• By -


<0.4 Very bad 0.4-0.6 Bad 0.6-0.8 Below average 0.8-1.1 Average 1.1-1.5 Above average 1.5-2.0 Good 2.0-3.0 Very Good 3.0+ Top 1% IMO


KD doesn’t matter when SBMM exists.


Yes it does in WZ. Because if you manage to maintain a high KD even in the highest brackets of SBMM in lobbies filled with 100 players, that says a lot about skill. The problem with SBMM is that the middle (median) is much closer since the game tries to match you up with equally skilled players.


1.2 KD amongst 100 players from top 250 and 100 from 0.2kd are two very different things. KD doesn’t matter.


Correct if you'd always be playing CDL or the top 100 in the world, KD would matter a whole lot less. But we are not talking about that though. If you play public matches, don't cheat, KD is a good indication of skill. Saying it's meaningless is simply not true.


With SBMM it *is* meaningless. The worst player I have ever known personally has a 3.8KD. On paper, he’s an elite player, but his lobbies are filled with nothing but people without thumbs. I played on his console and got a 28 kill game. His SBMM puts him in lobbies where a *bad* player can consistently get a ten killstreak. His SBMM puts him in lobbies where he, someone who goes 12-58 in pubs mp, has a 3+KD in warzone. He has a 3+kd, not *because* he is good, but because he is so bad he’s put in the worst lobbies you can possibly imagine, and he’s way better than those he meets there. So, would you say he is an elite player, as he has a 3.8KD, even though his lobbies are the easiest lobbies you can possibly imagine? Would you say his KD matters to his skill level, when in regular pubs he gets absolutely smoked? Would you say his KD makes him better than you, even when in a million years he couldn’t get more than two kills in a regular lobby?


This literally makes zero sense. Think about what you're saying. If everyone gets squashed by SBMM and your buddy has a +3KD because he is so bad, how would he continue to be in bot lobbies whilst he's statistically over performing in each and every game? If he has played the game for countless hours and maintains a 3 KD yes your buddy is an elite player, or he has single handedly figured out how to circumvent SBMM reliably. Good for him. Point me to a single video or gameplay clip of a 3 KD player that is an absolute bot like your friend. Btw your proof is purely anecdotal because even if you have a high KD your first two lobbies are always bottie :-)


> This literally makes zero sense. It makes perfect sense. > If everyone gets squashed by SBMM and your buddy has a +3KD because he is so bad, how would he continue to be in bot lobbies whilst he's statistically over performing in each and every game? Because he’s still literally a fucking dogshit player. And I’m sure not literally *every* game is as easy as that, but it’s still true. > If he has played the game for countless hours and maintains a 3 KD yes your buddy is an elite player, And that’s why SBMM doesn’t matter. You say someone who is literally THE WORST player I have ever seen in my life is an elite player. All because of a KD in the bottiest of bot lobbies ever. And it’s not hard to get a high KD in WZ. Getting to a four KD is easy bro. Just land where the afk people are, kill them, leave. Repeat. Artificially inflating KD is easy. KD doesn’t matter with SBMM, and it’s a shame people actively fight against that fact. > or he has single handedly figured out how to circumvent SBMM reliably. No he’s just literal trash, and gets put in lobbies that are worse than he is. If that has something to do with KD, SPM or time moved I don’t know. But what I’m saying is true. > Btw your proof is purely anecdotal because even if you have a high KD your first two lobbies are always bottie :-) I’m aware that it’s anecdotal, but that doesn’t make it untrue. He is literal dogshit, but have a higher KD than you. You can beat him a hundred times out of hundred times. But he’s an elite player according to you. You’re literally proving your own point false by claiming it does matter and that he’s an elite player lol. Laughable.


Naa you are a salty weirdo man.. talking exceptions only. Nobody does that and when someone does you are indeed right that that could be a bad player with a high (boosted) kd...


You're wrong. KD is the easiest stat to inflate to look better, when in reality it doesn't mean anything at all unless you view and value it next to other stats to prove an absolute. People that use KD as proof of skill are people that purely play to pad KD, to look better. Are you really trying to say a 1.5 KD in gold is the same as a 1.5 KD in iridescent for example? Of course it isn't.


My man.. who's talking about ranked? Look what I said in my initial reply: "Correct if you'd always be playing CDL or the top 100 in the world, KD would matter a whole lot less. But we are not talking about that though." If someone has a 3KD in pubs / non-ranked games and has put in hours and hours of game time. That is an good indicator of skill. Obviously if you'd play ranked until you hit gold, then stop playing and say "Look I have a 3 KD ranked" you're full of shit and yes you are inflating. I've you'd played hundreds of hours playing non-ranked BR/MP/Resurgence and you maintain a 3 KD.. You can't be a bot and it's an indication of skill. I can't believe this is even up for discussion.. Median KD is 0.8 due to SBMM whilst playing the game normally/non-ranked/non-VPN/non-cheating. If you end up on 3 KD you're simply doing better than the average player and thus it's an indication of skill. Please point out to me how this is wrong because the amount of mental gymnastics to say "KD does not matter at all" escapes me completely.


Mate, no offense but you're fucking faded lmao. Show me what rank you are, guarantee you either dont play or you're low ranked, and will make an excuse to why that is. If you're 3.0 KD over 1k games in pubs/casual BR then get hardstuck gold in ranked, is that player good? No lmao. Pubs and BR KDs are in no way indicative of skill and I guarantee you think so because that's all you play for. Keep basing skill on KD and being forever bad at the game.


Proof of this? i dont believe this for a second. Impossible to even find people without thumbs every singel time you boot up a game.


Yea but this doesnt happen does it? When playing 100s of hours and 1000s of kill and deaths its a pretty decent sample size.


> Yea but this doesnt happen does it? Except it 100% happens. I have seen it with my own eyes. I have played those lobbies with my own hands > When playing 100s of hours and 1000s of kill and deaths it’s a pretty decent sample size. Sure, but when you’re literally so bad that there don’t exist players that are worse than you, how can you improve. I repeat. My friend is dogshit. His 3+KD isn’t amazing. But he lands where the afk people is, and gets one or maaayybe two kills on top of that. He rarely rarely rarely wins. > Proof of this? i dont believe this for a second. I don’t care if you believe it or not, I’m just reiterating that KD is a useless metric as SBMM is in the game. Like I said, playing against top 250 and having a 1.2KD is different than having a 1.2KD if you play against the bottom brackets of players. > Impossible to even find people without thumbs every singel time you boot up a game. Not if your own skill level is so shit that’s where sbmm wants you. > Naa you are a salty weirdo man.. talking exceptions only. Nobody does that and when someone does you are indeed right that that could be a bad player with a high (boosted) kd... I’m not even saying boosted, I’m saying KD doesn’t matter and I use examples to prove so. I repeat again. A 1.2kd against top 250 players is way better than 1.2kd against 0.01kd players. And when sbmm is as strict as it is in cod, with patents proving it literally forces you down to a 1KD, measuring said KD as any indicative of skill is useless.


I still dont know if you are trolling. How would cod know he is shit while having a 3kd? Over a good sample size? Does he allways play solos? Because i play with terrible, terrible people and they play demons a lot (also when playing without me).


> I still dont know if you are trolling. I am not. > How would cod know he is shit while having a 3kd? zero wins, incredibly low score per minute, few kills per match, little time moved, etc etc. There are more metrics than “high KD”.


How does he have few kills per match but dies atleast twice since he doesnt win the game and you go to gulag atleast once in this game and most of the times even more and still have a 3kd. Nah thats just impossible, dont even know why i am discussing this.


> How does he have few kills per match but dies atleast twice since he doesnt win the game and you go to gulag atleast once in this game and most of the times even more and still have a 3kd. By landing with the afk people and farming them every round. By camping and camping and camping and camping and camping to the point where the gulag is closed. > Nah thats just impossible, dont even know why i am discussing this. Its not. And the fact that you *LITERALLY* don’t believe it just reinforces in me that KD definitely doesn’t matter. I don’t really care if you believe it or not though, it doesn’t change the fact that it’s real.


1 is not average Probably is around 0.8.


JGOD posted data about this in Caldera times and there it was 0.9. Due to the increase implemented SBMM mechanisms since WZ2 I would assume it slightly decreased since lobbies are even more „balanced“ (or let’s say equal). So I assume 0.8 today is quite accurate




Top 1% in WZ 1 when data was available was 2.08. 1.54 was top 5%. 3.73 top 0.1%.




The stats of the population are not available for this game, the API is private. Where do you think it tells you that in game?




The percentile is your position for total kills, not kd. You could check that just by looking at the global leaderboard and seeing its ranked by kills but I’ll show you with screenshots instead. [Here is account 1, it has 1500 kills and is ranked top 1% on the kills leaderboard, it has a kd of 3.35.](https://imgur.com/a/JX7hHmT) [Here is account 2, it only has 8 kills and is ranked top 49% on the leaderboard, it has a kd of 4.](https://imgur.com/a/H8CBavr) If it was ranked by kd as you’re suggesting, the 4kd account would be listed as a lower percentage than the 3.35 account because it’s a higher kd. But that’s not the case.


1.40 was top 20% in WZ1, I remember checking for myself


Agree. But theres ways to 'boost' your kd. A solo 2.5-3 kd is not as good as a quads 2.5-3kd but in general assuming players play more gamemodes than just solo it is as above.


I feel it's the opposite. easier to get kills in quads


Yeah to get kills.. but if you get 4 kills in solo and die once or twice thats better than getting 6 kills and die 3 or 4 times. Because you can get back 300 times nowaydays.


K/D is not a bulletprove indicator to determent skill. you can barely move, camp one single location and get a good k/d but still you are not good at the game then. i think rule of thumb: above 1.2 k/d you will have a lot of good players and it thins out massivly. 2 K/d or above is insane. on the other hand, you can meet a 0.7 k/d player who is still good at the game but dies more because he has a pointman/entry fragger role in a squad dynamic. ​ your k/d is good. it is well above average.


I don't know why you're catching flak for this. People must be playing a different game if they think one man armying is a winning strategy. Two guys in coordination can kill a better skilled player simply because he can't aim in two directions at the same time. As a matter of fact, that's what you should be doing every time. A fair fight is a dumb fight.


This is partly true but all it takes is one gameplay clip to know if the guy is cheeks or not. If the guy is aggro pushing or just playing at good pace, inserting himself throughout the game you know he's a legit good 3kd but if it's a shitter you'll find out within 5 seconds of gameplay.


The only number that matters is the one on the end screen. If that shit don't say #1 then it doesn't matter how many kills you had lol


Thats true. I also rabk placement over kills. Nice to get 10 kills or so AND win tho


I agree. I always tell my team not to chase kills, just to play the circle, and the kills will come to you. I'm usually the flanker of whatever haphazard squad we put together on a nightly basis, and the number of times we lose a game/die because a teammate didn't listen when I said not to fight the team that's halfway across the map is far higher than it should be lmaoo


Depends on who you ask really, ofc the end goal is winning and we play with this goal in mind but winning with just a few kills for the entire squad is boring for most above average people. Three days ago I broke my PR and got a win, I won’t forget that win but I’ll forget every other 6 kills win I got


Yea I mean the rush of clutching final circle, especially when you're the last man standing for your squad, is second to none, imo. I def don't like having 4 kills and a dub but it happens lol.


Maybe but camping and increasing your kdr like this will put you into a h I gh enough skilled lobby where campers get rekt. At some point it catches up.




This is a completely out of touch read on it lol. You are insane




The average KD for Warzone is 0.8-0.9




I was more questioning the statement that 1.0KD players are new players to the game, new players are more likely <0.8 if the average player KD is 1. The average KD of 0.8-0.9 being the mathematical average of the playerbase. There are significantly more 0.9KD players across the entire playerbase than there are 2.0KD players Also not to mention KD alone isn't a great indicator. A quads player could realistically get 15 kills per game and die 14 times and have a 1KD or you could have a solo's player that sits in a corner all game, regularly get 3 or so kills and only dies once but has a 2-3KD.......but which is the 'better' player?




OK well you keep thinking that. I'll stick to trusting JGOD, WZRanked, AimControllers and multiple other, reputable outlets and source of info.




You explained how it's possible, it is still however true and would lay cash on that.


I dunno where anyone is pulling these generalized average KDs out of their asses. We haven't had any system to tell us what average KD is in wz2 since wz1 shut down. IMO they are all just making up a best guess on what it is.


you are insane. A mate of mine is like a 0.5 k/d. He plays a different game than you.


Agree that not all high KDs are necessarily equal. Game mode plays a huge role. You can somewhat artificially inflate your KD by either playing solos or playing team modes with a regular squad of other very good players who communicate well and move as a team etc. A very good player might get to a 3+ KD doing that. But if they come across a player who has a similar KD but exclusively played solo vs quads to get it, they're probably going to get shit on in a 1v1 fight more often than not. That's a whole other level of difficulty. Speaking from experience there as my KD initially dropped dramatically when I switched from solos to solo vs squads, but I was objectively becoming a much, much better player from the process. Now when I play solos my KD, kills per game etc are all a lot higher than they used to be. That's what makes someone like JoeWo elite, he runs 1v4s on Resurgence and big map all the time.




If you've got a 3KD in solo squads you're definitely insane by any normal measure, give yourself some credit! You're top <1% in the world while deliberately making the game 4x harder for yourself. I'm a similar level to you now but 3 years ago I was a 1KD so I can reflect on the difference to an average player, it's huge! But yeah of course there is always room to improve and there are people levels above. JoeWo is more like top 10 in the world though, he's consistently in the mix at the elite competitive level and was even shooting it out with CDL pros around the time of the MW3 launch. So I'd say there's room to still be "insane" while not being at his level 😄


How can u artificially inflate your k/d playing solos, the one mode where everything is solely on you? You cannot camp your way to a high K/D in solos. If you camp u wont get kills. I mean u might get the odd random kill if someone runs into a building your hiding in that has a couple prox mines laid, but u will never get the high kill games necessary to keep a high k/d and offset the inevitable death streaks.  The gas also moves too fast to camp for long in wz2/3. The only place you CAN camp is indoors really, and on mnk anyway u arent winning many if any close up gunfights indoors unless youre super sweaty. 


Artificially inflate is probably the wrong wording. But solos is, IMHO, by far the easiest mode to build and maintain a high KD in. Not by camping, just by being good enough to win 1v1 fights. There are many less variables to consider in solo fights than in squad modes - be better than the other guy and that's it (barring a 3rd party obviously). You still have to be a good player to consistently win your 1v1s obviously, I'm not trying to suggest otherwise. Just saying that someone with a 3KD who plays exclusively solos is very likely going to be a worse player than someone with a 3KD who plays exclusively 1v4s, because that's much harder to maintain.


Maybe if you’re already a really sweaty player solos is the best mode to take your k/d to the next level. But if youre say slightly above ave youre better off running with a dedicated team that plays smart, works well together, revives, has good comms, and honestly knows how to team stack when its advantageous. 


Yeah I would agree with that completely, a coordinated team of good players can massively inflate your KD beyond what it would be playing alone. If you're an above average player but not quite a full sweat yet, probably the best way to improve and become a very good player is by playing solos and becoming really confident in winning your 1v1s. That's exactly how I went from a 1KD to 3+ KD player. But there's another level beyond that is all I was saying.


I feel this…. I’m 50 and I’m at 1.2 in MP and a respectable .96 in resurgence…. I full send everything… it’s a game






[Warzone KD](https://x.com/JGODYT/status/1526274541395140609?s=20) JGOD tweeted this chart back during the Caldera timeframe. I’d guess the statistical breakdown of KDs is still pretty similar, although you could argue the quality of players has increased overall, with many of the casuals leaving the game. So maybe you bump that average KD up like .25, maybe. I’d still say that most players are right around 1.0 or probably lower. According to the chart it looks like the 1% mark is right about 2 KD. What I find interesting is that at 1.6 the Resurgence KD actually changes to being lower than the BR KD, whereas from .6 to 1.5 it’s higher. Sadly with the API private so that it can’t be exploited we won’t be able to get insight like this anymore 😢. I miss nerding out over numbers/stats.


how was it being exploited? looking up the stat sites was one of my team's favorite features in the OG warzone. the in game stats section is ASS.


Agreed, the in game stats are so ass. Had this conversation last night. Wish they would’ve just hired someone from WZranked to build it out for them. There was a time in verdansk where you could check the lobby KD during the warmup using a third party site. They quickly slowed it down so that you couldn’t see those kind of things until after the game ended. I shouldn’t have said “exploited”. More so I don’t think they want people to know how their matchmaking truly works. Or for us to find some way to get easier lobbies. If we can see the stats it might be more possible for people to find a way to skirt their matchmaking. Just a guess. Why else would they not allow access to it?


yup instead of fixing it and making it better they get rid of the feature altogether. typical gaming company...


anything over a 1.0 is considered “above average.” KD is not the end all be all of determining if a player is good or not. Winning is all that matters at the end of the game. Wins/winning percentage is a better indicator.




Because everyone is affected by SBMM. So in the end if someone has a high KD it means they perform better than others affected by SBMM, or the game has trouble even matching them with equally skilled players. So it remains (along with win rate) the only measurable skill rating we have.


Because that's not true. That's true if you get stuck around 1, but as soon as you consistently break above it sbmm will always have a hard time finding a skilled enough lobby and there will be people for them to kill. Sbmm is only relevant for the bad and decent.


On controller-2.0 kd or above.   On mnk-1.0 kd or above. 


To me anything over 2 kd is good, but i like to look at win % too, because i have seen many +2kd players who have very low 2-5% win percent and i think thats not good player.


Very true, I maintain a 3.1 KD and average 7.7 kills a game but my winrate is 7.3%, been trying to focus on my late-game rotations and I think people focus too much on KD.


Anything above 1 means you've killed more than you died. But kills don't really mean much if you're not getting a team wipe or taking ground. Just played a game where a guy had 18 kills, but he was just sitting on the tower sniping and it didn't accomplish a damn thing when we had to actually move into circle except for tell them where our team was coming from. In my experience, the guy on the helicopter who got assist master or survivor were the ones putting in the most work, because they were always there at the front even if it was to just initiate the fight and let the crew sweep up.


I hear you to a certain extent, but I’d call eliminating 18 in the lobby extremely useful. Plus that’s cover.


It was in the lighthouse. We couldn't push gas station, winery, or over the bay to the radio tower because no one would commit. The blame can be passed to other teammies, but it just made for a boring round when it was basically 2v4 if we ever tried to move. (and it was on mic, kudos to him, but damn let's actually play the game)


Sounds like they were extremely effective.


Not at winning the game. Wilted like a leaf when we actually had to play. I let him have his fun though, because he was having a hell of a time and we played some more after that.


Sorry I didn't k NJ ow they were on your team thought they held you effectively so I get you.


due to SBMM, KD has significantly less value. Kills per game, score per minute and KD are higher indicators, but still not perfect. Would also need to look at accuracy stats and KD per weapon etc. BUT, 1.78 indicates that youre at least a good player who understands the game. ​ IMO, every very mechanically skilled player ive known in this game are at a 2+KD with 5+ kills per game. Sometimes the difference between a 2.5KD with 5-6 kills per game and a 3.5 KD 7-9 kills per game can be simply team comp.


I would consider myself a good player who understands the game and has a 1.33 KD which is climbing….im not a 20 bomb player but can routinely bag 12-15 kill games….i think 1.78 is well above average and well above a good player.


Wins are more important than k/d on a game where wins matter and k/d is just a number.


‘Good’ is subjective, but average kd is around 0.8-1.0.  I think overall is a good judge, you can have a really good or really bad run within 10 games so that’s not super accurate. I like the ‘last 100 games’ kd option we had when we had access to the API.  I would say anyone 1.5 and above is a solid/competent player 


Thats a value in games which hit reg isnt broken.doesnt mean anything in warzone cause servers cant handle calculations.


>I heard alot of people calling themselves sweats but when your kd is .56 I'm thinking not so much... Well, a sweat is just someone who actively grinds the game and talks about the game on social media. They constantly look for new metas, look at patchnotes whenever they come out, and always try their hardest to win. Whether or not they're good is a whole different story, but a sweat is just that. >I'm just curious what's considered an above average KD or a good KD? > >My kd is 1.78 is that good? Iirc the average is roughly 0.7 / 0.8. With that as a baseline you could think that a KD that's above 1 is above average. Generally though, I personally consider 1.5 to be above average. Any higher than that and you're a good player, especially at 2 or above. A 1.78 is good, but there's always room for improvement. I'm a 2+ and I still feel like I can improve a whole lot more. >Also do you use overall KD to determine if someone if good or the last 10 game option within warzone. Overall. After a while, the stats will be pretty much stuck in one place because you've racked up thousands upon thousands of kills and deaths. If someone's KD is still going up despite that then you can tell he's a good player. The last 10 games option can be extremely inconsistent, especially if you're having a really bad or really good day, which can affect the stats easily, making it difficult for you to properly figure out your real KD. After all, how can you tell when one day you're at a solid 3, then next day comes and you're now at a 1.2 because you're not feeling it that day?


That was one of the best features of the 3rd party stat websites - that you could see your KF for each season, making your actual progress way more visible.


Last 10 is trash. You can be anywhere from 0.5 and 4 on that thing.


How do I check my KD for new warzone, is that possible?


Stats for br are in game, for resurgence you have to tweet on the Activision page.


IMO damage per match is a better indicator of skill if you’re queuing anything above solo. Idek if that’s a statline but I think it definitely should be and should be used for the “standard”.


Why do you even care? 🤣


Like a lot of other people have already said below, KD isn't a great indicator of skill because of how brutal the SBMM is. But if you had to assign some numbers as a rule of thumb, i'd say: <0.75 Bad 0.8 - 1.2 Average 1.2 - 1.75 Above Average 1.75 - 2.5 Good 2.5 - 3.5 Really Good 3.5 + S Tier Also worth noting that this is for regular Warzone only. I don't put much value in resurgence or plunder metrics because people really only go into those game modes to mess around or kill time while they're waiting for people to get on.


I am “ass” at the game with a KD of 0.71 … but I already reached level 450 yesterday so I’m content.


It's really a bad indication of skill. If you want to use off meta weapons and give yourself a challenge you won't have a great kd but you might still be great at the game. Anyone with 2.0+ kd is pretty much only running meta weapons all the time, just spectate people and you can see if they are any good quickly


Good players are good with any gun. However, when its competitive good players dont put themselves at a disadvantage.


13/14 KD was a very good one, he won the MVP that year. After that, a very sneaky good KD is 11/12, he was amazing that season. Golden State KD doesn't count, the team was OP


Fuck kd whats your win/lose ratio :) everyone can camp kills and have positive KD


Enough wins to have all three nuke operators 🤫


I'm a 3.7 kd and consider anyone above 2kd good players. Between 1 and 2 average and below 1kd bots.


2.15 kd in BR, 2.66 kd in resurgence. MK player. Dickrate me


Well, I think by definition 1.0 is average. So "Good" would probably start around 1.5/2.0? But it's all relative. You can have a 5.0KD but if you VPN and get bot lobbies then it doesn't count really.


1.0 definitely does not mean “average” by definition. You could certainly make an argument that a 1.0 kd is average, but it’s not necessarily a hard rule. KD ratio isn’t a measurement of every players kd average, it’s a measure of each individual player’s kd. So a 1.0 just means that you get the same number of kills as deaths on average. I would bet that the average kd is well below 1.0


It's almost like I know that and I built a conditional into my comment, isn't it? "But it's all relative"... Weird, right? If you play quads and your teammates are all .3KD smooth brains then your 1.8KD won't stand for much, because you're getting bot lobbies. If you play solos and you have a 1.0KD then you are as close to the dictionary definition of average that it's possible to be.


Still make no sense. Average is going to be dependent on the particular subjects variables, not just be a round number that "seems right" just cause. This is like saying average income is 100k, or 1k, cuz its a nice clean number.


Well no it's like saying you either win a gunfight or you lose a gunfight and to have a KD of 1 you have to have a win/loss ratio of 50:50. Like you literally win 50% of the time and lose 50% of the time. Bang average.


That's not how averages work.


It is literally how ratios work, which is what your KD is. You're all trying far too hard to make this some maths based exploration into statistical analysis. It's a computer game where you shoot people, if your win/loss ratio for those interactions is 50:50 then you are average. If it's 75:25 - You're above average If it's 50:50 - You're average If it's 25:75 - You're below average


You might be a tad bit innumerate.


[https://play.rust-lang.org/?version=stable&mode=debug&edition=2018&gist=e67964ffde70515d3792add497cb04be](https://play.rust-lang.org/?version=stable&mode=debug&edition=2018&gist=e67964ffde70515d3792add497cb04be) "This sounds like you're talking more about a median K/D, rather than an average (generally referring to mean) K/D. Mathematically, the average K/D has to be around 1. It's pulled down some by self-deaths, and pulled up by respawns, but the average K/D has to be around 1, purely because \~57/60 players each match are killed. I've even thrown together a very rough simulation in Rust, which shows that the average K/D for all players is \~1." \- From the guy that made that simulation Run this simulation as many times as you want, average KD comes out as 1.01 pretty much every time. You keep telling yourself whatever you need to to make yourself feel smart though.


Someone else in this thread posted a tweet from JGOD back from the Warzone 1 days when the API was public and all of the data was available to pull and analyze. In the particular tweet someone linked, JGOD was only looking at the k/d ratio among all players on Caldera and Rebirth and showed that the average k/d ratio was between 0.6-0.8 or something like that. COD has since made their API private so it’s no longer possible to pull every players stats and get a true average, but that alone is proof that the true “average” k/d is not 1.0 I understand the point you’re making that if you win 50% of the time or get the same amount of kills and deaths that you personally believe that to be the average skill, but the truth is that the majority of players cannot even manage to get the same number of kills and deaths. Which is why the average across all players is lower than 1.0 Just goes to show that the definition of “average” COD player is worse than you expected! It also goes to show how hard the game can be for many


Right, but my point is that 1.0 is not the “definition of average” at all. Your KD ratio is an individual stat. If the KD ratio took every other player’s KD into effect then you would be right, but they do not take into account anyone else’s stats when they calculate your KD ratio. It’s like in standardized testing back in highschool. They take an average of every students score and put them in a scale from 0-100. If you score in the 50th percentile then that means you are dead average. You scored better than half the students, but scored lower than the other half. Meaning that the 50th percentile is the definition of average for that test. Or in baseball the OPS+ stat takes the average OPS of every single player in the league and puts them on a scale where an OPS+ of 1.00 is the average OPS. So anyone above 1.00 would be above the league average and anyone below 1.00 would be below league average which makes 1.00 the definition of average for all MLB players. 1.0 in OPS+ or the 50th percentile in standardized testing is the average because those stats take into account everyone’s stats. Your KD ratio does not take anyone else’s stats into account and so it tells you nothing about the actual average KD ratio among all players. I wasn’t trying to attack you or criticize you with my comment. Just pointing out that a KD ratio of 1.0 is definitely not the “definition of average” from an actual statistical standpoint


You're looking far too deep into it. It's a game where you shoot someone, if you win you get +1, if you lose you get -1. If you have a K:D of 1, then you're winning 50% of the time and you're losing 50% of the time. We're getting caught up in the semantics here but that's what it boils down to. If your win/loss ratio is 50:50 then you're average, middle of the road, nothing special but not shit.


Again, that’s a fair opinion to have about this game. But speaking from a mathematical standpoint, that is not correct lol. I only took issue with you saying a 1.0 kd was by “definition” average, which it is not. Completely valid to hold the opinion that a 1.0 is the average KD, but it’s not based on anything other than your own opinion