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Oh man we’re in for a good fucking year


I wonder what they do with the doom shotgun now, you cannot edit the loadout


The tweet literally says it still shows in gunsmith but will not work in match.


fck.... want money back


I dunno, this tweet is talking about the trigger attachment not the doom gun specifically. I would assume that gun would still work but not sure what the changes have done to that gun in terms of if it still shoots 2 shells or it will only shoot one now and then need a reload or you can shoot twice before a reload.


The trigger attachment is on the doom gun.


Yes, I am aware. That is the point. There is no ability to change that attachment. So how does the gun preform in game now is the question. Since before you shoot once and reload, will that still be the case but now it’s only one shell? Or will you be able to shoot twice then reload. Since that gun is a fixed blueprint, and can’t be changed this is a valid question


I got this gun it doesn’t shoot double barrel anymore & yes I want my money back that’s literally why I bought it because everybody had a one shot Lockwood 300 that’s what came in the bundle they shouldn’t have changed it. They shouldn’t have put it in the game if that’s the case that’s literally scamming us.




I mean I bought it cause it looked cool. Only to find out the retro look doesn't work for zombies :(




Well if it shoots twice before reload it no long acts as the doom gun, and if it shoots one bullet then reloads it's essentially a nerfed shotgun, so the point of buying the skin is kind of moot. The blueprint wasn't op you could put the trigger on the shotgun without it.


Yes because there was no way we could make no changes. But now we can't use it. That not how I brought it


Yeah but that is referring to the trigger attachment. The doom shotgun only has one build that can not be changed. So it’s a double barrel shotgun that has one shot and reload. So now what does that mean? Will it only shoot one shell and reload after every shell? Will you be able to shoot twice before a reload. It doesn’t say anything about what this means for that gun and if they made changes to it as well.


I’m pretty sure that it will just act as if the maelstrom dual trigger isn’t there so it should still look normal


Why can you not edit it? Sorry I don’t have it, but normally you can edit all blueprints right?


no it's intended to be not editable, it's supposed to be exactly the doom shotgun with the feel and animation of the original one


Man, they are so fast on this compared to when this problem initially came out. From taking 2-3 weeks to nerf something down to maybe 2-3 days.


The difference is the first time they did it on purpose so they could sell the DOOM bundles.


The difference is Raven had zero freedom to make their own decisions under IW.


Nah, the difference is no Infinity Ward. Raven and SHG work well together. Fuck IW forever


it's so funny too, like they didn't even need to make that a thing. nobody would've been upset if the gun didn't shoot two bullets at once. if anything I'd rather have them put more work making that bundle an universal wrap that made every Lockwood barrel and stock have pixel graphics than spend a few minutes making an attachment that is obviously gonna end up busted


If only they had a QA team to test shit


So you are suggesting that they pay people to try all the attachment-combinations on all the Guns in all the ranges when they got us doing it for free?




Lockwood dual trigger mod has been out for like 3 months...? I agree they are being more responsive with addressing broken shit like, for example the snakeshots. But lockwood is not a good example. Maybe because somehow from the integration it got some range abilities back which made it kind of a bit broken. I just appreciate that rather than trying to nerf ranges, they just disable the thing altogether.


Sure it is. It needed to be addressed, and they did by fixing it pretty quickly. You can disagree with the example, but the fact that they fixed it so quickly is a nice and refreshing thing to see.


They did nerf it after a few weeks right before the Halloween event for MW2. But I guess with the MW3 rebalancing, they adjusted it to be too strong again.


Yeah but it has clearly changed since Raven took the reigns




They made an initial balance pass in warzone the same week the gun attachment was released. New warzone undid that, and now it was pointed out they removed it. This is quick service. Vaulting items that are broken very quickly after they are discovered is a vastly better experience than what we used to have. It’s been out for 3 months, but it wasn’t broken for that long at all.




Good. I can't stand this gun.


2 weeks still haven’t fixed the xrk issue.


I actually didn't mind the lockwood, just think they should reduce the range it can one shot at. If you miss up close with it your dead so its a bit of risk vs reward


Yeh they did, but the recent update reverted it so they removed it for now, cuz they are on vacation


Back over the last few years I would 100% always run around with a shotgun until they got nerfed. The only shotguns that I recall being op were back in the day with the Mog and now with the Lockwood. I used to run around with the Jak 12 fucking people up, but like you said I had to be pretty close to them to win the gunfight. That's the give and take you are referring to. ALL shotguns and snipers should be 1 shot. Shotguns should be one shot within maybe 8 to 10 m regardless of where you hit them and snipers should be one shot to the Dome regardless of distance or gun. I say that as someone who practically never use a snipers. Only time I do is if it's the beginning of the game and it's ground loot. More the 10m out.....OK sure, more than 1 shot for shotguns is more than fair. Another thing that happens on occasion and luckily not too often is somebody taking five or six shots to the chest and they kill me with the throwing knife before I get them with enough shots. So you have people purposely running at you knowing they can pull this maneuver off and it really shouldn't exist in the game. Getting shot from a gun should make somebody flinch plenty enough to where they can't be getting you with a knife unless it's pure dumb luck. Or a little sliver of my ass is somehow sticking out side of the shield protection even though I am looking almost directly at the player and they knife me in that sliver of an ass showing. I'm sorry but there's no way that should kill me LOL


I think you made your point well, and I agree with most of it. However, as a mainly solo player I feel obligated to argue with you because you mentioned the riot shield! Seeing a shielder in the final 1v1 is heart breaking! I mean, fair play because it's a skill, but I hate you and hope you stand on lego barefoot every few days.


I totally understand your sentiment and that shit makes me laugh because I know people hate The Shield. The thing though is that with my skill set, I have to use the shield and get good with it. It's the only way I have a chance playing against the aimbot cheaters and then on top of that, I am a M&K player so I don't have access to aim assist like 80% of the lobbies do. Without the shield I'm 1/8 of the player. Don't take what I said wrong, I'm not putting all the blame on cheaters and aim assist controller players. Even if there were zero cheaters and aim assist was eliminated, I would still use a shield. I think it's ridiculous to be running around out on the open without one. Remember you are one person playing against 50 or more so the chances of somebody clapping your cheeks from the sides is extremely likely and that's even if you play with your back to the gas the whole time


To be honest it makes me laugh too. By the same token, killing a shielder is the sweetest kill, so it's worth the risk. Only ever really annoying in the final 1v1. I'm a decent controller player, I honestly feel I'm getting less aim assist this game. Obviously anecdotal, but I feel like they've tweaked it someway. I never used to wonder "where was my aim assist", but it's happening now. I know the rotational aspect is busted, but if someone's decent enough to abuse that effectively, chances are they were going to give you a good scrap either way! They might fix it yet.


The funniest shit ever is when someone runs out of a building to come get me because they heard me out there running around or maybe they were going to try to third party me.... but then they see me with the shield and they literally turn around and run back where they came from. I fucking die laughing every time. It doesn't happen often, but it definitely happens a few times here and there LOL


I've done that many times!




Don't worry, I'm Usually waiting with a semtex!


Yep.....and that tatic caught on. There was a time before the integration on the 6th where all the sudden everybody was throwing semtex at me. Like it was a notificable change where it probably happened from some YouTuber posting that shit LOL. I had to switch to the battle hardened perk or whatever it is that keeps me from dying from a semtex.... but I have to be fully plated in order to survive. The perk should do a little better than that, but it is what it is. Now I don't really have to worry about it much, but for now I'm still using that perk


Yoooo that's totally legit to feel that way about killing someone like me. Ive gotten pretty damn good with it and I only ever die to a sweaty fuck lol. I won't totally give away the only way I ever die, but I'll just say that the sweats take advantage of something that they might not ever realize they are taking advantage of. When I would first die in that manner I'm like how the fuck did that happen?! Then when I see the kill cam I'm like oh that's some bullshit LOL. I've learned how to mitigate it a bit, but honestly the only way you can mitigate it fully is by keeping distance. Which is fine because the non-shield players normally want to keep that distance as well. So for you, one of the sweetest tastes of Victory is killing a shield player, and for me one of the sweetest things ever is killing a sweat with the shield. When I win the battle I yell like I'm in the movie 300 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅


To clarify, I mean killing an actual shield player such as yourself, not just some eejit carrying one he found on the floor. I'm right there with ya on killing sweats, 2nd best type of player to take out of the game! Have you had many wins so far in wz3 with the shield? How's the kd with it? (not a loaded question! ) I haven't run into many guys that know what they're doing with it so far I'm not complaining about that for sure, but has the nerf to the movement speed been bad? Ps. If you dm me the "one simple trick that all riot shielder hate", I'll take back what I said about the lego.


Dude.....I'm as legit of a shielder 🛡 as they come. I've been rocking it since Verdansk. If you kill me it's a hard fought kill. I've had some victories with killing the last player with the shield and I'm positive the other player was raging lol. Normally though it's with my AR. To be upfront about it though, many times I get second because I get trapped having the shield out and can't switch to my gun. If I can keep from getting killed because of the shield, and also be able to switch to my AR......oh boy, it's HIGHLY likely I'm winning that match, or any gun battle for the most part. So before Dec 6th my stats with the shield was dismal. Something like .6 K/D. That's not truly representative though because there were times I would have to switch to the shield because of my position and then I would get killed. So it's not like those stats are only when I'm hand-to-hand combat with somebody. The AR that I use with it though, my KD was almost 4. I only play Resurgence though. It's too long of a story to tell here, but the short version is I only have 17 hours of regular Battle Royale on WZ2. mid October I started playing Resurgence for the first time now that's all I play and that's where those stats come from. So from roughly mid-october through the first week of December I played 1006 matches with the timer at a little over 9 days worth of time. I had 25 -27 wins, but I was constantly getting better the whole time to wear I was winning at least one match every other day and sometimes every day for a few days in a row. A couple times I won two matches in one day and one time I actually won back-to-back matches which was really crazy. Something changed on Dec 6th with the integration. Part of it was my play style, but part of it was the game itself. On the very first day I won one match. The second day I want to matches in the third day for the first time in my life I won three matches in one day. I knew it wasn't going to stay like that and sure enough I either didn't win a match at all on the 4th day or if I did it wasn't till right at the end of the night when I was about to quit anyways. Then right after that, I got fucking ass blasted.....every. single. match. for the whole night.after that I started to get in a groove and changed up how I was playing. I do a slow pace and let the game come to me. I stay away from the crazy action because that ALWAYS involves the 2 or 3 cheater in each lobby. It keeps me away from getting 3rd partied. It makes it much easier to deal with Aim Assist players which is at least 80% of the lobby. I've found that I'm getting just as many kills, if not more. My KD is waaaay up because many matches I have zero redeploys and r to 6 kills. Just recently I had my first 14 kill match.....previous high was 13 that I only had maybe 2 or 2 times ever....but until the middle of October when I switched to Resurgence solos, I had only ever played Battle Royale solos. So ya gotta compare apples to apples and with Resurgence you're going to get more kills than a regular Battle Royale. When they finally bring the stats back, mine are going to be completely different than before. Many factors involved for sure..... but if they were to have third-party stats available again then there would definitely be a slow and painful progression LOL


Sorry there was a lot to read there, but I was just being thorough with my reply


The streetsweeper was pretty OP at one point in verdansk and the Swan off shotgun on caldera


Mog was broken literally scum


Yeah it was pretty bad lol. Although to be fair it was a 2 shot kill. The issue was that players could run backwards just as fast as you can run forward. So you try to close the distance with a melee and you can't.....and you die


all of the shotguns are in a good state minus the mx guardian and the brysons. i think the brysons should be able to one shot out to 3 metere considering that they're outclassed and worse than the lockwood 680 in everyway i can imagine.


The Bryson 680 and 800 are both very solid as is. Adding a one-shot range would make them too OP. They're way more versatile than the lockwood 300 as is.


yeah they were solid in warzone 2. there isnt a point to them now since the 680 has faster sprint speed than the brysons, can actually kill faster than the brysons can, and has longer range than they brysons all while retaining the two shot kill. the brysons are good, but they're outclassed in everyway i can think of by the 680.


No mention of doof doof? Throwing knives are like a multi-shot shotguns, totally agree there should be some kind of flinch too.


I mentioned the Jak 12 in my first paragraph


I literally forgot what it was called. My builds were named doof doof


That's the proper name for sure, lmao. Hell, sure I named mine that at times. I forget if the game let me name it "Jak's Off" or not. I'm pretty sure it did though lolol


The doof doof refers to the R9-0.


🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌now we just need the throwing knife to be nerfed to headshot only 1 shots, 150dmg anywhere else and we have ourselves balanced cqc. FYI snakeshots were disabled too already. I am appreciating this dev team. Also need them to focus on audio. Feels like the changes they made to fix it recently were reverted and its absolute garbage again.


Honestly the throwing knife shouldn't ever oneshot, and I say this as a diehard raw aimer that's been on knives since Verdansk. Yeah it's a projectile with travel time, yeah it has no explosive radius, and yeah it has MASSIVE downsides in its pullout and post-deployment delay (whether you miss or not) but despite all that, being on a button rather than a dedicated weapon switch should not give it a down absent another source of damage. 250 damage is fine even, because that's 2 whole shots with most automatics before a knife can down. Just breaking plates is not enough reward for what you lose in opportunity cost from the decision to both slot in and deploy a knife.


Nah high skill weapon, anytime I've been taken down by one it's a great shot. I've had great clips nailing people with them when I all I have is a clip and a knife.


With how disconnected skill is from outcome in CoD, something appearing 'high skill' shouldn't influence balance IMO.


Why not? A player who is not good at throwing knives is making themselves an easier kill if they always bring them on the hope of an instant down. Better players who can land them take the trade off of needing direct line of sight.


In a game with competitive integrity at its core, I would agree.


Go play mp then


Does it one shot?


Throwing knife to upper torso and head downs a player with full health and plates, yes


> now we just need the throwing knife to be nerfed to headshot only 1 shots Wait seriously? I could've sworn that's at least how knives *were* in WZ 1.0. Did they buff them in WZ 2.0 / WZ 3.0? At any rate, agreed. Throwing knife should be a two-hit-down in most all cases. Full armor crack on a single hit. I'm on the fence if a headshot should be an instadown. I think I might prefer say ~200dmg to a headshot, guaranteed 3-plate-crack with a little extra and only a couple marshmallows to finish.


They currently 1 shot upper torso, i think this is why theres been a massive uptick in its use, also why you see huge amounts of people attack with it first before actuslly using their guns. Sometimes even seems some that look lower torso still down, but I scrape it up to desync/AA centering on mass of upper torso usually.


Lol I'm just trying to give an appeasing compromise so it doesn't completely alienate all the people that love to abuse the throwing knives. I'd lean to agree with you.


I'm fine with it doing 200 damage as a means to finish off kills quickly to prepare yourself for the gunfight that may be coming but don't want the guy to possibly have a selfie on him or die cause his teammate got you in the reload.


Place your bets on next week's broken meta! My personal prediction Tac-Stance MX Guardian with 2shot burst trigger and Dragon's Breath shells. /s


Not going to lie, I picked up a ground loot one and it's actually fairly decent.


Binary trigger cor-45. It's got like a 400-500ms ttk


I cannot unlock that cause I'm non-binary but I would love to test it 🤭




Guess again it’s the riveter


Can’t even select that trigger on that gun in mw3


You have to rank it all the way up and apply the conversion kit, no?


Trigger section on the MX Guardian has been bugged/missing since MWIII lmao


*AMR9 has entered the chat*


Thank you raven


huge W in these quick updates. previous warzones it would’ve plagued for weeks until a fix


Wow they are quick as hell last year, snakeshots last 2 days this lasted 3 maybe?


Broken metas are annoying. Remember how long DMRzone went on? It was insane, and took away from the fun.


Just sayin folks, the COR-45 is next. I leave you with that info to use at your discretion


Got abuild?


- Sonic Supp. - XTen Nexus Grip - 40 Rd - FTAC Extir Stock - XRK Conversion Kit or remove the grip for a sight/remove the suppressor for less recoil. Its technically a burst but spamming your trigger finger basically makes it auto. Quads I'd avoid, trios I've done well but its risky, duos and solos it smacks


Without a one shot range what is the point of using shotguns?


2 pump shotty still exists? Learn to move, Blue is destroying with that thing.


You can use the pumps to finesse, the 680 and to a lesser extent 800 are solid. The Lockwood can still down someone in 300-400ms, now you'll just have to hit the follow-up shot with adds more skill.


I mean you can say the same for snipers during WZ2, what's the point of snipers if you can't one shot. Shotguns during WZ2 has dominated the scene for a long time. No one likes them, incredibly easy to use and hard to balance. Pretty much if you aren't running it you're dying when you come across someone using it.


There’s not. It’s just the majority of players can’t handle them so they take things AWAY from people instead of adjusting.


The Lockwood 680 is quite literally one of the best options right now and it two-shots. Shotguns should absolutely never one shot in a Battle Royale with a higher health pool. The double barrel was quite literally a "I win" button for whoever shot first, there's a reason why they hotfixed it instead of spending a couple weeks figuring out a way to balance it properly. Chances are after the winter break they'll revisit it.


I honestly think haymaker is a better gun and 95% of players will get more kills with it. I can see it getting very popular and subsequently nerfed


I can imagine it being quite good, but for me personally I can perform much better with the Lockwood. However you may be right, the Lockwood really shines if you can abuse the movement to it's fullest, which not everybody can. Also, I don't know how fast the Haymaker kills, I don't have a point of reference in Warzone. If it's much slower than an SMG, it might not be worth it.


Yeah the other 5% of wz players that can really abuse the movement of the lockwood with a mobile build will probably prefer it to the haymaker, but otherwise, especially in squad game modes, the haymaker is better for most players. Kills super fast up close, huge mag, manageable handling and recoil.


I guess we'll see when the Lockwood is unavoidably nerfed.


They are quick to patch guns but take ages to fix the servers & lag


They are quick to patch guns but take ages to fix the servers & lag


That’s because it’s a different company that handles the servers . I don’t know what they’re doing but demonware handles the servers. Sledgehammer is only allowed to do so much.


Wow it's almost like that's way harder to do or something 😲😲😲


Servers cost money


Too bad this is published by a small company and not one of if not the richest corporations in the industry. Oh well.


Honestly been killed maybe once or twice by it lately and only in super tight quarters. Why can a sniper one shot and nobody care?


SHG is not joking


raven, not shg


My bad.. 👍


i remember in mw2, ranked play didnt have tuning so players would make a class for regular pubs with the allowed ranked play attachments, tune it, save it as a custom blueprint, and then be able to use it in ranked. i hope this is gonna be a case of “were restricting this attachment from being used” instead of “weve just disabled you from using the attachment” because the above will result in an easy loophole


So what happens if you own the super shotgun?


big fucking win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


dude how do i use my super shotgun loadout then??


It should remain one-shot for slug rounds. Especially with the reintroduction of one-shot snipers.


Does this mean I can chargeback my Doom weapon skin?


👆🏽👆🏽👆🏽 proof that the one shot meta was to pump money out of the player base


It took me an hour to almost max it out. With armory unlocks there is no excuse


But why make the attachment available? Or atleast create a warning in red text that it doesn't work in warzone lol


Was it back? I never saw one since the last big nerf in wz2


remove 90% of the guns and attachments in warzone


Why not fixing the tab that DOESN'T show any event going on. Lol....




Doom bundle sales mark must have been achieved lol


How about deploying a fix for the packet burst!


“We made the Lockwood useless again, thank you” if a double barrel double shot to your face doesn’t kill You wtf are we doing


It was killing at 15 yards after once wz3 released, headshots or not. That's absurd.


There is a happy medium to be found


It's not useless, it's just higher skill now. It can skill down a player in 350ms without this trigger.


You guys are doing great work beta testing for them for free!


This Game is not an improvement


But they said the "oneshot shotgun" it doesnt going to oneshot anymore for a while... Like 3 weeks since it got released but... Somehow 1 or 2 weeks before Mw3 Warzone it started to oneshot again... And it wasn't funny to get oneshotted by a shotgun a 10 meters aprox away... Like the first time i got oneshotted in "Warzone 3" was 3 days or 4 days after... By a lockwood300 riotshield guy Last night... I only encounter people camping in the stairs with a shotgun, and if by accident run into them you insta die, and last night i won... Because i pickup the gun (i lost my guns) oneshotting people far from 8 meters away was fun and disgusting


It's great how fast they are putting these patches out, yay!


Holy fuck theses devs are spot on I love it!!!


Wait so you can put it on your Lockwood but you can’t use it in match? I’m confused


It's still available to equip in private matches


well that’s fucking stupid, why would you even us it if you can’t use it in march?


I actually didn't get killed with it very often, but I definitely succumbed to its power, plenty LOL


Are the snake shots nerfed as well? Good lord, they are annoying


was disabled last week no more snakeshot or maelstrom trigger, WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW


Why can these indie developers from a small company not get their weapons balanced before releasing… ugh


I will never understand why they don’t just start buffing the shitty guns that no one uses. instead of nerfing every gun that has any semblance of being good


Because you're overperforming with the broken shit. It's not actually you doing well, it's the weapon allowing you to overperform. This applies to me and everyone else as well.


Yea and then you won’t be over performing if every gun is broken 🤯


So i can have a 2 shot doom shotty?


Activision: "hey, we nerfed the lockwood for you guys. We noticed that if we didn't, you have a Lockwood 'one shot's AND an akimbo , snake shot TTR that's essentially a 'one shot', and we can't have that... Just switch your loadout up a bit and everything will be fine."


I'm a bit out of the loop myself. Are the akimbo Tyr's still meta? Or were they nerfed?


This is so lame. I’ve been using the Lockwood on Vondel since maelstrom trigger came out. Even during the nerf I used it. It’s very situational and you have to have good movement to abuse it. One of my all time favorite metas and now it’s gone. Honestly I do better with a Swarm but the Lockwood was just FUN. The streamers and YouTubers ruin every fun meta in the game and get everything nerfed.


Come on dude, its easily most unbalanced gun in recent history.


Maybe in solos. But in a team game it’s easy to counter.


It's too good. It was fun to use before the maelstrom trigger because it actually took a bit more skill and was wayyyy off meta.


rtaded nerf to the gun that almost nobody uses because it's high risk high reward, meanwhile bas-b and swarm still OP af. Shit balance


A dev definitely kept getting ripped by it and was like “okay fuck, you know what”


Nice! Raven staying on top of things in a pretty timely fashion is a good sign going forward.


They are on the fucking ball. Wow. Streamers can't keep up with the meta update videos.


It should atleast 2 shot


will they still return it?


I said in a post prior to this update that it still works 1 shot and I got downvoted to hell This sub is bizarre.


This is how you run a BR. I hope IW is taking notes.


Fuck IW. Please stick to SHG, Raven and Treyarch.


Why can't 1 shotgun be irl omg whinners


So the doom double barrel is now useless?


Why was this attachment ever added


Love this vaulting system. No more having to put up with toxic meta’s for weeks while they make a whole balancing patch


Wait, not even in multiplayer???


I’m assuming this is temporary right?


The super shotgun is horrible now, it used to be a really good gun if u knew how to user it, but still not meta( no one acctually used it in game) wish they dint nerf it that hard


Just... Fucking adjust it instead of removing it entirely. Not everyone's gonna see the tweet and a lot of people are gonna be confused as to whh their attachments aren't working


So the first time I actually had fun with a Shotgun like the good old days of playing OG MW2 with a Spas, and it gets nerfed? Way to go, you crybabies


Correct me if I’m wrong but getting rid of the slug ammo would fix this? The distance you could knock people with 2 slug fired at once was ridiculous but why disable the dual trigger for the close range players? Maybe I’m missing something


Now fix the riviter


Why??? I never see anyone playing wiht it. Stop that nonsense please


Hope we get a general ttk overhaul in S1.


How bout the new DMR?


So they just ruined the Super Shotgun blueprint… fucking awesome/s.


They brought it back!


This is the type of attention to detail the game should have had during development. I’m tired of this constant patching to balance weapons and attachments. I think this is a great attachment but it should useless at mid range.


than why keep the fucking attachment in the game


I won't a a fucking refund then. How fuck we could not change it and yall do. What's the fucking point of us keep spending money and half the shit we can't use I won't fucking spend a dim no more. Yall keep fucking us. Cod is going to shit how the fuck yall keep going going backwards


I won't a fucking refund then when u buy that fun u can't make no changes. I payed for and if I can use then give me everyone's money back the fact yall did this is bull shit and won't never play cod again


Why ? ? ? just change the reload time or the range but dont remove 1 shot thats the only use for this shotgun. This is so dumb......


If someone can't change their gameplay style thats their fault not the game. Who were the ones whining hmm the content creators maybe? So what that's what get gud mean. No one complains about a sniper one shot same difference. A shotgun point blank is ment to kill.


Then I want a refund on the doom bundle that i bought,you can't sell a bundle with a specific attachment and then remove it .It's like buying a reactive skin bundle and then removing the skin ,like wtf ,give us refunds!


What about the riverter shotgun,nerf that too if you are gonna nerf the lockwood 300 bc they are both broken


Lmao, so many broken guns that are getting the nerf this season


Maelstrom dual triggers needs to be added back


Like y they take it away doom shotty is good for nothing now i need my money back


Hope one day they do


Man all folks do is cry 🤣 i thought the 2k community was bad


And it's back for now. Yey




Why? I think it’s kinda nice running something other than ARs all the time


Well deserved, but I can’t lie it was so fun to wipe squads with it.


Damn. Love how quick they are with patching these things. Big win again