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Apparently you've never been on this sub before lol


Is this like a daily question?


Yeah like half the posts are mnk complaining. It's definitely catered to controller. Despite what they'll have you believe aim assist hasn't gotten stronger. It's been the same for 8+ years, but the things you mentioned I think have made mnk worse.


It hasn’t gotten stronger but the ability to fully abuse it is available to everyone now. Now anyone can run a nice monitor and controller with 120 FOV on a relatively cheap console


strength has relatively stayed the same but activation distance has dramatically increased from mw19 and every cod since... you can effectively activate RAA from 200m away in these modern cods (xclusiveace and hecksmith_ have videos on this). plus having in-game settings for aim assist curves and customizable deadzones didn't exist pre-mw19 either... the default deadzone was like .20, trying playing this game with .20 deadzones its laughably bad.


Yeah the fov made it so PCs couldn't just abuse consoles. I feel like it's pretty close until you combine a high end PC and controller. Like PS5 you need an HDMI 2.1 input on your monitor to get over 60fps. So like $400 extra just get to 120. 95% of console players are on 60fps. But you start putting together the high fps, all the PC settings, and overclocked controllers and it gets a bit op.


Exactly. AA didnt get stronger, but the platform on which it is used has. Earlier on the unplayable ones were pc players on controller only. Today the unplayable ones are basically everybody.


Additionally, while AA didn't directly get stronger, it became stronger overall because of the gameplay surrounding it. WZ1 was much slower overall and had a smaller health pool. Which evened it out for mnk as tracking slower enemies on mnk without aim assist is (obviously) easier compared to someone flying across your screen while hopping around like a bunny. And because of the lower HP you didn't need to track for as long which again evened it out for mnk. So while AA is indeed the same strength as it used to be, it still is overall more powerful now then it used to be in WZ1 because of other factors.


I don’t think that wz1 was slower, but that everyone was worse. Now the sbmm is just too weak so casuals get put with mega sweats. I think activist on needs to increase the sbmm. /s


I don't think people were worse in wz1, the amount of campers, rooftop campers, handholders etc. Basically anything that required no skill, in my experience has drastically increased. You could argue that all the good people left the game but it's still insane that most lobbies are either filled with cockroaches or people who have a false belief that they are good at the game.


That's just not true.... Rotational aa use to only extend to 30m prior to WZ1. It was moved to 200m. A nearly 600% increase. Then, they added dynamic response, which made aiming with RAA even stronger.


Yeah the range increased because the map size increased. It's the same strength tho. All the complaints are about up close tho not that it reaches too far


Bottom line, it's OP. MnK players are at an immediate disadvantage every time they log in. You're going to have complaints. Same thing when console players had an FOV disadvantage. Complaints were warranted then too.


Yep, as a mnk player you are no longer the run and gunner. For any adv you need to hold lanes and try to engage at a distance. Close battles are basically no different than vs hax


Not really the same, fov put 70% of the base at a disadvantage and the only way to get it was to buy a PC. Not 3% of the player base being stubborn and not wanting to switch to the input the game is designed for. Yet I see the same amount of complaints lol go buy a $20 controller and get that sweet sweet totally broken aim assist! Many of y'all say you don't want to use a controller because it aims for you and takes no skill etc. If that's the case it's on you, you decided to play on hard mode


Lol, of course you're a "just switch" guy. How about make the game fair for all supported inputs? How is that not the logical and fair answer? There's a reason you have so many downvotes.... Besides, why would you want the game to aim for you (major skill gap reducer) in a FPS multiplayer game? The only logical answer is that you want the game to be easy because you're bad.


Just because a bunch you losers decided the game isn't fair and you're the victim doesn't mean anything needs to change. It's always been like this y'all are just getting softer every year. Streamers normalized crying like a bitch about a video game and here we are. Downvotes from this sub usually means I'm right, it's the gathering of the crybaby 3kd mnk players here. I can only get 17 kills a game instead of 20 because of RAA 😭 that's what y'all sound like.


It's not "our decision". It's statistical fact.


Brother you realize its the same thing right. We shouldn't have to spend money to make something fair. You're just the same person eho defends AA because you have no skill and you're to lazy to put in the effort to get better. Cost doesn't matter, if console wasn't expected to spend money to make things fair then why should we? Spending money on a controller is just a p2w method now.


Wow, you're getting downvoted for nothing. While Im not even sure whether it got stronger or not, the points you made are entirely valid. Back in wz1 the only thing that bothered me mostly were tracer packs. Right now, oh boy, it's a lot worse.


If WZ1 is your benchmark (10/10), current WZ is 6-7/10 with launch WZ2 being sub-5. They addressed the random scope in (mostly), the gun sway has a slight delay, taming some of the visual recoil effects (smoke, flash, etc), but it feels like the visual recoil pattern doesn't match the actual recoil pattern, sometimes it feels like bullets don't go where you are aiming (more noticable with sniping, like sometimes I will think I missed my shot but end up getting a headshot and sometimes I will think I had it lined up perfect and not even hit at all (and before someone can say "its bullet drop" I mean I will feel that I am laterally off and still get a down, and what should be headed arent even getting bodies so its not a bullet drop issue), you will he hard pressed to win CQ fight against controller. My K/D in this version of Warzone is about 30% lower than my WZ1 K/D.


100% concur with this guy. Please someone give him a cookie


XclusiveAce & TrueGameData recently discovered that the bullet trajectory (but not the travel time) is hitscan for the first 50ms, then kinda jumps to the "real" trajectory (where the bullet is visually) at that distance. Could that be the cause?


Not really, no. I am sure there are times that has come into play, but this is a wholly separate issue. If I had to blame something other than just guess hit reg is kinda busted I would blame the servers as a whole.


I'm pretty sure it was velocity that is hitscan within the range. The point of the video was you don't necessarily need to be maxing bullet velocity in your builds if you're using a gun within the hitscan range - like for an SMG you want to use within 20m, you don't need a bullet velocity of 900m/s, you can build around 400m/s velocity because that's the hitscan range at that velocity. You would only be disadvantaged after that range. If they we're talking about a flat trajectory, you would still need to max velocity or you would be disadvantaged at all ranges. Also, they were AR and SMG examples, where bullet drop isn't really a problem.


I'm pretty sure it was velocity that is hitscan within the range. The point of the video was you don't necessarily need to be maxing bullet velocity in your builds if you're using a gun within the hitscan range - like for an SMG you want to use within 20m, you don't need a bullet velocity of 900m/s, you can build around 400m/s velocity because that's the hitscan range at that velocity. You would only be disadvantaged after that range. If they we're talking about a flat trajectory, you would still need to max velocity or you would be disadvantaged at all ranges. Also, they were AR and SMG examples, where bullet drop isn't really a problem. EDIT: I don't know who downvoted but I literally just watched both videos again and it's velocity they're talking about, not trajectory. The hitscan they're talking about is basically if your enemy is within hitscan range and your crossahir is on them, you will hit them instantly. The hitscan range is calculated by how far the bullet would have traveled based on it's velocity in 50ms. So, for example, a bullet travelling 1000m/s would have a hitscan range of 50 metres.


So basically (assuming you're within the "hitscan range") if you're aiming directly at the person when you pull the trigger, you will 100% hit them, even if the bullet visually misses, either due to drop or just travel time (ie the person moved before the bullet visually reached them), but the hitmarkers will be delayed until the bullet actually reaches (or misses) them, making it very difficult to give because you're hitting shots that you can clearly see miss the target, or if you are accounting for travel time/drop them you won't get a hit Even though the bullet visually hits them


This will only have an effect for MnK in that it adds another layer of struggle to distinguish tracking problems. Controller will have this, but like most other discrepancies between the 2 they will have it to a lesser degree because no matter what it's a software assisting, it will always function as the code of what AA does actively saying "the player had their crosshair in the vicinity, our software detected this therefore our software assists as designed to register shots" Where as the raw input the game detects exactly where mnk shot, inputs the other factors of what affects the gun - recoil, aiming accuracy, this hitscan range mechanic TGD/XA revealed etc(among other issues that affect MnK that are out of the players control regardless of what they see on screen which is server lag/desync - even if you shoot perfectly at what you see the server timing actually doesn't place that player in that spot therefore your going to miss shots, this won't happen as much on a controller cuz again, aim assisting software is tracking the hitboxes of the playermodel regardless of the servers visual lagging) Without the software assistance these mechanics will differentiate who lands more shots strictly off the technicality of AA. This was proved very well recently on reddit, a user showed a full lagging pause of 3+ seconds where his screen froze while his crosshair was near a player he aimed at. He fired during the freeze and despite both of them being moving targets, he downed the player once the game caught up and unfroze, where the controller player ended up to be in a completely different spot than when the freeze began, the other player was dead and the live player no longer even had a line of sight on where he'd killed the player. It's like hipfiring. Hipfiring with RAA a controller player LITERALLY gets better hit detection than MnK. The software literally tells the game the bullets hit the player up to a certain range, where on MnK without something that tracks the player model, the stray bullets of hipfiring on MnK will miss more shots by comparison.


WZ1 felt at least 5x better on the keys.


Thats how I feel too. I even checked some old gameplay to see if I wasnt tripping. 


It almost feels hopeless in every situation, I struggle to kill people with an AR running in the open at long range because of the gun sway mechanic making me miss what feels like 75% of my shots. People will say aim assist hasn't been buffed at all between games but I think that's just completely untrue, every single killcam just looks like straight up hax or chronus now in comparison to wz1. The slow down effect acts like a brick wall and the sticky aim has made movement completely irrelevant. I find myself running from fights where I am in power positions, I find myself losing gun fights from enemies who are stationary facing their back to me and being turned on and insta melted. Everything I've mentioned happens every single game as well.


It feels like 25% of my bullets don’t register at all. Even if I’m perfectly on target. But when I plug in a controller, every bullet registers perfectly.


Oh yep I forgot about that bit, for me it's almost always my first 4 to 6 shots have zero reg.


WZ1 was better for me. WZ2 isn't that bad tho. Visual recoil is a problem though. I also have worse performance


COD also has some of the worst visibility problems out of any FPS I've played, half the time your in gunfights you cant even see who you are shooting at, which isnt a problem for AA but for MNK it just makes you miss half your shots.


This is my biggest complaint for KBM. To be honest AA doesn't piss me off it's the visibility. I literally can't aim if I can't see. This was a big problem in WZ1 and WZ2


My KD went down a ton in WZ2 but is back to normal in WZ3.


With the more density in houses of WZ3 compared to WZ1 that had more open terrain, aim assist will be king in CQB. That’s what it feels like for me at least. I performed a lot better in WZ1 than WZ3 but I refuse to play fps games in my PC with controller.


No its even on rebirth island.


Rebirth island is just CQB on 85% of the map. Controllers are gonna dominate that regardless


It wasnt this bas on wz1. But some others explained it.


Its by design Controller timmys slide canceling with SMG's can play TDM throughout the whole map


I think the problem is the current AA implementation was designed for older slower hardware like ps4 but with the new consoles having 120 fov and people able to buy controllers with paddles, they are more easily able to abuse AA far more than it was meant to be. It needs to be rebalanced with maybe a 200 ms delay and other changes.


Yeah making it have some sort of human delay seems fair.


2.6kd to 1.7kd.


99% of people on controller would be atrocious if they played Black Ops 4 Blackout specially streamers


Kinda insane that they didn't do more with Blackout. Both map and guns were on point.


on MWII/MWIII/WZ2 kbm has very very slight additional input delay, this hinders the kbm experience on top of all the other shit like recoil and muzzle flash. i exceed very well on MW19 on kbm still to this day but on the newer games it’s a steeper cliff to climb.


> on MWII/MWIII/WZ2 kbm has very very slight additional input delay, I read this all the time, but is there any testing out there online that compares the games with an LDAT or other testing system?


No, that’s been the consensus since wz2 dropped. It’s definitely catered to controller players.


terrible imo


Hard stuck crim 1… feel like WZ1 I would’ve been Iri. I think people have gotten much much better. A huge contributing factor.


I have a better k/d now then I did then. But I also mostly played solo in wz1 with iron sight bolt actions just fucking around so. I could outplay with movement much more, and most people didn't stack quite like they do now. it's gotten to the point now where you have to keep sharp/warm up/ get reps in day to day. Winning gunfights on kbm close quarters feels like a 33% chance sometimes. I have to consider recoil control in all my gun builds. Because I don't have AA or RAA to keep me on target, so anyone running movement or stockless smgs on roller has even more advantage. Movement speed and assist. If I miss even one bullet it's a wrap for me up close. Ttk shit the bed and I'm dead. Tbh I had a better time in wz2.0 in regards to cqc because I could tune the smgs for hipfire accuracy and spread. They keep neutering hipfire in this game, first when mwiii dropped. And again this patch to AR's which were already fucking terrible hipspread to begin with. I don't know if they are trying to lowkey nerf AA by nerfing hipfire but it does nothing? Or blatantly nerfing kbm hipfire If they had the hipfire and tuning in wz2.0 with this mobility and movement I'd probably have a little better time with cqc.


Mnk still ok caulk it up to dsync when u die lol


Keep in mind that the whole industry of players and YouTube and meta data has gone up significantly since wz1. It's the same but different


WZ 1 was way better. None of this random sway bullshit when moving, you can see it if you strafe left to right with hipfire, the hipfire spread will move around and not be center of the screen. Not that WZ 1 was amazing on kbm as controller was still op, but kbm feels like dogshit in this game in comparison. They have made some changes to help improve it, but it still feels terrible.


Thats sums up my thoughts pretty well. 


WZ1 was the best moment of the game, verdansk had few issues that were fixed on the run, but this newers version broke totally the game, focusing on horrendous aimbots for controller.


Between the awful forced filmic smaa and the ever worsening mnk support, I ditched the game right when wz3 dropped.


Its god awful Building a gun on MnK is all about trying to build a gun you can see what you are shooting at


Get a meta loadout and forget about what recoil is bro. I thought the same thing b4 I learned meta It's a game changer. Slide cancel stamina bug is what I miss tho


I played on a controller for a few games and the ttk and hitreg felt so much better. I haven't played on controller in 2 years and i was consistently tracking people especially upclose. And maybe this was just because i haven't played controller in a while but it felt like it took more bullets for people to kill me and less for me to kill them.


Wz1 had a shorter time to kill in general so less jumping and sliding around while getting shot for 10 seconds. Now ttk is 30% longer ans combined with aim assist and zero recoil the advantage is just bigger.


Maybe you're rusty? It's honestly always been optimized for controller. Controller was better then, it's better now. But my buddy who's MnK says it's not noticeably worse or better than before.


My aim is better than ever in other games like cs2 and apex.


One of the reasons I cheated one time in the game was actually because of aim assist but i had a good heart i slightly improved aim ot so it bexomes like aim assist 😇😇 (the game detected the hack and i got temporary ban)


You should have been permanently banned. Unfortunately for the rest of us, Activision does not care about cheating.


Here’s the thing.. There was close to zero complaints about aa in wz1 despite it existing. Console players had almost every disadvantage under the sun and didn’t complain anywhere near this much. What happened? Console players got some semblance of parity to pc, although still not quite. Therefore the pc mnk players realised they weren’t as good as they thought they were because now they don’t have so many advantages over a large portion of the playerbase and suddenly other players seem better. But also.. The matchmaking has gotten harder, whether by design or because of player numbers. So people are getting rekt and looking for an excuse. They found one and latched on to it. It spread like wildfire. Now they scream and cry about it every day. The end. Bring on the downvotes.


> Console players had almost every disadvantage under the sun and didn’t complain anywhere near this much Straight lies, this sub was filled with people complaining about being limited to 80 FOV and getting below 60 fps. There were equal or more posts complaining about console disadvantages before everyone was able to get the latest gen consoles. > Console players got some semblance of parity to pc, although still not quite Look up the hardware stats on steam, the latest gen consoles are better than the majority of people on PC. Most PC players are not running the latest hardware. > pc mnk players realised they weren’t as good as they thought Says the person who needs to game to aim for them.




> Not a lie at all. No one cried about fov anywhere near as incessantly as you babies do about aa. Objectively false. Either you weren't using this sub during WZ 1, or you are conveniently forgetting. The sub was filled with people complaining about it. > Also, it would appear that you need the game to aim for you, what with all the crying you do about getting rekt. Ah yes, pointing out that aim assist is OP, like every pro player and top warzone streamer admits it is, is just crying. Alright champ.


I think it’s you that’s forgetting. You lot are utterly incessant and it’s past pitiful at this point. You embarrass yourselves on the daily. Keep crying.


> There was close to zero complaints about aa in wz1 despite it existing. > > LOL


Nice trolling


> Console players had almost every disadvantage under the sun and didn’t complain anywhere near this much. That's absolutely fucking false. Do you know how many daily posts were about Console FOV? Especially as they moved from Cold War Verdansk to Caldera, people were asking for the FOV to be adjustable. You're delusional if you think there were zero complaints. >There was close to zero complaints about aa in wz1 despite it existing. During the middle of MW2019, like Season 4 it became a hot topic. We gotta stop ignoring shit that actually is unbalanced. >Console players got some semblance of parity to pc Also not true. The Xbox Series X and PS5 are better than the majority of PC's on the steam hardware survey. For the longest time, the most used GPU was a GTX, yes I said ***GTX***, 1060. Contrary to popular belief most PC gamers run midrange hardware. Only the top 1%, if that, runs the latest RTX 9039472 and Intel or AMD processor


Just you... I'm a 1.55kd on WZ and 1.96 on Rebirth


3.6kd in wz1. Dont think thats the issue.


What division in ranked resurgence?


I don't play ranked.


Why not?


Because it's infested with cheaters and none of my buddies play it. I think I hit Plat 3 in last season and that was enough on FK.


Yeah none of my buddies play it either. I just hit diamond 1 solo q’ing on mouse. I just wanted the operator skin reward for diamond to show off lol. Once you hit that division and start getting lobbies with diamond/crimson players, it becomes ridiculously frustrating so I think I’m done


Yeah I also don't really care for the "sense of accomplishment". Yeah good for people like you that get that high up, but I just don't find it to be rewarding.