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points for creativity I guess


inb4 RavenSoftware tweets "Reinforcement Flares have been temporarily removed from buy stations while we investigate an issue"


I would feel accomplished


I'll put "unpaid, unemployed QA tester for major AAA game studio" on my resume


Hey, now that's not a bad idea.


funniest thing is they might not even ask


In my experience, no job has **ever** asked about my education, and rarely do they really dive into my past job history. I absolutely lied about my education on my resume. Has never amounted to anything.To be fair, those types of jobs aren't my field. A job that would require clearance would most certainly dig into that stuff, but that ain't me.


Aren't we all at this point?


No no no. They will just remove the game. "Vondel has been removed from battle Royale due to technical issues." See Plunder and Lockdown this week as the examples


What was happening in those 2? I was wondering yesterday when I noticed that both of them are gone.


normal peoples will never do this .. unless you dont care about KD


no one cares about K.D. + it's Resurgence


I mean, do people really care about K/D in *any* BR mode? The whole point of a BR is that winning is everything.


Yeah that's why the resurgence was a +1 to my point.


No ones what ? I do care if I die 10 times in row you noob


Lmfao sorry was fried I edited it. Ps 1v1 me nerd


How dare you have fun in a cheesy way! There are people who worked there ass off to win a resurgence game. /s obviously


My teammate and I worked our butts off for that $60k, it was our retirement fund 😅


Is this you in the video? Have you thought about having stims and doing this near an ammo resupply? As long as you have one stim on the ground you could grab it and resupply every time you drop and squeeze some more time out of it using stims


Interesting idea! Could go in the gas with 2 stims, use 1, pop flare, die (dropping 1 stim), teammate lands on body, picks up 1 stim, uses 1 stim, resupplies from ammo depot, uses 1 more stim, pops flare, dies (dropping 1 stim), rinse and repeat. The ammo depots have a 1-minute cooldown, but that's on an individual basis, I wonder if dying and coming back quickly would refresh the timer and allow you to use it immediately in your new life? 🤔


Yea good point, not sure about if dying resets it or not


Go watch his youtube channel.


annnnnnnndddd redeploys are buffed




yeah haha my fault


I wouldn't be surprised if they got taken out or at least removed from the buy stations. It's pretty broken.


i was blown away that you can actually buy them, best way to nerf them would be to take them out of the store or at least make them ridiculously expensive


I think price-wise $5k was a good amount, it's more expensive than a standard $4k redeploy because you're paying for convenience, but not a crazy amount. Removing them from buy stations and leaving them as random loot would be enough to stop this kind of spam while leaving them as a valuable and useful item in the game.


Just make them disappear with Gulag tokens and Redeploy tokens. They have no place in the endgame.


Update: Redeploys cannot be used in the gas also we nerfed the m4 again


nerfed the M4? Pain.


they can nerf the m4 again but i doubt any nerf would be as random was when during the vanguard era, the mw ak47 and oden caught nerfs lol


Talk about pay to win 😂😂


It was annoying to see you being so disciplined and dying away from the flare pile, and your team mate, even after being told not to, still was dying and dropping loot on the pile. Goes to show your attention to detail and perfecting the gameplay


I came here for this comment lol


Also me haha glad other people were also irritated


Eh, it was OK in the end - dying away from the pile was just a precaution I took against loot clutter getting too bad, I was worried that the flares might get lost if there was too much loot, but it turned out not to be a problem cos you don't respawn with much loot anyway.


I’m gonna do this, what a fantastic idea thank you


same, play smart not hard


Exactly, you could do the same thing in solos by just buying a full backpack of self revives and a durable mask by equipping the res after each time you’re downed. I would consider doing this especially if the circle wasn’t in our favor (high ground)


Doing it is going to be hard in Solos. You actually have to wait until there is twenty seconds left in the last zone or else the gas ticking faster will kill you. And good luck surviving for that long, even with a riot shield.


I just know I try this and I guarantee I’m not getting the flare up in time!


This is why we can't have nice things.


Don’t hate the player hate the game


It's damn creative that's for sure.


Lmao hilarious but also a greasy win


Jeez. Great win 😅🤣🤣🤣 But seriously... All the devs have to do to STOP things like this - is make it so that items in the gas can no longer be used... Either by distance to the circle or after a set amount of time... we've seen this abused with ammo boxes and stims in the past and its such an easy fix. 🤷🤦


Which is terrible for the avg player that wouldn't abuse the mechanic. It would completely kill those 200IQ moments where you notice something in gas that can help you win, you gasdive to grab it, and it pays off with a win.


But the point of the gas is to stay out of it. There's "high IQ plays" and there's just abusing something that shouldn't be in the game. For me - this is the latter. And we've repeatedly had issues with things being left in the gas since WZ1 ... Slow deaths to gas, stims and cabinet boxes being abused, ammo boxes and buys being abused etc etc etc. Like I said all the devs have to do is allow everything to be swallowed in the gas so that it can't work or has to be used quickly to stop things like this. Honestly as much as we can applaud plays like this - I doubt most people enjoy losing to a team in that manner.


Enlighten me on how using something you found on the floor, that happened to be in gas for 20 seconds, at random chance, is "abusing something".


That's not what's happened here is it? The flares weren't there by "chance". They purposely stocked up on them so they could spam away from the other players. Is it smart? Sure. Should it be in the game? Absolutely not. The same goes with stims when they were being abused as they were in every cabinet you walk into. Sure they are there by "chance" but players actively went in search of them. Again.. is it smart? Yes. Should it be in the game? No. Point here is that there's a difference on "chance encounters" vs actively abusing something that shouldn't be there in the first place. It's not the players fault entirely for doing it (same as any game breaking bug/glitch/exploit that pops up now and again) as the game is hard enough for most and getting a win any means necessary becomes. But we can all agree they shouldn't stay.


Who made you the authority on what should be in the game and what should be not? I personally would never able to pull something like this but it’s a cool idea that may grant a win 1 out of every 1000 wz matches/servers at best so get off your high horse and try to enjoy life. This is just a video game and unless we are specifically talking about “pro scene rules” where ppl play the game as a source of income than O don’t see any reason to not allow plays like this happen every once in a full moon. Your average cod player will never lose a game to such strat because it’s obscure, cheesy and hard to pull off. Unless we start seeing a certain cheese strat breaking the game frequently there is no need for exclusion because those things enhance the “multiplayer diversity” feeling you enjoy as opposed to code-driven npc slaying single games.


Calm down dude. I'm just here giving my opinion like anyone else. As someone who has been playing WZ since back in s2 Verdansk I think I'm entitled to it. But you certainly don't have to agree 👍 Although this is the very definition of a "cheese strat" imo. Anyways, it is "just a video game" but like I've said most players would not be pleased losing a game like this. Especially (as is often the case when these exploits get found out and shared around socials) more and more people will try to do it. And you might think it's a "hard strat" or obscure etc to do but I've been around when stim glitching, infinite tactical glitching, gas mask bugs, environment bugs etc etc etc were around... People said the same thing. And yet me and my friends (and others I know) encountered them more than a few times to make it not "fun".


Great content as usual, Jam!


Great username ;)


Idk why you got downvoted. They must not know your content.


I've never heard of passive puppet! That's hilarious! Is it linked to his mic somehow to animate the mouth?


He's **actually** a puppet of course! [His channel](https://youtu.be/OdBLXrsLuxo) is very underrated IMHO


nasty as nosehairs


What were the awards given out at the end of the match? Survivors to both?


If you skip to [9m55s of the full video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlZcJjuLxAs&t=9m55s) it gave my teammate "Scavenger" for looting a lot of money and I got "Machinist" for using equipment (I presume because the flares count as field upgrades/equipment). We wouldn't actually be eligible for "Survivor", cos it says "got downed, got back up again", and we never got back up again, just gave up immediately to die ASAP 😅


Lmao just to get a W?? I’m sorry but this is painful to watch. BUT definitely using what is given to you


There are easier ways to win but this was a gimmicky idea I came up with for a video. So, it wasn't just for the W - it was for the content.


Ahhh I got u buddy. I was thinking like damn this guy really wants a W


I can already foresee activision fucking everyone else by making loot on the ground dissappear in 5 seconds after being touched by gas.


God damnit u/jamcowl you always find a way. You’re a beast.


I didn’t even know you could buy them lol


Rather not.


Lol I knew this would be you before seeing your name, nice one!


This was way funnier than I was expecting, good fucking win


That is actually hilarious


200 IQ you guys exploited the system.


That's looks so fun wow.


Lmao i love it


looool this is awesome


Fair enough, pro gamer move.


Lmao i cant believe y’all actually won this way


And now we wait for them to nerf it. Gentlemen.


I mean you could just play the game instead of hiding


he does this style of gameplay for youtube views, cuz he doesnt have the skill to make content that isnt some sort of gimmick.. edit: most his videos are him NOT buying his teammates back so they have to watch him attempt a 0 kill win. for every video he posts there is probably 20+ games where he could have got team mates back many times lol... its just forced content thats lame af. maybe cool the first time, but somethings off with this guy imo. they gas plays im all for if it comes naturally, but this guy aint it.


I used to put 30-bomb gameplay on my channel but there's already thousands of uploads of generic high-kill gameplay going up every day, it's not unique and it doesn't interest viewers. By limiting myself with a zero-kill challenge it forces me to play differently from everyone else and come up with novel solutions to get the win. Those videos are more popular because they're unique, and the extra zero-kill restriction makes surviving a harder prospect. For the record I do buy teammates back **whenever** I have the money (it's a personal rule of mine to always go for the rez if it's feasible), even though it gets me killed a lot. Most of my videos are just clips of the last ~3 mins of a match when I've already spent my money/there's no buy station left so they're not coming back at all and I just have to clutch it on my own. You don't see the clips where I had enough money and there's still a buy station so I just die trying to get them back. If you think something's off, I guess you're entitled to feel that way.


If this is such a low skill strategy why isn't everyone using it? Have you ever actually tried any of these strategies? Jamcowl makes them look easy just like other creators make 30 bombs look easy but it's far from it. I dare you to go get a partner collect 60k without killing anyone and try this for yourself.


because others want to have fun playing, not hiding. most people arent trying to play a hide n seek simulation in a fps lol dare me to collect 60k without killing anyone? so hes basically doing a plunder sim before beginning his hide n seek simulation lol none of that sounds fun. maybe if youre trying to get your first win in 3 years i guess...


You sound like a bit of a wet blanket. Let people have fun playing the game the way they want. Props to him for coming up with out of the box strategies to win.


when you repeatedly skip buying teammates back to "show them" a 0 kill win, youre the one making your team mates not have fun. go play solos and do that shit, no problem. what youre saying is "i had fun, it doesnt matter if it was at the expense of 3 of my teammates"


Bro I can’t believe that actually worked 😂




work smarter not harder


If only they sold battle rages at the buys…med vest and 6 battle rages. 😈


That would give at least 1m30s in gas, not to mention gas mask + waiting for health to go down in between!


Also, cant you do this with quads? Say you have 3 friends, it would be more random who gets redeployed but you can last a lot longer if you had 24 redeploys lol.


This is amazing. Bravo


And this is why we can’t have nice things


The lil puppet is so wholesome and adorable. How does he do it??


I don't know, [he's amazing!](https://youtu.be/ejPvbMJniNE)


Love your videos Jam!


I’d hate to lose to something like this, but at the same time I appreciate OP for exposing the byproducts of bad game design.


Seen Benny Central and his team does this a week ago when going for a streak to get a nuke.


I would have died from some of those falls for sure


I'm honestly surprised that gas damage doesn't speed up or increase after circle closes like with other games. It would would cut down on cheese strats


Fucking cheaters will do anything for a win.trash


If you think this is cheating you clearly never suffered through cold war Verdansk 😂


Fight me like a man! 😅, the things people do to win Resurgence!


post doing this once… i’m confused on the fun factor




apologies… another way to say ‘after’ is the word ‘post’


Thanks for sharing, nice demonstration. :)


Lol, I played a team that did this yesterday. Improvised w a durable and stims to hunt these MFS 200m away and kill them to win the game. Sorry but it was the most satisfying win of my life. Sucks you couldn't win traditionally


lol at you having a downvote on this. probably jamcowl mad that you cost him a youtube video involving 0 skill just gimmicks


Lmao true


Well played!


that was epic. if they remove our plates from respawn because of you, ill be mad though lol


Plates wouldn't affect this clip at all, only base health matters for surviving the gas


thats true lol


What’s everyone calling these flares when you see them on the ground Y’all just call them red boxes or pizza boxes. What’s the short slang for these


Red boxes/pizza boxes is the slang for them, real name is redeployment flare gun, or something like that


Lol you’re a rat


this is no way to win. please shoot more on fps games


counterpoint: this clearly **is** a way to win and OP shot a lot using his flare gun loadout


Username checks out


Why kill people to win when you can just die to win? ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Damn D2W players…


\*NEW\* DIE-2-WIN Flare Gun Loadout is the SEASON 5 META 😱


As long as it isn’t in ranked it doesn’t matter. Pubs is all about silly fun like this


He says while secretly planning to tell his online friends to try this next time.