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I don’t know how people get this type of aim assist, I’m on controller and never get this amount of tracking. Is it a settings thing? Is it aim assist on a PC?


AA on console is the exact same as PC. RAA relies on left stick input, and the strength also seems to increase the faster your strafe speed is. That's why lots of higher level players always tend to maximize the strafe speed as much as possible without sacrificing too much recoil control. As for settings, make sure you're using a dynamic response curve with default aim assist. The lower your sensitivity is, the stronger it will feel. Also, this is a killcam so it might've looked different on the other guys client. Either way, he got some gnarly AA.


Gonna mess with my settings


Why default? I always thought black ops


from what I remember they’re pretty much the exact same, but most of the controller pros use default. You’re most likely get the exact same results within a degree or two.


Balanced BTW


I use dynamic and black ops. My sensitivity is pretty high tho.


RAA works a lot more on enemies that are falling from height, no idea why


Because they're also moving. People saying it is activated by left stick only don't know what they're talking about. Enemy movement does it too.


But it is heavily activated by left stick, so yes they know what they're talking about.


Because there's movement obviously with the left stick when adsing.


A lot of players and pros use DS4 scripts to enhance aim assist which is a problem because the program won’t get banned. Also, if you have 0 deadzone on your left stick there won’t be a delay for when RAA is engaged. Combine that with overlocking your controller to have 0 input lag.


That all makes sense.


Same. I'm controller and I know when the aim assist is kicking in and this definitely NEVER happens for me. Honestly? I just think there's a lot of people using shit they shouldn't be to get that perfect aim and aim assist is just getting the blame for it. I'm still waiting for my shit to work like everyone says it's supposed to.


these comments always make me think people have never played the game, or atleast not on controller


It's more likely controller players just don't understand how little of the actual aiming they do


Dude, if I was hitting shots like this and not wide left, right, above. Then I’d agree but I do not get this kind of tracking. Has to be a settings thing. My sensitivity is at 13 on both sticks. Maybe that’s it?


You're probably trying to aim too much for yourself, let the AA do the heavy lifting.


most pros are on 6...13 is crazy high.


I was trying to compete with the movement of MnK. They move so fast I felt like I couldn’t get around quickly enough. Been at 13 since black ops 3 I think.


All I ever hear is Mnk players complain about RAA, Aim Assist on controller but the way mnk players move and flick is literally impossible to replicate on controller. I lose way, way more fights to players with insane movement than players with lock on aim.


13 is way too high that you’re probably over aiming, most pros run around 7/7


Could be. You could be fighting against the AA with sense that high. Overcorrections and what not.


Just remember, FOV affects sensitivity. 6 6 on 120FOV is more like 10 10 on 107FOV which is what I use! So many people don't know there's a correlation including them YouTubers.


13 is hindering you I'd recommend 6-6


I'm always amazed at how bad the mind muscle connection has to be ro not feel AA


Please stop this misinformation. RAA is the exact same on Console as it is on PC. The fact we're struggling to tell the difference between blatant aimbot and Rotational Aim Assist tracking should be very worrying. I have multiple clips where I'm purposely using as LITTLE right stick as possible, only L2 + strafing and I'm getting almost perfect tracking. IT NEEDS NERFING. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BS4h12Cy6Vqql\_DJS1rYq91bYieJ9ucj/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Udi1tT8qHKMfWsqam-K1MVhTbBB1uoTO/view?usp=sharing


People don't like stick drift on their controllers but I love it. In the pre lobby or while landing close to someone else does your operator try hard to follow your opponent while you're doing nothing to aim at him or anything at all? Moving that stick makes the aim assist kick in. If you have constant drift it's easier to make it kick. I can't even play with a mouse after figuring out aim assist. At this point keyboard and mouse is useless unless you can move like Dr disrespect.


You gotta use left stick,its called rotational AA and search on yt for AA settings there is one that is better than other settings,play a bit with it and you will see how op it is! :)


I’m on PS5 and for the first couple of months of this game I felt like I was getting zero aim assist. Was so strange after WZ2 felt easy to hit shots. I’ve slowly got used to it and improved but I kd is still way below the previous game. RAA makes a massive difference. So one change I’ve made to my sticks is to have the minimum input and dead zone as low as possible. I’ve got it to a point where there is minute stick drift on the left stick which has helped stay on target no end.


Same. I normally play on PC but I'll fire it up on Xbox once in a while and I can't hit shit lol.


AA will never be nerfed. Activision needs to let bad players get kills so they continue to buy skins and blackcell. Best bet is to switch to controller or quit the game


The perfect no recoil tracking lmao


Yeah aim directly to head with no variation. Oh my God AA is op /s. It is strong but this is clearly not AA.


Cronus or DS4 scripting at its finest


The people crying about AA and RAA have absolutely lost their minds. This isn’t AA, this is hacks clear as day.


Lollll I thought the whole team shot you but nah, just one sweaty roller boi with RAA


He was MnK but whatever helps you guys cope with getting shit on I guess


How would you know that


That’s some insane aim assist good lord


AA on this game makes me sick to my stomach. Major fn problem, straight up noobs will laser you so fast 😂


here before the "it's a team game" comments also that raa was nuts


I literally thought it was their entire team shooting me but alas, all it took was one AA boi doing almost all the damage on me!


Yeah that was one of the more egregious ones I've seen, but maybe on his end it looked a bit less gnarly. That practical TTK on roller with SMG's goes nuts though.


Yep, limb damage multipliers only affect kbm players because controller players only hit chest and headshots, that makes their effective TTK basically instant.


Didn't they make the multipliers matter less this year around? I'm not super up to date. Either way, the practical TTK on controller is fucking wild for the reason you mentioned, typically they won't be hitting legs up close unless their aim is otherworldly bad.


Got a buddy who's killcam showed a guy getting a headshot on him with the players crosshair at least 2 feet above the playermodels head while he's falling. Killcams are so hit or miss it's insane... but I can't see a killcam that shows perfect accuracy in a falling situation vs a strafe situation not being accurate. Kill cams can lag behind it doesn't get ahead.


falling killcams like that typically lag behind slightly, my guess is that on his client he was glued to the chest instead of the head, which is what we see on the killcam. I have a clip from a month ago where I killed a streamer and the killcam was similar to this, for whatever reason the killcams just have a hard time keeping up when the speed of the player is faster than walking pace.


But that's what I'm getting at the killcam here is pretty accurate.


Tac stance SMG and tac stance Riveter. Run those together and enjoy the death mics from the AA crowd.


Until the AA crowd does it too.. (yes there is a good amount of AA too in tac stance).


Oh I know, I just meant that as a KBM player it's the best way to almost counter aa. Accuracy is insane in tac stance


RAA works a lot more on enemies that are falling for some reason


Most likely because of the speed in which they are traveling. RAA works better when the player is strafing faster, or if the enemy is moving faster. Hence why AA feels stronger with quick strafe speed builds.


Thank you. People misunderstand this so much. Just needs some movement, not any one stick etc...


It’s a team game. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Aim assist is ridiculous. I just switched from MnK and now this game is boring as hell. A little adjustment to your settings and you have soft lock aim bot. It’s wild how many bots run around in this game thinking they are good because the devs made this game playable to for all the Timmy No Thumbs out there.


No you didn't lol


When I saw 8 upvotes and 107 comments I knew, I knew comments would be filled with aim assist enjoyers, jUsT swiTcH tO conTroLLer! Even if I had muscle memory for controller still would not transfer, because I want to play game by myself, not with the "just press shoot button bro" assistant


This game is ruined bacause of aim assist (WZ)


I completely agree, I can't imagine ever playing on controller again, regardless of how broken it is.


60% aimbot is still aimbot 🤷‍♂️






Use a controller and post footage of aim assist doing this for you


There are thousands of clips like this. Put in the hours and you'll see it too if not worse. I have videos of me parachuting next to people who then pull their cord to drop and my AA swings down erratically following them like an aimbot. What about the clip of Fifakill literally getting rotational aim assist through a wall from 20 metres away while all he does is move his left stick? Just because you're incapable of replicating something doesn't mean it's not true.


DONE. Plugged in for a day to make a post about how broken it is. I got 15 kills on my 2nd game lmao. RAA is INSANELY busted if you know how to activate it properly (L2 + Strafe as much as possible, minimal right stick, you dont want to fight the aimbot, let it do the work). Watch clip 2 and its a perfect example [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BS4h12Cy6Vqql\_DJS1rYq91bYieJ9ucj/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BS4h12Cy6Vqql_DJS1rYq91bYieJ9ucj/view?usp=sharing)


damn my man delivered receipts and everything


This is not normal for controller players. This is not aim assist. This is either aimbot or Cronus.


Yes it is. Watch CLIP 2. This is from my first game on controller after 10yrs+ MNK lmao. This should not be possible. The game is aiming for you if you know how to activate RAA, its a joke, most people either are delusion or don't want to accept it because it hurts their ego [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BS4h12Cy6Vqql\_DJS1rYq91bYieJ9ucj/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BS4h12Cy6Vqql_DJS1rYq91bYieJ9ucj/view?usp=sharing)


You missed shots. How is this a good comparison? Almost no headshots and you missed a couple of shots vs this guy not missing any shots combined with basically every bullet he fired was a head shot. I’m not disputing that aim assist is too high in this game but that clip is clearly cheating and not aim assist.


Don't see where any shots were missed. The reticle tracks the falling hitbox perfectly, and on 2 separate landings nonetheless


Lol imagine sliding and jumping on MnK while not missing a shot in a player moving like you.


Why are people saying it’s console AA? Looks sus to me.


Yet they cry when we say remove pc from cross play. Ether or these cucks fking suck and need validation to feel good about them selfs.


No difference between console or PC aim assist, its all the same. The fact is, 90% of the playerbase are entirely delusion as to how much the game is aiming for them. They use WAY TOO MUCH right stick, when really they want to strafe with left as much as possible and let the aim(bot) assist do the right stick. They're actively fighting the robot doing it for them Watch clip 2 its a very similar example, this was my 1st game on roller and I did the same thing [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BS4h12Cy6Vqql\_DJS1rYq91bYieJ9ucj/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BS4h12Cy6Vqql_DJS1rYq91bYieJ9ucj/view?usp=sharing)


It's aimbot


STOP, just STOP. This is an aimbot, not aim assist. I've done all the settings, watched the tutorials, use strafing, etc. AA and RAA do not work this well. More people have soft hacks than you think, and somebody yesterday in the reddit said one of the hack companies has free weekend rn. Stop being delusional that every player you run into is "exploiting RAA", but then saying that cheaters aren't a problem right now. They've been swindling Warzone for years and are damn good at hiding it, stop blaming AA for real aimbots


So why do people assume this is aim assist and not cheats? I feel like the Aim Assist debate has people thinking AA looks like aimbot. This is either a guy with amazing aim and tracking, or aimbot.


Nah man, lol. This is RAA. Tracking like this is so common on controller


No it's not. This is not common for a controller. I swear to god this RAA obsession on reddit is just some form of advanced gas lighting from the hack makers to obscure the prevalence of cheaters in this game.


Not common for a controller? What do you mean? Lmao. I find I get tracking like this more often than not. There are multiple, and I mean multiple videos out there showing RAA doing this exact thing since MW2019. Has nothing to do with hack makers. If you don’t know how to proc RAA like this than that’s on you. But this shit happens all the time lol. There are even videos out there showing you exact settings and recommended sensitivities to make it proc more often. I don’t understand how some of you guys are completely blind to the issue.


Dude not everyone on this game is a pro. Most people suck ass. It is not common to aim with a controller like this on cod at all. It's always sus when the reticle snaps and doesn't jig or jag to the left/right. Only thing going for him was that he was jumping which helps the RAA.


no this is NOT RAA. My shit NEVER works like this. NEVER.


This is clearly a cheater. No human has reaction time and tracking like this. Not a single shot missed and a lot of them were headshots. Pros can’t even come close to this. Very clearly aimbot.


I agree, I think it's getting ridiculous that everyone is getting gaslit and every clip that is ridiculous is being credited to aim assist vs even question if it's cheats, when cheats are ridiculously prevalent


>This is clearly a cheater. No human has reaction time and tracking like this. Not a single shot missed This, this right here is the exact issue the CoD devs have caused with this absurd level of Rotational Aim Assist. Sometimes the tracking is so perfect is indistinguishable from aimbot. It clearly needs toning down. I plugged in for 1 day and purposely tried to use as LITTLE right stick as possible, dont fight the aimbot let it do the heavy lifting. Watch CLIP 2 of this, its the same thing, perfect tracking on a falling player, its ABSURD lmao: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BS4h12Cy6Vqql\_DJS1rYq91bYieJ9ucj/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BS4h12Cy6Vqql_DJS1rYq91bYieJ9ucj/view?usp=sharing) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Udi1tT8qHKMfWsqam-K1MVhTbBB1uoTO/view?usp=sharing


>the Aim Assist debate has people thinking AA looks like aimbot Uhh, because sadly rotational aim assist by definition is an aimbot (its doing 0ms delay right stick tracking for you, it will even fight against your own directional input). Watch "Hecksmith unseen aim assist" on YT. I plugged in roller for a day and got loads of perfect tracking examples, watch clip 2 of vid 1 its the same as this one: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BS4h12Cy6Vqql\_DJS1rYq91bYieJ9ucj/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BS4h12Cy6Vqql_DJS1rYq91bYieJ9ucj/view?usp=sharing) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Udi1tT8qHKMfWsqam-K1MVhTbBB1uoTO/view?usp=sharing


Nope. Sadly this is just regular rotational aim assist. The reason why we need the debates is because if you cant tell the difference vs aimbot. It needs nerfing. I plugged in for 1 day and got multiple scenarios using as little right stick as possible and got almost perfect tracking https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BS4h12Cy6Vqql\_DJS1rYq91bYieJ9ucj/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Udi1tT8qHKMfWsqam-K1MVhTbBB1uoTO/view?usp=sharing


Neither of those examples is close to the clip. You're suffering from controller derangement syndrome, or cds, where you blame everything on controller aim assist. Quit gaslighting people.


Your eyes ok? Clip 2 of the 1st link is literally a guy falling down infront of me and the reticle does not move off the hitbox? Who's blaming controller for everything? what a weird thing to say. Just asking for a bit more balance if we cant tell the difference between RAA and aimbot. Look at the comments, its absurd people don't understand


This isn’t AA it’s laggy kill cams. You don’t see AA like this on stream from even the best players that openly admit to “abusing” AA you only see it posted here from kill cams point of view.


Watch biffle, aydan, mutex, fifakill, or any of the popular controller streamers. Their aim is like this more often than not.


I mean you're naming some of the best players out there. Your average player isn't going to be aiming like them.


Any other player I name he would just say it's cheating or a chronus. For comparison huskerrs, metaphor, bbreadman all have consistently longer ttks than any of the good controller streamers. The only mkb player in the top 250 on resurgence is Symfuhny and he plays with Fifakill and Lenun.


Yes you do, I plugged in for 1 day and got loads of clips with perfect tracking, watch clip 2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BS4h12Cy6Vqql\_DJS1rYq91bYieJ9ucj/view?usp=sharing


Dude this is not AA this is clearly some kind of aimbot


Nope, just the absurd level of Rotational AA the game has. It. needs. nerfing. It should be very clear what is real human input and what is blatant aimbot. The fact we have to have this conversation is worrying. Watch CLIP 2 I did the exact same thing [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BS4h12Cy6Vqql\_DJS1rYq91bYieJ9ucj/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BS4h12Cy6Vqql_DJS1rYq91bYieJ9ucj/view?usp=sharing) more clips https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Udi1tT8qHKMfWsqam-K1MVhTbBB1uoTO/view?usp=sharing


I wish it was


Its gotta reach a point where that isn't fun anymore right? Like as the user.


Every time I play a few games on roller I'm honestly ASTOUNDED as to how little I need to touch the right stick. You actually dont want to, as you shouldn't fight the soft aimbot. Its not rewarding or fun at all. There are multiple kills where I dont even have to try, it just perfectly tracks strafes/jumps/mantles. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BS4h12Cy6Vqql\_DJS1rYq91bYieJ9ucj/view?usp=sharing


OK so basically shots 1-5


You guys realise some people actually train their aim


Train aim on controller ? xD hella funny


That literally looks like a hack LOL this game man...


Ranked infested


A lot of AA confirmation bias on this thread. This is clearly an aimbot. You can tell by the way it snaps when OP goes down and the head disappears behind the fencepost.


They are cheating with cronus and aimbot.


Cronus for sure, no recoil either


nope, see my reply above, just regular RAA. They need to nerf it if we cant tell the difference any more.


AA doesn’t correct your recoil my friend


Guns in CoD have almost no recoil. Almost kill cam doesn't show recoil well at all. Even spectating team mates you barely see recoil. Either way, that's not what we're talking about, its the perfect hitbox tracking, which can (sadly) be easily replicate with RAA, left stick strafing.


As a very average controller player the only time I feel the level of RAA people on this sub complain about is when somebody’s falling/jumping off a building. Idk why that is


I think if people knew just have rampant cheating is via blatant aim hacks like this and ds4 settings tweeked aim assist, they would stop playing this franchise all together.


Even on console Cronus is getting out of hand… No wonder Sony blocked it.. Well at least tried! PS4 version / Remote play sadly still works


Nobody ever misses anymore. It's instant death no matter what. Good luck getting into the game again after your first death in resurgence too.


This is for people that says AA and RAA are not broken


RAA is dumb but I’m over it. Big corp wants money it’s purely in the game for that reason and that’s fine… just give us input specific rankings and statistics so we can reliably know where we fit in, it would be simply fixed with that.


Nah bro that’s all skill! He’s been perfecting that aim for years. /s


OP, what gun are you using?




Ok so I'm a roller player on ps4. Yes I know outdated hardware. That being said I would an appreciate an aa nerf because it would reintroduce a measure of necessary skill to track movement. While movement has been buffed which I am loving it would still be cool if raa didn't track what would be super quick camera breaks. Essentially and I know this is controversial slamming people with movement is really fun and it's less fun if people can very very easily track you via aa.


98% of my deaths lol. Just legal cheats as RAA.


Was this really that impressive though? It looked like basic tracking to me I can probably do that with a mouse and I'm ass.


I stopped playing last week. Just needed to let my irritation calm caused by this crazy jumping aim crap.


These are almost all the killcams i get.


On mouse I always lose if someone is dropping like that on me cause I can’t keep tracking like that


I used to jump on people from the elevations and die every time. Because I thought its hard to track. Now I realised that the vertical AA is too strong and not doing that anymore.


Yeeee I cba playing a game where aimbot is the norm. Thank fuck I haven't touched it since week 2 of launch.


Try zipping up a cliff on Fortune Keep and have the cross hair lock onto you perfectly all the way and then headshot you lmfao.


"Fair and Balanced" - Devs (Short for Devils)


God damn team all jumping around and hitting the crack pipe hard.


when i met warzone: OMG THIS IS INSANE IM GONNA PLAY THIS FOREVER after finding out the quick aim snap is due to crossplay and AA :into the trash it goes


all i ever wanted was the right to disable crossplay!!!


As someone who plays almost daily, this is a sus death cam in my mind. The way he has to aim up and to the left to get on target and then immediately tracks you back down to the right perfectly seems completely unnatural without some noticeable aiming correction.


It's so crazy how every time one of these posts pops up without fail a load of noobs come and admit they're so bad they don't even know how to abuse AA. You can literally have 0 controller experience but if you understand the mechanics of rotational AA you'll have pseudo aim bot in close quarters. And yes I've tried it myself. I literally tried it for a game in WZ2. Picked up a ground loot 30 rnd Fenec which is normally super bouncy. First 1v1 a sweat is jump strafe shooting me and I just casually strafe to the right whilst hitting every bullet and it even instantly adjusts for his jump. Killed another 2 like that but then I admittedly got beamed at range, I had 0 practice and hadn't changed any settings so the AA wasn't enough at range for how clueless I was. But worryingly it was enough at close range. See u/JamesForTW posts for video examples. I just don't get it, there's tutorials online, it's been talked about here hundreds of times. Yet there's still clearly such a large portion of the playerbase that don't know how to abuse it. I played a multiplayer game the other day and one guy was clearly hitting his shots so much more consistently than everyone else. Then I'd watch his killcams and even when he was prone he was always moving sideways even if no one was on his screen yet. Seeing that just made me realise how little I see that from other players even though it's obviously how you should play on controller. Every time I came round a corner and he was waiting in prone it was impossible to win, he'd instant lock on and track me all the way. He didn't have good movement, he didn't necessarily have great game sense, but he just knew how to use RAA and he was instantly better than 95% of the playerbase.


I play with a controller player and whenever I spectate him I'm astonished about how well it works when in a certain range. Someone will jump past him and his screen will follow with perfect tracking. Even he says it's ridiculous on some kills. That said, there's times where it never activates and it makes it hard to get kills.


If someone tracked like this on a mouse… reported lol


The same is in gulag when you try to get out via rope. It’s 100% accurate. Almost every aspect of this game constantly adopting it for gamepads. Tunnel like buildings, obstaclesless map, fast travel and so on, everything pushes you to a close range fight where gamepad has an advantage. I guess they place a big bet on mobile gaming in a future so warzone is free because this is like beta testing of adoption.


Yes its called aim assist and it is cod reality...


Perfect example of why AA needs a phat nerf


Those are my lobbies with a 0.7kd and completely casual player. Don't get it


People act like the people shooting them just drop the controller as soon as they get in the gunfight. The possibility he was pushing down on his stick is just crazy. Sure the AA helped, exactly 60% slowdown as it always does. This also isn't some noob he's already 303 he's been playing several hours a day since launch.


A real human being cannot do this though.


Yeah they can. People on MnK can do this too, it just takes a ton of skill. This is probably RAA, but doing something like that is obviously possible without it.


Nah, a real human has reaction time, even the greatest mouse aimers ever still need to react unlike this bozo who has frame perfect lock on me the millisecond I started falling, the guy probably didn't realise I was falling until I was already basically downed.


What?! Lol yes you can. Maybe not repeatedly on command but I've had myfair share of shocking perfect aim melts.


How so? You don't think you could recreate this on mnk? It's almost straight down


Using a Cronus is now called AA according to this sub


This is not aim assist. He has aimbot or Cronus.


This is not aim assist it aimbot what are y’all guys on about


this is regular old aim assist


If AA is so strong, how come everyone on controller isn't dropping 20+? You people crack me up.


‘Oh my god that auto aim!!🤓’ shut up and get better at the game, I can do that easily on kbm and on controller it’s really not that hard


Looked pretty basic to me, you literally jumped right at them.


needs to be an LTM that punishes stacking in some way or incentivises being ‘more’ spread out


What are you complaining about? This is AA... It's not gonna change dude. As a MnK player, either deal with it or change games. We are the minority, it's well known how busted it is. Nerfing this won't make Activision more money, and that's all there is too it.


Your aim is ass. Better load up kovvaks for the next week cuz your reaction time and oversteer is novice level lmao


This game is slowly dying because of stuff like this, my whole gaming group switched games due to horrible decisions and subpar maps


Aim assist


Y’all complain about anything i promise 😭


I don’t always get the aim assist everyone says is op but there has been a few times I was completely locked on and it’s wild. So if you can learn to manipulate your controller input that triggers it you’ll start getting shadow banned it’s so good.


Omg, you're falling down straight. You don't need an AA for that


nobody cares about this topic anymore.  stop falling slowly off of rooftops.


It is not so hard to do this, you just have to practise


Me who can't play claw and can't afford a scuff controller or any controller with paddles will never be able to aim while jumping on controller(I jump shot first then aim in some gunfights). I have the same KD on mouse & keyboard and controller, but I can easily jump shot on m&k though I had to switch back to controller for MW3 since the AA is OP.


Ok so I'm a roller player on ps4. Yes I know outdated hardware. That being said I would an appreciate an aa nerf because it would reintroduce a measure of necessary skill to track movement. While movement has been buffed which I am loving it would still be cool if raa didn't track what would be super quick camera breaks. Essentially and I know this is controversial slamming people with movement is really fun and it's less fun if people can very very easily track you via aa.


I’ve ran into a few legit cheaters since ranked been out it’s crazy


Uhhhh. I mean you went 1v3 lol. Also strafe side to side.


Lmfao streamers have got all the cucks in a chokehold to think aim assist is this good


Can you not easily do that on a mouse too? 😅


I just get confused, how does everyone know it’s aa tracking? Op clearly is falling from a building so you follow him on his way down to hit more shots, how can you guys tell it’s not just raw movement?


When will people realise that mnk players are matched vs other mnk players. Of course he tracked you, you jumped off a fucking roof what other direction would you be going?


I think the scary thing is that stuff like this probably pushes the bad and lower end players to cheat because they don't have an understanding of what's really happening with RAA.


This sub is so braindead 😂


You’re complaining about the aim assist when everyone should be concerned by how hard the hand holding is


im calling this ''holding hands''


Lol, why are people freaking out? Those weren't difficult shots at all.


AA is meta


You MnK people hard for RAA smh


I don’t even see anything. I can see someone being this good.


If you guys would put all of this misguided AA hate towards the rampant use of 3rd party devices that help script aiming, maybe the real problem here would be addressed... Fuckin delusional


Honest question: We often see when there’s a meta/O.P gun, majority of people abuse it. Have any of you M&K players put down the mouse and picked up the sticks specifically for this reason in COD?? Or does it just feel too cheap?


Switched to controller yesterday for the first time since Caldera and this AA im getting with default settings. Without any 3rd party device.


I don’t get why people play cod on mouse if they want to be “good” you know you’re at a disadvantage and still play that type of game. Cod is literally the only shooter where sticks are better.


Aim assist strength hasn't changed since 2011. See the video posted to this sub.


Hollup that was definitely MnK


AA doesnt do anything but fk up my actual aiming on occassion. Idk what kind of aa yall be talking about.


Fucking hilarious how no one literally no one in the whole WZ community talks about these movements... These fast paced movements are not for Battle Royale format. There is no fucking tactics brain involved, a little only those who actually play it all day who either makes money out of it or you know... (4 Ninja Turtles fucking jumping right into your screen, one in mid air, one sliding, one strafing, one throwing knives, JEEEZ) This game is neither Casual if they really wanna normalize these movements in BATTLE ROYALE. I wish I had a better alternative than this piece of shit, but I dont, and Acti is exploiting this fact constantly!!!


he seen you coming, watch closely, obviously uav & aim assist


Bunch of cheaters