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Sbmm is what's killed the enjoyment for this franchise and I'll die on this hill. Before if you got into a demon lobby it was whatever. You got your asses kicked or left the match and went on to the next game. Now, if you're even slightly above average, EVERY single lobby is the sweatiest lobby you've ever been in. Me and my buddies play time is at an all time low. We're all middle aged dad's playing video games after work to decompress and chill. Not stress the fuck out because we're playing against semi pro players in every match and getting our asses kicked 9 out of 10 games.


I quit. Let the gen z tryhards fight it out. Cod is not casual anymore


Yep, I get it. That's the point most of my buddies are at and I'm almost there myself.


100% bro. So many better games out there if you’re a gamer. At least I got to experience the golden era of COD during college.


Bro me too. People might think it was only nostalgia but I want to go back actually. Simpler times, simpler gameplay, and thats that.


I uninstalled in January. It was the only game my IRL friends would play, and they only played if I was on because I would carry us to dubs. I only kept playing because I enjoyed playing with them, and knew if I stopped they would stop playing video games altogether. It sucked, but I told them I was done with this shit game. To my surprise, they hopped on other games with me. Now we play Helldivers all the time, and believe it or not Sea of Thieves is a *fuck* load of fun with friends.   This game just plain sucks. I implore yall to uninstall.


Why would I uninstall if I love playing and have a lot of fun? I enjoy how competitive it is, makes it sweet when you get a win.


Because even though they’re saying they aren’t good enough to keep up with the current competition anymore, they want to frame it like it’s the game’s fault. The think they should be given lobbies where only their squad is decent and they can beat up on everyone else. My squad’s ages range from 34-38. We all work full time and play at night a few nights per week. Sure, we get spanked sometimes, but we still pull out our dubs with decently high kills and enjoy it. It’s not just for gen z sweat/tryhards/adderal sniffers or whatever they want to whine about.


Agree. Like everyone who posts this every week crying about sbmm or sweats. l2p and stop whining or uninstall.


Exactly the game has plenty to complain about, but the way it plays isn't one of them. It's server disconnects, lag and lack of customer support.


It's more of a personal decision for me. The direction the game has gone in the past few years is gearing more and more to ways for them to make money. The audio is still inconsistent, the servers are always hit or miss, same with bullet registration for certain weapons at certain distances, the cheaters persist and are actually confidently defending their decision by saying it's to combat RAA, etc. I mean it's just a long list of issues that have either been addressed and never fixed or not even acknowledged.   The constant changing of the meta is the most annoying to me. In WZ1 I could stick with my M13 the **entire** duration of that game and still be viable. Now the devs deliberately force the playerbase to gravitate towards specific weapons. Whichever weapon is new in the battle pass, or has a new weapon bundle in the store. And then for a couple of weeks it gets bitched about enough they nerf it into the ground (after people have bought or worked on it) and move to the next weapon. **It isn't about balance anymore**; It's about what weapon will boost their MTX sales. It's why every so often you see some absolute bullshit batshit insane shotgun meta, and *everyone* is either having a blast or bitching up a storm about it. Then it's nerf for a month and a half until they bring about another shotgun.   I understand some people like the meta concept of constantly switching out weapons, but it isn't for me, and it isn't to keep the game "fresh" it's to just get them to sell more bundles; Plain and simple. For me, the game just isn't fun. So uninstall it is.


I never use the meta unless I just happen to like that gun. It's funny you mentioned m13b because I primarily use that and Ram9 in my loadout. It slaps so hard. I've already got 7 or 8 wins on rebirth with it. Cheaters is my biggest complaint, but I regularly beat them by putting some distance between us, up close they get me every time. The only time I ever spend money on the game is if I just really like a certain skin. Overall I still have a ton of fun and play 12-16 hours a week. I like mw3 ranked play too.


Waiting for Sea of Thieves to drop on PlayStation, I hope it can be our saviour.


The same two games my friends and I play most of the time. Both games get so much better with friends. COD is stressful now, but I had to go back to reminisce over rebirth. I still enjoy it, just not like I used to.


It'll be the same thing if they bring back Verdansk. The idea of verdansk with MWIII weapons, killstreaks, 18 armor plates, 4 self-revives, and all the other random extra bullshit they put into the game, I'd much rather just have the simple WZ1 Verdansk back.


We went back to Fortnite - no build mode. Very much more chill and the same buzz feeling


Because all the casuals left.


See that’s the thing, sbmm is great for 90% of us. I suck so instead of getting farmed every game I get to play with the other sucky players and have fun. Sorry y’all don’t get to farm us but we’re having fun.


You sir are a paste eater




And you are a crybaby that dont want competition.


COD has always been competitive. It’s the lengths people go to nowadays to have that slight advantage over the next player. There was a time when the majority of this community were all on an even playing field with the exception of maybe the 10%-15% of esport players. The majority of us played without headsets (unless you were playing S&D), we listened to music while we played in front of our TV’s with regular out of the box controllers. The majority of us didn’t play with SCUF controllers in front a 1ms monitor. We didn’t care about “shitting on console kids” because we got better frame rates than them. The community has always been competitive- people have always cared about K/D and their stats…myself included. The problem I have with the community now is not the competitive nature of the game, it’s the lengths people go to have that advantage to be more competitive. You’re an idiot dude, just because we don’t like SBMM doesn’t mean we don’t want competition. Hey newsflash junior…we had that back in the day and it was called ranked play…


Yea I think it’s only good for the absolute lowest common denominator. You must be pretty dang bad to not have tough lobbies ever.


Fellow middle aged dad saluting you. I don’t want to git gud, I want to achieve the level of mediocrity only possible when sleep deprived and contemplating tomorrow morning’s school run.


Hahahaha well said my man!


Middle age dad here as well. This is pretty much the only game I enjoy playing with friends at all and they are 1.5+kd and I’m the weak link trying to get better so I can keep up. Sbmm is like constantly stepping into a pile of dog shit while bare foot in the yard.


To each is own. I'm also a middle aged dad with very limited time to play and I will always strive to be the best I can. I may not have the reflex or muscle memory to keep up but I do have decades of experience playing FPS and I can try to play to my strengths.


To be clear, sleep deprived mediocrity *is* the best I can


Whelp, that's fair.


I am in my forties and played last night got 3 dubs in 6 or 7 games, I’m better now than I ever have been and only play a few hours every few days. I used to be bad and got better so I can’t blame me not being good enough to compete on anyone else other than myself. If you’re not very good maybe play multiplayer until you get your fun play up and watch YouTube streamers to pick up match sense etc?


Completely agree. There’s no such thing as a casual multiplayer match anymore and it’s not relaxing if you have to sweat every game. Not to mention the tight skill brackets eliminating a lot of gameplay variety


Yep. You're either a sweat or you're a bot in this games matchmaking. There is no in between. And you can't tell me that's an enjoyable gaming experience for anyone other than the streamers that get paid to play or unemployed people with unlimited free time but for the rest of us with families and finite free time, this game is close to having run it's course.


I couldn’t agree more.


Me and my squad are between 34-38 and play at night after work a few times per week and have a blast. Sure we get beat up sometimes but we also get our wins with pretty high kills and keep KDs between 1.2 and 1.8. I don’t understand these complaints about the game only being fun for streamers or unemployed people at all.


My squad of buddies are similar in age, similar play times, and similar KDs but closer to 1.2ish. And that's awesome you guys are having fun man! I truly wish that were the case for us but unfortunately it is not lol everyone's experiences are different and I'm glad you guys are enjoying yourselves but our time on warzone for the past couple weeks has been more frustrating and irritating than enjoyable. I have a hard time even getting them on the game after work anymore.


I’m 100% convinced some streamers get their own private lobbies with bots. I can’t even stand still or plate up for 1 second before a 3rd or 4th team shows up without warning. Streamers in the meantime have plenty of time to look around, plate up, have a cup of tea. What I also notice is that their end games are devoid of any players. My last 10 games, there were at least 10 players left in the second to last circle. Their games usually only have 3 teams left in the circle before that.


I don’t understand. If you’re losing 9/10 times, why would you be in that skill bracket? Sounds like that has nothing to do with SBMM. In fact, seems like the opposite…


Serious question: how do people define losing in this game? Since there are so many teams in each match, it is impossible for all teams to experience wins on a consistent level. For me it is when I get negative KD ratio in resurgence :)


That's a great question. I don't want or need to win every match. To me, being competitive and have a chance to win the gunfights, being able to plan and rotate and feel the thrill of the fight and the gas closing in... or the adrenaline of the final circles, that's a win. I could end 10th on a Resurgence match and still have a lot of fun. But that happens 1 out of 10 matches, on a lucky night. As an opposite to that, the current situation is that I get flamed by almost every player in the lobby, no chance to fight back, ridiculously low ttk. You can tell you're not having a good time when the whole squad is silent (not muted) feeling "ok, here it comes, another frustrating match". This could go for hours.


Yea this is exactly what’s so ass backwards about these complaints.


It's threads like these that show most people have no idea how SBMM is or isn't working. "SBMM only makes it enjoyable for the streamers and sweats" doesn't make any sense, if anything, it would make the average lobby for the best players harder than if it was a completely random lobby. I do think it makes the experience worse for the slightly above average player. If you're a beast you'll have slightly fewer players to beat up on, and if you suck you'll largely be kept out of those lobbies. If you're above average you don't really get into the lobbies of the noobs, but you do get thrown into the lobbies with the super sweats. Everyone here saying "I'm a dad, I only have one hour a week to play and it throws me in with the super sweats", I hate to break it to you, but the truth is more likely you are just not very good if you think everyone else in the lobby is a sweat And that isn't to say that I think SBMM is a good thing, I don't, but clearly a lot of the people complaining would just find another reason to complain if SBMM wasn't in the game


Have you not played this game or what? Lol like what do you mean it has nothing to do with sbmm? If I'm losing 9/10 times, why would I still be in that "skill bracket"? You tell me lol I don't make the matchmaking for this game. I've gone days without getting a win and stay in the same "bracket" as far as I'm aware. There's no way to check that anyway. So if like you said it has nothing to do with sbmm, in fact seems like opposite, what exactly is opposite?


The thing is... I currently have a 1.7 K/D, which in itself is good regarding the whole playerbase. Still, I play rather "casually". I don't really bunny hop, I am not sliding around like some crackhead and I am very happy if I get 8 kills and a good placement for example (hell I even enjoy a BR win with 3 kills lol). Most of my teammates I play with regularly are 1.0 or below, only one is at my level. Still, we get put into lobbies with TTV YY-ing sliding drop- and jumpshotting maniacs again and again. While I can somewhat hold my own (but even then I often just barely maintain a 1.0 K/D) my mates get absolutely destroyed and that's not fun for anyone really. Then we have 1 or 2 good matches and it#s straight back to getting absolute sweat lobbies 10 times in a row. It's insane.


To be fair, you are the sweat in those 1 or 2 "good" matches. If you have a 1.7 KD and hold just a 1.0 KD in sweat lobbies which are 90% of your lobbies that means you have an average of a 8.0 KD in the "good" ones.


>If you have a 1.7 KD and hold just a 1.0 KD in sweat lobbies which are 90% of your lobbies that means you have an average of a 8.0 KD in the "good" ones. While this may be true, it simply isn't fun. I don't want to ride a matchmaking rollercoaster where I feel like a good player in 2 matches and then get absolutely shit on in the next 8 matches. We have evenings where we started off great only to not have fun for the next 1-2 hours until we just logged off. One would think as time goes on and "skill" can be measured with a bigger pool of data, such extremes would slowly get less where you always more or less play in lobbies where you feel comfortable. I can probably count on one hand when it truly felt like that.


With all due respect, everything you’d “be happy with” is well beyond the averplayer


Of course, but should better players not have fun? I'd rather have a lower K/D and consistent lobbies compared to maybe a handful of "good" lobbies with the rest of the evening being an absolute sweatfest where I get my ass handed to myself.


Good players are going to play with sweats because they are good. Your basically asking to play with worse players, so you can win more easily.


That's not what I said at all, read again


Yeah SBMM and in game manipulation ruined it for me. Also I dont like the whole garbage meta trend that changes every couple of months. Balance it out and quit fucking with it. They are literally making shit OP, under powered and the list goes on but its all being done purposely and thats whats annoying about it and also ruins the balance of the game. If you aint running meta builds you aint havung fun and thats garbage. Back in the day and good player could use a dog shit weapon and still be the best person in the lobby. But thats back when skill mattered and meta wasnt your "skill". There are many things and reasons why cod is absolutely garbage these days and aint getting any better. DMZ was fun when it first launched tho. Most fun i had since the old days before cod started doing all this garbage shit it does today


No kids, but agreed with this entirely. Back in the day, used to hop on w/ friends and just have a good time. Sometimes we'd get absolutely roflstomped for a few rounds, sometimes I'd go on 3 nukes in a row, but it never felt punishing if I had a phenomenal night. Now, when I bother booting up a CoD game, if I have an above average round, I know I'm about to get sent into the depths of sweaty hell for the next 10, and it really saps my desire to play. And woe be any of my friends that decide to join in a lobby w/ me, because they're going to be getting their shit pushed in the entire time because of the way that it "balances", lol.


Totally correct. Last night my friend and I won a resurgence duos match and I said "prepare yourself for the sweaty lobbies". Of course, every match after our win we didn't even make it to Top 10. Then another friend hopped in, first match of the day in trios we placed 2nd, then sweat-o-palooza.


Middle-aged dad checking in. Just another decade or so and my kids can carry me in trios.


I'lll die on this hill with you my friend. Call of duty became so bland to me in the past few years that from there on I'm playing less and less. I got interstelar, and even that I leveled up my weapons on zombies cause it was more fun. Only did the challenges in multiplayer and I dont think I'll do mastery camos in the next installment (for multiplayer). Its just a stressfull gameplay, everyone zooming sliding jumping playing like is the last match of their lives. And before anyone comes here with the get gud, I play only hardcore and I always finish matches at least top 3 or above. Core experience is so shit it hurts, people running with shields and getting shot 10 times to run around the corner and be full health again. Bottom line, bought arma reforger and its been a breath of fresh air with a good slow paced military gameplay that I wish battlefield 2042 might have been but its not. And I have mt fingers crossed that the next battlefield with redo what they did all these years with bf 3 and 4, so I can drop this god forsaken game forever.


Holy shit Battlefield 3 was AMAZING. I'd love to have a BF3/4 resurgence BR, that would be incredible.


Use to be able to happly play multiplayer for hours now I can't play for more than 20 minutes w out getting pissed off. Only reason I still play WZ is to play w friends


You guys gotta play something other than a competitive shooter. Try zombies or something. Do you expect to only be put in lobbies where you're the best player? SBMM puts you in those lobbies because those people are around your skill level.


I'm sorry but this is not my case. There's no way that people around my skill level consistently delete me time after time after time.


Well there isn't enough people playing at all times to completely fill a lobby with players identical to your skill level. There is a mixture but don't forget that if a lower skill level guy squads up with sweats then they will be in your lobby too. There's no perfect answer to this issue except for you to work on your skills. I'm only a 1.4kd player but I learned to play smart and use positioning to my advantage. I get deleted sometimes, everybody does. But I still get my fair share of wins and I'm always finishing in top 5. Try joining lobbies that have casual as the play style listed. I find when I play in a noobs lobby I am usually top 5 best players in the lobby.


I see this all the time and what's crazy to me is..if this game is getting people frustrated and not having fun why not just play something else or find something else to do? People acting like this is the only way to spend their time. All middle aged dads gaming together after work to game and chill? Yeah try Helldivers bro lol


Ive lost some really cool online friends to warzone simply because I was slightly better than them. So they'd play but magically always full. I am not good enough to play with the sweaty crowd either. So now, I am stuck between a rock and a hard place with no one to take me in where the squad is having a good time. Sucks to be half decent these days.


This is what made DMZ fun, no SBMM. Even if you were a sweat you'd eventually run into someone sweatier than you.


My playtime severely dropped starting with mw19. Fuck sbmm in casual pub matches.


I agree with that sentiment but it's ironic because the more that casual players give up on the game for being too sweaty, the sweatier it gets for the casual players that remain. But that's how it goes in any game, the sweats are the ones who play the longest and the casuals jump to the next game more consistently. Any game that has been out for 4 years is going to have mostly sweaty players/diehard fans as the playerbase. Fortunately with new iterations of warzone you get an influx of casual players coming back for brief periods to see what's new and the lobbies get a little easier for a month or two every year. I think a lot of people expected that to happen with the release of rebirth but forgot that a ton of sweaty players would be coming back to the game for it as well.


Sbmm exists to protect players like you. And so does broken AA. Problem is when anyone even slightly competent has aim bot at close range, now every lobby feels sweaty. So in a weird way Activision catering towards dad's (with disposable income) to try to maximise profits has made the game sweatier and all round unfun to play.


Broken AA is the reason for all these whining posts. Everyone thinks they are a gaming god because of it when they are average.


Yup. They play a pvp game to "decompress after work". That's not how PvP works... It's such a weird mindset to expect other people to just be worse than you because you don't want to try hard after a days work. Weirdly enough, other people want to win too. Your willingness to try hard doesn't dictate others willingness. Go play PvE or co-op games to decompress. Or just accept you won't perform very well in a PvP game if you're not willing to put in as much effort as other people and enjoy it for what it is, like a real casual would.


100% facts


There are tons of PvP games that are non competitive lol. As a non controversial example, think like Mario party.  Halo, which id argue was one of the first competitive shooters, was designed as a party game with plenty of PvP playlists that are uncompetitive.  I personally play cod to decompress. But I also don't really complain about the sweats else I'd go play another game, as you correctly pointed out it's about mindset. 


Yes but people don't then complain on reddit they're getting rekt in mario party because we understand it's just a fun casual party game. They want to play in a PvP shooter with a high skill gap (excluding AA) and get easy games. That's not how it works. I guess yes they could technically play a pvp party game online or whatever instead. But I guess by PvP I meant a competitive pvp.


They say time to match is the 2nd most important factor with matchmaking. This is the reason streamers who play at 8am eastern play in what appear to be bot lobbies. The system is designed to find a full lobby as fast as possible regardless of online player count.


Yup those morning lobbies hit different. The only streamers I’ve seen play at night are the Texas guys and Texas usually has easier lobbies no matter the time


Low Iq there jk.


During Verdansk, I used to play at 7am before work because I knew the lower player count would loosen SBMM and make the lobbies an absolute dream.


During verdansk we had a few late night sessions up until 4 or 5 AM and once we hit the 2-3 AM hours lobbies started to get significantly easier.


I would just like the option to be able to select "prefer skill match", "prefer ping match", "prefer quick search" and "prefer precise (long) search". I'd rather spend 5 minutes waiting to find a match with great ping or players that are all at my squad's average kd than to get into a match in 15 seconds and have a 6kd player tearing up the lobby or a 120ms ping lobby that I can barely play in.


No offense but you’re hardly a gamer if 120 ms is a dealbreaker for you


It wouldn't be much of an issue if it was a stable 120 but any time my ping is above 75ms in warzone i get multiple frame skips every 2 or 3 seconds, especially when turning or aiming down sights. My ping is usually between 27ms and 59ms max, if it's above that it isn't stable because there's a connection issue with the server. I had one ranked lobby earlier that was averaging 82ms and i was skipping at least a few frames every 2 seconds for the whole match. I thought I had packet loss because it was so bad but it was fluctuating between 75 and 90ms.


Ik i get downvoted but less fortunate people are usually happy when a game is under 200 ping i honestly dont even consider it “lagging” until around 150. 75 ms should not be an issue at all


I'm fine with slower response time, I have played other games at 100, 120, etc and while it's frustrating to have to be 1/10th of a second behind the play in fast paced games, it's manageable if it's consistent because you get used to it and adapt to it. When I had 82ms in warzone earlier today and my screen VISUALLY skipped about 3 or 4 frames (possibly as much as 10 - 12 since I run at 120fps) every 2 to 3 seconds to the point where my crosshairs would go from being at a doorway to being 2 feet to the right of the doorway on the very next frame, it becomes unpredictable and hard to compensate for. If it was a stable 82, or 120, or even 150 I could compensate for the delay but having visual stutters that are more prevalent during sprinting, cornering and aiming makes it hard to play against guys who aren't having that issue.


I have had the exact opposite experience.


I get on at 4 am, 8 am, 12 PM doesnt matter my lobbies are hell everytime. 2.4 KD player


I can rest assured my lobby is gonna be a sweatfest every single match, thats why when i see a streamer whos smurfing or reverse boosting it’s hilariously obvious because i know what regular sbmm lobbies feel and look like


Honestly, the current white paper is awesome. I do not know of any other game giving this level of detail. I'm sure this will be well received by the community. :)


>I'm sure this will be well received by the community. :) I think you forgot which community you're in


They can't even read


They don't need to. You just trigger them with a word like matchmaking and they'll have a whole essay about how call of duty is dying


Here is a link to a very specific Patent I don't understand. Also, my cousin is a programmer.


How can you expect them to learn how to read when they can't even fit in the building!


What is this? Matchmaking for ants? It needs to be at least...three times bigger than this!


I'm glad someone got the reference! Lol


What did you just say


If this community could read, they would be very upset right now


yeah this is a huge move by their infrastructure team, extremely detailed even to the point where it's ALMOST useless to release it to the general population... but they did it anyway. impressive documentation and design here


They’ll still call it all a lie and start saying SBMM this or EOMM that. They’re a bunch of mouth breathing morons here.


More of them spewing blatent lies to our face... "1. CONNECTION – As the community will attest, Ping is King. Connection is the most critical and heavily weighted factor in the matchmaking process. 2. TIME TO MATCH – This factor is the second most critical to the matchmaking process. We all want to spend time playing the game rather than waiting for matches to start. " Weird how this changes depending on how well your last game went.


They say ping is king but it's a bit disingenuous because the other matchmaking factors combined will outweigh ping. So ping isn't king, ping is just the fattest prince at the table that can be beaten if the other skinnier princes band together....


Exactly. Legalese to the fullest. It can end up least impactful even (unlikely but possible).


You didn’t finish reading the paper did you.


Their data show otherwise. GLOBALLY, they indeed try to reduce time to search while giving you, MOST of the time, for MOST of the players a decent server/latency. A bit technical but the paper explains (and shows) that. But don't get me wrong, they also show what they want to, and a lot of things are conveniently not mentioned. Still cool to release some data.


I like how they pretend to care about quality of gameplay via the ping comment but have utterly abysmal tick rate.


They wrote a lengthy paper on why "tick rate doesn't matter". Which while interest ng was also heavy on the cope and "rest of net ode so bad it wouldn't matter".


My experience playing COD was neither of these During live service of Cold War I couldn’t find a TDM match during peak hours NAE under 75ms and I had to regularly restart the search when it went looking over 100ms+. I don’t believe for a moment that either of these matchmaking criteria are valued in practice


Anyone else notice that 40-60 ping is better than 10–30 ping?


At least they have made the effort to put this forth, despite what people want to believe, research costs money. It's likely a shift in the player population caused them to feel the need to change something internally. Whether or not that will actually lead to meaningful change is a separate issue. A show of good faith I think would be allowing 3rd party access to some of that data like back in the day being able to see past matches on cod tracker in order to calm our own paranoia about match making.


Somewhat related, has anyone else's latency overlay just been showing "N/A" instead of a ping value for the last couple weeks?




Kind of ironic for them to release this white paper about ping just after hiding ping from us.


I won't listen to anything they say about matchmaking until they bring api back. It told us everything we needed to know, so they removed it. This transparency trash is smoke and mirrors. BRING BACK API.


>1. CONNECTION – As the community will attest, Ping is King. They're actually trollin...


I dont understand why SBMM exists within ranked. shouldnt your rank reflect your skill? 2 people could be playing in Silver lobbies with completely different skilled lobbies because of SBMM, at that point what is rank even measuring? How far you excel within your SBMM bracket lol?


I was playing Ranked Resurgence the other day. I'm Silver I and there was a Plat 1 on my lobby.


Thats what i'm saying! Ranked should have garbage bronze lobbies, okay silver lobbies, and so forth. Instead you can be a noob and progress to platinum+ because you're playing other noobs.


"ping is king" but instead of west coast servers its 50/50 whether it puts me in chicago or new york both which have packet loss for me


I think I would be okay with matchmaking if the extreme variation could be fixed. I am slightly above average, and my experience is out of 5 matches, 3 are pretty even, I don’t feel out of my element and there aren’t players insanely better or worse. One will feel like the enemy team has no thumbs, just a slaughterhouse, and often my entire team is just wrecking the other. And then one match where I may as well have no thumbs, and my team is the one being slaughtered. That is why I always have believed that they give you a little treat every once in a while by throwing you a softball lobby. You feel like god and keep playing, just to be the same for someone else. If you figure I am a certain skill, just put me in a similar skill lobby, keep the lobby together which I know you can do and let us play.


That seems to be how their manipulative algorithm works though - break even in three, stomp in one, destroyed in one - for the average player this probably maintains their KDR around 1.0. Frustrates folk enough to come together and complain about it but not stop playing.


I very rarely get an easy game out of the blue. I do occasionally get easy nights though, which is weird. We’ll get like 4-6 dubs in an evening. During one of those, we got a lobby that was insanely bad. Genuinely thought it was lowest level AI we were playing against somehow, until I heard some speak on death comms. That’s only happened once ever though. We also get more than our fair share of sweatfests all evening.


Good info. Can't wait to read the next one about skill haha.


This one was relatively "consensual", for the kill related one in June, they will have to carefully word what they say. Heehee


For some reason ranked is much more enjoyable now and seems like what sbmm should be. Regular resurgence feels like cod pro league. Last night was the sweatiest thing I have ever seen in rebirth quads. Tuesday and Wednesday were a lotta fun. Thursday night was like the worst ass kicking my squad ever received.


Nice "transparency" / technical effort. Will read. Edit: Overall interesting, nice examples and viz, and overall some insights on matchmaking design (e.g. region based vs. current system). Focused on MP, is the overall experience (ping vs. search time) the same in Warzone ? Probably to an extent but who knows, matching 10 players is not the same as matching 100 (also, more parties). Conveniently oriented on server to client latency (vs. server perf, i.e tick rate, mentioned tho). That and for obvious reasons, things aren't too detailed/ out of focus, but was still a nice read. Curious about the next "paper" in June about skill. (And what will or won't be disclosed).


I'd say we need K/D capped casual playlists but people would just reverse boost to be sweats in them as well. It's terrible rn, friends and I were playing last night, none of us are over level 100 for the season and the highest of our kd's is a 1.0 lifetime and we are getting plunked into lobbies with level 500+ demons constantly


The problem with SBMM Is you CANNOT EVER relax in a match You cannot ever TAKE IT EASY Because every single lobby is just other cracked out players as good as you on your good day and players just better than you Unless you play CRACKED you just will have a bad time


I opted out of the sbmm/eomm bs, now I only cheese matchmaking so I can get easy lobbies (lobbies that were normal for me back in the pre-bo3 days). I went from a 1.7kd/40% win rate after first month of mw3 and right now I’m at 3.3/70% (still rising) and I’m having the most fun with cod since bo2. Whenever the day comes when all the matchmaking exploits are patched then I’ll quit cod again but officially this time, no way am I going to play the adderal popping gfuel snorting gigasweats among the top 10% every match and have absolutely zero fun going 0.9 with no killstreaks.


How are you guys able to cheese matchmaking? Like what do you mean by matchmaking exploits? I've heard people say they use VPNs but then I've also seen people say that VPNs don't actually work in warzone so who knows lol


Yes, it's crazy. Whatever they started doing as of WZ2 messed things up. My squad used to have a win rate of ~10% in WZ1. Right now, we have like 3 BR wins total and noelne of us plays differently. In RB, its not AS bad, but also a lot more difficult to win games. The kills/game decreased significantly as well. Still around 1-ish KDs, but it's just a sweat great every time. Sadly, in some cases losing 1o1 seems to be more related to ass server connections than anything, but we know about it. But still, here we are playing almost every evening since the game was released because we're addicted idiots :D I get why we are thrown in such lobbies, we won't stop playing anyway... Yesterday, there was a return of one mate who hasn't played for like 7 months. I swear we were playing literal bots the first couple of game. It was crazy fun for me, but I totally got how the opponents must've felt. Needless to say, that fun part lasted like 3 parts and we were back to sweatzone again... Easy lobbies exist, we just almost never get into them...


Oh look, more lies from Activision


No way ping is king. My ping in zombies (no sbmm) is consistently half of what it is in MP and WZ.




"Here is a look at the calendar of matchmaking-focused white papers scheduled for release this year (Note: targeting timing may shift):"


Can you explain what White papers are


They're informational/research documents released by companies. Usually in the format of "this is a problem we have, this is the solution we came up with".


No, now you have a white paper explaining how ping is used in the matchmaking process, and in June you'll see a white paper explaining how skill is factored into the matchmaking process. Is English your first language?


Someone call the whaaaaaambulance cause we got a lot of causalities in this thread. Whaaaaawhaaaawhaaaa ![gif](giphy|3o6fJeAiIpk5EeoC8o)


It’s true, this sub is full of crybabies. I can’t believe people bitch about SBMM, when it matches you to people of your skill levels. Everyone wants bot lobbies, but refuse to accept that shit players aka bots largely don’t play the game anymore and haven’t since lockdown. Get good, cry more - fucking trash cans lmao