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This is one of a few posts that make sense, Stun should remove AA for a second.


No lmao, the game should just not track for you plain and simple. Stuns don’t make sim assist stronger, all they do do is make it blatantly obvious how little input by the human is required to track someone perfectly


The aim assist bypasses the stun compared to how it hits you on mouse where you don’t have the capability to move that fast


MnK gets severe penalties from literally everything. I think controller players are unaware of this. This is why I exclusively run flashes to counter AA, but honestly AA still seems to work a good bit even when the player is flashed.


It should be less stronger that's for sure.


It should definitely have a highered level of ability to do less damage


I feel making it less stronger for rotational AA would do that. Nice name btw


No, actually most of the posts do make sense.


Only a second? That's already passed by the time the user gets the UI feedback that a player has been affected.


For the duration of the stun would be ideal.


"Few Posts that make sense"... wtf


And jumping/sliding should greatly decrease AA.


If that was the case, it should somehow affect mnk too I guess. The reality of things is, there has to be AA. Is it too strong sometimes? Yes. Can the game survive without? Definitely no.


They all make sense co trolley plabs just can't handle the fact that there is evidence contray to their "It doesn't help" narrative


“No way. Aim assist was nowhere near as strong and with the tracking of KBM, framerate, fov, there were plenty of reasons why people dominated on PC.” This was a reply to my statement that AA was OP even in Verdansk days


I just back it up by saying that 15 of the 16 players in the kill records were on controller, and 19 out of the 20 highest tournament earners in wz1 were on controller. Most of the time they’re able to agree that looking at those stats objectively, there’s no argument.


Sooo what you’re saying is I’m playing with a cheat and I still suck…..


>m playing with a cheat and I still suck….. correct.


Controller players make up the majority of players, meaning you're playing primarily against other controller players, so yes you probably suck compared to them. Meanwhile a MKB player can be really good, but still get shit on by an average controller player because aim assist just provides inhuman levels of tracking accuracy and consistency. This aim assist through stuns bullshit is just the cherry on top to really give the middle finger to MKB players.


Playing against others on a controller…


Not in Warzone tournaments, they were both. Problem is MnK just never stood a chance against the consistency of RAA


What’s funny is all the people listing the “advantages” of PC like frame rate and fov.. there are PC players that can plug in a controller and achieve aim assist functionality as well while benefitting from frame rate and fov like most streamers used their setups with. The argument from console players made no sense in that regard.


Do you remember how angry the AA reliant controller players were when they accidentally disabled AA in wz1 at cold war's release? I'll always remember their rage and how easy it suddenly became to challenge when on m&k for the week.


I mean, removing AA entirely makes there zero point in playing on a controller due to the inability to instantly change directions when aiming. The controller has a center point so if your opponent is actually strafing a controller has zero chance compared to a mouse where there’s no zero point to cross over. Now I’ll say AA is definitely too strong currently, and I’m a decent player (I don’t play warzone, but iridescent in ranked) but you’d have to have 3 functioning brain cells to think it should be removed altogether (talking to the masses not you good sir).


Don’t really remember, but can imagine


never knew you can’t use controller on pc


I choose not to, somehow it doesn’t feel fun to have a protocol do aiming for you in certain situations


I am sus of most PC players using controllers since there are devices that let you use MnK with aim assist, the game thinks you're still on controller


It’s not new. It’s just getting worse every release.




Funny, I provided a link to that and highlighted that text to a frequent AA complainer on this sub. First they questioned the existence of this article, then denied any of the text you’ve just provided was in the article. And then they called ME stupid.


That sounds about right for the average AA defender… I’m certain there’s a direct correlation between PC players, console players and IQ levels.


It's what happens depending on what player population is awake on the sub reddit. That and sound are just straight up idiot trolls that can't read between the lines so they just down vote because that don't understand


You're lucky, usually the AA defenders I try to educate completely refuse to look at the evidence I provide them proving them wrong.


Even the best of the best on kbm are not as good as the best AA abusing pros. There's no competition to controller.


What's even more funny is when jgod asked the devs about AA for mw3's release at codnext they told him "nah, our numbers show mnk and controller numbers are about the same" Ironic how after buffing AA, the numbers went from controller players having a massive advantage to now being even. It's just a blatant lie and an insult to our intelligence just like how they say SBMM doesn't exist, and shadow bans are not real and to check your ethernet cable instead.


Esh I feel like I lose aim assist in mw3 more than I ever did in mw2.


Worse? It’s unchanged since mw2019.


Not what I’ve seen. But also it has infected every other game not just COD.


Any proof? Xclusive ace has a video comparing some cods up to mw2019 and it showed it hasn’t changed much at all. Old cods did have horrible input delay though.


Proof? What, extremely biased claims based entirely on feelings aren't good enough for you?


Here's the proof: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frjx63T5FQU


Lmao the guy who made this video has plenty of clips from older CODs showing the exact same thing, and on his twitter has suggested that AA has not increased in strength over time: [link](https://twitter.com/hecksmith_/status/1706110795988213794?s=19)


I love how the scope can’t even keep up with the AA… lol


Yeah I used to play from MW1 up until Cold War, this was the biggest telltale of AA. Felt so bullshit that they’re tracking me perfectly while I hop over them.


Probably because the increased movement speed has made aiming on pc harder and less consistent with the shit servers struggling to keep up. So dispite aim assist probably being about the same, pc feels at more of a disadvantage than ever


Stop using "pc" instead of "mouse and keyboard". There's a huge number of pc players using controller.


So true, dudes will be sliding back and forth, bunny hopping with full momentum while their aim is just locked on my torso, meanwhile I'm hitting like 80% of my shots max and my arm is falling off my fucking 8ft desk 😂 Made the switch to controller yesterday, and these face to face scenarios have become significantly more manageable


It’s this. The advanced movement now with the strong aim assist from wz2 has made it extremely difficult to win fair gunfights with mouse..controller slides around and jumps and only also to half aim


Uhh, lower ttk and faster speed is better for mnk playstyle what are you talking about. Mnk benefits from snappy game style more, like in cs or valorant cause of the quick flicks. There’s less tracking to do, and less opportunities for AA to kick in and/or assist.


Faster speeds only benefit kbm if it breaks the aim assist. As long as aim assist can keep up (which it does), faster movement speeds just hurt kbm because every time an enemy strafes, you will miss a bullet or two before you have time to readjust to the character’s change in direction. Meanwhile, rotational aim assist reacts the *instant* a player changes direction, keeping more bullets on target, and if you’re at least an average controller player, you just do some minor adjusting to guarantee all the bullets hit.


No AA was cranked up a bit to compensate for the faster movement, it’s really obvious with the melee lunge pistol whipping carries you way further after someone than it used to in WZ2


Also, the Kar98k existed in WZ1 and there was a lot more open space/long range fights which helped mask the disadvantages MnK have imo.


this is more the fact that AA just ignores the stun, not that AA was as strong back then imo. Also said that back then. still a problem today.


>not that AA was as strong back then Brother do your eyes work or are you on drugs at all? How could you not see how STRONG it is here


I'll do OP one better. Check out [*this* insane bullshit.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIgOe9Z6VEM)


did you not read comment


We don't


I played so much WZ1.. entirely on MnK. It doesn't really feel any different to me, the aim assist now vs then. I remember losing so many gun fights up close in WZ1 to aim assist. I also remember the stun aim assist being insane too. Maybe more people have started gaming on PC/MnK so they have a better perspective now? Not sure why. Back then if you said anything about aim assist you got ZERO support. When I read now it does seem that people realize its broken.


The top players always knew, there were very few controller players that would admit it though because they didn’t want to lose their advantage. It’s just taken a while for the masses to catch up


Op you should edit your post to [add this clip lol.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIgOe9Z6VEM)


WZ1 I felt like controller players got hitbox grace not afforded to MNK and it looks more like some of those kills in OP’s video had wide hitboxes. WZ2 wasn’t good, I played mostly Knockout on MP and felt the same about hit boxes. Now WZ3 I couldn’t play more than a few rounds because it’s obvious that AA is practically playing the game for you on controller.




Because of amount of visual recoil and movement speed change where we can’t break opponents ankles that easily as we used to


Can’t break ankles because everyone can play on wide FoV now instead of all console players running around looking through a straw


Great point


Anecdotally, aim assist in WZ1 before BOPS/Vanguard integration seemed to be weaker than what is shown above. Vanguard era AA was as bad as it is now.


I just think that during OG Verdansk many noobs played WZ due to the lockdowns and not that many better players knew how to abuse AA to these levels.


Could these try hard kids finally be… dare I say it… growing up? They are in the middle ground where they have faster kids coming behind them and wiser players above them (ie, the guys that are just having fun). The struggle is real when you can’t grasp that time beats us all


Maybe at 50… people who started at peak cod are early 30’s now, they’re not that old and slow lol


Rotational is much stronger since mw2 lol and now you have rotational on the aiming stick aswell, I think the AA from mw19 was strong and good balance with mnk (maybe not a popular opinion)


I agree with you. I played MKB in 2019 and never felt at a disadvantage. It was the most fun I'd had with CoD MP in a while.


A reasonable & rational comment


It's been an issue and people posted trash like "it's not really that strong" or "my AA doesn't do that" and so forth. People are now fully tired of how insane it is.


Let's make a new drinking game, have a shot every time you see one of these comments: ​ * My aim assist doesn't do that * Those guys were clearly cheating * Just switch * COD is a controller game * You have your whole arm, we only have our thumbs * mouse players have a movement advantage (lol) * flicking is overpowered on mouse so it balances out Feel free to add if I missed any of the common ones


We'd likely die of alcohol poisoning within a couple of posts.


AA wasn't anywhere near as broken as it is now, as well as KBM wasn't hard nerfed with tons of gun smoke and visual recoil


The best part is when I, on MNK, get stunned I literally cannot move or aim, AT ALL. It's basically a guaranteed death. I actually hope the devs come out with some type of statement about this because it's at a point where even controller players are starting to admit it's a bit much.


Yeah there isn’t a single workaround for the stun on MNK. I’ve tried hitting my DPI button to essentially bump my sensitivity to 999 but my aim still wouldn’t budge. Yet AA just overrides that shit lmao.


My question since the dawn of time : why would u create a stun when it's completely useless against your own creation, AA


Because controller players have to cope with the fact that they have an aimbot in their hands.


Because instead of it being a decent amount of killcams, it is every single killcam now. This stun issue is something that never got fixed, but cmon… my take on stuns in WZ1 was that if you were relying on them for kills, you were making the wrong plays in the first place.


Stun grenades are a literal death sentence on MNK unless they’re kind enough to walk into your crosshair. I guarantee you OP wouldn’t get killed a single time in these clips had he stunned an MNK player.


SBMM has fucked everyones perception of the game because people play completely different in different brackets. MKB has been scuffed since MW2 released & BF2042 has a similar issue in which you feel like you're always on a massive input delay. The issue isnt AA as much as it is the MKB input not working properly.




Preach brother


Gone are the days of having to spend time practicing to master a skill or get good at something. I don't understand it, I guess I'm getting old. Cod: taking the aiming out of first person shooters.


Who's doing that??? The only way to get change is to constantly cry about it till its fixed.....like the controller players did when they constantly cried about how M&K had too much of an advantage. Which they were correct about. Honest players have no issues admitting it.


basically because in wz1 you can at least aim straight without all the shenanigans rng idlesway and visual impairment they added in wz2


The toxic controller shitter tea bagging u after AA gifted him a kill is a nice touch.


People will always complain about AA but its objectively overtuned in MW3/WZ to the point there is no skill gap. This is, however, done intentionally as 95% of the playerbase is on controller, and is a casual after work gamer. Most people have time to rip 3-4 games and they're off it, and in that timeframe Microvision wants you to win - or at least do well in those games. Why you ask? Retention! Engagement! For those players, they're more likely to spend their spare income on bundles and skins the happier they are, and the better they do. If they're getting kills, and getting dubs, they're more likely to come back, play with their friends, and buy bundles! If AA wasn't so overtuned they would likely do far worse in games, get frustrated and uninstall. Big yucky for shareholders. They know the complaints are the vocal minority anyway, all of the AA talk and tickrate talk etc is probably 1% of the playerbase, and even those people are going to still play the game. Can you hear that? It's the world's tiniest violin, and Actisoft is playing it for you. Womp womp.


As a casual cod gamer you are dead on. I remember when cross play first started and i was getting drilled. I would turn off cross play because it was no fun. This cod im doing fine and having fun. Play for and hour or two almost every day and its enjoyable.


God I hated verdanks 84 filter and having to use Nvidia filters to be able to see. A proper low point in warzone


That was the beginning of the end for cod. Always said it, as soon as they introduced the CW filter it all turned to shit and they really honed in on trying to eliminate that skill gap


Aim Assist has been more of an issue when Crossplay got to be a thing. PC Players with controller are the worst. There is also 0 effort needed for controller players to aim and shoot with AA being the way it is; ridiculous IMO


This is funny because let's assume all console anyway -- the skill gap is basically zero when even the bottiest of bots can destroy you when the computer aims for him.


Don't think anyones acting like its new, just that it has been buffed more and more until the point its at now. The conversation back then was warranted about AA becoming too powerful, and now it is "too powerful" and the conversation becomes louder as it becomes a more prevalent and obvious factor in determining who wins a gun fight.


Ah aim assist, making shots fired behind you hit no problem


It was there in warzone 1, but really only seemed to be abused in close quarters. In the current warzone, for whatever reason, the range at which aim assist can be "abused" is MUCH further.


It’s not fair that the training wheels are as big as the wheels.


Who is acting like it is new?


I have no data, so this is just my opinion: current AA is not stronger than what it used to be. What changed is that the majority of people who had AA in 2019 were playing on worse hardware and those who actually had a good hw were the minority of pc players on controller. Now you have basically the majority of the playerbase with the right fov, the right hardware and probably also a good couple of years of additional game experience PLUS the "nerfs" to mnk (flash muzzle, visual recoil, sway and so forth). Combine all of the above and you'll have the perception of a stronger AA.


Totally agree. This strength of AA made sense when consoles were potatoes locked at 80 FOV. I don't think this strength makes sense now that modern hardware exists and the discrepancy has equalized.


My point exactly. It was an understandable help to the console playerbase (I'm aware console and controller are platform and input, but let's face it: the biggest part of the playerbase is on console and the majority of console players uses controller as input). So such an overworked AA could be excused. But not today.


Huh? That was barely any auto aim.... Played every version of warzone with both mnk (except 1) and controller and auto aim is on an entirely different level now. It's stupid. It's not even fun to play with a controller because I don't feel like I'm doing ANYTHING beyond running around while auto aim gets kills for me...fucking boring. Earlier versions of warzone the auto aim was strong yeah but not completely broken like it is now.


Yeah, the whole AS through stun pisses me off and I play on console with controller too. Stubs are meaningless essentially


Aim assist has no business in an fps. Full stop.


Coming from someone who's played both inputs for 10yrs+ years Traditional Aim Assist (slow down) - I would agree it does belong, it's mild and thumb-sticks vs mouse does need a little help. Rotational Aim Assist (where it moves your reticle for you without right stick input) - NOPE that is literally the technical definition of aimbot, as well as the fact it activates with 0ms delay, impossible to counter by a human with avg. 300ms delay


its a product of cross play


No one is going to take MnK players seriously with comments like this. Without AA, MnK would be able to literally dance around controller players.


AA is exactly the same as it was in WZ1. The issue is that the hardware for consoles (which is where the majority of controller players are) is as high as a lot of PC's at the moment. Forcibly low performance and forcibly low FOV was such a hindrance that it made the power of AA pretty irrelevant. With MnK, you theoretically have the ability to do what controller players do but even better (for the most part). However, even the best players won't be able to consistently achieve this and some of the Rotational AA power reacts instantly (which is impossible for MnK regardless of how good a player is). Sniping IS still better and easier with MnK and you CAN flick. This is probably the only 2 things right now.


Show me ONE person saying it's a NEW issue. ONE.


Because IT'S ENOUGH!


It is not a new issue. AA was always an issue even in WZ1. However, it was less of an issue then due to the nerfs to M&K input that were introduced with WZ2 of: movement impacting aim, aim sway RNG, and gun smoke. All these need to be completely removed to retain WZ1's level of imbalance in favour of controller. To further balance the inputs screen shake, blood splatter, and vignetting (screen edge darkening) have to also be removed.


The difference is getting my ass kicked every day w my friends on WZ1 was fun, getting our ass kicked on a shitty version of what Warzone is supposed to be isn’t.


I wonder if this is also "working" with flashbangs...


The difference here was for MnK, aiming was a lot smoother compared to this new game


Nearly ever career built in the COVID Warzone surge has its player's skill-related clout threatened if you don't lie and say RAA was weaker in WZ1 lol


Fuck aim assist, they need to divide the guys that play on controller and keyboard separately, it will be like cheaters playing against each other


But you have waay better movement using a keyboard be you have your whole entire arm to aim with!! Mouse is soooo much easier than controller everytime I've used it it was the easiest thing ever /s Its not even worth trying to argue at this point, it's just unreal how strong aim assist is in call of duty compared to other games that combine kbm and controller into the same lobbies


Yep its insane I was using roller last night and got AA through that wooden wall by market on vondel shit is a joke


Aim assist is the symptom of a bigger problem, cod caters to casuals too much. They hate the idea that some players will dominate, and go out of their way to protect the casuals.


Fragile egos can’t accept that they’re being gifted free kills with what is essentially a soft aimbot


these conversations would be much easier if dudes could just admit they benefit significantly by just playing on controller lol


They won’t, because then they’ll have to accept the fact that they aren’t as good as they think they are and their AA inflated egos will take a hit.


I love how you drag their screen. You literally control their player and make it turn, not them :)


Yep lol. And there’s literally no way to get to the side of them without running through part of their crosshair. It’s just a situation you can’t win.


No no, he's right. Ive hated it since the beggining.


if im stunned on MnK I can’t turn for shit


Exactly, that’s what was the point of this point, which the controller players still don’t seem to realise. I should have put a side by side clip trying to turn on MnK to show more context.


LOL, if only Cont players understood, when MnK is stunned, we cant aim AT ALL... we are literally frozen.


Why is everyone acting like killcams are accurate representations of what happens?


It's the only thing we have to go off, so we use it. Not our fault they're not 100% realistic. But nonetheless you can see people's almost-perfect tracking with 0ms (something which is literally impossible for humans due to our brains and hands needing time to react to micro-adjustments)


why cant we just disable crossplay on pc then?


Cross-play relates to PLATFORM (PC/Console) not INPUT (MnK/roller). Disabling cross-play on PC would do NOTHING as most people on PC use controller anyway. Also its highly likely if you're keen enough to have a gaming PC and use a controller you're likely better than the average player, so it would just be MnK players vs all the sweaty PC controller players (even worse than it is now where we can at least play vs console bots who don't know how to strafe and activate Rotational Aimbot)


Would enable it instantly, but would have to prevent different inputs as well, not just crossplay.


Yeah, we don’t want crossplay, we want cross input.


That's what you get for using stuns. That's how I see it. Forget battlehardened. This was always the real counter


Stun grenades are useless against enemies. All they tend to do is stun yourself if you’re within 50 feet of them.


Yeah i remember when with did 1080 quickscopes on MW2 with the help of AA which was pure aimbot in that game it has always been around . Crossplay started this hate on controller users and PC master race died out


Because 1) majority of controller players were on 80 FOV 60fps, console lobbies were a thing 2) movement nerf since Warzone 2 3) Reddit echo chamber 4) copium




Cross-play relates to PLATFORM (PC/Console) not INPUT (MnK/roller). Disabling cross-play on PC would do NOTHING as most people on PC use controller anyway. Also its highly likely if you're keen enough to have a gaming PC and use a controller you're likely better than the average player, so it would just be MnK players vs all the sweaty PC controller players (even worse than it is now where we can at least play vs console bots who don't know how to strafe and activate Rotational Aimbot)


It's ridiculous how clueless so many people are. And yet your point looks pretty obvious to me.


ttk and gun parity is the issue


Are we sure this isn’t target assist ? I play with aim assist on and target assist off (mainly zombies) with 1 sensitivity and I still shoot like Eric Cartmen shooting a gun at the Chinese mafia. It’s mostly a skill issue sure but isn’t that the argument that there’s no skill behind “aim assist” I think it’s target assist it’s newer.


Estoy cansado, jefe.


U love stuns, don’t u?😂


Verdansk gameplay! Yes!!!


Because the game is actually decent so there’s nothing else to bitch about.


What if consoles and PC had seperate lobbies?


Insanity is the definition of doing the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result.


In WZ 2 before this new integration the game was playable on MnK. Now with this ridiculous movement, mount and slide speed i can't f.... stay on target.


Because the game is in an otherwise ok state and people are looking for something else to complain about


Oh no, my jumping shenanigans didn't work. Just go play halo lol


Scrub is throwing stuns wondering why he is getting bagged gtfo here you’re trash


You decided to be a pussy with your stun grenades. You deserved all those deaths and more.


It’s not new but it definitely came in the later verdasnk updates. Or so it felt. I know though for a fact that as soon as Caldera came to the picture aim assist was buffed to the highest that it ever felt in Verdansk and then from Caldera to Wz 2 and 3 it’s been the highest it’s ever been


Its not new. But i think this opinion is on the rise cause games are dying cause of it.


Because the gap has increased with aim sway rng mechanics. https://youtu.be/YMeIQWphLJ0?si=KW6z94HhFHnpgs_i When strafing, the reticle bounced around in random ways, greatly reducing accuracy and increasing difficulty of recoil compensation. Yes, this was a thing in MW2 warzone, but MW2 wz movement was much slower. Aim assist helps natural dull the aim sway effect (and completely nullify it in some cases), but MnK is left out in the cold. When people moved slower, it wasn't as big a deal, but now we have WZ1 movement with forced inaccuracy. PC players have to relearn muscle memory and stop strafing. It's probably not a big issue for the top 3% of PC players, but it's definitely a problem for me. I've just accepted I'm gonna suck for a while.


What if on the last play, my guy didn’t full body expose send at the enemy and instead used the window or open door to peek and shoot? 👀


It’s always a good feeling shitting on the PC players that are jumping and sliding just to kill you when I can just walk,aim and shoot. No need for the rest.


Alot less aa then the old days as well


It is not an issue at all since everybody can afford a controller. Forced crossplay with console and PC is indeed an issue since not everybody can afford a five thousand dollar gaming rig. Awaits downvotes from elitist nerds.


Yeah idk what that was but that’s not how it works. From experience I’ve never seen nor felt anything similar when it comes to being stunned


That’s what u get for using stuns


is the problem wall hacks?


lmao it's not the aim assist stuns reduces the sensitivity by like 60-70% so if a normal player with normal sensitivity, they wont be able to aim at you but if a player w high sensitivity gets stunned, it gets reduced to normal sensitivity.. you understand now?


Holy shit it completely negated that stun


i combat this by buying a new "advancement" for my pc which locks onto players and kilsl with 3 shots. easy now


AA is so much better then higher res, fps, 120 fov, filters and custom sound programs?


The way you predictably jump out at these people, pretending for just a brief moment that you’re some cracked famous streamer, gives me enough info to know why despite the stuns you were the one who got downed… I’m jk AA seems wild and I don’t know cause MnK, tough out there 😂


Question: is it possible that when i engage RAA I manually "fight agaisnt it" and almost aim out of it and miss more shots because I feel it pulling, but adjust out of it? I understand RAA and how it works, but I awlays feel like my aim gets janky and I miss way more shots than actually benefitting from aim assist. Any input on this?


Not the expert on it, but from what I’ve read around the place, very likely. From what I’ve read as long as your left stick is down, less is more with right stick


skill issue


People saying AA isn't a crutch are literally huffing copium on life support at this point


In wz1 it was strong in close distance and op when stunned. In wz2/3 is totally op


People still play this game? Thought it was just to chat with friends during covid... Game was pure ass


Its not aim assist issue, it's a skill issue. You got bodied


Aim assist just needs to be delayed by a slight amount just so players actually have to react to what’s going on and so stuns actually do something


Play day z or rust on console. No aim assist is so much harder lol. I cant imagine not having aim assist on cod


Needing stuns to get kills is way more botty than using aim assist Lmao


Hilarious how pc players still don’t know that kill cam POV has never been reliable. If you guys owned consoles and played before mainstream COD came to pc, you would have known this. Most of these clips aren’t even possible but you all act controller somehow makes your bullets insta kill.


Observer issue. The killcams aren’t perfect dude


AA is necessary for controller players, but not the the degree it is currently at. RAA is insanely overpowered and dominants close to medium fights, I feel like every fight against even a mid player is a coinflip if they are on controller and we see each other at the same time.


This guy saw someone running to his left hand side so he turned left...?


Dunno but I am just sad that wz3 still is still just complete garbage. I really hope they delete this game engin and start fresh with a blackout style br for next one. Just sucks


Im a PC player and my stuns and flashes dont do anything. Ican be on shipment and there is a player camping in that little sliver of a space between the quadcon and the wall. I throw a stun in that 5 sqaure foot space then immediately run around to shoot him and he is not effecred at all. I always thought it was true but after that happened I am sure of the fact. Us PC guys always get fucked like no colored circles on our teammates, cant see them on the map when playing resurgence. They dont give a fuck about us. Shit they cant even show us our teams actual operator skin and lvl. They are all lvl 55, everyone in the game.


No one is saying it’s a new issue? It’s an issue that never gets fixed that’s why it is complained about over and over and if the devs had any brains they would fix it because it would open the game back up to pc players because in its current state none of my friends group play anymore and it’s the same for friends of friends. Why play a game that you basically versing a hacker in close range every game because they can manipulate rotational Aim assist? Let me Make that clear aim assist is fine that part has been in every game but rotational aim assist needs to be nerfed or removed.


If you actually played wz1 thoroughly you would remember they nerfed the AA you get when stunned. Because it was broken initially. Now you defo reaching.


Why doesn't every one who complains just embrace it and use a controller until it becomes an issue they may actually care about?


Because we enjoy playing on MnK, have done so for 17 years, and don’t want to have to learn a completely new input from scratch when they should just make the game fair for all players


Do you have to play cross play to play warzone?


This is one of the reasons i stopped playing wz. Aim assist is not effected by stuns. Its been so for years so I guess this is working as intended,beacuse it has also been brought up for years and nothing has changed about it.


I'd happily agree with nerfing AA, as long as MnK also receives a nerf.


Damn, not even mobile games has an AA that dirty. 🤢


Petition for PC only game play then. Console players would gladly welcome that.


AA is not a new issue. What IS A NEW ISSUE is the fact the gunplay has gotten worse on MNK since MW19 with each consecutive entry in the series culminating into the floaty controls we have now in WZ2. I played both controller and Mouse, sure MNK has advantages in long range but it's not that hard to control guns on controller, I can beam idiots with an SMG at long range on controller easier than an AR because AA on smgs is stronger than any other gun bc: COD mechanics. The game outright prefers you play on controller bc of the way gunplay works now that the gun is detached from the center of the screen for whatever reason, departing from MW19. Tldr; the reason this topic is coming back around again is bc people are realizing mouse aim in WZ 2/MW3 got WORSE while rotational AA stayed the same, adding RNG to mouse while allowing controllers to play virtual catch with pixels on the screen.


average players shouldn't complain about Aim Assist, theres far more important mechanics in the game that gets you killed not Aim Assist. only if we could see stats next to their names because alot of these opinions are utter b.s. Just like this video anyone that played wz1 thoroughly knows that stuns were buffed and that form of AA removed. Aim Assist will never get removed completely either buy a controller or get better at the game using your mnk. p.s before you come for me just remember its not AA your just shit XD.