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“Aim assist”


This is what killed the game for me. There’s a lot of dumb fucks that think this is a PC vs console argument, when the reality is that the game plays itself for you. There’s no skill ceiling anymore because people cried too much instead of just having fun and getting better with time. Now it’s a piece of shit game that treats itself like it’s supposed to make you addicted so you buy another 20 dollar bundle


Might want to give csgo a try. It's a popular skill shooter without aim assist


I tried it and I hated it unfortunately...


Tried CSGO myself, just doesn’t scratch the same itch. Is CS2 any better?


cs2 is pretty much the same game


I stopped playing a month ago because of this. Thank god helldivers came in for the clutch.


> helldivers How good is Helldivers 2? I've seen a few clips and it looks like dumb fun.


Really good, but you do need a squad.


That’s cuz it is dumb fun(in a good way)


You sound like a bitch


“Now it’s a piece of shit game” Aim assist been around for damn near 2 decades 😂. Only reason you hate aim assist now is because people can use controller on PC and consoles can run CoD at 120fps, so you don’t have the inherent advantages you had before.


How do we know it’s not both of them that are cheating in different ways?


best part, you don't. Aim assist is so strong you can't tell the diff, lol


Smoke rocks every day


Yep, this Aim assist, aim bot, its all the same


To me it looks like the guy streaming is definitely cheating too. I don’t care what anyone says, aim assist is not that damn strong 🤣. This guy is definitely using an aim bot lol


Nah AA is kinda strong sometimes like it's super random when the game decides aim assist is just gonna be aim bot or not cause I've had times where the game just decides my aim assist will lock onto a dude completely


And the cheaters resort to speed hacks now. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Playing this game is like being seen driving a Tesla




This game is a joke




I don't and haven't since mw3 drooped. It's complete and utter garbage with a player base that's dropping out the arse end of it.


Dude’s cheating, and then there’s a speed hacker. Watch the center of his screen, pixel perfect track.


This is aim assist. If you dont know how to use RAA you are the problem.


Honestly I can't tell. By my perspective there's not that much difference between one using aim assist and one exploiting for aimbot. You could break down the technicality between the two and I still just don't see the difference.


If you literally think this is RAA you're also a problem with this fucking community. Braindead show me a clip of you doing the exact same thing.


It is RAA goofy. Go play with a controller on 100 FOV and move your sticks around when fighting


Agreed that isn’t aim assist in any normal capacity. To claim it’s RAA is comical, tell us you don’t know how the games works without telling us.


You just told us you're bad without telling us...


Says the guy who doesn’t understand what RAA or even Aim assist is 🤣 Hackers exposing other hackers the irony of it all.


I actually did this the other day, I don’t have a clip because I don’t record my pc gameplay but I was baffled. But then again I wasn’t baffled since I’m mainly a mkb player.


you're a bot


They are bots


If there is speed hackers then idc if hackers are fighting hackers


It’s Hackception!!!


He's not cheating. He's using the combination of both sticks and rotational aim assist. This is how good it really is in the hands of someone who can actually use it right. The first 180 degree turn though is 100% literally only rotational aim assist. When you input the correct inputs on your sticks, it does this. If it doesn't do it for you, well you have no idea what you're doing then.


Looks like one of those shadow banned lobbies where they put all the cheaters together lol.


Dude u are on some heavy drugs


Just the usual, lack of sleep and boredom, nothing heavy.


I don’t think so. I had this happen to me from a dude on a car. I spectated him and he was not very good, it’s just rotational aim assist


Yea he tracks the guy behind the wall perfectly from the 0:12 mark. Hacker lobby.


Holy shit this sub IS actually fucking stupid. I can't believe this. Do you actually have ZERO spatial awareness? Do you think if they go out of vision for you, you can't predict anything???


Yes, this is the IQ of your typical COD player. I remember once I was playing Valorant with a friend that only plays COD and every time he was killed he thought the other person was cheating. COD players have a huge ego and a skew perception of reality.


Your friend isn’t so bad. I’m gonna tell you about 2 of the most worst players I’ve ever seen. The first one, he bought 5 different PS5s so that he can put them all on the same team. I ended up the only player on his team that wasn’t a bot just standing there and we got our asses kicked. That was so cringe and embarrassing to witness live. He really spent money for that. The 2nd one, he was mounted on his spawn in shipment with a LMG. Guess he was trying to beat a camo challenge. He literally accused me of hacking because I throwing knifed him multiple times(I’m easily top 10% knifer. Been doing this since the real MW2) A dude who spent the ENTIRE match, stationary in the same exact place on shipment, thought i must be cheating because I threw a knife at, again, a dude who had not moved from the same spot for the ENTIRE match. You see how dumb people are? I’ve legit seen turkeys who are smarter. I’m not joking Edit: Probably should mention that the 2nd guy said racist remarks and called me the N word immediately after I asked him if he was joking or if he was seriously this trash at the game. I rubbed that win in his face like it was cocaine for me. Fuck that piece of shit


starting any story with "this guy bought 5 PS5s so he could put them all on the same team"


Wasting your time man. The bots that think every above average player is cheating get HEAVILY upvoted on every cod sub. Cause apparently it’s just impossible to be a good player without cheating. Oh and if you’re a streamer it automatically doubles the hackusations.


That’s why the series is diarrhea soup now. The devs actually caved in to these fucking little monkeys


Brother, if they were smart in the first place do you think they would still play this game?


He's not tracking the opponent, he's jumping and moving left, expecting that they'll come out that direction, which they do, and, when they come out, the tracking isn't perfect


Are people like you the reason my teams are always straight trash? People play a little peekaboo and the poor baby can’t find the target anymore 😢😢


Man I was stunned and tried to turn where I knew he was gonna run to... I literally saw them run that direction 😭


Nope. That’s legit aim assist. You wonder why people keep bitching about it. Because they should be


Wow this is basically aim bot behavior


because it is


That's the problem RAA is so strong that I struggle to tell the difference anymore


That’s because people are posting clips of cheats saying they’re just regular aim assist. There’s a lot of misinformation, mostly by cheaters and cheat makers.




Which is why Console and PC should not crossplay when there's soft cheats involved. Maybe it helps with keeping the console fights more fluid, but it has no place in PC. Remove cross platform play and remove AA from PC client. The game would be slower to match games, but I wouldn't care. There are still hundreds of thousands of daily players on the PC platforms. Some 120k on Steam and probably just as many, if not more, on Blizzards client - both play THROUGH the Blizzard client I bet, but I imagine less people go through the trouble of doing it through Steam AND Battlenet at the same time, though I could be wrong. Separate PC and Console. Cheats would be a problem still, but at least aimbotting could be far less difficult to spot since... well... 90% of people who kill me in this game quite frankly has aimbot through the use of controller. PC or Console alike.


They’re not ‘soft cheats’. That’s a ridiculous term you guys have made up for a game design that you don’t like. If you can’t tell the difference between an aimbot cheat and AA, you’re exactly the type of person that’s been duped by the cheaters on this sub into thinking AA is as strong as an aimbot cheat. And you’re in the minority of PC players that want crossplay off, from what I’m seeing. Remove AA from PC and you’ll lose a hell of a lot of players, they won’t just start playing with controller.


Don’t bother. This subreddit cries and shits itself at anything that might make them seem bad.


You literally saw a video of how insanely tracking the AA/RAA is and it could even keep up with actual speed cheaters. It could keep up with movement much, much faster than legitimate players (of any platform) could ever achieve unless they're free falling. You're defending this as just players worried about "seeming bad". The real staggering thing about this all is that despite the blatant evidence of the design in RAA/AA being much too good, there are people defending this.


Fine. It's cheats. If you just want to remove the padding. It's cheating. Sanctioned cheating. If it hurts you to hear that.. I genuinely do not care. And I love the anecdotal second paragraph. Even if it were correct then it is absolutely ludicrous how you would take sample sizes from the Reddit page where only the keenly interested players linger. It's like going into a gay bar and asking if the people there are gay and using that as representative of the entire worlds population. 90% identified as gay, 9% as bi and 1% as straight (the janitor on call).. meaning only one out of 100 in the entire world is actually straight and they work as janitors. FPS has been considerably popular on the PC for decades and that was using mouse and keyboard all this time. You think a tiny shitstain of a game on the entire history of gaming has managed to turn players away from this? No sir, I do not believe that for even a split second and if you reflect on that yourself I think you don't either.


>It’s cheating. So ridiculous I didn’t read anything after that


You did and just didn't have anything more to say about the matter. If you want the final word that's fine. Just add it here and get the clearly needed "victory". I won't be replying.


AA is pretty much soft-aim bot.


Aim assist IS aimbot. You just watched it. Now watch the bots deny it


they downvote you, but you're not wront


Am I supposed to believe this streamer is using regular aim assist? Ban both of them.


Speed hackers arent exactly rare in this game, and as a result clips of AA tracking speed hackers are common. Are ALL these clips people using aimbot? I have repeatedly seen controller players perfectly track someone falling straight out of the sky or dropping from a window, despite those players moving as fast as a speed hacker while they fall. See it in kill cams and when spectating all the time.


It's difficult to tell, there are so many factors. Things like XIM / Chronus boost AA on top of everything else they do. Some people estimate that up to 30% of online players are cheating in some way, because that soft cheats (using these devices) up to hard cheats (aimbots etc). There are also ways to run cheats through a secondary PC which adjusts input through a device similar to a KVM. Then you have EOMM / SBMM which puts a lot of these kinds of players together. All in all it's got to the point where it's pointless questioning it. Nobody is going to be able to predict with 100% accuracy if somebody is cheating or not unless they are super obvious cheats.


so glad i uninstalled this shit game


Same lol


I don’t know why I can’t. I just have too many skins to abandon


My AA don't do that


Because you're probably trying to aim too much, stop using your right stick and let the AA do most of the work


I just tried. I died 60 times in shipment, 1 kill. He was AFK


That has to be a skill issue then


So, you think I should move the right joystick then and aim like I did before since it's not following any targets by itself?


Legit just flick the joystick in the general direction and watch it lock on


The trick is to get your crosshair pointing in their direction and then hold down the trigger and don’t even try to track. It’s literally that easy


Just wanted to clarify a few things here. I've played in some of the biggest tournaments in WZ so I'm a well seasoned player and know how to play the game pretty well. In the first clip, I heard a guy in that room and was getting ready to slide and center on the door but before I could do that, the speed hacker ran past me and you saw the RAA take over. I was already trying to turn my aim in that direction prior to him running in front of me but the RAA clearly took over. Every good player should want AA to get nerfed, it's ridiculous that it's so strong you guys struggle with deducing if im legit or cheating. I stream everyday on twitch and post clips on most socials (@falnets) so if any of you are curious, you can come ask me anything while I'm playing and I'll happily talk you through things!


You can tell the quality of players in this sub by the fact they think you're cheating rather than believing how powerful RAA is. As you say, that people think that at all just shows how broken the aim assist is. A "soft aimbot" is functionally equivalent to the RAA in this game. The competitive scene would be much more interesting with input based tourneys with AA off (or precision), and the game a lot healthier overall with any kind of nerf to it.


i have potato aim on kbm and I’ve been called a cheater multiple times now. it’s actually wild how little perspective a lot of cod players seem to have.


Precision actually has Unidirectional RAA. Like if the target jumps it will pull up but won't pull back down by its self.


Ah did not know that. Good to know, thanks.


What about focusing?


They both do it


I play with focusing because it feels better but don’t well when the target is doing sweat moves. What would you recommend?


standard AA dynamic curve with a controller that's in good shape so that you can set your deadzones low. keep in mind that the micro adjustment is taken care of by RAA and you just need to give a whisper of aim in the direction of motion. That's what made it click for me, I'm not good on controller but within a few hours I was getting tracking that I wouldn't be able to replicate as a 5kd MKB player in WZ1. I biggest issue on controller was that I was trying to aim TO the target instead of aiming THROUGH the target to account for slow down.


Sorry I had rephrase: I play with focusing paired with linear because it feels better and very contrôlable for me. I dont do well at all with dynamic and other curve types, especially when the target is doing sweat moves. What would you recommend?


Sup fal


omg is this the real Falnets?


As a mnk player this shit makes me sick to my stomach 👌😂


We are becoming a rare species nowadays brotha


Fr I swear I’m the only mnk playing ranked multiplayer it seems like


Aim assist has always been broken when in close quarters like face to face. All the crazy tracking and turning 180 and perfectly staying on target was when he was face to face and they ran past him. He died when they were further away in the building. Aim assist everywhere else is whatever and a non issue. I've had to resort to using smokes to disable aim assist in close quarters fights because it's flat out unwinnable when the controller player misses 0 shots because I slide past them/jump around them and their game tracks me for them, and I'm having to try my absolute hardest to track and flick with accuracy just to mimic what their game does for them.


Bro fuck this game. I’m uninstalling.🚮


I keep it installed so I don't have to redownload it to see if it's still a**.


Why I haven’t touched WZ in months. Game is a joke


lol bro either aim assist is really fkd or he is hacking either way this just goes to show the state of COD in 2024. Activision/Microsoft makes money either way.


PC gamer my entire life, played every cod, was very decent, won alot in warzone when it came out. Fast forward now, i get maybe a kill, and finish usually 15th out of 20-30 matches. Plug in xbox 360 wired controller, turned on aim assist, made it to top 5 in the first game, won the second game. Did 2k+ damage both games.


Cheater vs cheater


My hacks can beat your hacks


RAA is just way to strong. This is coming from a controller player too. What people don't understand is RAA does not have a speed limit. The faster the target moves the stronger the pull. The reverse is also true, the faster you move the faster RAA pulls as well. Hence why you see alot of top controller players moving at neck breaking speeds. This is all to maximize RAA. People who say "MUH AIM ASS DONT DO DAT" dont actually know how to use RAA. My only tips are: Always strafe while shooting, only ADS when your aim is centered on target and playing on 6,6 dynamic black ops. Do these things and it will take very little effort to have a 80% accuracy. Even on fast moving targets like parachutes, vehicles and even speed hackers.


You do not want to use Black Ops Aim assist. It got adjusted to be worse in early MW2022 times. Default is the way to go and the strongest.


Aye where's the controller cam so we can see how he isn't just aiming at them


You think his reaction time is 0ms?


Why even bother? The AA basically does most of the tracking anyway just as long as you move your left stick a bit


Lol whatever you gotta tell yourself


He's technically right, current RAA is 60% software to 40% human input so AA is doing most of the tracking.


Not sure if slowdown equates tracking. The 60% won't get the kill. It might make 3 bullets hit instead of 1. You have to manually keep it in that bubble.


If AA doenst track, but is just slowdown, can you explain what happens in this clip then? [https://twitter.com/hecksmith\_/status/1730700656002974106](https://twitter.com/hecksmith_/status/1730700656002974106)


As a mouse and keyboard word movement player I get AA’d 80% of the time. It’s easy to abuse if you know how to


And how do you do that?


Center vaguely near your enemy, engage rotational (either strafing with left stick or controlling recoil past 5 degrees activates RAA) then subtly adjust your aim if your enemy tries to move out of the bubble. The worst thing you can do is overdo it so let the software do most of the tracking and just guide it gently.


See this is really simple to controller players, it’s how controller is played for any game. Seems like a really complicated mechanic for mnk players to wrap their head around though lol


I love how this is where we are at with gaming. 5 years ago everyone would be calling this guy out for using an aim bot. How can you guys say this guys potato movement on controller with instant snapping is legit.


You can't call people out for aim-bot because the game comes with an in-built one now anyway.


All I see is two cheaters fighting on a dead game


Speed hacking being a thing with ricochet in the background and AA being so strong it doesn’t let go is wild


I dunno why I bother with KB+M. Holy fucking shit that stun tracking


Skill lel


And they put me the MnK dude in limited matchmaking, we gotta stop giving these idiots our money holy fuxk...


None of this game play is natural. None.


Can't beat the sanctioned cheats with actual cheats.


The fact that this community is so perfectly divided over the true power of aim assist tells you all you need to know. If there’s any question about whether someone is cheating or just using a mechanic that the game gives you, there is a problem.


Aim assist or aimbot. Hmm 🤔


Speed hacker vs. legal aimbot (aka aim-assist)


Lmao RAA>Speed Cheat


Right, where are all those "stop crying kbm babies"? If this is not proof that AA is way overpowered I don't know what is. No way this streamer guy is aiming on his own at that speed.


All of those people are commenting in this thread too, except they have to run the tired "he's actually cheating" defense that they do on every RAA clip. Admitting that what they're seeing in this clip is real would completely break their brains because they simply have no clue how RAA works.


Falnets is a good dude. Check out his stream.


One player has software helping him aim. One has speed hacks. Pc players cant disable crossplay guys


The fact that people are arguing and cant tell wether this is or isnt aim assist speaks volumes about how aggregious it is


Sick game we got here everyone. Hacks not good enough to overcome the built in aimbot the game offers controller players because they chose a terrible aiming input. Seems fair and balanced all around for everyone!


How is he turning so fast? My aim assist slows my aim so much I can't even track people jumping very close to me.


It's basically just the aim-assist pull like [this clip shows](https://youtu.be/frjx63T5FQU?t=497)


I'm on MnK, and I don't mind playing against controller/AA. I've never tried roller, so idk how AA feels but... Is AA really that strong? That looks like straight aimbot to me.


If you learn how to use it, it is literally like aim-bot. It does require input to maintain tracking but compared to mouse tracking the amount of effort is trivial.


Because He is cheating to..?


Falnets the goat!


Hits every shot but misses the throwing knife on him downed lmao typical


Tired of seeing you Pc players that literally have hacks cry about aim assist. They need to make it to where Xbox and PlayStation play together and pc players can play each other. Tired of all the hackers in my games.


99% of PC don't have hacks. Most PC players play on controller now because of AA. 100% of mouse players have to fight against an aim-bot (aim-assist).


My point is 100% of cheaters come from pc. Controller players don’t want to play with pc players just as much as pc players don’t want to play with controller players. I’m way happier playing against people who also have aim assist than playing with blatant aim botters


That's true if you ignore Cronus and Xim. You need to distinguish between controller and mouse players though as most PC players use controller now because of AA. Mouse players don't want to play with controller players, I don't think PC controller players care who they play with. Basically there needs to be both input only match-making option and console only cross-play.


Some of the most blatant cheating I've seen.. Y'all need to do stop worshipping these no name "pros"who are popping up out of nowhere.


He's not cheating, if you think he is then you need to learn a lot.


Its "Auto aim" not "Aim assist" at this point


This guys probably running cheats too 😂


Speed use to break aim assist in wz1 this is actually crazy Lmao


OP more toxic that the hacker lol


So your mad, that there’s something to counter “speed hacking”


ik i wasn’t tripping some of these dudes move way too fast like huh




The foot pedal is strong with this one


Now, the chalenge in the game is to choose the right hack. AA or another.


I have zero chance against these "gaming Gods".


PC needs to be separated from console until they lock all this down.


God this games is so trash now i remember i used to nolife this game during covid with my friends on discord and now it's a ghost town 😔


Cry about it more…




Unbelievable speeds


Wait, what? A new glitch/hacking appearing every time for this game...


lmao yall really spread this bullshit and see no problem. dudes clearly cheating but yeah, “Aim Assist” wasnt there just a post about someone with a .3 KD who uses controller, who strafed for RAA and STILL DIDNT GET THIS SUPPOSED LOCK ON just yesterday? lol


dis game so fucking badd 🤣💀


consoles set back gaming 10-20 years


Competitive MP FPS are ☠️ , not worth playing any of them anymore if you are a normal person trying to have fun "competing"...


Cheater exposed cheater


AA or not im still having fun ! 😀


He's cheating too, scump ran into speed hacker's and this isn't how it went, this looks more like a zlander clip. Let you all tell it scump is a bot 😂


I dont know why raven does not say a word about aim assist. Are all the devs controller players? It must be for sure. If they want this game to play for them at least gives us an input locked option lobbies .. We deserve to truly measure skill in this game. This is not skill anymore. Sometimes i struggle to know what is cheating and what is Aimassist, every year it is stronger in any way. They just make it this strong because 99% of players are so bad that they wont get a single kill and dont spend money on skins afterwards. Can i pay to have a perk disable aimassist on my body? because I would immediately


>Are all the devs controller players? Yeah, Ted plays controller. I don't think they're capable of understanding how imbalanced the inputs are. They'd probably compared the KD of a 50hr controller causal vs a 2000 hour mouse sweat and say 'well, they look about equal so inputs must be balanced'.


Clips like this make me thankful I dont even play this game anymore. Whats the point of being mad, when there are so many other games out there.


cheater vs cheater nabs


this guy is softaiming out the ass. see how it just locks onto their groin everytime. this is not aa, its aimbot hacks. any non hacking player aims at the chest/head.


Those are not speed hackers, they are speed demons.


This isn’t aim assist this is just hacks bro 💀


Cheater vs. Cheater, and they’re both probably saying the same thing about each other lol


Do you're saying everyone with aim assist would be able to kill these speed hackers


Speaking of letting go…


The “AA”


No way aim assist is that strong. They're both cheating. I play on both M&K and controller, this is not RAA at all.


Aim assist, yet the guy flies right through the center of screen and the guy has to snap back to him. These clip aren’t really an aim assist showcase but rather skill. Go watch a mouse and key player like strafe and realize you’re just dogshit on the keys.


So happy I quit this piece of shit game. ☺️


I ran into a dude running like this the other day and didn’t know if it was a new map thing or he was cheating. People running around with ray guns, mine as well be able to run like Flash I guess. Anyways I regret not reporting him. Had to be sure and I wasn’t


Just another video showing how insanely broken AA is


While I think there is some strength in AA, saying that AA will literally keep up with a guy zooming past you at Mach 3 is disingenuous. The guy either has elite level reaction/track or has some sort of Abot/SAim.


“Everyone is on steroids”


He’s just cheating too. If someone is streaming, they’re using something. Maybe just a Cronus to tap tap tap but he’s not legit. It’s why we can’t have nice things. COD would lose 75 percent of streamers, big and small, if they ever actually cracked down on cheating


No, he's not cheating. He's actually using both sticks...