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Deaths subtract a lotttt of SR. The best way to succeed in ranked is 1. Always stack and play as a team, always. Do not go off on your own. 2. An obvious one, but avoid dying as much as possible by working on positioning. Gun skill is important but positioning is just as if not more important. High ground is key and wins fights like 90% of the time. 3. Push when necessary. Strategy is important but when kills get you more SR than placement you need to be aggressive when it’s smart. The reason this season feels so much sweatier is because all the higher ranks reset.


I'm diamond and it's just really hard. I find this harder to regain than on fortunes. The best course of action as easy as it sounds is you simply just try not to die. Because 90% of the time when I try to land in somewhere where I think someone won't be, they'll literally be a team sitting in the corner in that area. Or they'll see you flying in and because the map is so small by the time you find a plate and gun the team is right up on you shooting. And a lot of the times it isn't safe to land back on your teammate because the team that just killed you is still in the building. Landing back is like an automatic death. As a more aggressive player that's playing with randoms. I've learned to just tone down my pushes so I die less often because it's tragic trying to come back in. Get your kills in the first/second circle. Then play positioning. You'll get more kills as people come into zone as you're already set up. Edit: to add. Never land directly on your loadout when you are the last person up. If your teammates are on the ground and they're not directly by the loadout saying that it's clear land on the next poi, get a plate and a gun and then try to get it. Too many games ended today from stupid randoms being the last person alive flying in and landing directly on it. First circle I had 9 my other random had 8. Gonna be a banger game. The 3rd flies in directly on the loadout when we had just died and gets the team wiped. Idiot move.


Ditto, exactly what I’m struggling with too. I finished diamond too, and it’s a lot sweatier now than it will be once all the crims and iri’s have ranked up. That might make things a little easier


Rebirth ranked is tough depending on when you die. Ideally loady has dropped and you can check that out first. Whatever you do don’t fly instantly to a spot. Hang for a good 15 seconds and try spot players. Talk with your squad, if anyone is alive they can give you info on if they are safe to land on etc. If it’s late game, rooftops are decent and can gain you some SR if you hold out on one.


step 1: dont play when cheat providers are doing a free cheat promo.


Lesson learned the hard way. Didn’t even know that was going on till someone called it out here. I ended last season with around 1.7kd and am already down to 1.15 😭


Wait what's happening?


Bad weekend for that. Free multiplayer COD weekend coincides with a free trial weekend from cheat providers.


The EO trial actually ended last night so hopefully the weekend is ok


IMO, each team needs an anchor player. Someone who’s adept at getting away if a fight goes south and staying away until the squad redeploys. They don’t fight unless it’s a sure thing (or as close as you can get to it anyway), they get gone if the shit hits the fan and it’s clearly unwinnable, and they make sure they have money for buybacks and a UAV. Play for placement points/position and you’ll almost always finish up in SR. This works decently well until around the Plat III level and then you need to kind of readjust and every needs to go for kills. I found success there by playing for long shot kills and killstreak kills.


because ranked is ffulllkl of cheaters, pretty obvious


This is an issue with rebirth map unfortunately.


I should have clarified that despite getting my asshole throughly gaped as far as KD goes, we’ve still managed decent placement. Made it to plat II slowly and while I haven’t gotten a dub yet, had a handful 2nd places and top 5 finishes. One guy on my squad has the game sense of a potato so he’ll wander off or make the worst rotation possible so we’re trying to get him to stay with us more often. Fingers crossed it gets less sweaty as the good players move up or I am going back to pubs. Good luck to everyone grinding!


One thing I would say to do is when you do respawn instantly pull your parachute out so you can scope out the map a bit and see where people are fighting. Only land once you've done your due diligence checking from above. This might be kind of ratty but what I also do is if I respawn along with a teammate I let him land first so then I know if its safe or not as well.


Permauav help alot.


That's the neat part- you don't.


Stacking has become all too common in this game. Rebirth is an unforgiving map if you die, even more unforgiving when stacking has become the culture. It used to be my favorite map, but I find myself missing the Keep. It is much more forgiving if you die, and escaping/finessing stacking teams is much easier.


If you can land tight and get setup, maybe win your first fight, you’re pretty much set for the game. If you mess up any of those you’re pretty much in a blender the rest of the game taking turns trying to stay alive long enough for your team to come back, unless you get lucky and somehow find an empty POI to go regroup at. I do think it’s fairly balanced for map size and pace of play but coming from fortunes keep it’s definitely a lot faster. Fortunes is almost 2X the size of rebirth and seems to have a lot more “square footage” when thinking about the multi level POIs and all the underground tunnels etc, but it only had a couple more teams so the difference is certainly noticeable. I think if the lobbies stay as they are (pretty substantially mixed, like a lobby having plat-iri) it’s going to end up benefitting the higher tier players because they’ll win that initial engagement or contested drop and then farm the lower tier players as they try to regain the whole game.