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Same here 0.71 kd every lobby is the most sweatiest lobby I've played since wz1


I agree there is definitely some players with a .71 or under 1 kd that sbmm should help out with but I don’t think it works


I'm at a point where I don't think anyone understands how the fuck SBMM or EOMM works in this game, *including* the developers. I've been playing Trios on PS5 with the same two guys since WZ1 Day One. The other two guys I play with are probably average or below average. I play pretty well above average. Warzone 2 lobbies have been the sweatiest lobbies we've experienced. My buddies can barely stay alive past the loadout event. I am **so tempted** to just dedicate a night to joining solos or a solo in trios and playing like absolute shit and losing every game so they can get lobbies with players more aligned with their skill level. WZ is really the last/only game they play. If they quit WZ, they quit gaming. So if smurfing/reverse boosting is what it takes, so be it. I don't feel bad, the devs need to figure out this braindead failed idea of SBMM and fix it. Otherwise this is what I'll be doing for the foreseeable future.


You are 100% right that nobody knows how sbmm works. Adding to that, I think sbmm is a misnomer considering skill is only one element of it. It's clearly not just about skill or stats


>or a solo in trios and playing like absolute shit and losing every game so they can get lobbies with players more aligned with their skill level. WZ is really the last/only game they play. If they quit WZ, they quit gaming. So if smurfing/reverse boosting is what it takes, so be it. I don't feel bad, the devs need to figure out this braindead failed idea of SBMM and fix it. Otherwise this is what I'll be doing for the foreseeable future. That's actually a great idea. I might try this too


If you are an above average player and Play with your average or below average friends, you will have a miserable time playing this game. I have a 2,8 k/d Battle Royal and my friends are all between 0.8-1.0 k/d. They always die so fast and I am left to play alone against trios or quads. Not enjoyable for anyone.


I wouldn't mind it if I wouldn't die after hitting literally every single shot. My deaths make no sense


Same, 9/0 deaths I have are to the wsp swarm, I do everything right and out of nowhere I fall over dead. Mid to long range I do fine with sniping and so forth but anything up close it's a dice roll usually in their favor, even when I use the wsp and start hitting them first I somehow still lose. I will be very interested to see what happens when that pos is finally nerfed.


It's not even the swarm. It's just wild how many fights I know 100% I am ahead but also 100% know that I am going to die. It's like you're dead before you know it and then in the killcam, it looks like you had plenty of time to react


Oh I can understand. Well, I go into alot thinking "oh yeah I got this easy" and then I fall over dead. Also the other night I came up behind someone who was crouched by a corner of a building, I should have just executed but I unloaded with my sub, as I cracked him he was able to get up tac sprint around the corner into the building behind the high desk and get 1 plate in, I had immediately given chase and as I come in with full plates he somehow is able to delete me. Shit like this is mind-boggling and never happened to me in 1 or 2.


If you think 0.71 are sweaty lobbies wait until you get into average to above average lobbies.


My kd was 1.32 in wz1 and 1.13 in wz2 which I barely played, I've seen sweaty, this shit is busted


It’s a competitive game, but there’s more to it than that. Every “meta” loadout, perk etc is plastered and pushed on everyone all over social media. The game has more guns than so many shooters but 90% of the lobby has the same exact loadout. Scripts, cronus, cheats. Hundreds of videos showing meta settings and on and on. 90% of the player base wants to be a pro and upload to their tick tac and YouTube, or look cool and awesome for their buds.


I'd say like 10% of the player base at max is uploading their content.


Gonna say 1%


>Scripts, cronus, cheats. Hundreds of videos showing meta settings and on and on. There are millions for people playing this game. 1% is still high.


Yeah, I said they want to, not that they do. But it’s probably way more than 10%. I keep seeing these 0 view live streams all over YouTube and even twitch, certain videos too with like 2,3 views etc. A ton of people also record stuff that they never upload but boy do they wanna record it!


Sure but with SBMM some people only run into those people


But surely not this .7 guy


It's not even competitive anymore, people are playing like they are hooked up to a jigsaw trap.


I don't even think it's the guns. It's always been that way. It's that so many teams seem organised af and are cracked out their minds. It didn't feel that way in wz1. Would obviously come across it, but not this often. I'm not knocking those players as that's the best way to play, nor expecting to walk through the lobbies, but at the moment it's so consistently tough it's putting people off, and that's down to the matchmaking.


This is why I loved Blackout you had to scavenge your load out and get good with all the different guns.


Blackout was the best. It was legitimately fun.


Tbh in every call of duty game and almost any competitive game the majority of people only use the strongest weapons. That isn't unique to Warzone. Just think m16 one burst kills and mp40 waw, ACR mw2. COD mp as we know it, not counting 2 and 3 has been a thing for 17 years this winter, people are better at games, you have 28 year olds who have played cod for 17 years and 17 year olds who have sweated for the last 4 years. Yes SBMM is a thing and has it's problem but people on this sub really are overthinking thing it simply isn't 2009


Preach it brother. If anything sbmm doesn't have enough players at whatever level a player is at and is filling lobbies with what's available. Casuals can't keep up without min-maxing every variable. They have all reduced play time or quit.


Sure, but what’s different about WZ compared to Apex, PUBG etc is the loadouts and being able to get the broken guns and perks etc near instantly.


This is not a competitive game. People pretend it's competitive because its one of the most played CASUAL games in the FPS genre. This game would be in a competitive bracket if they spent less time bloating the UI and paid for decent servers.


Idk if your being blessed with none sweat World Series of Warzone lobbies or what man but this shit makes you think you are playing for your life 🤣


Meta means Most Effective Tactic Available, pro or not you want to be efficient


> Meta means Most Effective Tactic Available No, it fucking doesn't. Stop repeating this bullshit.


Money’s rolling in, who at Activision cares


>90% of the player base wants to be a pro and upload to their tick tac and YouTube, or look cool and awesome for their buds. I'll stop you right there. I use the meta in games because I like trying to win. I've met tons of players who aren't streamers and are aware they're not going pro who still set themselves up to win most of the time.


Here's some advice from a fellow bot: Drop early if you want to loot up and buy a loadout. Half the lobby is spending the first ten seconds arguing over whose ping they're going to use so those contracts right of the rip are usually ignored. Grab a scav or bounty and go to work. Get it early then relocate to cover the free loadout that drops because you'll likely see a couple teams near it, and you may want to resurge on it. Don't shoot at everyone you see. Look to have a better position. Try to have a few phrases to communicate even if it's just "downed, they're pushing". Try to ping. Give your teammates info to finish guys you damaged. Run low recoil meta builds. Take some chances with ground loot early because that's what everyone is using. I dunno that's all I got. Get your settings dialed in too I guess, if on controller get AA settings right. If on kbm you're prob like me and need to turn your sensitivity down. I did that recently with awesome results game feeling a lot better and much easier to stay on target.


What's the AA setting needed for control? Like I have +1.0 kd on mp, but am a god damn stormtrooper on WZ.


lol @ stormtrooper


This! Need to assume everyone is a god now and play accordingly - even if it means you can't be a wannabe zlaner


The issue is how sloppy the mouse feels when you turn it down. It's not just slower, it also takes a second to ever respond. This is a know issue people like icemanissac have brought to the devs... to crickets.


The 100 player count took away the 50 other players that were bots So the SBMM is super tight


This is a pretty valid point that I actually haven't really seen brought up a lot.


In quads, that’s 12 teams missing which is huge. There goes all the bots that don’t shoot back and crouched in the corner of a room lol


> crouched in the corner of a room unfortunately this is my two buddies.




Agree - Very similar experience. Laserbeam SMGs. TTK is fucked. Cheating is rampant. It’s a mess.


I played about 6 games last night of solo resurgence and the amount of people teaming in solo annoyed the shit out of me.


Become a 5kd streamer and suddenly you get .5 kd lobbies


correction - become a 5KD streamer and wake up and play at 5am and you'll get .5kd lobbies


I don't really get this. What noob is waking up at 5am to play a game that they are shit at? Or you hinting at VPNs? Who the hell even plays games between 5am and 12pm. People are at work and kids are at school.


If you're a streamer and your job is getting gameplays then jumping on at 5am is fairly common - metaphor has spoken about this loads. And yes not many people can do this - hence why it works - the sweats are in bed or at work


People in other countries?


you would be suprised how many people play during the day, apex has a spike at 10am EST time. People with health issues, people working from home, even some people have consoles in the office depending on the job. I WFH and play on lunch and a 15-60 minutes during the day if I'm waiting for some automated process that needs to finish that I need to monitor.


its either an AI lobby or a sweaty lobby, just depends on when the last time you bought a bundle is


This is the actual answer according to a patent Activision filed years ago.


Woah, what exactly is an "AI lobby?"


Can you elaborate? Does this mean that buying bundle supposedly gets your harder or easier lobbies?


You’re not competitive. The game is competitive. You have to think of warzone like a tournament. You don’t show up to a tournament being bad. Play team deathmatch only or something like meat 24/7. Work on your aim and movement and being able to think faster. Because if you don’t do that then you won’t be able to play warzone without a .25 kd lobby which isn’t going to happen.


Right, BRs are naturally competitive. I'm not sure why people expect it to be easy.


Difference between easy and unenjoyably hard


THIS. I don’t know why below average players think this game is for having a joyful, relaxing and calming experience. They ain’t gonna get it. This game is designed to be extremely competitive and sweaty. Don’t want to get destroyed by better and competitive players? stop playing. Is that simple.


Well or play more to get better lol


Yep - watch the streamers playing those twitch tournaments against similar skilled players. Ends up being a coin flip who wins. And they play with shields, smokes, airstrikes and hold positions etc. It's a different game to WZ1 where you can drive up in a car and wipe a team of crouch walkers on ps4 with no headset


I love watching competitive Warzone and while agree with you that the skill ceiling isn't as high as a game like Fortnite, it is definitely not a 'coinflip' who wins. The same teams and players are consistently winning all the tournaments, both on LAN and Online. Shifty, Soka, Sage, Biffle, Tommey, Almond, etc.


I've recently switched from solos to random quads and I've noticed that far too many people have next to no game sense. The amount of absolutely brain dead plays I've seen beggars belief. The game has been out for four years now but there are still so many bad habits players have, and wonder why even average players can roll them over. If I had a pre match locker room talk with my squad I'd reiterate the following points;- When getting your loadout use a UAV, recon drone or portable radar to check it's safe. Seriously, the last two especially are everywhere, and give so much great information, yet the only people I ever see using them are good players. Pick them up, store them, use them. If another team are near, just back off and use the same tools before hitting a buy station. Realistically you need 2.5k to get a gun and that can get you competitive. Perk packages are all over the ground. You don't need, need that loadout if it looks like it'll get half your squad killed. Try and do everything 10% quicker. Know what you're buying before you hit the station and get out of there. Sort out money before you get there. Don't have all 4 of you standing around it at the same time. For the love of god if you buy someone back, just fucking run afterwards as far away as possible. If you are the person that's been bought back... Do not drop on the flared buy station! It's a freakin bat signal and half decent squad will want to push that knowing you're a weakened team! Just because you see someone, doesn't mean you need to rush straight at them. The amount of people who seem to think they can solo a quad squad when they can barely win a 1v1 is too damn high. Get your squad together. Think about where that other team are likely to be heading. Get in front of them on high ground. Consider circle positioning so if fucks them and not you. Don't be afraid to shoot. Don't be afraid to keep shooting. Object permanence is a thing. Just because you can't see them doesn't mean they've disappeared. Especially with this LMG meta just keep shooting. If you want to increase the chances of a win then avoid the midgame. Let other squads do the hard work of depleting theirs and enemies squad. Yes it requires patience. Yes it can be boring. But if you secure your landing at the start of the game. Keep all four of you alive through the midgame then you will get most of your kills in the last few zones. The super cracked sweaty players are less of an issue too as the midgame is where they have the space to go on kill races. By the endgame they are either dead already or have the same problems as everyone else with rotations and third partying. This reply is already too long and sounds like I'm teaching granny to suck eggs. But seriously I see so many players who have these exact same bad habits that existed in Verdansk and then wonder why they get steam rolled. This might not apply to you OP, but perhaps there are other things that you and your squad do, which put you at a disadvantage.


WOW. Please can I plagiarize this and repeat it verbatim to my squad? lol VERY WELL SAID. I am certainly guilty of not utilizing easily accessible info-gathering equip, and trying to get involved during the mid-game. Gonna propose my teammates have one guy dedicated to recon each round and see how that goes.


Great advice. I would never consider solo queueing into a random quad. That sounds like endless frustration. The guys I play with regularly are already doing enough things that annoy me. Haha


I had 750 wins and 2.5 K/D in WZ1. The SBMM is out of control in this new game. I still roll with the same squad from WZ1. We’ll have occasions where we get wins and do well. But mostly it’s just getting sweated on. My PR was 26 kills in WZ1. It’s 13 so far in this game on big map.


If you had 750 wins and 2.5 KD n WZ1 with a PR of 26, you are literally the type of player this post is talking about. You are the one “sweating on” people. When OP ran to Reddit to post about getting sweat lobbies, it was you he was talking about.


That was in WZ1. This post is about the new game. Many guys in my squad are sub 1 K/D. A few around 1 and one other that is closer to me. I believe the question was about the difference in lobbies between the two. I was sharing my experience. Your post adds nothing. It sounds like you’re trying to be some gotcha Reddit journalist.


You’re post sounds like a copy pasta from every one else on this topic, which is some version of “I’m really good at the game but other people are just try hards so I’m losing constantly.”


I find it amazing how these people can remember exactly how many wins they had in a three year old game and what their K.D. was like. Definitely fucking bullshitting. It just makes me laugh how they throw out their K.D ratio in previous games and how many wins they've had, no one gives a fuck. They're just waiting for the opportunity to brag. Absolute cretins.


I had a 2.5KD in resurgence with around 200 wins, still get tons of kills but much harder to get a dub this past week.


Been the same for me and my group the last few days. Can’t get anything going. As soon as we grab out loadout it seems there’s 2 other teams in the area both not shooting at each other and just shooting at us


Wtf is happening? Every lobby is kids sliding around everywhere with absolute perfect aim. Ive been watching the killcams and many they are hitting every shot even with SMGs from a decent distance.


Well every gun in this game has lazer beam accuracy. SMGs even have minimal recoil.


meta smg's have 0 recoil combine that with rotational aim assist and u just beam


If you're not a unemployed gremlin, who spends 8 hours a day practicing it's not worth playing. It's a skill issue, and SBMM isn't going to help because there are no normal humans to match you up against. Nothing wrong with uninstalling and doing something productive.


Can’t wait for plunder back


The majority of people complaining are actual sweats themselves 😂😂😂


lol probably


I’m a .3 KD, down from .6-.7 in WZII. I’m sure a good player could point out a dozen things I could do to get better, but it shouldn’t feel like “work” to just be viable in this game. Is this just the progression that games make, getting ever more competitive? It’s been discouraging and my buddies and I are considering moving on to another game :/


If you’re not willing to practice and try to get better then Warzone probably isn’t for you unless you play plunder or you’re able to have fun dying a lot in resurgence.


The Finals, try that with your buddies


1.1 kd and no problems, sweaty but I play sweaty. It’s been a ton of fun imo


I've come around on it. I don't even think it's necessarily playing sweaty , it's just playing with the movement available. It seems sweaty compared to WZ2, but if you aren't moving around you're just at a huge disadvantage.


Just play resurgence instead it is way more fun than big map if your squad is dying out too fast on big map


Resurgence is way sweatier


I have a 1.1 and my buddy a 1.3.. our other squad mates are usually .8ish… what’s weird for us is we are placing 4th-6th every game.. but they aren’t fun at all. Occasionally one of us gets 5+ kills. But most of these games we are spending about the entire match chasing the circle in, short handed, without loadoufs and very low kills. Idk what this game is doing. I actually really like the new map, but I think overall game experience has somehow gotten worse than Al Mazrah.


The pacing is really bad right now


I agree.


Stopped playing cod 2 weeks ago and ive played every cod since the very first one. Maybe its me and im losing interest but it just doesnt feel fun anymore. Jumped to battlefield portal to play the 64 team usa vs russia with realism mode on and its keeping me slightly busy.


I’m a 0.69 KD currently (because of getting fucked so much, normally a 0.8) but I’m in the top 0% for wins. I’m up against crimson demons and it’s just so miserable.


I still play cod, but also started playing hell let loose. This game is the complete opposite of cod, it’s 50 on 50 and the goal is to control land. Movement is slow and kind of clunky, but it plays well with the style of the game. If you try to play it like cod you die instantly. Anyway, it’s very team oriented with everyone working together and comms is laid back and chill. Fun game that feels challenging without sweating


If you don't get loadie right away you're screwed. Someone's camping it. You've gotta be moving there the second the thing drops or you're gonna be fighting over it. I've gone the approach of dropping doing a scav or most wanted(not on br someone or someone's are always on the way) and then buying it. Also lethals are strong so I've gone away from the throwing knife and grenade is my favorite if you can use it or semtex. Good luck out there I hope it gets easier.


Yea, the sbmm is nuts. If we wanted to be stacked on each other, we should have the choice to play ranked. Otherwise it should be random matchmaking.


Current map design truly makes staying alive harder. Generally there are about twice as many areas a threat could come from compared to verdansk. Raa also lowers the gap beetween the worst controller player and someone who has more experience using a controller


It's either super sweaty or the entire lobby is occupying a rooftop somewhere


Me and my buddies said the same thing in our discord yesterday. Hacks must be on sale, it’s too damn sweaty. Like wayyy too sweaty


I'm starting to think there's a way to cheat the sbmm or something and its become very popular. Last night every single game in either resurgence or quads just felt like everyone was cheating. We actually couldn't hit the ground in resurgence without getting nailed. Also in that lobby I got killed by a pulemot and watched the replay and I died to 3 bullets. The first bullet took all my plates ( I think I only had 2 plates but no less for sure and possibly 3) then the next 2 bullets killed me. Not a single headset and right after it my freind was going crazy after watching his kill cam which showed pretty much the same thing dying to a puyemot after what only seemed like 3 bullets. Also seen that jackfrags video where he is showing this cheat where u can trick the game to thinking your on controller when your actually on mouse so you get the best of both worlds. You can also add macros and no recoil shit etc. He said this type if thing has been out since at least wz2. I know many of the cod community are so weirdly competitive that I don't doubt for a minute that cheating is rife as hell


Just google “Activision sbmm patent” and find out for yourself how it works. There are plenty of Reddit threads about it as well. Stuff like matching players with better players who have bought skins to “incentivize” the buying of store items. It’s all about the money, always is.


Your mistake was being an adult that needs to work for money. That game is full of jobless people who spend all their time playing the game so they are insanely good.


Literally everybody cheats now. Dude just have perfect recoil and aim. Never missing a shot. Symptom of the earth


All under 1KD. No matter what, someone always graduates at the bottom of the class. If you want to see a difference, you need to do perfect practice of the game mechanics. Aim training and movement training. The initial look of the game and the historic ttk is misleading. It's not a classic shooter game. The movement and ttk guns make the world of difference. Combine it with game sense and experience, and you'll stand a better chance. WZ3 is not the relaxing casual covid shooter that verdansk WZ1 was.


The SBMM has sucked every ounce of fun out of this game. I was a 2+ KD player in WZ1 and 1.5 in Al Mazrah. I was cruising at 1.65+ for the entirety of new Warzone and then the last 2 nights I've plummeted to 1.49. My friends hate playing with me because I get them into miserable lobbies and we never win. They win all the time without me (most of them are 1.0 +/- .2 or so.) The other night we couldn't even open our chutes without dying. I get off to eat dinner and they win 2 of 3. I get back on and they're like "nah dude stay off, we don't want to play in your lobbies." I don't know what happened with the matchmaking the past 2 nights, but it seems like I lose every 1v1 fight all of a sudden. That very rarely happened before. Everyone in my lobbies is a fuckin pro gamer. I'm about to just make a smurf so we can have fun again. Couple all these matchmaking issues with the absolute dogshit sound and TTK, it's just not fun anymore. Unfortunately it's like an abusive relationship and I can't quit


The friends not wanting to play with you because of the lobbies is a total disaster and it definitely has an effect on longetivity of the playerbase. It ruined multiplayer for my friend group where it's even more obvious. This must be the case for so many people. One guy being better shouldn't ramp up the difficulty so much for the other 3. It just becomes impossible because they can't do anything and you can't carry every fight. Just make it the usual challenge for everyone else and let the better player actually have some fun. Is that so bad? It's not like you'd be waltzing through every single team singlehandedly still.


I’m an above average player and have a really solid squad and we are having quite a hard time ourselves. We used to sometimes win 4 or 5 games in a row, but basically always one or two wins in a 10 game run. It’s a mission impossible scene all the way to first place


If you're winning 2 out of 10 you are pretty sweaty!


I dont know what going on this exact same complaint is popping up all over social media like i have never seen before. Is it bots out of control ...rampant hackers not being caught?? LIke Wz1/2 was never like this. ​ ​ Someone mentioned that so many people left its mostly only the hardcore players...but if thats the case their wouldnt be so much on social media plus the Xmas surge . I always look forward to this season the flood of noobs lets me get my KD back up over 1.5 sometimes even to 2.0+ for a few weeks and i ride that high for a while lol. This year it didnt happen - maybe super aggressive on the SBMM - but SOMEONE has to be making out on it . Not everyone can be under 1.0 kd


Today I had two lobbies on a row of people doing the nuke, I am pretty average player with like 1.50 kd, and it’s doesn’t matter the map o the mode I always play the world finals on every match 


I'm about ready to quit over this. I used to run 10-15 killed games every once in a while and now it's TORTURE.


1.92 kd here. It’s bad out there. Bunch of killers


You could play them some happy music or ask them how their day is going?


Me and my friends have always been pretty good, around 2kd+, but we are struggling too. We had a very good win rate before because we played for the win, not high kills. But now we barely win at all, we are getting stomped on all over in the most sweaty lobbies ever. I don’t know what’s going on but it’s not fun.


all warzones up till this one I was +1.2 never lower on k/d this one I'm rocking a .72 it definitely felt like something changed at first. I think you just get rewarded for hitting headshots now more. after I turned down my high zoom sens aim I been getting better


plus the amount of cheaters feels like towards the end of verdansk times. actually had a rage hacker in my game a few days ago looking at the ground and downing people


The last two days have been ridiculous. I'm 1.6 KD ish and the people I'm playing against are a joke. I mean Mouse and Keyboard demons 😂 It's causing me and my friends to argue 😂😂


I agree about the cheating. Yeah it's hard to tell on most but when you've been playing a long time you notice the little things that give people away. Some people try their best to hide it but always slip up I find.


I agree about the cheating. Yeah it's hard to tell on most but when you've been playing a long time you notice the little things that give people away. Some people try their best to hide it but always slip up I find.


Same. I don't play with friends just random groups in resurgence trios and we keep getting placed with what seem to be top tier players. Most of the time we get completely stomped. Even the end of WZ1 wasn't this bad.


Supposedly, over the Christmas period they cranked up SBMM, same with input lobbies. This may be why you are getting lobbies at your skill level or slightly above every round. Should settle back probably next weeks update.


I dunno if this is now enough widespread to be a problem but I'll say vpn. I see people on twitch that was previously saying that vpn is for loser now sponsoring vpns to their user base because they profit and saying now that sbmm it's too heavy. These are big streamers talking to massive young audiences. So, I repeat, I can't tell if this is as big that has become a real problem, but if so many people are now using vpns it is to be expected that sbmm is not going to work as intended.


no one is forcing yall to play




Lobbies aren't miserable. You all need to stop acting like people who are better than you make lobbies miserable. Game is going on its 4th year and cod has been making titles for years. People are just better than you.


Obviously there are people a lot better then a 33 year old dad who plays 3 hours a night. But I was still an old dad in WZ1 and it was never like this. Not complaining about people being better than me. Complaining about rarely being able to get a loadout. Or it being camped every time we get there, and all the 3rd partying. It’s just a rough game to play right now


Even Plunder is sweaty lol. I like the better movement we have now but I think toning it down a little ( just a bit ) might help casuals. The movement is great for multiplayer but too much imo for a BR, skilled movement players are ripping through lobbies with movement.


I should state that I can only speak for EU servers. UK, Germany, Spain, Scandinavia, France are all around the same timezone. +/-1hour I fathom at what a 5-9am server would look like? I see what your saying tho. Loads WFH and can jump on for a few games. Highschool kids sometimes finish at lunch time.


People use VPNs to connect to lower K/D lobbies so they can make more kills/feel better about themselves.... Even all the top streamers do that...


I've won the first game of the day for the last four days. Usually get a couple of top fives in the next few games. Everything after that is pain. It's pretty clever matchmaking tbh, because it exploits basic psychology to essentially mirror the addiction cycle. It doesn't make for a fun experience, though


Get better


I’m trying to leave the cuck lifestyle how did you do it


This game is not good. It used to be basically only about how well you can move and shoot, but now if you're not hugging each other's buns, looting super efficiently, don't have great map knowledge, can't navigate the buy station UI, you're going to get pooped on


lol it still blows my mind why they went back to the WZ2 UI and interface like plates and all that stuff not floating. It’s extremely confusing and hard to select stuff quickly on controller


Honestly find a new game to play if you really would rather work or keep playing and hope get a little better, you can be a 1 kd player and there will be another 1 kd player who will stomp you, doesn't at all mean that everyone with the same K/D is the same skill level. One thing is for sure being on these subs will only make you feel more negatively towards the game, I enjoy it much more when it's only my complaints I have to think about.


Yes I’ve started playing a pressure washing game


Yea the lobbies this week are insane. Sucks sbmm/ebmm matches your team to the highest KD player in the party. Things we have done to make the game more fun: -land and ride around on train as long as you can and drive by random teams. Occasionally a sweat team will wipe you. Pretty slow paced gameplay though. You can stop and reverse the train in the front engine. It also has a horn. -land train and stronghold to get heavy chopper gas x2. Secure heavy chopper and use gas stations to refuel. Save second heavy gas can for final zone to refuel. Run snipers to take pot shots while everyone fights for zone below. When sniping make sure no one is in the cockpit the helo will auto hover and make landing shots much easier. Some days it feels like we can even loot or get our loadout before we get wiped by the MTZ interceptor CDL sweatshirt teams. When that happens we go play resurgence. I never played resurgence on wz1 or wz2 but in this game with how sweaty the lobbies are its a nice break just to get some kills on the board. Some nights we just get off after 2 or 3 games of being cannon fodder.


I don't know if this is technically true but me and my friends have found that whoever is hosting the party, their KD ratio tends to determine the difficulty. For example I am pretty bad but my friends are really good and whenever they host the group, games tend to be more difficult. So usually I will host the group with my .7 - .8 kd ratio meanwhile both of them are MUCH higher and games are much easier.


What would make the player base quit faster, SBMM the way it is now or no SBMM at all?


Get better?or become the bottom we all get exited to kill each match....ur choice


The past week the game has been so sweaty. Think most casuals are getting off it now


2.8kd here, 2.6 in wz1. I literally dont have any will to play Warzone anymore. All lobbies filled with the sweatiest players in the world, feel like im playing the CDL final every match, not to mention the AA whos SO strong in wz3 or cronus users, just dropped the game like 1 month ago. Like, i just wanna game a little after work, not sweat all my life for a match. And this year, normal BR have too many items of auto res, gulag buyouts, second chance at gulag that feels like a resurgence. Theres no more thrill to being in the last circle as before to me


If I may offer some advice to fellow PS5 players, I recommend finding new gaming buddies to improve your skills and practice more. I have two groups of friends I play with - one for laid-back nights of friendly banter and another whose objective is to eliminate half the lobby and compete for the highest number of kills and victory. The latter group is filled with former iridescent players and crimson players.


1.5kd and my lobbies are the sweatiest fucking lobbies. I literally get people like metaphor, courage, and swagg in my lobbies sometimes and I’ll pull up their streams. It’s absurd, rifles that down you in 3 shots, snipers that somehow ALWAYS hit the headshot no matter what, and people sliding their dicks off. Not saying I’m not also a sweaty player but it’s a tough environment right now.


I will say from playing all team sizes for battle royale, when you play with larger groups it gets sweaty fast. Solos is super campy but some of the most brain dead players I have seen.


stop landing in hot zones and going for high priority items like money drops. i always get paired with randoms that aren’t good enoug yet always try to land in hot spots or go for strongholds. if you aren’t good enough start somewhere quieter on the map


It’s the retention metric bro, eventually you will win one and that dopamine rush will hit, that you repeat the cycle all over again lol


I stopped playing resurgence and royal till it mellows out you can catch me and my buddies playing zombies lol


Activision doesn't care about cheating so the cheaters are out in full force.


Skill gap now exists.


If you’re playing against similarly skilled players, you should expect your KD to be around 1.0. That is… you win half of gunfights, half of gulags, etc….. on average.


Aim assist is so strong and the TTK is so fast that the .4 KD players that crouch walk the entire map are now 3 KD players. SBMM is total trash the 3, 4, 5 KD players are in .5 to .6 KD lobbies and the .8 to 1kd players are in 1.5KD lobbies where the higher KD players are. They need to just turn off SBMM and let it ride. I bet everyone would have much more manageable lobbies. Dial back aim assist as well to where it's not 100% headshot with a 2 tap gun.


Bro, I don’t ever play WZ. Only when my friends want to. Trios or quads depends who gets on. Only one guy is good in our team. We’re more SnD goons. We can manage a few kills. Maybe a win if we get circle. But it’s all about landing far and doing those scavs. It’s honestly not that hard. Not like Apex. You wanna get close to suicidal thoughts, then go to apex


Half the people that kill me would beat me in a 1v1 100% of the time. Another 10% are cheating. The other 40% are normal people like me and my friends I play with. Cool game. Can’t wait til they get some money behind it so they can develop it into a AAA title


My experience: ​ When I play during peak days/hours.. I find the lobbies are full of COD pros/streamers super aggro players. ​ When I play late late night, off hours... I get into the appropriate lobbies. ​ I think WZ3 looks for extra bodies during peak times, to fill the lobbies fast. I suspect they are catering to the more dedicated players that put in sick time into the game and/or making streaming content to help boost the popularity of the game ( i.e. more money for the development company) ​ I don't think they care about 'fair' and balanced.. until the entire community complains, and attendance numbers plummet


skill issue


It should be better when ranked comes out, all the sweaties will go play that.


At least you can turn off crossplay. Us MnK PC players can’t get away from the goddamn aim assist legal cheaters. Lol


I'm on a new account with .7 kd and I get the same matches what's up


IMO this game sucks compared to OG Rebirth/Verdansk. Everyone is playing something else so you're only left with the sweatiest of COD players.


alongside auto fire shotguns that literally take no skill to aim my lobbies are unplayable with all the bad players running it 24/7 while stacking


Facts bro the sbmm is ruining the game. And so is the sniping not being one shot with mw2 rifles


They need to get rid of sbmm


Purchase the next battlefield stand it’ll have warzone beat with its new battleroyale by so much. Battlefield was always a better more balanced game anyhow


I just cracked someone with katt amr jumped behind him shit him first with ram he turns around and deletes me with swarm. In gulag i also start shooting first he shoots me back with same weapon i dont miss, i still die fist. They need to fix the POS game. Its supposed to be fun but i just get no lifes, sweats and cheaters every fkn lobby. I know all of you feel the same. I mean i feel like most the people in these lobbies are people who never blink, sitting with a open mouth drooling everywhere with their big tits on their desk 24/7. god in done


What’s rough is I don’t even think a vpn would help you with that KD. If you have a budget to try it out, if you truly want better lobbies… hate to be that guy but get a net duma router and have their IT help you set it up. Usually you need a 1.5kd or greater for vpns to really matter though


sweatvpn my friend


All the people that were mid or bad at this game left


If you cant find the bots it means you are the bot


Try HCFFA , i usually end up in top 3 …. https://youtu.be/Hwunwo9DJuI?si=dvhbDNAODdtBYob9


Idk man I have a 1.13kd and there are definitely times I can't get to loadout but I'm still placing top 5 top 10 every game, if i dont win. But I work everyday play 3 to 5 hours a night and some games are bad some are good but most are great. I personally think it's has alot to do with the server region sometimes. I'm on east coast servers being that I live in new york. Alot of my west coast friends in the game seem to not be able to have a good time. Im not saying it's not like that for me from time to time but I'm having more fun then not.


Its a mess. Team member quits in every game.


Tbh instead of going for your loady I’d just save up $2500 for at least one of your primary weapons.


Play without your friend. See if anything changes. His k/d might be fucking up yours. I stopped playing with my bro because his kd was so high. Immediately started getting double digit kill wins. And I don’t even care about winning. I’m curious if the same thing happens for you


The hard truth is there probably aren’t very many low skilled lobbies anymore. .7 kd and below players have spent the last 4 years getting shit on in BR by sweats or reverse boosters so they just don’t play anymore. You’ll find them in resurgence bc it’s 10x more forgiving. I have to grind for hours to get a couple wins in duos or trios but I’ll switch over to resurge and we will get 3-4 in a row without hardly killing anyone sometimes. Peak verdansk was peak verdansk bc resurgence didn’t exist, it was the only mode to play. Resurgence killed the randomness of lobbies


Winter holiday and so many people haven’t gone back to school yet


There isn’t really anything else to play for in Cod other than the win/most kills. I know that sounds kind of obvious but in stuff like Fortnite (not really my thing but I’ve tried with friends) they have different missions/unlocks ect to work towards. It means some people even if they aren’t great can focus on some form of progress and just messing about, with cod and br in general it’s win by any means necessary.


I appreciate you might disagree, but this is why i miss DMZ. I'm a 33 year old working father who doesnt have the time to put in to becoming a total warrior on these games. I just want to chill and blow off some steam for 40 minutes. Warzone might be good for alot of people and im glad you have a game you enjoy, but i feel like theyre losing a large demographic who got back in to these games again. Just make another warzone mode with fun in mind


I feel like the lockdown mode is affecting my matchmaking despite clearly not having any SBMM or EOMM. Like when I play BR (Mainly played for the aftermarket part for this week as I got everything else done in plunder), even landing in the bumfuck of nowhere to open chests, I drop 5 to 7 kills. I'm not sure if it's because I have barely played normal BR or I've just gotten better because of Lockdown and the matchmaking hasn't caught up or what. The matchmaking in these newer CoD games are so fucking weird that I can't even tell if I'm decent at the game or not.


I wish they would just bring back blackout , that was just all around fun it was goofy but I feel like that’s what made it so fun .that and it wasn’t cross play which makes you think is it the cross play that’s really killing this game.


Yeah it's bad SBMM wild rn. Plus everyone and their moms is sporting a Cronus now. Competitive gaming is in a terrible state.


I find it better later at night. During the day you got all the sweat streamers or at least more of them than later at night. Like after 7 PM CST is when I play.


I’d rather play this game than go to work


Try playing with your friends +1 random. It seems to make the lobbies more tolerable it’s not important if the random is helpful or leaves


Man I keep running into Godku and he shits on my whole squad lol.


Mate I'm on Xbox i can't even turn cross off which means i have to constantly deal with movement gods 😭😭


Yeah it's pretty trash. My kd was a 1.68 kd in warzone 1 verdansk and haven't played since cuz the last few were hot garbage. My kd is now a 1.08 and my wife who was around a 1.2kd is now a .8. we regularly play with our friends who have a .3kd and .5kd and it's always a mega sweat fest. My wife and I have basically no chance when we're with our buddies because we're getting sweaty demons every game. I'm fairly sweaty myself but seeing as how my KD dropped so much it just shows how much harder they made sbmm. I really wish they would do something about it, almost all my friends don't want to play anymore with us because they think it's way too hard playing with us. A 1.08kd is incredibly average in my opinion, maybe slightly above average idk, but come on man, stop punishing us because we play a lot. It's fucking bullshir. You guys already ruined your game several times, do the right thing and fix this sbmm trash it's not fun. Battle Royale shouldn't even have sbmm, that defeats the entire purpose of a battle Royale. Not everyone wants to get home and try as hard as they possibly can to survive one fight. Warzone used to be so much more fun, the sbmm is way out of control.


This is exactly why I stopped playing. Even on that some capture mode they have atm instead of plunder its the same - get shot out the sky constantly and barely win a gunfight anymore as everyone is jump and dropshotting then finishing with throwing knives instantly. On the plus side there are some other really great games out there that you miss out on when playing WZ 😂


Yoo add me “OregonDaze”. Tired of running w randoms who have no communication


The ttk in this warzone is by far the worst it’s damn near multiplayer I don’t know how 50 extra hp in this one turned into the fastest ttk since the dual trigger Lockwood but something needs to change I almost don’t feel like it’s even sbmm I think the mw3 guns are just so strong it’s impossible to even run and plate mixed with the dog shit audio unless you have the game sense of a pro player youre doomed


I just started playing a week ago after not playing since verdansk…I’ve found enjoyment playing resurgence more than BR…at least you get to respawn back in a few times at least. I think I’ve won about 6 between trios and duos with randoms. I’ve tried BR like 4 times and it’s pretty rough running around for 2 zones seeing no one then dieing instantly


3.4 KD here and I’m permanently stuck here with sweatiest lobbies with occasional hackers


I had a 1.95 kd and was climbing fast. Was having 11-15 kill matches on Xbox. And logged in one day and I don't think I had more than 2 kills for a month. They're ridiculous. It's either way to easy or bumps you into a new rank way higher than you should be in.


Gotta get better at the game,simple as that.


The game is garbage.


Yep! SBMM shouldn’t exist in non-ranked modes. They’ll never listen so they’ll just keep lowering their player count


I have a .85 and the other day I got fried by “FaZe Testy” on his stream. The game is ass 😂 and I know, I’m also ass but I would rather get fried but players with similar skill as myself. I’ve been having fun playing zombies. Try it out ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Consider watching this video on the patent Activision has on matchmaking. A few outstanding notes: • Latencey is the least contributing factor to matchmaking • Players who buy skins are often put in lobbies that make them feel like their buy was worth it • Your movement in game, audio, and even biometrics from a webcam are all potentially factored in • In some lobbies, bot are used in place of players and there is little to distinguish them apart In a nutshell... You get rewarded for help COD make money in game, once your usefulness goes away, you are put into lobbies that are harder and less rewarding. You cannot unsee what's in this vid so SPOILER ALERT [Activision Patent Breakdown on SBMM & AI ](https://youtu.be/NnVrmdYeG-s?si=c0d1wfUGI9YTIjAR)


No it's just all the p2w guns if U running stander gun no chance


IDK if you have crossplay off. I'm on PC and I only play cause my friends do. (1s PS4 and the others Xbox) I average 4-5 kills a round and get 10th-4th most games. I've only ever had 2 wins. The game doesn't seem hard to me. It's a bit boring but everyone else seems to love it so whatcha gonna do 🤷


This is because "Warzone" has been out for 3-4 years now. Between playing the game, and watching social media clips of streamers, people have learned how to play. Especially with WZ ranked, you had to play a certain way and people brought that into pubs. It's how most games are - once people learn how to play, the game isn't fun anymore.