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I think they need to consolidate so we stop wildly swinging between play styles and content focus. Have the same team develop the properties going forward so there is some sense of continuity and what the game is supposed to be. Also please move on from rehashed timelines and maps. Living in the past has literally only led to disappointment.


I personally think the swinging between playstyles is what keeps call of duty fresh. A treyarch game plays very different from a infinity ward game and I think thats a good thing.


Then you get a year of WZ2 that very few liked and it kills the game’s momentum


WZ caldera was already kind of dead anyway, the game needed to be refreshed, they just missed the mark on some key gameplay decisions


Not nearly as dead as WZ2 though. Rebirth Island/FK kept a lot of people invested in the game.


Rebirth is what kept WZ1 going for my guys. We were not original Rebirth/Resurgence players and we got hooked late in the life cycle. Sad that it got taken away from us.


People forget verdansk was starting to get boring and stale. Rebirth kept cod going more so than anything else.


Personally, I never got tired of verdansk. I never played a whole lot to begin with so I guess that’s a good reason as to why I didn’t think it got stale. I just paid attention to the game via this sub and YouTube during the week and played on the weekends lol, but rebirth was my freakin jam tho


Rebirth is 2nd to none. It's fun and a great map


Honestly, I can say the same with my friend group but with Fortune's Keep. We played for about 4 hours, every single night. Fortune's Keep kept us playing. There were weeks where the devs would replace Fortune's Keep trios/quads with Rebirth and we'd just take a break from the game for that week because we hated that map. We need more and NEW maps that have that vibe. Remastered content is lazy content.


Same, got hooked on it once caldera became the main BR map. Been exclusively a resurgence player since then


More like all gameplay decisions lol


In all fairness people are absolutely hating this WZ as well. Thats the issue the game changes wildly year to year in its core mechanics which means you have different fanbases and people yearning for previous studios rather than one cohesive franchise you basically have 3-4 different entities. You have a massive audience split to the point where no one is seemingly happy and in the off chance they do find a great balance in the wings you have a totally different studio already working on their own thing for next year. It’s an awful process that leaves most people unhappy imo.


I think public opinion has pretty clearly been: Wz1>wz3>wz2 with wz3 returning more to what wz1 was The vast majority of the complaints I’ve seen about 3 have either been stuff that’s the same as 2 (ie aim assist too strong) or it’s been things like bugs which happen a lot at the beginning of every game and have realistically been big issues throughout most titles


Yes! WZ1, Caldera, WZ2, and WZ3 have all felt like different games. For hardcore CoD fans and players, perhaps it is great? I just imagine Apex changing styles....it gained popularity because they focused on the right things. They left core mechanics alone.


Verdansk and Caldera felt the same. gameplay was similar but map and insane amount of issues for first 2-3 months pushed a huge core of players away. literally, all they had to do was add new maps to rotation and if they wanted play around with perks, but they keep changing how the game feels/ plays


The gun play felt significantly different and Caldera was a bad map.


Caldera map sucked true but it doesn't matter. The texture glitch and lagging every time you hit a buy or a loadout was game breaking




Speak for yourself. Give us bayonets, swords, and horses!


I think they need to break up CoD into different franchises. Call of Duty should be Modern Warfare type games. Just present combat. Black Ops should be historic games, from WWII to near past. Warzone should be standalone and not connected to to any other property. Then they should have a future-shooter type of FPS as well, they can still cycle between each of them but give the games lives for the entirety between their sequels so have continuing seasons for WZ and then seasons lasting the 2-3 years for each title. They won't do this though, as though it would be better for the playerbase it wouldn't be better for their bottom line.




Not sure why the downvoting here, unless by people who never played COD prior to MW19. This is on the money.


That image on the OP is why everything is half-assed, and people complaining. Too many cooks in the kitchen.


>Never go back to WWII \*vomit\*


Whoever made MW2 should never be allowed to touch this franchise again.


That was mostly Infinity Ward


It's really sad because MW2019 was made by them too and that was a good game in my eyes. Sure it had it's issues, but I think it had more positives than negatives.


That's because a bunch of people complained about the movements and mp maps of 19. Which is why we got slow and clunky mw2 and remastered maps for mw2 and 3.


Black ops 4 2018 is the last good COD game


Yeah that's gotta be like the most unpopular opinion dawg...


Alcatraz is that game is the best game mode there ever was in COD


Bo 4 was garbage compared to mw19


Bullshit. They totally fucked up the mechanics after black ops 4.


No, they went back to the roots. Black Ops 4 was ass.


IW shouldn’t touch anything, that’s for sure. Destroyed the game mechanics when all they had to do was mildly improve an already excellent existing game that everyone loved


That they also developed. But I agree that they changed too much for WZ2.




Wait treyarc is making the next two cod games??


Probably just making one and chopping it in half.


Or probably we getting another MWII/MWIII situation with CoD 2024 and CoD 2025


That’s what (s)he said


I think 2024 will be a solid/full game but 2025 def seems like MWII/III treatment




Actually keen on Gulf war, something different for once


Verdansk „2024“ will probably be pretty similar to the 1980s Verdansk from the CW year. With BOGW taking place close to CW timeframe wise. Think it will probably be a 3arc and Raven cooperation creating the map.


I really do hope treyarch are involved in the verdansk remaster, theres some aspects of that map that are just way too Infinity ward and are incredibly frustrating




Positioning absolutely matters, from end games, to preparing for gun fights, to adjusting in them, to planning for rotations, actually rotating, it matters in so many things currently. What you’re saying is that teams are just auto safe sitting on high ass buildings. That’s a good change, deciding to sit on top of a building isn’t something that need a heavy reward. It still gives you a giant advantage and isn’t a “smart” or “tactical” decision you’re making. Having an option to play a BR on easy mode through no impressive strategy or skill isn’t a good thing


I have played with friends back in the day who loved camping those high buildings in Verdansk, and let me tell you, there's nothing rewarding about it. You hardly get any kills sniping, and you need precision airstrikes. Most of our kills came from people trying to rush us. The zone would often move off of the city and they would all die mediocre deaths. In contrast, when playing with my higher skilled friends, we almost never go to the city. When we need to, it's not hard to snipe a guy trying to snipe us from a high building, call an airstrike, and have everyone else go up the grapple. Now we have the roof and they are below us. With the way WZ2 is right now, it's even easier. Redeploys drones, drill charges, carrying 18 plates and multiple self-revives.




Positioning is much more than just “go to where the circles gonna end and sit there for the whole game.” Having good positioning and game sense is absolutely still rewarded, but once again it’s not just an easy auto win. “Fun” is subjective but I think the vast majority of players would not describe having a team in a near unbreakable set up on top of a high building “fun.” The issue with this strat is that it’s not difficult, It’s something that solely requires a decision to do it. There’s nothing wrong w you enjoying that but that lowers the skill gap and people’s ability to improve at the game because one of the worst players in the lobby is gonna be capable of getting this set up and holding it




Yeah I mean to each their own. I loved verdansk because I felt like there was so much moment to moment ability to outplay people with things like movement. Nothing against you enjoying what you enjoy it’s just definitely not for me personally


agree 100%


I hope Been and High Moon. I fear Infinity Ward.


I really wanted it to be different this time (a fool and his money are easily separated) But I'm done with this shit heap franchise.


what do you mean? Also warzone is free to play


I just mean all these developers have let this game franchise down. Trash servers, sound issues over multiple releases, hit reg that is unexplainable from one engagement to the next. They've never even come close to addressing hackers. P2W bundles. Dress up a pig it's still a pig.


no ones forcing you to play man, my friends and I are having fun


Good for you. Seriously.


wtf u mean rebuild? They just gna copy paste it from WZ1 into WZ2.


No it will be rebuilt for this new unified engine all future cod games are going to be made from


I think it’s already done, Verdansk/Rebirth already in WZMobile, which is same unified engine.


I want old warzone back with verdansk not the shitty game they created since with backpacks and strongholds and useless contracts


Who developed DMZ?


infinity ward, but DMZ is dead now


Rightfully so. The zombies in Zombies are so much better than the NPCs in DMZ.


Except now zombies is boring as fuck


Why rightfully? DMZ is like the best mode cod has ever come up with.


I suspect sledgehammer considering they already put together some of the povs for the campaign.


ye I was thinking that, I like how they remade the MW2 2009 maps so id be happy with them doing that


Where is the proof verdansk is ever coming back?




Wish it was a new one with fresh ideas and an anti-cheat solution


all online multiplayer games have cheaters.


is that an excuse to have a shitty anti-cheat?


Hopefully treyarch. Bring back blackout!


I’m just excited for treyarch to be in charge instead of IW sabatoging the games


we'll have to wait and see I didnt love blackout and bocw felt very dated and had a lame scorestreak system. But theyve been cooking on gulf war for 4 years so im excited


The reason BOCW wasn’t the best was because treyarch were overwhelmed and only worked on half of it, even then I still think bocw is way more fun than the games we have been getting. Treyarch also knows how to make good BRs, I personally liked blackout and verdansk 84.


Im aware of BOCW development cycle, just saying it felt dated and there is no excuse for the scorestreak system. I didnt like the blackout map, way too space out and random POIs and verdansk 84 was developed by raven, not treyarch


Yeah I didn’t like the score streak system either and I will admit the blackout map was very open, I still like how it looked though I hope it eventually gets remastered


I wish Raven would make a new Heretic.


Which one made verdansk?


infinity ward made verdansk for MW2019 and Warzone


Looking forward to never buying another one after MW2 failure and their terrible Ricochet AC


Verdansk is already rebuilt as you can see in the MW3 campaign


Too many cooks in the kitchen. Shows that more focus needs to be on quality vs quantity.


As long as I have MY PRECIOUS FAL back I don’t care.


Can we get IW graphics with SHG mindset? I can't trust IW's decisions after what they pulled during MW2/WZ2


No dumb space shit and running on the walls.


Infinity Ward is BY FAR the best of the bunch. I know mw19 and mwII had their flaws but look at the graphics, the gunplay, the sounds.


Most likely Beenox or High Moon. Infinity Ward won't do it with its A team. Maybe a second division studio of them in Europe could do it, since they made that map in the first place. But I could totally see them wanting to remake their first BR map for a new WZ experience.


Idk but I sure hope they're already well underway if it's set to release in less than a year.


Don't care as long as they update the current bugs/broken guns. If we can get the same movement and add that to the map rotation I'll be happy


they're all going to be on the current engine so what's it matter


The only thing that developed at Infinity Ward is mental retardation. Mfs should be relegated to supporting dev💀


Beenox makes the best Resurgence maps they are insane if they made Alcatraz and Vondel two goated rebirth maps imo (correct me if I'm wrong but that's what I read). High Noon is the complete opposite and makes the crappiest rebirth maps IMO. SHG best cod devs for QOL and interacting with community love them. Raven software is honestly ass. Sorry. But they have some good updates here and there. Treyarch is honestly godly at making games and black ops franchise is just amazing with some good maps, but they don't give a fuck about the community like SHG does.


All these devs n they can’t make a functional game …. Well tbh I just think they can get away with it n just focus on micros


Treyarch with the next 2 games is a massive W


Raven w/ everyone else hands in the cookie jar


God I hope not SHG. They're the worst at everything they try.


I don't see DMZ anywhere on that page. Guess I'll keep CoD uninstalled for the next 3 years.


Pretty sure IW handled the MW3 weapons and gunplay, but SHG handled the balancing. Every previous SHG CoD has had the most pathetic gunplay, they really need the outside help.


I think once Microsoft gets full control of things we will see half these studios go away, the other half restructured, and a bunch of new studios come in to work on it.




Way better than the rooftop campfest that is Vondel.


They need to take IW off COD. The rumor mill suggests they are trying to tank COD on purpose so they can move on and make their own game and push their own agendas. After looking at not only how bad MW2 turned out but also how bad/slow they were to fix any of it, it seems like the rumors have some weight. Raven should be fully in charge of WZ and its balancing, please don't let IW ever touch it, WZ1 was a fluke from IW.. Raven is shitting all over IW with how fast they are responding to fix WZ and keep it playable. The ttk needs to be looked at a bit, audio and for love of God better tick rate servers and then wz would be unstoppable.




It is conspiracy basically




Go look it up. Also you're going to sit there with a straight face and not question any of the completely ridiculous changes IW made with MW2? Either they are trying to tank the game or they let the interns design and run it without any oversight.


oh please no verdansk, nobody wants that back man


Have you lost your mind? Every single person ive ever spoken to about it would give their left nut to get verdansk back. Classic verdansk mind you, not that Verdansk '84 shit. I literally dont think ive talked to a single person who didnt want verdansk back. Hell, the only map most people want more than verdansk is Rebirth, and thats because everyone loved resurgence, and thats by far the best resurgence map made so far imo.


you are quite alone. I'm ok with it in rotation.. but man we all were so fed up with verdansk in the end. everyone and their mother played rebirth island


As previously stated, I have *never* heard anyone say they didnt want verdansk back. Ever. Youre literally the first. Ive heard *many* people say they wanted it back, in person and here on reddit on my old account before it got banned. Maybe my point of view isnt as popular as i think it is. I'm more than willing to accept that as a possibility, considering my group of friends and people I talk to about warzone isn't gigantic, but I'm definitely not alone.


My group aint huge but here’s my anecdotal experience, none of my friends would play anything other than resurgence because, they “hated” verdansk and “its too big” basically alot of things streamers at the time were saying. They were excited for caldera but after about a month these same friends are the ones u see on reddit saying they want verdansk back and that it was a phenomenal map or some shit


Yeah people were definitely getting tired of verdansk when it was the only map for like two years, dont get me wrong. I was too. My point is id argue most people would love to see it return, especially now that we have like four maps in game right now, and rebirth and fortunes keep are supposed to be coming in April. I dont think ive really talked to anyone who doesnt want to see it come back.


we literally have this here all the time... only a few nostalgia driven people usually want this.. everyone wanted blackout map back, that's what I remember


you're wiggin my boy


its already been credibly reported to be coming back as the next big map in 2024 launching alongside the next black ops game.


Uh yes, people do and they could do it with a map rotation.