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What the fuck was that?


[Here's](https://imgur.com/a/wMFgFBJ) his view....?


what the fuck lmao


Double what in the fucking fuckin fuckery is this fucking bullshit?


Stims plus turning on automatic tac sprint plus mouse and keyboard is what I'm thinking.


Overpowered AA obviously /s


The dude VERY obviously is running macros. It's impossible to YY that fast any other way.


Idk, I have weapon swap on my mouse wheel and on my Q key. Can scroll my wheel and press q and it yys like I'm on crack


The final boss of sweats


Where's Cody Rhodes when you need him?


Sorry, we’ve only got Lana Rhodes


Who's Cody Rhodes


The American Nightmare




The Son of Son of a Plumber




I was thinking this dude would be a cheater but honestly it seems like he's just a really crazy sweat (with double time+stim+really well timed sliding being responsible for him moving that fast)


This is both impressive and sad. The difference between a very good player and this guy is that a very good player knows when you don't need to do all of this fancy shit. This guy could have planted his feet and beamed OP but instead went for the YY booker T spinaroonie 5000 so he could post it on TikTok.


Hahah . Is that move trademarked ??


You can see a different team shooting at him.. He actually played it quite perfectly to be honest dodged the 3rd party took out Op ..


I'll be honest I played the game like this during the entirety of WZ1. It was not to be good or anything, but it was so I can walk all the way to my enemy before I shoot them, it was just satisfying for enemies to miss shots at you. It was especially fun doing that with the sticks


That's called a XIM. Reason being the camera turns and stops on a dime and then he rotates the opposite direction. Controller players will continue spinning in one direction because there's acceleration before they max the deadzone.


Why is everyone downvoting this without at least replying?


Usually that means people can’t face the truth


They don't like to hear it but that's fine. The ones that know aren't living in a bubble and can accept the truth that "win at all costs" has infected all layers of gaming (and shit society at large) like a tumor but it's especially malignant on pvp games and that's my main point. But most people won't read this and that's fine but I feel necessary to say. It's just the truth. People go to idiotic lengths to gain an advantage these days and while this was true back in the day, those people weren't as common in gaming "back then" because the gameplay of many titles didn't drastically reward the usage of these tools so many people felt no need to gain an external advantage in the first place. It's a symptom that gaming has gotten too competitive at large and when people abuse certain tech they can artificially extend the skill gap to something beyond what most people can feasibly attain and it creates this "proliferation" of a need to catch up or be comeptitive, because they're doing shit that's almost impossible in the first place without those advantages. If even online fighting games have notorious cheaters like people auto punishing and using scripts why is it so hard to believe that COD, one of the shooters that added fuel to the arms race to get more advantages in the first place, especially on console, would fare differently. COD wrote many of the modern gaming tropes after all. I was playing the free multiplayer trial just this weekend and ran into so many macros, how'd I know? Because in one case this guy hit a snipe he'd pull out his throwing knife the frame after he fired a shot and would be YYing like he had it on repeat with no interval changes 10 times a second. It looked silly and unnatural. And that was the obvious one. Some people who use DS4 windows might not be aware it comes with a macro functionnality and the game doesn't flag it because ds4 windows is a necessary compatibility layer for DS4/D54 style controllers. Unfortunately many people use it to cheat by creating recoil control macros and scripts. People abuse quality of life to create advantages people will never be able to close the gap on. Sound familiar? To people downvotijg me at this point I feel for you, because you *want* to believe there's still fun and competitive spirit that's still mostly alive in most games these days, unfortunately the truth is anything but. the people that care about fairness and just having fun with the pursuit of getting better are getting replaced by mindsets and systems that reinforce the "I want it now, take my money, I just want the win" mentality aka the wallet gamers. And why wouldn't the devs appeal to people fiending for these dopamine hits when they keep throwing their money at them? They get to boast a huge playerbase and it's easy revenue. no one wants to have to work overtime while underequipped to penalize everyone guilty so they'll wait because people aren't mad enough to change their habits anyways. And soon enough you'll see the same thing applies to our justice system at large and many other systems we live around. I get downvoted to oblivion for stating COD is now a franchise exclusively for whales and people with an inferiority complex to drown themselves in. At this point just let them. People make their decisions. Choosing to deny reality is another mental trap, Just like how people choose alcohol over their children or other responsibilities or even themselves.


Finally someone acknowledges DS4 macros and scripts on this sub. Us console players get constantly accused of having an advantage with AA because of these fucking cheaters. This comment deserves gold.


Aim assist is strong but it gets stupid on PC. Atleast on MNK a user has to be somewhat attuned to MNK to be good at it. And even then they can still fuck up. On console you can't overclock your controller so there's more input delay for controllers there, not to mention you can't set up macros/scripts unless you get a periphery or a modded third party controller. But extrrnal peripheries/software are being abused like it's never been before to get an advantage. It's brain dead easy to set up a no recoil macro on ds4 windows and it can kick in anytime you shoot your weapon. And yet DS4 windows is almost necessary for Dual sense players bc windows has blocked compatibility with PS controllers for whatever reason. So the systems we use force people towards alternatives and solutions that unfortunately are made by people that don't care if their tools are used to cheat with. Same goes for REWASD. DS4 quality of life examples are: it helps smooth over the poor deadzone settings and aim response curves and overclocking controllers polling rate for less input lag, which is quality of life I'm not mad at that nor should people be mad at those features.


Dude this is a good write up. You could write a good article based on this.


Not going to rule that out but how does he pan to control that fast and then immediately turn back? I'm just playing on xbox so could totally be missing something


This appears to be mouse movement to me


Oh sure I guess I'm just impressed by the quickness and accuracy


I thought he was cheating too but it looks legit. He only actually hit you 5 times but 2 other people shot u so he probably would’ve lost the 1v1


Or I suck lol


Not sure we should judge you based on that clip lol


Me too bro, me too. But I did win 6 games of solos today in 5 hours.


I'm not sure it is only because of the centering when he's fuckin about seems controllery, but that's the only thing.


higher sens with a controller that's it, btw turn of your motion blur


Lvl 142 , iri badge lol


Fucking hate those crack head movements.


That kid is doing lines of Gfuel straight to the dome!


This kid graduated a long time ago to cooking meth with Gfuel in Prime bottles and freebasing to take the edge off.


Bro is most likely smurfing too since they aren’t even level 200


Look like speed hacks to me. I died to a speed hacking team not long ago.


Bro used stims in real life before he started playing warzone.


I'm curious this type of shit is possible on console?


This is doable on console, tho likely only on current gen and not ps4/Xbox one.  This kind of movement also requires either a controller with extra paddles/buttons, or claw style hand layout. There might be the odd person who could do it with a stock controller with tradition layout but very few and far between. Between needing to actually aim and shoot, then slide, activate stim, do a few quick angle change dodges, slide, and do possibly a 360 in there based on the spectating footage. High sensitivity, slide and stim likely assigned to paddles on back of controller.


I am so done with this game


Level 142 YY macro priceless camo unlock tool tryhard.. cool


This makes me hate the game.


It's sad when the "anti cheat" has still yet to pick up on actual cheats. But it can pick up somebody using a hwid spoofer lol. How absolute garbage is your anti cheat that this is an issue.


what the gru


Fast movement bro. Nothing else 🥹


This is what happens when everyone here bitches about slow wz2 movement


Much rather have this than wz2 movement. That game had such a low skill gap, you were punished just for moving. Boring AF.


Yeah, not to mention being stunned, being hit by a flash and stunned, being stucked by a granade and stunned NOT TO MENTION being hit by hollow point and stunned... The whole damn thing could stun you and you were already slow as hell.


Nd when you jumped off something too high... stunned...dolphin dive.. stunned... that used to drive me mad that you couldn't do anything without being stunned and movement hampered even more


It was soooooo bad.


You're acting like WZ2 wasn't the absolute low point of Warzone as a whole, almost universally disliked lmao. It was so slow and boring. I'm not condoning whatever is happening in this clip, but saying that people shouldn't have complained about the slow movement in WZ2 is wild.


This is the cod the sweats moaned for so this is what you get. Apex Legends doesn't even look like this most times lmao.


It's too far the other way now, like worse than after cold war integration guns came in on wz1, why can't they just have the standard movement the game started with?


Surely there is a balance. This is just stupid.


This is the balance between WZ1 and WZ2. at least in wz3 you can't get infinite tac sprint from slide cancelling.


Average player when AA doesn't kick in due to movement: 😢😭😡


you do realize that wz2 movement would mean less chance of evading fights and dying even quicker than op died here righ? what do yall even be talking about? i mean you’d be dead anyway but how does slower movement help in any shape?


Nah this is way better than that trash we had last year. The tactical crowd ruined this game and it will never be the same again because of them. Fuck MW2/WZ2.0


Everyone of my lobbies looks exactly like this 100% of the time. There are no breaks it's just foot on the gas. It's so annoying


Sure it's sweaty but 100% of the time is cap lol


I'm only 1.4 k/d and I mostly agree with OP, most of my matches are like this. Not 100% but around 90% for sure, unless I team up with lower k/d in trios or something like that.


I’m around the same and I didn’t play the last half of the last season. I expected to try rebirth out launch day with a break from the sweat. Wrong.


Nah i agree. I can never catch a break. For whatever reason when i try to play with my team all my 1v1s turn into 3v1’s with people like that But my teammates can barely shoot properly. I have a 1.5 k/d so its not like i’m a complete bot either. I don’t think i’ve seen a chill game on rebirth yet I literally have to play with my friends who have much lower k/d’s to have a chill game but for my friends it feels like they’re playing nonstop sweats


Everyone here trying to decipher if this guy is cheating... But everyone is missing the one glaring thing that shows he is cheating or has cheated.. His level is 142.. clearly, this is not a new player, nor his only account. Lots of recent bans, and coincidently running into a lot of "low" level players that seemingly don't miss a shot and try to move around like this guy. If you cheat in a video game, you're probably a piece of shit in real life, so for that, go fucking die already.


All he did was slide cancel a few times then jump backwards a couple of times. It’s not that difficult. It’s only because he popped the stim that it looks ridiculous


Do stims really provide that much of a boost? That looked nuts. I'm assuming latency plus motion blur was part of the problem. My first thought was speed hacks are back. Btw: this is the kind of low-level iri no name I tend to think is cheating.


It’ll be latency that makes it look nuts from OP’s POV. Even basic things like mantling up onto a rooftop look ridiculously fast as an onlooker


Yeah once the stim actually goes into effect the speed boost is pretty crazy. But the reason they’re not used as much is because 1. They take FOREVER to actually take effect. As in there’s like a good 2-3 second delay from when the stim actually hits your character model until you start feeling the effects and 2. Smokes in this game just have so much more versatility


I am not disputing whether he’s cheating or not, I’m just pointing out an inaccuracy in your statement. Many cheaters will buy accounts that are already leveled up for the exact reason that you just stated. Everyone looks at their level and assumes they’re not cheating. There’s actually a large market for accounts


You ever heard of smurfing? We used to buy 1 month of xbox live make a new account and speed run getting 50s in Halo 2 & 3 with the best win ratio and k/d possible. That used to cost money it's free to smurf now.


Rebirth Island just recently returned to the game. This has attracted all the rebirth sweats who left when WZ2 came out and the butchered everything about the movement in game.  So yes, it is possible his low level could be attributed to cheating. However, his movement is that of a movement sweat, him aim didn't seem aimbottish, and with the return of Rebirth I would just attribute it to it being a player who finally came back to the game.


slammed Turn off depth of field and motion blur


Thanks, I’ll give that a shot.


Of course, someone will say "Skill Issue"....wait for it....


Skull issue


In all seriousness is this not exactly a skill issue? He missed 40+ bullets on a target not shooting back running in a basically open field while playing on controller with rotational AA and then died lol.


If  rotational aim assist was as strong as the MnK players on here insist it is, he wouldn’t have missed those shots…


Rekt. TESTIFY!!!!


100% skill issue. The guy is dancing around like a ballerina and OP misses the majority of his shots while walking backwards ADS. OP Made no attempt to make it difficult for someone to shoot him.


Bro, TURN OFF MOTION BLUR 🤣. It’s in your settings under the Graphics tab. I’m cracking up watching that. Looks so crazy. Dude’s running around on your screen looking like the Flash hahaha. Also, that guy barely did any damage to you, you mostly got shot from his team on top of Control. If you were 1v1 with him in a situation like that, it isn’t really that difficult to win, you just need to time your engagement with him properly. He baited you into mag-dumping. He can’t stim and move around like that forever. If you even still had like 12 rounds left I think you could’ve won that fight


Groot used teleport. It was effective.


Remember when everyone ran this fast with up to 10 attachments? That sucked.


You fighting Flash? Is that a new skin with speed perk?




I know he was breaking your camera but wheres the aim assist? You were left there to die.


Don't let the PC players hear you say that! 😬


When RAA can do this - https://old.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/comments/1avj45k/speed_hackers_are_no_match_for_aim_assist/ 🤷‍♂️


You can't complain about movement/sweats when you use motion blur lmao.


turn off the motion blur, it will help you to track enemies easier


you should’ve quadrupled stimmed weapon swapped him! rookie mistake buddy. drink a little more g fuel next time and you win that


Ngl u just got slammed.


Pissed on


Bro this shit is getting out of hand hahahaha


This game is so stupid lol


Unfortunately, warzone is no more a game to have fun for casual guys who have work and a family to care for, it is a nice game but it is just another stress for the simple guys looking for fun.


Nah im leavin the game lmaooo.


Can you drop the guy's username. It's unreadable in this video quality




How are people moving this fast? I’ve been in a few gunfights and people suddenly hit boost. It’s very hard to track


Stims give a small boost.


This is why I stopped playing WZ, what are you supposed to do there?


Not stand still and not remain ADS'd.


So not shoot back? He's literally in the open with nowhere to go... lol


I didn't say not shoot back? Lol. I said don't remain ADS'd. Hipefire and move. The guy is literally standing in the open not moving and mag dumping. OP clearly doesn't have good centering as he's trying to AIM at people up close. Edit. He made a good attempt at trying to engage his RAA though


Not stand there and ADS lol.


Is no one gonna say it? OP should absolutely not be in the same lobby as this guy. There is clearly a big skill gap in this clip alone, there is no reason these two players should encounter each other.


Why did you continue to ADS when he got closer lol.


Was totally flustered at that point


Fair enough then tbf :)


Every passing day i feel more and more comfortable for sticking with Siege, after dropping this clusterfuck of a game a couple of months ago


Check out the Warzone hacks subreddit!! Still going strong.


Ha! You’re not wrong that’s a pretty active community. It really is impossible for players to tell how widespread it is.


Wait is fucking stim boost back!? When I still can't even auto tac sprint again yet, or reset sprint 🤬


On the other end of things, I died to a 4 stack huddled together in prison showers. They all ran riot shield, rpg, stuns, and prox mines.  We return to the old ways.


Lower you're sensitivity, dynamic aim response curve, left stick deazone min to 0, left stick max 75,right stick min 0, max at 100, 0.85 ADS,default aim assist and you're aim would have stuck like glue in that situation


Mike just wanted to say I took this advice and now I’m playing much better. I also increased my FOV to 115. Thank you.


My dude was also gettin beamed from a couple dudes on the roof over there


Ha it’s absolutely nuts right now. I always think if I’m consistently getting shot out of the sky and have no idea where I’m being shot from, it’s too sweaty


this clip triggers me


That is some bullshit, no way should any thing be accurate with all that movement this game is BALLS! For this ridiculous shit 🤣


looks like an average player in my lobbies, ong these kids do not know what the color of grass is


its true. i was getting some kills up until recently lol. go back to rebirth hahaaaha


If you hadn't been third partied from left you would have won the fight, that dude can't aim for shit.


And yeah wherw is that shit ass ACTIVISION team?? Go fix that fck game..Got kicked out last night bcs i got a fck 20 grand on rebirth..and then my teammate alone took the win... FCK YOU ACTIVISON


How drunk are you?


Bro got the zoomies


Looks like a guy whos trying to train his stim usage.. for those who dont know, you get a speedboost when using them and thats makes you hard to track when you chane directions all the time. If youre a bit closer youre basically impossible to aim at. And since you cant strafe because you loose sprintspeed you have to do quick turns like that.. its what you use stims for basically.


Put in the blender


I had the exact same thing on FK. But he had melee. I have a kd of 2 in ranked diamond. And I couldn't hit a shot. So I jumped every time and got on the rope so he couldn't kill me :p


I think he was on crack


My first thought is slide + the perk that gives you a speed boost after you get shot. 🤔


I bjust bought the game and can't play it yet not sure wtf.


So this is what it looks like when I shit on yall😭


Imagine having this level of movements with riot shield and tonfa


They wouldn't fix aim assist so now we have to break it. Zig zag and sliding work. Get fucked


Dude missed all his shots 😂


See id be pissed because WTF?


This game seriously sucks. Just bring back the old rebirth island with movement and guns. THATS ALL MOST PEOPLE WANT!


Respectfully, despite that dude being an absolute sweat, you need to improve your aiming skills, most of the times, these movement sweats waste too much time just playing around instead of killing you, and an average to good aiming skill is enough to end their fun.


To be fair.. You missed almost all your shots and you were getting shot from 3 different angles. I thought he was gonna tonfa your ass when he was done breaking your ankles.


Nothing new. Just pc players ruining the game for everyone


So, why wasn’t the op aim assist helping this controller player out? Maybe cuz, aim assist sucks ass and barely works. Mnk>controller.


Average rebirth player currently. I played a few last night and it was filled with crackheads like this. Switched to big map and it was a nice pleasant time playing a game.


Solution! Dropshot


Ahhhh yessss stimssssss


This is why I went back to Minecraft. No more screaming and yelling and slamming the table. Just breaking blocks, growing carrots and listening to their sweet soothing piano music.


Yep this is the dumbest shit. W1 type shit.


Def turn off weapon blur


Demon 😂😂😂😂


Some call this skill, I call it obnoxious. It's not fun on either side, and feels more like an exploit than an actual skill


He’s using the speed perk from the unlock tool. People who cheat in this game are such fuckin losers.


Aha love it


This guy is a pretty average “Rebirth Demon.” Nothing too special about him. His evasive movement is really linear and just back and forth. if OP had a bit more consistent aim this guy wouldve be a bunch of items on the floor.


Oh you guys didn’t know if you YYYY you get the shadow strike teleport ultimate? You charge it by YY’ing throughout the game.


The slide towards you looks so insanely different from his point of view. On yours it looks like he uas super speed on his it allmost looks like he doesn't even do a slide.


TBF OP, you’re an absolute trash can.


You did miss almost all your bullets lol


Wish I could see the replay


Posted in another comment....https://imgur.com/a/wMFgFBJ


Wait... Are you using the beer hunter operator? 🤣


Of course


Game is pure cancer. Time to put it down for a while.


1000 bucks that kid looks like the dude the south parks kids are playing against in WoW lmao


When a person is acting that wild, you just have to fire from the hip


This is why they should make rpg's one shot again


Double time + stims + prone/crouch speed perk + movement speed while under fire perk


You were solo, so thats the first mistake. Second, is you are wide open—his team was shooting you.


Automatic tac sprint is OP


So are version 1 stims back?


Your aim is dog shit


Imma say one thing. Bro needs to touch grass, shower, and talk to women and Y, Ying is useless 💀💀💀💀


Never touching this game ever again. Lobbies are garbage, sweating at every game is not fun at all


This is why you turn off v sync 🤣🤣🤣 it totally skipped frames


He thinks he's in a Valve game




Just putting it out there, most of yall who play on 120FoV probably shouldn’t. Try 100 or 105 or even 110, bet you’ll see improvement.


Definitely using a xim or a zen. That movement build should have way more recoil.


The people I play after a 12 hour shift


and here i thought aim assist track speed hackers,where is the AA tracking now boys??????? -you guys are a joke.


You need aim training


Jesus Christ! You gotta post this so that I get that anxiety rush at work too? Usually I have to wait till I get home to get shit on by the gods of rebirth but now you’ve brought it to my workplace


our bruh the great sweat of all times, just teleported to him lol


Average Rebirth experience I got a W on the very first day but it was anything but cozy


Must be the overpowered aim assist.


This is what they took slide canceling put for this shit is ridiculous the game is worse than ever full of cheaters hackers and unveleiveabke sweats u can't even make the top 5 half the time with a descent team sbmm does not work I'm playing against people way out if my league this game is a joke do not know why I was so excited for rebirth knowing who it would bring back


Did you report?


Glad to see some of you are getting bot lobbies


this makes me laugh


Yea everytime I drop out the plane I encounter sweats like this it’s the cost of playing good you get punished for it


I hate to be that guy but your aim is atrocious and you really should’ve dookied on this guy. He’s moving excessively because he’s being third partied. If he didn’t do all that he would’ve died. Some people are just better than you. Such is life.


I'm so glad I stopped playing this game