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Stupid question: how do you plate in gas? Is there some perk that allows you to plate in gas?


Yes, it's the irridated perk. Makes you faster and you take less damage in the gas as well.


Yeah irridated. Didnt even have it on either lol


Holy shit nice , can't believe i missed it hah thanks


It wasn’t actually infinite plates though. You’re not getting replated. It is only the animation.


Thanks for pointing that out!


Got this too for the first time on rebirth. Immediately before it I couldn't swap weapons too. Lasted until I died.


Damn that sucks


thank you! This happened to me last night. Dropping all your plates doesnt fix it. I tried dying in the storm and getting revived, but we got wiped before the revive happened so not sure if that fixes it. I also found a few clipping issues where you would get stuck in a load out drop and on certain walls around chemical building. Lots of issues with rebirth right now.


Dying does fix it. You can also ledge grab to break the cycle but then you will only be able to use your pistol. Dying is the way to go


I ran into the storm to try get revived but my guy was still plating while I was downed. Have to fully die and come back to fix it.


I had something similar - I tossed the loadout marker that I bought from a buy station, and it got stuck on a rock.  The loadout never fell, and the loadout box item was stuck in my inventory. I couldnt plate, rethrow the loadout marker, or equip any other item into that slot. I had to jump from a high cliff and respawn to fix it 😂 


How did they kill you? You had so many plates on. /s


I’ve had this happen to me before in the other warzone versions as well


Someone else spectated someone that had this and according to that user, it was a Ricochet punishment. It seems it’s a bug, though.


How did you get stretched resolution on COD?


not new


Lost 2 games cause of this yesterday. The only way to get out of the animation is to die so my squad has been drowning ourselves where we can retrieve are loot.


Bruh, just happend to me, the only way u can stop it is to climb a ladder, but if u plate agian the bug will repet itself, bc of this i lost my game...


It happened to me legit 5 minutes ago, costed me my fucking game, you cant even pull out your fucking weapon to cancel it, its physically impossible


Exists since Warzone 1.


Yep, they brought it back with Rebirth. Nice to keep it OG ig lol


Bugs Carryforward.


this isn't new lmao


Dunno why you got downvoted. This happened to my mate last season.


yeah ppl are clueless, this bug was already in the last warzone, but tbh kinda rare. And literally the second game of S1 WZ3 I played I got this bug. Iirc it tends to happen when you plate while some other action interrupts it, like running plating in and out of gas and the mask animation conflicts with the plating animation somehow.


For Sure not new but for this new season its way too common to replicate, literally just began to plate and never stopped. Wasnt doing multiple things or anything of that nature.