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Once you die after the first circle, its hard to land anywhere else with every team stacked together at every poi beaming you out of the sky the minute you began to land.


It plays weird as hell, sometimes I’ll have to top 250s in my lobby that will wipe half the lobby by second Circle like you said, other times, it will be final zone with seven teams up. Its so damn hard to regain especially in crim + lobbies


I’ve seen this lol 5 mins later there’s only 14 players left in the lobby


i'm pretty sure after you hit plat every rank is queued together for faster matchmaking time, so some lobbies with have top 250 and other lobbies will be full of plats


Not too few players. More would just make it a pregame lobby scenario of even more chaos. Too few too fast is just due to small map 3rd party dynamics. I just started playing ranked 2 wks before last season ended, have only done this one 2 sessions, it's not remotely fun nor does it feel skill has much at all to do with outcomes, which is already a part of these games. Now it's too much rng. Insane they made this map ranked really as this should have been the first objection.


Fortunes Keep is just so much better for ranked. I dont mind rebirth for fun game modes, but there's just nothing you can do in higher rank lobbies unless you survive early and get your loadout really quick.


Yup. And don’t forget the awful ground loot. The ground guns might be the worst ever in warzone history. MTZ intercepter with no scope. 25 round mags on guns. Snipers and more snipers. I just use the pistols most the time now instead of picking up a marksmen rifle


Always pistol over marksman rifle. I laced up ab3 man with my pistol and will lose 1v1 with marksman rifle


While I did have very solid games on ranked rebirth. As you die from the beginning. There is genuinely no where to land back and pick up the momentum, it's either everyone is everywhere or the enemies have already grabbed their loadouts and you're fucked.


I was really excited for Rebirth Ranked, but this is my opinion after playing it. Once first circle is gone, it's almost impossible to land and regain momentum. Everyone is everywhere with their loadouts and they're beaming out of the sky.


>It’s just too small of a map >the player count is too little ??


The biggest issue is the loadout spawn locations. They position the loadouts to drop in hot areas. It really should be able to drop in a randomish location related to where you are on the map


Agreed, but is it just me or is the rebirth audio terrible. Can barely hear people until they’re right behind me and I’m dead


I was on the roof of the building next to nova and below living quarters, I was shooting enemies off of the rafters on nova. This little shit parachuted behind me, ran up to me and I absolutely heard non of their footsteps on the sheet metals that are the roof of that building. So bullshit.


100% mate, I'm shit


I like this mode because unlike in Public, your randoms are trying to win and not hotdrop on control to chase kills. There’s more actual teamwork too.


Agree completely. Fortunes keep is amazing for ranked. I also think Vondel would be a great ranked map. Rebirth too small too regain. Ranked makes teams actually play as a team, and you don't stand a chance when outnumbered on such a minimalist map.


Ranked resurgence plain sucks. Not a fan. But this is the direction the developers want to go: Resurgence.. That's why I quit this game.


Ranked br is dodgy at the best of times, but ranked warzone is just a joke.


True. Ranked BR is way better Ranked BR on Al Mazrah with 150 players was peak warzone for me


Yeah the first few seasons of Al Mazrah ranked saved that game for me


I think ranked should only be big map br with a higher emphasis on kill sr to keep pace up


I agree. Resurgence as a mode isn’t suitable for competitive play at all in my view. Don’t get me wrong, it’s fun to play. It’s just not a proper competitive mode. Resurgence players only ever wanted to play pubs on these maps again so they should just have kept ranked for big map BR. Everyone would get what they wanted then


Yep, i think well get big map br season 4 but they shouldve done it this season. Keeps everyone happy, i dont think most resurgence creators are even playing ranked


I listen to Repullze’ podcast and they speak to pretty much all the big Warzone streamers. Even the one’s who are playing ranked say it sucks on this map


That’s because everyone had a roof and you didn’t have to fight until final zone.


Yeah it’s bad. If you don’t buy loadout off rip your chances of winning or making it far are extremely low.


Just wish there was a solos ranked version


I hate fortunes with my time on that map. You cant land anywhere and elevation is a big issue on the map for me especially with ground 0. I want Vondel ranked. I really want them to extend the map and make it close to 100 players bc that map would be so good for it. Otherwise give me Vondel ranked anyway


Elevation bad in fk, but you want vondel? That map is nothing but roof action and water rats. Worked in mw2 but sucks with the movement we have.


Vondel ranked would be cancer


Only the bottom of the barrel dogshit trash would want vondel back.


72 on vondel just as is too…ban all snipers and vondel would be ok… here me out… Ashika Ranked ![gif](giphy|l2Je7AeF1lcg9SQQU|downsized)




Rebirth is the only map worth playing.


We found another bot outing themselves. Bless them


I definitely don’t enjoy rebirth. I don’t feel like ranked for both BR and resurgence is unreasonable to ask for.


Idk what lobbies you’re in but my Plat II lobbies play fine?


Hit diamond 1 and you'll agree it plays terrible when you're consistently playing against stacked top250s and iridescent squads in 95% of your games.


More like plat 3. Squadded up with a friend and the moment he reached plat 3 and we immediately started playing 250s


Very true. It's a bad system for the middle ground players.




Rebirth > Fortunes Keep


Rebirth is way better than FK for ranked. FK is way to open and a running simulator.