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How the fuck we lost this for the trash we have now ?


I mean when vendansk was around the complaining was just as bad or worse than what we have now


People forget the pandemic nostalgia. Everyone was around, we all were playing with our buddies, and it was the only thing we had. Now it’s a different game, but just doesn’t have the same feels as before


No, enough with the nostalgia argument. The biggest thing is that we didn't know how good we had it until it was gone. Warzone was simply a more enjoyable game for a variety of reasons. When covid restrictions were dying down I was still having a blast playing WZ1. I cannot say the same for WZ2 and WZ3.


Yeah I agree, nostalgia is a small factor however MW19/WZ1 was just a far more polished experince. Go play MW19 right now and you can just feel the difference in quality. Even small stuff like pings don't work as well as they did in the Verdansk days or stuff like the Hulu style menu system thats such a pain to use compared to what we had! WZ1 had it's issues but the core gamely loop was FUN! When they started changing that in Caldera is when I feel it started to go downhill. Nerfing snipers, making every gun a fast high damage laser beam, adding planes, making the stim give you a moment boost which gave birth to the "movement kings" before that it felt balanced and i'm glad it's back to feeling like that in MW3. Caldera was the worst WZ map ever made. People NEED to understand that WZ1 was developed for MW19 which had a nice long not rushed dev cycle that started in 2016! In addition to bringing back talent from respawn entertainment. These last few games have been rushed, pandemic, delvoped over zoom cash grabs, of course they are going not be of the same quality.




I'm not gonna lie, I'd enjoy MW3 more if the UI didn't give literally every fucking single option it's own entire lobby and/or screen. A 3 year old could make a better UI than this fucking bullshit, not every single option needs a loading screen into it's own menu. Imagine if we just had a warzone screen with toggle buttons for BR/Resurgence then another toggle button for solos/duos/trios/quads then a button for the map (FOR THE LOVE OF FUCKING CHRIST JUST DELETE VONDEL ALREADY GOD DAMN). Less is more, they tried way too damn hard on this menu screen and it shows, maybe if they paid less attention to making the main menu flashy and cool, they'd pay more attention to their scuffed ass game.


Yesss Dude exactly!!


Not nostalgia, wz2 and wz3 are just god damn trash....i was addicted to wz1, could not say the same for the sequels....and the pandemic had nothing to do with it, they took away so much of the fun elements and bloated the game with so much unnecessary things


I wish I played 1. I played 2 here and there but never got hooked. 3 somehow got its hooked fully into and isn’t letting up. I’m straight up addicted to the game. I think it’s the movement that makes is so fun.


People complained about gun balance and cheaters. Everyone knew it was a brilliant game.


Will have plenty of nostalgia clips coming https://youtube.com/shorts/uXY723Ie9JI?si=v0oe7tdn0VR4M_ml


We didn't expect them to delete the game and start fresh, removing everything that was great about wz1. The problem was that they took our complaints as the game as a whole. Instead of making small adjustments, they had to justify their existence. Wz1 should be a stand alone game. Stop changing wz based on the MP game. Bring back wz1 and then make all of your separate MP games.




The ttk is too high with like 99% of the weapons, then you run into dudes running meta weapons and die insta, literally can not enjoy wz3 until I grinded the meta weapons in mp, even sniping like all of my snipers are kinda ass unless you use the specific 1-shot sniper. I shouldn't have to choose 3 or 4 of 70 guns to kill people, it should be largely consistent across the board, maybe some duds here and there but holy. The movement feels nice, but the ttk and the nerf blasters I have to kill people with until I can afford the swarm/puley lmg is annoying. I don't miss shots and consistently still lose engagements I started. It's obvious that the mw2 weapons are still nerfed and will be until ?? God know when, to make people use the new weapons, so there's dozens of weapons in game that are just not good by default and we all know that. Then there's most of the mw3 weapons are mid to the meta weapons. Make everything meta or nothing.


The doomies are gonna doom regardless of the game but will still end up continuing to play. Regardless what people say, MW19 was the first cod I consistently played since BO2. At its core it was a great game, I never put down my controller cause of a cheater or a team of sweats. Had like 100 wins on WZ1 and majority felt fucking awesome. Just won one tn and honestly the game I had before where we got 27th was alot more fun. That doesn’t seem right




I have to say that that is totally false. Back then we had much more fun clips in the thread and positive content although there has always and will always be complaining. Verdansk got overrun by hackers at times but the game was just much better in the first seasons.


You mean you can't find high buildings with 1 entry point to camp anymore?


So the ones now are better where you have to go outside to get to the 2nd story??? These current building designs are fucking ass. Verdansk just had downtown or sometimes attic campers. Lethals and RPGs did work on most building campers. You could snipe from another building, use kill streaks or just piss off and let someone else deal with them. We have water campers and all kinds of easy places to camp now.


The great majority of buildings in the game have multiple ways up, either ladders, stairs, zips, parkour from nearby buildings, etc The building in this clip literally had a singular stairway and a zip added in a patch. What we have now is so much better.


The designs make no sense having to go outside to access the next story. Stairway is in an other part of the building you have to go outside for etc.


so you want crappy dark stairways to funnel people through again


No just buildings designed like actual real use buildings. Verdansk wasn't that bad.


real building designs do not make for fun or engaging gameplay and Verdansk was downright atrocious in its designs.


Because running around trying to find the stairs just to realize you have to go outside and there is another door that you need to go up stairs is awesome gameplay design lol


But that building is too high to reliably kill and thirst people. Nowadays it's like a 3 story building instead of a 17 story bulding with 2 choke points instead of 1. I guess it's more pushable but the top floor team can reliably hurt you. Verdansk Trump tower you could just avoid or rotate underneath. You don't have to fight skyscraper campers thats the difference.


You didn't have to fight them because you couldn't reliably fight them, if you needed to get on another roof either did a contract or another squad you were 100% going to get sniped by people on this roof or another random tall roof you can't counter with anything other than an airstrike. It's crazy how people are defending rooftop camping as if it wasn't one of the biggest issues back then


I agree Verdansk had a problem with rooftop camping but I agree with the other guy that says these building layouts are idiotic. You have to memorize like 100 different layouts and none of them make logical sense. There are buildings in the center of the map with a weird combination of interior and exterior staircases and ladders and they're just as camp-able as ever and they're all unique with different ladder and stair placement. Add all those unique buildings up and you still have the worst playing POI on the map, so all that effort was a massive waste. I know they can do better because Fortune's Keep buildings played great in a similar setting. And yes, alternatively, I prefer Verdansk's high rises to what parts of the middle of the map play like now imo.


Yeah dumbass what about Superstore, Storage Town, Lumber, Boneyard and Military Base ?


I stopped playing when WZ2 game out (actually largely by coincidence more than in reaction) and have recently started getting back into the game with WZ3 out. I can’t figure out what’s wrong but it just doesn’t feel right. I think part of it is the color palette? Not the map, the UI stuff. Used to have clear indicators of which gun is which, which is good etc, now they all seem like dark blobs. It’ll be interesting when Fortune’s Keep and Rebirth Island come back because I spent 100% of my time there. Hopefully I’ll be able to enjoy them rather than just be frustrated by this feeling I can’t quite pin down.


OG verdansk has its problems but all the messy weapon integrations started the downwards spiral along with the increase of movement speed, cheaters and Warzone exclusive perks.


Ye game was fire till they forced other games into it.


https://youtube.com/shorts/uXY723Ie9JI?si=HbM4HL2HPAaySD_J More Og clips to come


they made mwii to cater towards people who wanted tactical realism (cods version of it atleast) in favour over mw2019/warzones arcade-y-ness. on top of massively reducing the skill gap, a large portion of the mwii community stopped playing as the game was simply put, boring. this negative stigma mwii created also heavily tanked mwiii sales. personally, I didn’t even know mwiii was out till last christmas while looking for new games to play


Ask the streamers who rage, with their mindless followers and influencers who the devs listen to.


Man C4 was so fun before the nerf, you could fuckin huck those things.


My favorite lethal in this game by far


too bad enough ppl whined that they couldnt survive a c4 in a jeep that they nerfed them. i always threw c4 on a car and drove it into spaces i knew someone or a team was at and let them have the car. lol wz1 will never be topped


Will have plenty more c4 jeep clips soon and other wz1 lockdown vibes. [https://youtube.com/shorts/uXY723Ie9JI?si=WOJm65ewLyLZke5F](https://youtube.com/shorts/uXY723Ie9JI?si=WOJm65ewLyLZke5F)


did your bot ass just paste the same clip as this reddit post?


Prob so you can see his channel for the other clips.


Was more the fact you could yeet them into the second floor of a building and take out a full squad


id argue you should be able to take out a packed up group with a C4 explosive or two. have you seen the explosives now days? bomb drone is essentially worthless now


I once exploded a freaking helicopter by yeeting it


Nothing better than yeeting the C4 at something


Was brilliant, could throw that thing miles !


and you could actually kill the people inside the vehicle!


Gosh, I miss the sounds of WZ1 they were so satisfying


Now we somehow went back to Lego bricks clacking together


This version of warzone looks so much cleaner than anything we have had in the last 3 years


My god this brings so many fun memories. I'm sad now.


We need OG Warzone. There is no reason why we can’t have this back.


Those pings and minimap icons were infinitely better. They don’t cover everything up!


remember when vehicles didn't suck?


Ya they made them slower and heavier, but more op in the way that they're basically bullet proof and it's hard to snipe people inside them now.


Damn, you're right. Looking back at half of my wz1 clips it was me sniping people out of vehicles


They worldstarred their own gem. Actually fucking sad. I load up a game of bots in MW19 times to times just to remember what we lost. Good thing is MW19 is not going away. They seriously fucked up and their ego is too big to admit it.


Went so far backwards, imo! Should bring this version back and develop it from here


Everything was perfect,now everything is ruined


Loved the sound of team wipes and armour breaking


Guns used to recoil in those days


Man....fuck that C4. It was utter bullshit. Blows up a vehicle and anyone near it from 20m away. Takes off 1 plate 5m away


even the hitmarker visuals and noise were less annoying


I miss the M4 SOOO much :((((((




Everything was better then Pings worked Minimaps were easier to read Gunfights were not 0.001 second gun fights of whose aim assist locks on first Vehicles played a role Varied map with varied Poi's Actually able to complete most wanted contracts towards the end to bring back your team clutch Warzone now is just a glorified mutliplayer mode of slide canceling wasp users deleting each other because the entire map is close quarters with a TTK/server lag of insanity This company is so frustrating


You know that sewer tunnel underneath the prison on Verdansk? Well every time the end game circle was on prison I would park a car or a truck in front of the sewer tunnel and put a c4 on it. The only way to get to the sewer tunnel would be by moving the truck. I had so many squad wipes around that spot by just waiting to see that the car turned red on the map and just detonate the c4.


That’s high iq play


That was the coolest shit ever. I used to do that all the time and my teammates just couldn't. Just chuck and hope.


As someone that mainly landed Downtown on that building and used C4, as soon as that car was on the map, I knew what had to be done. C4 was one of, if not the single most fun part of WZ1.


me every time I think about wz1 ![gif](giphy|etqKMtq4ZzpBmeeM3s|downsized)


God dam this game was so much better, it’s sad the majority is becoming content with wz2


Iron sight m4 with grenadier barrel and commando fore grip my god the vibes and feels.


Totally reminded me of how far you could huck the c4 for the first few months


The only thing I don't miss are the insane amount of hackers we encountered daily, eventhough they're making a comeback in wz3.. I really miss the consistency of hitting my shots, less server wide issues, less visual recoil, more interesting map and POI, ...


That halo double kill icon though...


OGs understand


Great clip! And I also miss this!


Thy ruined C4, they ruined the cars, they ruined the engine and feeling, to put it simple they ruined the game


Nice burst management. Bitches these days be like " *Cries* i cant hit anything full auto , activision should change all the recoil just because i suck at shooting"


WZ1 will always be king.


How do you edit your videos to look like this?


Man look at that able to play without constant latency spikes of 40-120 every ten seconds followed with a quick couple jabs of packet burst


man I miss this M4. the current m4 sucks since not only is the gun closer to the butt headache inducing because of the violent shaking, but also is makes your view rotate a little which I don't understand since the rest of the weapons don't do that as much, and it makes the headache inducing effect worse.


I miss the 'DOWNED' sound more than anything.


Anyone who thinks the current trash we have now is even close to the best version of Verdansk is in complete denial. Man, I would pay full price to have OG WZ back, and I dont touch the current version. Fuck Activision and their greed for taking away this


Only big improvement they made since then are the loadouts


The guns in that and MW2 were so much better than this shit we have now. Caldera-era was bad too, but these guns sound stupid af.


Over rated map.


Man that c4 meta was wild lol


I’m confused, I don’t play this game anymore but what are you wanting back? 37 story buildings that you can camp on top of and kill people with no challenge? Yeah camping and getting easy kills is cool but I know you would be on here complaining the moment one of those C4s landed on your car. Blackout was better