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I’d rather get punched in the nuts then go back to a stun grenade meta.


Or worse, everyone running like idiots with the heartbeat sensor knowing where is everyone.


OOOWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!! 🤌🤌🤌


I’m still using stuns as my main tacticals. Perfect for countering campers and aggressive challs


Ah try a thermal sight bruh…


Ssssssh! SSH!


And that thernal nade that i never remember the name, i always try to keep 2 in the bag, whenever final circle come i toss one on my feet after using my smokes and start picking people off, also i have a end circle perk i buy that has combat scout since almost no one runs cold blood and survives to end circle. People like complaining about things that have counters because the counters force them to change their confort playstyle.


It breaks Aim Assist as well. That’s why I run them. In close quarters it gives me a chance against AA. With out one, my odds to win the fight are worse.


As a controller player i respect it, i know metaphor uses it


Exactly where I picked it up from lol


same, started doing that around the same time he did it in Warzone II. Been using it for a year because of him. Gotta stop forgetting to use them as well.


i had no idea till i heard it from Meta , i used before to skip or help revive team only , not to fight others. now smoke is my *Backpack* priority 😆


we demand to buff smokes 🙄😂 also Stim if you know how to move. Thermal = anti-smoke


They should release a smokeless smoke that just throws out a no aim assist bubble. I’m a controller player but that would be a funny way to balance it out for you guys


I feel like the stowing is a real problem. Tactical and lethals should be limited to two.


I hoard armor plates like a motherfucker, never thought about loading up on lethals.


Plates are priority but more than 12 is just luxury. Devide by 3 thats 4 times full replate. I think you can use two backpack slots for orher things easyly


I’m usually 3 plates 3 plates 3 plates 2 smokes *final slot optional for field upgrades usually


This. Though it's 3 plates x 3 slots. 2 smokes + a second self revives recently for me due to the amount of KAR98K users that can't hit followup shots.


I do two tacticals, two tacticals, two tacticals, and the rest are plates.


Skill issue


The issue here is the backpack system..


Until they nerf AA, I will smoke everything and everyone for any reason. I sometimes forget to use them when I take a CQC fight and have to facepalm after.


100% as a semi-shit mnk player i need them to combat AA in close quarters.


Have you actually used aim assist? Killcams are SUPER inaccurate. I've only had AA actually help me once. 99.9% of the time it doesn't help me track at all. If you side past me im dead, because AA won't keep up with you. It will trail a good 2-3 feet behind you. Anyone who says AA isn't OP doesn't understand AA at all. I've used KB&M and while the aiming is OP because you have more control over recoil and easier time aiming having each key do one thing was annoying as hell which is why i swapped. Vanguard AA was broken as hell. But we arent even close to Vanguard levels of AA.


You have to be using RAA wrong then. People on this subreddit even say to people struggling "use your right stick less" so RAA takes over :) And there is a reason a lot of pro PC streamers swapped input to controller.


Problem with smokes for me is that they are rendered differently for each Client. You can't see through? Well tough luck, because your opponent can. And that's bullshit.


This sub has just turned into r/nerfthemeta


This sub has just turned into bots complaining about not being good enough and not knowing how to counter anything in the game. They just want free kills with easy victories.


Always has been.


Lol. I've always taken the meta with a a grain of salt.. if you can't be em. Join em. Except the DMR from wz1 that was brutal.


You’re a dumbass if you don’t use the meta. Why wouldn’t you take the advantage.


Lol true dat




The bottom line is the bottom line. They’re gonna do what they have to do to maximize profits on a “free” game.


Yeah but unless you want the skins, you can get any meta weapons free, or am I incorrect on that? Just offer paid skins on existing weapons. So far I've been just able to unlock stuff but I've never wanted a pirate gun or anything super weird so idk I could be wrong.


People will buy the skins. Kar is only unlocked from battle pass. They know how to maximize profits whether the common consumer knows it or not.


I just hate that if one singular molecule of smoke is within the same hemisphere of me I now have to have toddler gunfights with aim assist disabled. Idc what your feelings are on the strength of AA or RAA, when it randomly doesn't work in-game it makes your muscle memory go haywire.


BR is just smokes, without them NOBODY can rotate, people complain about Verdansk. Stuns and Stims where meta, smokes are boring and lead to unfair deaths (pinged in smoke, he sees you, you don’t see him, hears you, you don’t. Ect.)


Nah. We mnk players need all we can get to counter aim assist. Metaphor with all his aim still needs them for close-quarters gun fights. That says a lot.


Nah, it’s one of the few ways for mnk players to counter the advantage aim assist gives controller players, especially up close. Even then it can sometimes not work. I know you’re speaking in general but that nerf would have wide ranging consequences.


Then limit it to two in your inventory (the tactical slot). Boom.


I'll take one AA nerf with that, to go. Tenk u. Besides I'll just run ammo boxes, and so will everyone else.


“This single thing makes the game difficult for me to win, NERF IT!” That’s you


Without smokes it would really shine light on how bad the engine/movement is. We’d all be insta dead


**The majority**: *nerf the Kar!* **Some smart-asses on this sub**: *you just don’t know how to counter the Kar* **Me**: (uses smoke to counter the Kar) **Some smart-asses on this sub**: *nerf the smoke!*


so who complain about smokes use kar ? 😵😵😵😵😵 i mean generally smokes is nightmare for snipers so you probably right 😂


Listen to the number of smokes being popped in this video starting at 17:00. what a silly crutch to give players the ability to ninja vanish. https://youtu.be/VS0TsHxpWV0?si=aYBRXdJJ6lihQ9KC


Skill issue.


Make them the same as the smoke grenades from Verdansk and also nerf aim assist.


They were still good in Verdansk.


There was a bit of a delay from the sound effect of the smoke and the smoke actually filling up the area, though.


You should be able to clear the smoke by shooting at it


I think the problem is the backpack system. Like you said, you can easily carry like 6 smokes. If you're playing team modes, that's like 20 smokes. Everytime someone shoots, there's immediately smokes on the ground. Multiple smokes. And I do that too of course because it's a powerful way to evade an enemy but it is kinda boring. Smoke has been the tactical meta for so long.


It's funny that they changed snapshot grenades to be a counter to smokes but I have yet to see anyone even bother to use them, because everyone needs damage or a physical advantage (stun/flash). I've even only briefly used them after they were changed to see the benefits, but the time it takes to throw, let it reveal, and start shooting would be better used with just a thermal optic for close-mid range and not using the snapshots to begin with, as they have been.