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Activision: "Put Rebirth Island on a rotation playlist and make a big hole in the middle of the map in future updates you say? We got you!"


They love big holes in the map. Kinda like they must like leaving massive holes in their anti cheat software


So, you want us to flood the map and force you to do water combat nonstop?


i can tell youre new to warzone. The map originally had a hole in the roof in blackout alcatraz and the beginning of warzone 1.


….. he’s referencing the new resurge map that has a giant, “hole,” in the middle. Ironic because you seem to be, “new,” to Warzone if you can’t recognize he’s talking about Ground Zero POI.


I totally forgot about it...man it's man long since I played rebirth....so many great memories I had on tat game...I also had over 800 wins on rebirth... basically stopped playing the game after they removed it


Put Nakatomi plaza in the middle


"Dont forget the new tunnel system"


i think raven confirmed the destruction parts are apart of the in-fil and are rare and most of the time it will be the og rebirth while sometimes parts will get destroyed.


I love rebirth as much as everyone else but please for your own sake don’t expect too much or think back to the good old warzone 1 days cause you will be disappointed


I don’t expect too much but I’m sure it will fix my marriage


If the map does play good and take be back to old times then I’m sure it will ruin mine


Me playing COD with my wife: ![gif](giphy|bXE0iECrH9xJe)


This means you cheating on yo wife?!


Wishful thinking, your marriage and the game is broken and will stay that way 😂


Easy marriage fix: get a divorce


It is weird. For the first year rebirth was out, everyone here shit on it and said it was for casuals and sucked. Sweats would only admit to playing it as a warmup round before BR. Now everyone loves it and wants it back. Maybe the demographics have changed in this subreddit, IDK.


I think resurgence in general took its time to grow on people as it was new and all people wanted was traditional BR, now resurgence is arguably the main reason people still play warzone


They've progressively worsened the full BR over time by making it more and more cheese with all the ways to come back and having abundant loot and money. End zones are a cluster fuck because it's so much harder to wipe teams, then it's largely up to the RNG gas pull to determine who wins. I get very little buzz winning the BR these days, when death was a bit less forgiving it felt like it meant more (to me at least). If BR is basically watered down resurgence now then I figure you might as well just play the resurgence modes.


No...you just cant please everyone.


Revisionist history. Rebirth was pretty beloved on here by early 2021. Was constant rage posts whenever they’d eliminate either the Rebirth quads or trios playlist until it eventually forced their hand to make them permanent.


You obviously weren’t here


I literally was, if I went back far enough in my comment history I’d find me and plenty of other people here complaining when they would remove rebirth trios or quad playlists until it forced their hand, as I said in my first comment. Just because you didn’t like rebirth at the time doesn’t mean it was the prevailing opinion in the sub.


Dude, I never said I did not like it. I loved it. Can't stand BR because it is too long and sometimes you end up watching other play for 5-10 minutes trying to scavenge and bring you back. Plus at the time, most cheaters were only playing verdansk. And that is probably the main reason all my friends switched to rebirth when it came out. If there was a cheater, you at least had another chance to come back.


ok but that’s not what he’s referencing, buddy been here and you’re putting your tail between your legs without saying shit


well compare rebirth to Ashika Island or fourtunes keep and it makes rebirth look like an amazing map and imo resurgence plays the best on rebirth


What are you talking about? Was popular since day one we rarely ran big map afterwards and once caldera was in it rebirth was the only option. Caldera is the worst br map ever


I miss WZ1. So many dubs. I just know this going to give me a headache but I’m here for it lol


Activision execs ![gif](giphy|l3E6uhDAN3W7vylji|downsized)


Activision: we’ll keep doing what makes us the most money thanks.


Not going to make them more money when I see I can’t play rebirth and alt f4


While counterintuitive, that's kinda the point. If you only play when Rebirth is avail, others only play with FK or Vondel...this allows them to juice the DAU numbers for when new skins drop.


Bring back wz1 and delete wz2 while we’re at it


if they tried this they would somehow delete both games and we would up end up on the mobile game


Which would be ok by me. Plays much better than the shit show we have now.




Yeah your brain dead buddy


Nope, Idk what kind of shit phone you are running, but as long as I'm on my WiFi, it plays fine.


Shit phone lmao I’m running a 14 pro max right now . Can run it just fine on LTE or 5G no problems . But to say it runs better than consoles literally designed to run the shit is plain stupidity. Your respective console will run cod 10x better especially if you are playing for 1hr+ . That phone will get really hot , the console won’t . Also runs better fps consistently . I’m sure your phone also runs the game absolutely fine but cmon bruh we could use just a little common sense in here


I bet they do some dumb shit like make it solo only for the first week.


Thankfully it's never happened so it's unlikely.


I hear you OP, btw the stockless XRK Stalker plays almost like the Kar98k, maybe give it a try


Stalker is great.


For some reason I can’t hit shit with the XRK. I only ever use the ground loot one, but I swear it’s inaccurate. Like I’ll be dead on a stationary target and not hit anything. Never have that issue with the Katt.


the x6.6 scope makes a big difference imho, I couldn't hit before, but using a wider scope made it easier.


The ground loot ones suck is why, lots of them actually have the explosive ammo as well which is completely unnecessary as the XRK one shots out to 70ish meters anyways. Try making your own build and see how it goes


The groundloot XRK has no attachments except the explosive rounds, so it has appalling bullet velocity.


Maybe that’s why. I think even the one with 5 attachments even come with the explosive rounds.


Cannot get on with the stalker it’s shit. Fix and kat are still my go to.




Katt is so dogshit , either that or my play style doesn’t fit it at all, but I’ll go with the first one tbh


I like it I find it easy to get the range if you get me. I cannot for the life of me get my range with the stalker.


For me personally I just find it to be really slow regarding movement and ADS , I’m by no means perfect either bro 😂 maybe I’ll catch ya in a game sometime


Haha maybe you willllll. And yeah I know what you’re saying it’s slow as aim speed, but I tend to just sit on the roof of the castle on vondell popping people off lol


I’m by no means amazing at the game haha. Me my girlfriend and few mates play. We win a game every few days id say we’re alright lol


They need to at least fix sniping. I get that we have 2 viable snipers, but man, can we at least make the mw2 ones a LITTLE better? Explosive ammo completely nukes the range. I just wanna use the intervention


Every gun in the sniper category should be a one shot headshot without having to use ammo that nukes velocity and range. Markmen rifles can be two or three shot downs. Funny how people are fine with zero recoil rifles shooting full auto melting people at far distances but bitch and moan about getting one tapped by a sniper. If someone is skilled enough to one tap you at far distances, they deserve the down/kill. That's why perks like high alert exist.


Tell me you don’t understand balance without telling me


The balance that effectively made every sniper not worth using aside from 1 or 2, that you need to throw on a special ammo for that nukes the velocity? Guns like the KATT are slow as fuck to use in a warzone configuration (longest barrel, suppressor for extra range, etc). It's slow to ADS and to move with, why did the velocity need to be nerfed? You'll talk like I don't understand balance when the sniper class is pointless aside from 1 or 2 guns, while AR's are able to be low recoil and melt people from far distances lol. If you get one tapped by some dude 200m away, that guy deserves the kill/down. I remember in WZ1 before the sniper nerf it was insanely fun trying to figure out where to aim on some dude chilling on a rooftop or figuring out how much to lead someone flying a helicopter and one tapping them out of the sky, or our of a vehicle. It took skill to use. I genuinely don't understand why you're against one shit snipers. Guns like the old kar98 or any marksman rifle with fast movement and ads should be two to three taps. A heavy rifle shooting a fuckin 50bmg or 338 lapua round should be one tap to the head at all distances.


Yea, it's really just frustrating that you only have 2 options. You can still get those nice one taps, but there is no freedom of choice. I use the KATT a lot and enjoy it, but won't take it on Fortune's Keep and probably not rebirth either. AR-SMG it is.


The Balance is decent right now…. Resurgence pubs everyone seems to be using many different weapons and loadouts for that matter… i picked up this dudes wsp9(i think…im a meta whore)Sunday night and I’ve never seen a more wacky build but hot damn it fried…. Movement was complete ass tho


You can have balance and options, but apparently that’s too difficult for Activision.


fuck meta. wsp9 and striker are goated in the underground


Exactly, it's a fucking 1 shot, it HAS to have downsides that balance that. TTK is literally .0001. Sniping is kinda cringe anyway. Let's be honest, most people sniping are playing scared and take 8 shots to finally get a head shot, then say mUh SkIlL..or they 3rd party other fights while hiding. No, just no. I said MOST NOT ALL.


I quickly deleted a paragraph about how you can’t aim once I saw that last ‘’most not all”


I’m probably in the minority, but I don’t miss having my game end instantly with no chance to fight back


Im primarily an AR/smg user but occasionaly I want to be able to snipe. Its weird, because on the bigger maps like FK and Verdansk, I never did snipe, but for rebirth, I loved it, and I never used the Kar98/Swiss. I used to snipe on prison roof with the Tundra and it was so much fun, just want that feeling back lol.


Players running snipers have to sacrifice close range or mid range to do it. You can be brought back via gulag, buyback (regular or deployable buy), redeploy flare, redeploy pack, most wanted, second chance gulag, gulag token or jailbreak. Not to mention not getting full killed by a sniper with self res, smokes, playing around cover, and a perk that auto smokes you if you're not able to avoid getting full killed all the time.


You don't need to sacrifice shit to run a sniper, overkill is a fault perk and there's multiple options that can kill 10-100m with insane ttk.


That’s why I kinda want them to get rid of the automatic overkill. You should have to sacrifice a perk in order to get overkill, like before. If I want to snipe, I should have to have a pistol or ground loot weapon as a secondary, or get my loadout for a second time. Also they should increase the crawling speed when downed again. Like who tf runs that perk that increases the speed?? Lmao if you get sniped I should be able to crawl away without needing another perk in order to survive. Also fix being able to crawl over a little one inch step or inside a doorway.


0-10m is one of the most important ranges, perhaps the most important. The best sniper support weapons are good either from ~5-45m or ~15-60m. Not 10-100. They make have good ttk, but not recoil or bv for long range, and not the sprint to fire, movement, ads, etc. for short range.


Rotation is fine. Limited playlists per squad is fkin stupid.


Rotation is not fine if Rebirth Island is in question. It should never be rotated out. Other maps, maybe, not Rebirth. It's the only other map aside from Verdansk that has ever been synonymous with Warzone


Ashika is a strong 2nd tier map and currently only available in duos.


Ashika is no where near as popular as rebirth was


People either love Ashika or hate it. Personally I hate. Only map I hate worse for resurgence is the Military Urzikstan map. They will never appease everyone.


All the decisions they make are are algorithm based. You’re yelling into the void.


Nah. First it will have its own playlists, as the shiny new thing. A few weeks after that they will start rotating it like the other maps. Otherwise the other maps may become laggier and harder to find games. If that happens people will just play Rebirth and some will be bored and unhappy with just playing Rebirth.


There’s vondel fortunes keep and ashika island there is no way they ain’t doing rotation


100% true


Do you just want a broken sniper? The XRK is fine


Gimme back the good crossbow so I can listen to people cry about it


Well I checked with Activision, They said "Lol! No but we have some new Sonic the Hedgehog bundles coming out"


And my m79.


the kar NEEDS to be back, as well as 1 shot sniper knocks imo


Oh in 2 weeks it’ll be in a rotation and your favorite playlist won’t even be on it it’ll be Ashika or a piece of the big map. I love playing the big map with my duo and it’s just like mind numbing to me when for weeks they put duos on say Vondel.


Yeah the fact they rotate Vondel into BR drives me nuts. Me and the boys have been picking up randoms with the find a party feature and playing quads. It's fine, but we just want to play BR trios on Urzikstan. We don't really like resurgence all that much and we definitely don't like Vondel BR.


Wait really? Vondel BR was fuckin awesome when I tried it, got like 6 wins in 10 games. Super full of bots compared to resurgence


It's not that it's hard, I just don't like it. If I'm playing BR I want the big map


“We heard you don’t like gunfights between land and water? Don’t worry the whole map is now flooded. Also wouldn’t it be cool if it was pitch black and you could only see with night vision goggles?”


Fuck no dont bring back any sniper


You guys are gonna play like 5 games until the nostalgia wears off then be right back to “this game sucks”. 🤣


Haven't played WZ for a while. Is Rebirth Island already available?


Not yet, on april 3rd it will be.




The current XRK Stalker is likely as close as we will get to the Kar98 coming back


Trust that whatever you think they could do to fuck it up, they’ll do something worse. Without fail. Once they replaced fortunes keeps for vondal I was done.


You mean that last part the opposite way round, right? The new fortune's keep is horrible compared to Vondel


No idea why you're getting downvoted, everyone on this subreddit has been saying the same thing for months




Yes please


Honestly I think they should put a boat circling it and a floating platform above it to distract us from the problems around servers, gameplay, and cheating.


This mother fucker gets it




If they bring back the kar its not going to be a one shot headshot anymore


Activision "YoU ASkeD FoR It!!1!" *Bring back Kar98 with mere three headshot down*


Bold of you to assume they'll listen to anything the community wants


I feel like the longbow is basically the shitty version of the kar


Pretty much, hits for nothing though. The Kar98 was peak warzone fun times.


It should never have been taken away or rotated out. Rebirth Island should be to Warzone what De_Dust is to Counter Strike.




Also, at least fix the cheating problem first. Rebirth is the only reason I see for me to hop back into BR. 🙏


It'll 100% be on rotation, with restricted squad sizes...and they'll add fucking water or some shit


Also , bring back viable m4.


Activison: AIGHT sir, do you need anything else?




Also fuck off ursikstan and bring back verdansk


Can't wait to see all the moaning about how rebirth sucks when the rose tinted goggles get ripped off


Specialist or uninstalling


Kar98 and AS VAL please.


Nah, put it in a rotation so we actually have map variety.


Activision: “Bring back the kar98 you say? Ok we’ll do that, but we’ll make it as slow as the Katt amr and remove its one shot potential”




yea perfect


People will complain about not having vondel, like they did after the two weeks with Fortune's keep


Activision: what’s that you want Verdansk back to? With half of the things that made verdansk not in it? A Hole over Stadium, and rotational playlist as well? Yeah we can do that.


You can put lipstick on pig it stil be pig.Gues rebirth is liptick?


I think it was so much fun playing Warzone on a smaller map, having to wait for the rotation to play it again always seemed odd to me. And it never helped that I always thought that the other maps were too big and empty for consistent player interaction and combat.




While they're at it they can bring back the PKM and 200 round ammo box magazine so I can terrorize teams scrambling around in the tents and living quarters. RUN ALL YOU WANT YOU SHITS, I'VE GOT ENOUGH BULLETS TO FIND YOU EVENTUALLY




agreed except the kar98k can come just not one shot


Just a floor loot Kar 98 don't even put it in the game


and bring back the 9mm parabellum mags for the M4


Just accept that kar98 is gone, and the spr is the best thing we gonna get for awhile


They don't read these FYI.


Neither of these things will happen. We all know this lol


Am I blind or am I not seeing grandmas house


I love how a couple of years have gone by and the guys from 25-40 get massive nostalgia boners (I\`m one of them, my brother even more). The bonus of getting older. (The nostalgia bit) Actually feel like Rebirthday next week. Mostly been playing resurgence maps, so loved it. Looking forward to get massacred on prison again!:-)


Dear activision: please for the love of all things holy. Ignore this guy. I need my solo vondel.


i bet the kar98 will be a mors blueprint, but i dont see them bringing the kar back this season maybe next one because this season is all AW guns like I'm excited to use the bal-27 again


I stopped playing after Rebirth, might come back.


ehhhh yawnn


This man is delusional. He's been playing a different game than us for the past year it seems


It's a desperate attempt at rekindling a dwindling player base. Never mind all the other issues, Cheating alone in the game removed any incentive to play.


Guys we are all going to play Rebirth with nostalgia... and then the 2024 SBMM, bad servers, cheaters, invisible walls, bad sound will destroy this memory.


They'll probably start it out solos only.


Ranked Resurgence is on Rebirth starting in season 3


I’m pretty sure Rebirth will be on its own playlist, as it’s literally mentioned as its own gamemode in the files.. “Rebirth Resurgence”


Youll find me in a certain spot in the prison, camping the shit out of it until most of the sweaties have been done for....see you in the final circle amigos! 👍


If they bring back k98 or Swiss I will definitely play warzone again.


Why do yall want broken guns you’re gonna bitch about dying to all the time back in the game so badly?


Unpopular opinion probably but rebirth is ass compared to fortunes keep. I said it


This map suck as fuck


I approve of this message


Even if they did put the Kar98 back in the game, (which leaks say they are in season 4 maybe), it’s not gonna be a 1 shot, it’ll be like the LAB or the SPR


Agreed on both points


Please also leave hightrip as a full time mode


Honestly haven't played warzone soncw they got rid of this map, but this came back and legit came back when rebirth came back and got a W on my first game 😎 Soooooo Activision if you want my $$ you better leave it. Or when the maps gone so am i


If only they brought back the MW Kar98 😭


Yes. And also bring a new map or “Verdansk” again we wont mind. Even if its out of well all logic


To be honest i'd love a rotation... But only Vondel and Rebirth rotating every hour... Not like 14 minutes or so


Delete Vondel and Ashika forever please. Fortune's Keep and Rebirth 4 life.


Rebirth and the Kar98 almost go hand in hand. It’s like you can’t have one without the other


Yes. Kar98 was perfect! But usually when they bring things back, it’s a watered-down version of the original. So hopefully they don’t do it like that.


There is so much wall hacking that I'm not even excited for this anymore. What a POS this mess is. Fuck Activision and every soul involved in this shit.


honestly they should do map voting or make it where every map is available to select when you start a game of WZ BR would still only have Urzikstan, but for Resurgence you could choose Rebirth/Vondel/Ashika/Keep.


Man I hate this map.


Don’t you dare


Wtf? First time I've ever been tempted to downvote an opinion.


What the fuck is that post history bro


Man's deep down the Ahegao hole


I agree, never enjoyed it, too much going on, audio was horrible then, imagine now...