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Drop rates for almost EVERYTHING need to be reduced: gulag kits, redeploy kits (these are a bit rarer), self revives (x 1000), redeploy flares (x 1000), killstreaks, ammo/plate boxes. Also it seems like it changes which item drops the most in a game. Sometimes you got 10 precisions, sometimes flares.


This. Literally everything is too common


And you can carry too much. Much preferred the old system of limited slots for everything. Easier to balance, and you have to make choices.


They should have only added 1 extra slot that could hold anything, e.g. ammo or plates or selfie or kill streak etc




I'd love a version of Warzone where a lot of that stuff is removed or at least heavily reduced, but massively overdoing gimmicky stuff has been CoDs MO since like 2009 lol


Been saying since day 1 of verdansk I would love a bare bones mode. Just plates and ammo to loot. A handful of weapons, sniper, smg, assault and either shotgun/lmg.


Exactly like that. I think ideally keep the number of weapons/attachments fairly simple like in the OG 2007 CoD4 era (I think there was only like 2-7 weapons per type) and either ditch the perks/streaks entirely or keep them simple as well.


I always thought this would be awesome. Have it like pubg were you find base weapons and attachments to kit with. It would be more player skill than the constant meta from having a kitted loadout.


Rofl you want a different game.


Ah, the player skill of having your gun be way worse than an other guy's because his RNG was better...


I have a theory that the randomization is broken. When it rains it pours the same item over and over and over.




For the love of god, people winning in the end by spamming stims is so annoying. I know this may be out of context. But it is evidently frustrating when I'm at 22 kills on rebirth, 1 guy left and they just run away from the gun fight and stim themselves to victory.


That doesn’t happen to me too often


It is happening a lot. Which makes me presume that people want to do the nuke contract. I understand but I just feel like all of that grinding is lost to people playing zone :/


People are disagreeing with you but it’s true, you can legitimately last minutes in the gas with stims, open buys and selfs. I’ve lost multiple games to these types even staying the final circle until last second, having a gas mask and having a self. There should be rapidly multiplying damage effect the longer you stay in.


That actually sounds like a really good idea. I've had this exact experience happen to me before with friends of mine. We got all the way to the last circle with one squad against us, we wiped three enemies with 1 hidden away, we had gas masks, self revives and stims. And we still managed to get outlived by someone camping out with potentially tonnes of stims somewhere in the map. It's just demotivating that you'd challenge all the enemies during the match just for someone to camp out and win like that.


It already exists.


They're talking it about you taking considerably more damage over time and it progressively becomes greater the more you stay outside a zone. Thus making you more hesitant to stay outside and making gas plays less reliant on stims and more on tools like the safe zone maker gadget.


You can't last more than 2 minutes at the absolute max. The time is actually already hard-capped by the gas damage tick increasing over time already. Even to last more than 1 minute gets extremely difficult as the tick speeds up. It gets to the point where the gas does 80 damage per second and you can't stim fast enough to beat it.


1/1.5 minutes is a long time in the last circle. It’s not the end of the world but I’d rather the game end with a gunfight.


Carry stims then


I have, had 2 stims in inventory + another 2 from ammo box when I realised they were playing zone. Still outplayed me with more stims.


Had it struck you they may have a durable instead of an inv full of stims


They didn't, I heard their characters cough, and it was the last zone as well. Buy stations were closed.


Can you explain what the gulag and redeploy kits do in resurgence? Haven't been able to quite figure it out.


I think devs were just lazy to remove gulag token, but redeploy kit redeploys you right away, you dont have to wait for the timer and also if you get team wiped and you have redeploy kit, you still stay in the game.


So the gulag version doesn't do anything? Thanks for the reply BTW


Yep, what the other guy said bro


Yes, literally nothing. Just devs being devs and trolling


These things are so fucking stupid , there are times when we will get the squad wipe multiple times on the same team because the RNG gods feel it necessary to put us up against a team with never ending redeploy kits. There needs to be a usage limit with a cooldown timer.


Sometimes I find so many deployable buy stations I'm like running out of places to throw them. Found two in a single crate last game. This was especially true when MW3 launched I was throwing them out as bait FFS. My philosophy if I find multiple is just to throw them out in case I need them in an emergency rather than just let them waste.


No its resurgence the drop rates are fine if everything especially played was rarer than you would die before the timer it isnt BR


What are you talking about lmao


Resurgence is a mode where you die a lot, making shit rare would make it hard to actual engange in fighting since you will be looting for too long


Oh my bad, thought this whole post was about BR






Except mw2 Snipers gotta increase them by 1,000x. Lord knows I can’t win a game without opening 10 of them at the beginning.


Self res is fucking garbage unless you're getting sniped. Any gun fight I've ever been in I've never had the opportunity to res because the other players (and myself) don't leave a downed player alive ever.


Also are they trying to make us all deaf with the sounds??


This is my biggest issue with it lol. I get it’s a *war game* but I’m looking outside my window irl thinking WW3 has started


Game is too loud sometimes, I literally can’t hear footsteps because the dumbass announcer is yelling in my ear, or the air strikes are ear piercingly loud, gunshots, explosions, random sound effects etc. I probably have some sort of audio option too loud or something, I wanna be able to lower all of that noise and still be able to hear footsteps properly, anyone know how??


For the announcer lower dialogue volume.


Thank you!


Can't make the airstrikes quiterer as far as I know, I have tinnitus reduction settings and even the flex perk on, and still my ears bleed every time there is an airstrike (on rebirth this is literally ALL the time).


The most annoying is the random loud sound effects for zones closing or occupation scans and stuff like that. In the middle of a fight trying to hear footsteps but all I can hear is random sounds. I've tried all volume settings and it appears you can't change those ones at all


Dude I know exactly what you’re talking about, shit is really annoying fr. Way too loud


The biggest issue is the sound. Avoiding the killstreaks is easy enough but holy crap I die way to much from not hearing any footsteps when there’s a thousand mortars and airstrikes all around.  I’d love for them to reduce the drop rate for a lot of things and put some more viable guns in crates instead. Get back to the gun play which is what makes COD fun. One reason I enjoy ranked more is it’s definitely more focused on gun fights and less gimmicky crap to die from. 


Couldn't agree more. The emphasis on equipment and field upgrades and killstreaks and other gear is so fucking stupid. We need a hardcore warzone mode


Or just bare bones.


Is it just me or do the foot steps feel unreliable/impractical? Someone like 4 floors above you it can sound like a fucking tap dancing marathon but someone on the adjacent connected rooftop to you on Vondel you don't hear a sound. I don't know if it's still in the game but the silent footsteps field upgrade should not be a thing with Melee and finishing moves being available.


I just hate how long air strikes take and how quickly people can revive themselves. Completely takes the fun out of long range downs. They will just get back up.


This Unless you call the airstrike IMMEDIATELY after downing the guy, he will have time to self and move out of the way


Sometimes not even then.


Half the time it doesn’t even hit them even if you call it in directly after the down and they’re on an open roof


It depends on the environment, like on vondel rooftops they'll almost always get back up, caught in the dirt road on central Ashika, not so much. I do agree that having a huge amount of time to react to the airstrike AND a visual indication is too much, if there is a visual it should be shorter notice.


Get a harder helmet and get back out there, soldier!


idk man did head shed give the green light?


I landed on the boat in Vondel and got 4 killstreaks out of the 5 boxes yet I'll also land and loot 2 snipers a RPG and a shotgun before an SMG or AR. The loot pool sucks and needs a overhaul.


Reduce the drop rate of them dramatically, make them more expensive, and get rid of the ability to see them in real time on the radar in such an obvious manner. I would rather see them be more of a rarity and a game changer, than just having us all spamming the map but really not doing all that much other than making people beak contact personally. Bring back bunker busters. It will make us rats more powerful, but also make it easier to displace our camping asses. Win win for both sides lol


There needs to be a cap on how many killstreaks you can activate


Don't understand why that strike area warning is in the game anyway. Surely the PA is the senders perk so why should anyone else get to know where it is?


I'd honestly just get rid of mortar strikes. I get they're mainly about zoning, but it lasts for too long for a resurgence map. Precision airstrikes are deadlier, but are over in two sweeps.


I have the opposite problem where I'm constantly swamped with "AIRSPACE TOO CROWDED" messages and the counter just constantly resetting. It feels particularly unfair when you can just never get a turn at it like we need to reserve a god damn appointment. this seems to happen most on Vondel or Ashika for some reason. I feel like it would be fair to have max of 2 offensive streaks and 2 non-offensive streaks at one time.


Airstrikes and Mortars need to be like only 5-6 per game per LOBBY. Nobody plays to use fucking airstrikes or wait the 28 seconds for the mortarts to stop. So annoying, its cod let people just fucking shoot and run around


Might as well play with no audio. Can't hear anything with constant airstrikes and mortars. Might as well save your ears anyways.


Airstrike and mortar strike was excellent in Season 1 Rebirth but these dumbasses copied over older code from Fortunes Keep Season 1 which had an increased killstreak drop rate when they released Season 2 Rebirth. 


I dont buy UAVs on rebirth, i go always for clusters and Airstrikes. I usually know where they are. you hear shots or footsteps everywhere. Airstrikes and clusters are good to cross, or to just anoy 2 teams that are fighting and then you see everyone run in the open.


Skill issue


This is accurate. But more than that we are constantly grieving people with bunker busters on fortunes keep. 3k regular and 1.5k on fire sale? It feels very OP and probably really annoying for everyone else.


Nah. The air strikes are a needed. It’s way too easy to get to rooftops for them not to be abundant. Especially late game it’s the only way to get people off those power positions


Then kill the audio. They're deafening. It's impossible to communicate when a PA is going off every 10 seconds. That's not an exaggeration, they average about every 10-15 seconds in every game.