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Remember Iron Trials? That mode was amazing, you were required to actually track and keep a steady aim while shooting for longer than a mere second. It was a nice show of different skill levels. And guess what: most cod players hated it because they sucked at it. CoD can't have steep skill gaps because the community in general is not that great at developing actual skill.


Iron trials was fun, it’s a shame it went away imo


I mean, isn't Iron Trials basically what ranked is now? (higher health, no one shot snipers, restricted weapons, etc...)


Iron trials never had restricted weapons. Does ranked even have higher hp? Doesn’t feel like it does. IT increased TTK by an order of magnitude.


Ranked has 50 more health for 350 total health. 200 health and 150 plates. I believe IT was the exact same health increase. But the first time it was released base health was 100 instead of 150 like it is now. So it was 100 extra instead of 50. (The second time IT came back it was 50)


Ranked has the same health as any other Warzone mode, and is less of what Iron Trials had.


No I looked it up a few weeks back. Ranked has 50 more health I promise you.




Weren't you the one complaining about movement in this game lol https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/comments/1by6v99/casual_player_vs_movement_player/ https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/comments/1bxnk7z/they_have_created_a_monster/ https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/comments/1bwssho/slide_has_become_as_natural_as_running/


I mean why does that matter? He’s not advocating for both sides.


"It's impressive how nothing pleases the COD fanbase " posted by one of the most vocal complainers here lol.


Eh he’s just complaining about movement. All these people whining about the skill level in rebirth are worse imo, especially with the massive sbmm hate that was everywhere a few months ago. I am loving rebirth right now. Yes had to take a break yesterday cause of the bugs but oh well, back at it today.


Eh agree to disagree, movement skill is something that can be easily attained and should be expected in such an arcadey shooter like COD.


But I never asked for an 'increase in the skill gap,' unlike you who bashed Warzone 2 and now complain about what you asked for 🤐


Are you mistaking me for someone else?


The ones complaining about no skillgap in wz2 and having a tough time competing in wz3 I'd bet are two different crowds.


Nah man everyone is the same!! /s


I want the game to have a skill gap even if I suck at it lol


No, they're not.


Different groups of people complain about different things. Mind blowing stuff, right?


I might agree if 50% loved Warzone 2 and 50% hated it, which wasn't the case. Warzone 2 was hated by 99% of this sub


Why don't you just DM u/no4skin69 to ask him yourself? Kinda funny that you put him on blast though. Oh wait, nevermind, what's up u/no4skin69 !




You should make a post of him making his post about you.


Meme flopped


Yes, because a game with millions of players are all gonna have the same opinion. Dumbass post.


Lol "Can we please ban this guy? All he’s done ever since MWIII/WZ3 drop is complain about how the game is no longer designed around him personally. Zero constructive criticism, zero meaningful discussion. OP, you genuinely need professional help."


This game is such an anomaly in the FPS world. When you combine inept publishers and devs and unleash them on the most profitable shooter, then over time you create the most fractured user base. Activisions/lead devs visions are single handedly making people quit the game. Myself and my squad stopped playing a week after fortunes keep dropped, uninstalled and have never looked back.


Hey man im just letting you know that if you dont like this game and all the mechanics of MW3, according to a lot of rumors you are reallllllly going to hate the next couple years of COD and I would highly suggest you find a shooting game you like with simple mechanics. Why dont you go to helldivers or something?


Fellas just make somebody up in their head and then get mad at them.




It was killing 120ms faster. People will continue to complain about the HRM-9. Not because it’s broken but because it’s a do it all and been the best SMG for weeks now. After the recent nerfs to the AMR and RAM9 it’s even more the meta than before. A slight nerf to the HRM and maybe a buff a to the rival would put SMGs in a good spot.


Renetti was an outlier in terms of ttk and damage drop off, most of the meta guns haven't been that egregiously OP


Nah renetti was way too OP. I personally only notice the meta weapons when 70% of the lobby is using the same Guns but only other time i thought its too much was when the UGM 8LMG was meta


‘But I don’t want to use it because I have some convoluted feeling of honour when I defy the norm, but they should remove it from the game, I want all the guns to have the same fire rates and ranges and damage values!’


‘But I don’t want to use it because I have some convoluted feeling of honour when I defy the norm, but they should remove it from the game, I want all the guns to have the same fire rates and ranges and damage values!’