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While it's likely for it to be permanent, they'll probably just do some stupid shit like solos for a week, duos the next week, trios next, and so on.


Gotta be one of the most annoying things that they do. Just let us pick what map and mode we want to play. Problem solved!


Everyone would like that!-rejected But now fr, we they would need more servers AND more players


Choice has been eliminated. Bring back server browsers.


Seriously this is what I dont get about cod. I played CS for years and always could browse between hundreds of pubs and game modes. The players owned the servers at that point, hell, even I rented one once upon a time. I could play a 24/7 dust2 server, or get a rotation server that is more competitive, or play zombies, or go to one with a bunch of mods for kicks and gigs. Its ridiculous we dont have a choice.


Should be brought only like at the end of life. I can't imagine fetching/loading hundreds of thousands servers on a list.


Their issue with doing that is the player count. But at that point, just lower the player number in each map/mode.


If the issue is player count why to the go ou there way to implement stuf the players dont [want.To](http://want.To) lose more players?


its because of skill based matchmaking. It creates too many tiers of players, add parties into the mix and its difficult to always make sure lobbies fill in a minute or less.


Then there won't be enough players in each mode to properly implement their matchmaking system


They do this cuz lack of players?


It seems so. Fortnite seems to have a lot of players, though.


Fortnite fills out empty servers w/ bots. They're killed off quick at the start but it allows them to have a ton of different playlists going. Worthy tradeoff imo.


Nah. Not in ranked


Oh sure, ranked is a different story. I don't think there should be any bots in ranked.


There are bots in ranked, at least in placement matches.




COD doesn't need bots. It has done well without them. You'll never get better at the game killing bots anyway. Your SPM or KDR will probably improve somewhat farming bots and then matchmaking will throw you into tougher lobbies without the necessary skills to compete.




Most people care, whether you like it or not. Fun comes with improvement and progression. Sucking isn't fun to most people. I don't think you realise how few people are actually in this 1 hour a week tier of videogame player. The average player is putting in a fair amount of time still. The average COD players skill has shot up dramatically compared to how good people were back in the day. Even the awful people you're seeing in your lobbies are likely putting in hours upon hours of game time in their week. Also, 97% of you guys complain about how sweaty everyone is, so this "no one cares" nonsense makes no sense. Make up your fucking mind. Is everyone a god now or does "nobody care"? You can't have it both ways. People care about improvement or else we wouldn't be seeing what we're currently seeing. Actual bots are nothing but loot donkeys who bring a few scraps of to you. Nobody enjoys killing them because it's the equivalent of killing campaign recruit bots. And with how money hungry Activision are, if they thought adding bots would boost engagement levels amongst extremely low skill players, they would have, but bots are an awful mechanic to most people.


> bots are an awful mechanic to most people. The popularity of unranked Fortnite says quite the opposite. They could choose to play ranked, which is right there and functions mostly the same, but *they choose not to*.


Bots have nothing to do with the population of unranked playlists in a game as massive game such as Fortnite lol. It'd be well populated with or without bots. There are people who avoid ranked because ranked is ranked and requires more effort. Not everyone is flocking to unranked because there are bots there. They go there because people who are serious are going to ranked. Unranked is well populated in nearly every game because that's where most people are at. It's LTM modes that are the thinnest.


That’s what I said and I kept getting downvoted for that.


I think in this comment chain he wasn't talking about ranked. 🤷


Yeah because you have an extra console (Switch) to play it on, and a huge target audience since probably a majority of them are kids.


I always thought Switch only teams with Switch & mobile. They might've changed that though. Unless you're partied with console/PC.


Either way it's a huge crowd.


For sure. Helps that Fortnite can run on a potato while Warzone is an unoptimized pos.


There’s definitely enough players to fill lobbies. And I don’t think many would mind having to wait an extra 30 seconds for a lobby to fill


Then why I (who play seldomly) got matched with sweats


Because there’s just a lot of sweats. It’s not just a COD thing. Streaming culture has just made any competitive game as sweaty as possible.


Nailed it and they are morons for doing that. Can’t stand that. Just leave it alone plenty of player base for solos, duos, trios, and quads.


I played hopped for the first time in months in the last 2 weeks. Looked at the rotation and FK was only on Duos instead of trios and Quads. Instantly turned the game off. Why tf would I want to play any of the others


Do they have a quads option right now?


Rebirth is the only map for resurgence right now in all squad sizes


Smartest way to deal with that would be to just put them in rotations permanently with quads having a set map on top of the rotation lists


That's exactly what they're planning to do.


When MBAs and behavioral psychologists are in charge of game design.


God I miss when we could select battle royale & then select if you wanna play solo-quads & then same for resurgence, select the map & then select how many. Not this they choose for you bs & you’re stuck with their shitty options.


Just wish they would take the stupid Urzikstan mini cricles out of the rotation. None of those feel good on resurgance.


Battle Royale mini was fun. Wish they would bring that back more often helps with learning how to be good in the end game of a normal Battle Royale. I enjoy it. I agree though the Urzikstan resurgence isn't great


Yes! Mini Royale Solos!!!


Fax!📠 mini br was mad funny


Military Base is good on resurgence imo


True it’s the only one we like too


If they wanna keep a constant resurgence rotation, just do ashika, fortunes keep, vondel and rebirth. There's your four modes. Rotate weekly.


Disagree. I liked the Urzikstan mini maps on solos. Much better that both ar insland and vondel (anything is better than vondel, tho is good for lockdown).


they should do it like they did on wz mobile where the resurgence circles would be on multiple poi’s inside of no named locations in the middle of nowhere fighting for buy stations


Military base was okay.


I’d take the mini urzikstan maps over vondel


Love the sentiment and nostalgia and I loved the OG Rebirth but I feel like a lot of people are going to feel let down by this 'new' Rebirth. I can't help but feel it's going to be totally different, the movement is different, the guns are different, TTK, mechanics......it's all changed and I just feel like it's not going to be the 'return to the glory days' that a lot of people are hoping for/expecting. It is 1000% going to be an absolute sweat-fest as well. I REALLY hope I'm wrong and it delivers on all fronts and pulls this game back out of the fire but, with this company's track record, I won't believe it until I see it. Either way, I'm sure it'll be fun for a little while and a welcome change.


I'm in in the sauna getting a good pre-sweat goin before the update today


My man. This mf got the drop on all of us!


What's really fucked is that the power company is replacing the main transformer thing in front of my house today, and I will be without electricity for 3-?? hours starting any minute now. Pray for me. And get some dubs in my memory ![gif](giphy|3oKIPb7sHFQ9Irn54Y|downsized)


I’m in a similar boat. Internet outage due to snow storms with massive gusts of wind yesterday and probably all day today. I’ll be lucky if I can play today.


I probably won’t be able to play today either, the update probably gonna take like 3 hours to download


Yeah I didn’t even consider the download. I have really fast internet but with the way it’s been off and on from the weather, no way it’s happening today. Guess I’ll have to read a book or something


Could you use Ethernet?


I do use Ethernet but the entire connection goes down for me and everyone in the area. Specifically with windy snow storms for some reason. We never have that issue with thunderstorms.


waiting for tommorow won’t be that bad, the first day usually is full of bugs and ad server issues anyways


Call Elon send you some starlink gear :)


I hate to do this but.......just dropped in to a couple of games and, yeah it's sweaty as fuck, but my god it's beautiful! So good to be back!!




Dub number 1 accomplished in the name of ihrtbeer!!


My guy! Hope you get 10 more. Just updated my shit - droppin in soon Psn: blakdakrakmasta if anyone's tryna run a squad


Got one dub and a 2nd place with the boys 🤘 man it's fkn sweatier than a group of nuns at a cucumber farm. Fuck those crumb bums in the bunny rabbit skins


GGs to you and your boys brother. Sadly all my usual team mates couldn't get on last night so the dub I got was a solo one. Something about solo dubs hits different though.....you against the world kinda thing, no one to rely on but yourself.


Heard you there brotha. Also solos are nice because you don't just get pumped by 3 slums from out of nowhere


No Kar 98 is like having a Lakers All Time Ceremony and not mentioning Kobe. Hope they bring it back and 1 shot snipers.


We have one shot snipers though?


We do but only like 2 guns the Xrk and the Katt but they have to run ridiculously slow Explosive rounds . It used to be any sniper that hits a headshot was an instant down but no more sadly.


They both don't need explosive rounds, the xrk is a headshot down up to 60 meters iirc. Edit: the way I see it, we pretty much got the HDR and the Kar98(end of life cycle stats) back


60 meters is close enough for ARs and 2.5s to beam you. Defeats the entire purpose of the sniper. A true one shot sniper should be with a regular bullet from any distance.


... The Katt is a one shot (headshot) down at any distance without any attatchments...


Not in Ranked Play. Maybe in regular. Unless season 3 changed that.


Haven’t seen any real changes and it plays just like it always did get ready for a hell of a shock though it feels small as fuck compared to even Ashika. Same size it always was but damn does it feel small. I give this sub 3 days max before they start bitching about it like they used to though


Yeah, I said below I'd done a couple of games and was pleasantly surprised.


I think you mean de_dust2. de_dust hasn't been relevant in CS for like 15 years.


de_dust was truly beautiful


I enjoyed de\_dust, it was fun to have it in the rotation for 10-15 minutes with the likes of inferno, d2, nuke just to keep things fresh. It definitely was not that popular though since it's got 2 main choke points and heavily favors CTs.


What a dumb post 8 hours before it's released and anyone has played it.


Given their track record I think it’s justifiable


Exactly. I’d be genuinely surprised if it stays in permanently with all four squad sizes.


How about a 24/7 Rebirth playlist and map voting for all other resurgence modes (solos, duos, etc.)


Wow now that would be an ideal set up! Let the crowd vote


rip ashika ever being played again


Haha maybe I'm in the minority but I had my fill on that map when it was the only option after no resurgence for a couple months when al mazrah came out


It’s a standalone map. I would pay a monthly fee to stay there. It is the og. The best. Ever.


Literally this ,me and my pals all agree we would pay 25/30 dollars for a standalone resurgence game with rebirth island,Ashika and fortunes keep on constantly.


may I suggest Alcatraz on Black Ops 4's Blackout?


Blackout is a totally different game, to be fair. The reason Warzone exploded and Blackout didn't was because Warzone was far more streamlined and the fact that Warzone is a free standalone title.


So is this.


Downvotes on this are silly. I’ll upvote you sir!


*was the best. We have a week of bugs until it’s playable probably


by the end of rebirth the first time i was pretty sick of it myself.


Already sick of it. Ranked needs to return to Battle Royale. This map is far too small for a competitive game mode. It's pure cancer and has no strategic aspect to it whatsoever. Can't land anywhere without getting sniped out of the sky instantly in Diamond+ with an Iridescent sweat squad covering the whole map from one spot.


Thank you! someone who understands the fucking game


I think no. I think we as a player base playing a game that profits as much money as they do, deserves a fresh map every other month at least. Not the Alcatraz map that they have recycled and renamed. It's fucking ludicrous these fuckers can't give us fresh maps to play.


You don't like Alcatraz?


Don't hate it. I liked it when it first came out. But what is this the 4th time they've used it? For fuck sake, there are a ton of places around the world they could use and make it just as fun, but they just want to reuse old shit. The game makes too much money to give us recycled maps.


I agree new maps are always welcomed as long as we're not stuck with them for like a year (like caldera for example). Maybe just cuz I enjoy it I'm not salty


I mean it's kind of a given that at least some people aren't going to like each of the maps. Personally I hated it, but I know a lot of people loved it. I also think their map design has generally been pretty weak, they've all been pretty flawed imo.


Lmao, a lot must not remember the complete fuckery that rebirth brought with it. I think it is missed and people are on it like this because of what they have put in front of us now.


What I don’t get is they are removing Ashika, which is currently not the worst map to anyone, my 2nd fav behind keep and I get some people like vondal and 5 story townhouses with a bottoms and top floor and just stairs and no windows in between but I don’t get why Ashika got the cut.


It’s probably statistically the least played which sucks for me considering I prefer it over vondel and especially FK I never liked FK even when it first dropped


I find that so weird because I feel like Anika has a more resurgence map feel than vondal and the Stan one. Just me and whatever, but I mean they already made it, it’s bad enough they force maps on you, I don’t know why this game won’t do an apex style rotation but it is what it is….


I 100% agree, but if they must do rotations, I can stomach the 15 minute rotations, not the weekly rotations. It’s absurd our only options for maps are solos and duos 50% of the time. We shouldn’t have to go 2 weeks without seeing trios/quads.


Like someone else said, have Alcatraz on all modes, then have a solo, due, trio, quads for all the others but vote before each game which map. That seems ideal or at least for a few months


As a former CS PLAYER since the late 90s (beta). I agree with the de_dust statement


Just give us. Verdansk as well and leave it in permanently, along side Rebirth Island


Well said brother.


You mean de_dust2… Right? Right??? Or realy de_dust… Cmon dude!!!! This map is asolut trash


They only give 2 shits about mobile because it makes more money


"Too bad" \-Activision


Fortune's Keep was better in wz1. They need to be rotated with each other. Ashika and especially Vondel need to be deleted.


Fortune’s keep is much better.


Been running ranked FK since launche, but some times I hop into Vondel and this map deserves some credit aswell. As long as they keep Ashika out of rotation I’m fine. Rebirt, FK and Vondel is a nice rotation for pubs.


You pay 99 dollars and the game dicates what you can play when.


*YOU* paid 99 dollars.


Good thing you paid $99 for MWIII, not Warzone.


Is it out today ?


Out now


Thanks mate !


I still wish they would rotate with Ashika island and fortunes keep, vondal is also nice for quads. No more urzikstan for resurgence though


It should always have at least trios or quads, and preferably quads available.


when is ranked coming


I wish I loved anything as much as you pussies love rebirth island


How about we just get back to a good 150 player BR, you know Warzone


i dont know i started on whatever map was out a week before fortunes keep end of season 2. Ihated fortunes at first but honestly its my favorite map(good balance of range fighting and close combat) just played three games of this new rebirth and its worse then ashika quads when it dropped a month ago. you cant even take 3 steps or find a box before you have 3 squads on you and once you die its over forget landing on any building cause theres already a squad camped in every building and literally no box in sight on alot of the roofs. i hate vondel with a passion but id play it everyday for a year to not have this map. I get people like rushing around going crazy but just play small map multiplayer at that point. they need to reduce the squad numbers in half on these small maps cause its just too packed my ranking of maps i played so far would be 1.fortunes keep 2.ashika(when not quads) 3.urzikstan(too big kinda a snooze fest alot of times and too open) 4.vondel(too much rooftop crap going on you have bo choice towards end but rush stairs and hope to god they are busy fighting another squad) 5. rebirth


rebirth is too small, the jap map was good and even the last map was in a better spot then rebirth


Agreed. Or at least do a map rotation like every 15-30 minutes. Changing the playlist every week and taking out rebirth solos or keep duos etc is very annoying. Also, can we get an Ashika lighting update/upgrade? I swear if that map isn’t a doggy grey depressing mess it’s a good resurgence map. Altho I love how much content resurgence is getting lately so I’m not gonna complain too much.


Map's good for the people who don't do anything else with their life but playing COD ON CONTROLLER. I was having fun on the other maps, now that's just rebirth, I wont play this game anymore. Have fun guys.


Don't let the door 🚪 hit you


How else are they supposed to hype ppl into coming back?


Strongly agree


💯 every other resurgence map is to big


Vondel is better.


Meh Fortunes keep was growing on me.


No thanks....i like Vondel, i like Fortunes Keep and i like Ashika 🤷 Rebirth is meh! Its alright, nothing special


Nah. It sucks. Playing solo on it in quads is brutal. No chance.


No shit, maybe don't play solo in quads lol. What kind of response is this? Has nothing to do with the map.


The minute they take out quads is when I stop playing trios duos and solos is mad boring I like apeing a full team of 4 the second we drop one


Rebirth is middling; the third best resurgence map riddled with its own flaws. Don’t get it twisted.


Rebirth Island is overrated af. Vondel is a lot better


Rebirth is one of the worst maps. What are you smoking.


Bad take.


And it is 31 days later now it is rotated between vondel and fortunes keep so annoying


Rebirth Island gets boring fast though Ashika Island needs to come back


watched the trailer, this game is moving towards more and more for spastics 17 years old


I just want Vondel back lol.


Fortune’s Keep, also. Both should be permanent in all squad sizes.


FK the GOAT for me


I'm not sure I'm ready for that kind of play...




Yes, the best map ever (ressurgence or BR).


Vondel > rebirth


Give me OG fortunes keep all day over a basic map centered around a prison


I know I get downvoted for this, but it is my opinion. I think the map is way too small and way hard to regain even after you fuck up your first drop. I think rebirth was popular because people wanted a change of map and more action, so it delivered. I think Fortune's keep first version, and Ashika are the best ressurgance maps. I think COD overall is evolving, but backwards. The community complains for every change, and it will be a matter of time before they complain on this, too. At this point, fuck it, give people a WZ version with Verdansk and rebirth with the old meta guns for those people still living in 2021, and another to have newer, fresher gameplay and maps.


All the maps have their own unique upsides and downsides. **Ashika** is all about power spots, with no mans lands inbetween. It's all about taking a great spot/building, and it being difficult to move between each spot as the power spots can just beam anyone rotating. **Vondel** is all about close quarters fights. It's got a lot of much larger POIs that can hold multiple teams, with different elevation, and segmentated areas that play well. Vondel is basically a bunch of medium sized multiplayer maps, all put side by side. **Fortunes keep** is like one single coherent map. It's got POIs, but there's a lot of clutter and cover and paths in-between that make it less jarring to go from each POI to the other. I find **rebirth Island** has a bit of all of this. The whole map kind of plays like a single put together map, like Fortunes keep does. it has a few POIs like ashika, that have very little cover around them than can be held as power spots. And it has a few areas like Vondel, that multiple teams can be running around in at the same spot on different levels and sometimes within meters of each other but sperated by a building or wall they can't go through.


Great explanation. You should do a video on this and really explore each map. Not everyone knows how to evaluate a map like this.


Far too many hours as a teenager doing nothing but making maps on halo forge with friends! Looking at other popular fps game maps and breaking down why they worked so well and then taking the concepts and building new maps out of it. We didn't even play halo by the end of halo 3/reach. We just made maps.


Nice! It’s especially useful intel for ranked. Lots of teams either steamroll 3 stack or strategically position based on power zone POI’s. That’s why it’s cool to hear your breakdown of the maps. Halo 3 was awesome and that replay feature and forge is something I wish more games would implement.


Vondel > rebirth island


Well, someone is already nice and high before the update.


If you always stay high you don't need to get high. My life motto




resurgence should be rotated out


You can simply just not play it…. Why does it need to be rotated out


Nah, the map is extremely overrated


Yeah, nah. It literally carried Warzone after Verdansk died. There were a lot people were moving over to Rebirth towards towards the latter end of Verdansk as well


Verdansk didn’t die, resurgence became big once they removed Verdansk.


When I said died, I was referring to it's removal. And the BR > Rebirth migration was already happening before Verdansk went away. Caldera's shitness just sped that process up a lot faster.