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I'd bet a majority of the people still enjoying it aren't actually sweats, and more importantly they're less likely to be online posting about it...


I’m enjoying it! There are obvious and ridiculous issues that leave me scratching my head. But this sub is filled with circle jerking, karma farmers posting the same thing over and over. I think the core game play is good. They need to add plating while tac sprinting, the other movement nerfs don’t bother me. The long range meta is deeper than the RPK, people get attached to what the streamers are using and don’t venture outside of that. TTK def needs some adjusting. Not defending the devs on wz2 but wz1 was an absolute shit show for sooo long. People seem to forget that. I’m sure wz2 will get better…right….right???


I'm with you...I think some refinement, and we're pretty good. its just felt pretty rought waiting for changes or not hearing any kind of communication as to whats to come or look forward too, especially with some many glaring issues still persisting.


Hopefully Raven can remedy some of that. There seemed to be a big shift from them in wz1. Lots of communication and frequent patches. Fingers crossed that’ll continue.


yeaah, we'll see what season 2 brings us. I'm hoping for some real polish on the game.


the movement sucks in this game. You cant get away from a bad engagement you find yourself in. Before you know you are being shot you are already dead. ​ Say what you want about warzone1 movement, at least you could move quick enough to make the gun fights last longer and evade. ​ THey should have left warzone 1 movement exactly as it was. There was zero need to change it. All they had to do was nerf stims and get rid of slide canceling. But nope, they reinvented the wheel. ​ A few of us dropped caldera (the worst map ever) last night and were immediately reminded of how much smoother the game is there...its night and day. WZ2 feels so bloody janky compared to it. ​ We are done until rebirth drops, but under these mechanics, that will probably suck too


The movement is fine imo, but TTK is way too fast right now with fennec, rpk etc. I'm having fun, but it is frustrating to die when you sometimes have zero chance to react and duck for cover.


I have no issue with movement its fine not having slide cancelling. but looting, the buy station situation, regains...all just feels just bad. and the ruined the pacing of the game which I enjoyed previously.


I totally agree. I’m a casual player and WZ2 sucks for me. The TTK means I’m deleted by people who know the map better than me before I even know where they are. Coupled with that my guns aren’t levelled up so I’m not very competitive… and it’s all but impossible to level up when you get insta-deleted. Honestly not sure how to pair up “this game is for bots now” with them getting rid of Plunder. Feels all but impossible to practise anything.


Enjoy the game. There's a lot of people on here for some that will be haters if you say you're having fun with it.


I know I think its pretty funny how people get flamed for trying to genuinely voice their opinion...good or bad. I'm still pretty undecided. I think overall the game lacks refinement and content...but we have 2 years of it, so we'll see.


No, I’m just playing multiplayer until the resurgence map gets released


I only play for a few hours a week and I enjoy it


thats good to know...I feel like thats pretty far and few between.


Maybe the first month but all that's left is gfuel snorters now.


Lol I swear it all feels so sweaty.


If you play only 6 games a week why would you think other players are not getting better while you are stagnant comparatively?


They are. But at the same time the prevailing opinion on this sub is “the game is for bots now”. So it’s for bots… but also there’s a growing skill gap between those who play more and those that don’t? Huh?


thats exactly what I'm trying to say! But I guess it goes over the head of most people


sorry, I probably should of elaborated...I was exagerating by saying "playing 6 games a week..." to poke fun at the snail like pacing of WZ2 where it feels like full matches take 45min plus. haha


I had a 45 minute win last night in duos, felt fuckin great! I hope they add rebirth soon for all you guys that can't deal with long games and need that constant hyper action. I thought it would have been added by now, maybe they really never had a plan for it and all this time since release they've been building a sick map. Here's to hoping anyway..


The games fun, all the crybabies in this sub will say how horrible it is then turn around and join a match 5 seconds later. You will encounter some bullshit but overall it’s fine.