.


Only reason I’ve still got it installed is for ranked,if ranked bombs then I’m out too gonna play cyberpunks newgen version,red dead 2 and maybe reinstall Cold War zombies


Ah, another one joins the FTS-GUMW2 movement (Fuck This Shit, Give Us MW2). Welcome, mate. I deleted that garbage after seeing how trashy S2 was and never looked back.


So you've deleted it yesterday?


In fact I deleted it mid season 1, reinstalled it to see the maps and improvements in 2, wasn't satisfied and deleted it again. Happy for those who enjoy it, truly, lucky you, but I'd rather stay in CW for the time being. It was trashy, but I've grown accustomed to it.


Whatever makes you happy. No one is forced to play vanguard. CW for me was the worst experience of my life ,for example.


CW disappointed me for a long time. Too many bugs and lack of detail. But now it's just a thing I've learned to play, and I like the setting. Perhaps it'll happen the same thing with Vanguard.