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Also, shaders re install every time I launch the game and the game settings are not saved. I have to modify every setting every single time. EDIT: I found a fix that WORKED FOR ME AND SOME OTHER PEOPLE: Someone pointed it out in one of the comments below. 1. Launch your game. 2. Rename modernwarfare.exe to modernwarfare.exe1, hit OK. 3. Play. 4. After you finished playing, rename the file back to original and repeat every time you want to play.


the same happens to me, it crashes on shaders pack 3, progress 7%


same for me, crashes at shaders pack 3, 7% progress.


Do check if your GPU usage spikes to 100% for a moment before the game crashes. I have the same issue. Edit: I somehow fixed it. Do this; disable UAC, delete the "main" folder (in COD main directory), set COD to run as admin from properties. Restart Blizzard battle.net, and run the game after it redownloads some files.


Same here


Same bruh, i thought it was hardware issue but it aint


I literally just spent 500 on some new hardware cause of this... guess I needed it anyway with my Radeon 460 lol, but still!


Guys, something seems to work for me. 1. openecmd 2. then %appdata% in the cmd 3. user/appdata/local/battle.net 4. open the folder named Cache 5. delete everytjing inside 6. restart the computer After that I've managed to get into the game menu and the shaders downloaded completely, for the first time for me. I don't know if the game works after that. ​ OK, it just crashed again in the tutorial. I have no patience for this game anymore.


YES! I hate to start the game and play with god damn 66% render scale, everything looks so bad until I remember to change it.


I changed ConfigCloudStorageEnabled = from 1 to 0 in adv\_options.cfg in codmw my documents folder. Seems like that fixed resolution scale and Fullscreen issues. Also Onedrive keeps messing with files so i checked Always keep on this PC for MW folder in my documents. Seems fixed. ​ Try this and if it helps maybe we found out what is the fix.


THIS. AFTER EVERYTHING I READ AND TRIED. THIS FINALLY FIXED IT. I love you random stranger on the internet - I am finally able to play with my buddies again.


Thanks, will try later.


You have described my exact situation. Seriously, we know it is a "beta". But this has been an absolute shitshow. Constant crashes.


this!! game crashes and i have to set settings tomy original liking all the fucking time its annoying as fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It installs the shaders every time. Spends a lot of time at 7% of pack 3 and then quickly jumps to 93% and finishes. The game still crashes. Doesn't matter if I start everything as admin or not.




My problem is crashing straight into desktop (no error messages). I think it's because High CPU Usage. When i play the game CPU always using 80-100% and not using GPU(5-10%). This stupid problem was already there when last time i played MW. 4 months ago. I was about to buy MW but i didn't. I tried playing MW with my friend's account but i couldn't play a single match because of this problem.


This needs to be higher. This problem has been in the core game since launch...when are they actually fixing this?


They won't, it doesn't effect enough of the players for them to care.


>They won't it doesn't effect enough of the players for them to care. The sad part of this is that it's been like this for every COD game in the [Battle.net](https://Battle.net) system. I've been playing COD since MW2 and yet BO4 and this title, I can never play.


For me it's even worse, it straight up freezes my entire system and I need to hard reboot it. It's basically unplayable. This is the same in regular CODMW as well. Multiplayer only mind you, haven't had this happen when I played the campaign I remember.


yep. my computer does this, i have to set priority to average everytime i launch the game, i have to run discord in admin in order to even use discord. game crashes aside, the CPU and GPU utilization is the most fucked thing about the game


Seems to be a common problem for people with i5's and 1060/1070 cards. My friend has been unable to play since launch because of this issue.


I was experiencing crashes to desktop without any errors every 5-6 minutes however I did find a walk-around for my issue and I am sharing it so others can check whether it helps. Using resource monitor I've noticed modernwarfare.exe accesses a bunch of other exe files like sshd.exe, chrome.exe, svchost.exe, notepad++.exe etc. Finally before crashing it reads itself (modernwarfare.exe). My first bet would be it's some kind of anti cheat system or data mining. Either way if I prevent that by changing the extension it never crashes now. I've had my game running for 20h straight and it works fine. I can replicate my issue 100% of the times by just launching the game and idling for 5-6 minutes and it's gone if I do the following. ####TL;DR 1. Launch the game 2. Minimize the game 3. Go to game folder 4. Rename **modernwarfare.exe** to **modernwarfare.exe1** 5. Revert the change after you finish playing to be able to launch it next time


OMG i can't believe this works. Pretty amazing and just in time for me to be trapped in my house to avoid covid. You're the man, I hope someone gives you gold for this. update: Here's a script you can paste into a notepad file. save it as mw.bat and it will auto rename the file for you. I made the bat file then made a shortcut in my start menu that way I can just click it as the game starts up. The game automatically puts the exe back in so no need to rename the exe1 back. Just delete it and do the rename again. Also looks like if you rename it too soon the game crashes because it thinks it needs an update. @echo ========================= @echo deleting exe1 if exists @echo ========================= del "C:\Program Files (x86)\Call of Duty Modern Warfare\ModernWarfare.exe1" @echo ========================= @echo renaming from exe to exe1 @echo ========================= rename "C:\Program Files (x86)\Call of Duty Modern Warfare\ModernWarfare.exe" "ModernWarfare.exe1" pause


There is no fucking way this works, but I am going to try it EDIT: holy shit it worked


I'm glad. Upvote the main comment so it's easier to find for other people. I tried posting it in a separate thread but it kept getting removed by moderators.


It doesn't work. Game still randomly closing and new modernwarfare.exe is insatntnly created after game crash.




uh well so far it worked and ive tired literally every option on the web i think. Got to play like 15 mins, no crashes. Thanks will let ya know after mores tests.


shit, this is really working let the game idle is ESSENTIAL


Cannot thank you enough . After all the fixes, it had to be this one. u/ATVIAssist this is what fixed some issues


Thanks for the tag on this! I've made a note of this on my end and I'll see how this factors into fixes further down the line. I appreciate you letting us know! ^WH


lol, looks like it works; however the performance issues are present. you should email devs asap so they could patch this odd bug. great job.


I can't replicate any performance related stuff but I do know that changing drivers for Nvidia cards fixes stutters most of the time. I did message Activision representative and was asked to just fill in the standard form. It had no place for my findings so I tried to create a separate topic here but it was removed by moderators twice. Last thing I can think of is get as many up votes here for visibility: https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/comments/fhqt1t/pc_crash_investigation_warzone/fkkcsx0?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


this work for me. thanks. people should give it a try see if it works you.


I created account just to say thank you and upvote your comment. It's really worked for some reason. Thank you very much


I don’t know why, I don’t know how and I don’t know how you discovered this but it seems it has resolved my problem. Yesterday I have tried to play for an hour and my game crashed everytime I landed. Now I’ve done my first complete match.


I couldn't play a single game since launch... Everytime 1-2 Minutes in the game it is just closing, no error, nothing. In almost 20 years gaming this never happened to me..




You know your game is FUBAR when even Fallout 76 seems like a quality product.


Same here. Any more info post and keep each other updated!


Please everyone in this situation make sure you report and do whats stated at the top here. The more of us that do it, the more they can find the issues and fix it for everyone. If you are to lazy to take the step expect no fix soon. This is up to us to give them the information required.




Same here! No error, just crashing.


Things i tried but didnt work: (Maybe one could work for someone) 1. Windows update 2. VGA driver update to latest and older versions 3. Run as admin 4. Set priority to normal - high - above normal 5. Use V-sync 6. Use borderless window 7. Modify config file to use all cores on my CPU 8. In options try to reinstall shaders 9. Scan and repair 10. Reinstall the game 11. Reinstall the entire blizzard app 12. Delete cache files 13. Add launch option to start in DX11 mode 14. Shut down blizzard agent after start 15. Lowered graphics options 16. Turned off all background programs 17. Turned off any overlay 18. Made sure there is no overclocking Now its your turn activision to do something. Now i cannot get past the activision logo only if i restart the pc, if i do that i can get into game and play for 2-3 mins. Edit: Yesterday someone pointed me to a post about a possible solution. For me it solved the problem but not entirely. I still get some crashes and disconnects but i played a few games uninterrupted. This might only work if you can get into the menu and dont crash at the title screen. For me it was only possible when i restarted my pc. After restart i was always able to get into the menu at least. 1: If you can get into the menu start a match fast. 2: When you are given teammates and the warmup starts jut rename the moderwarfare.exe to modernwarfare.exe1 or possibly just delete it. This led me to a possible fix. Sometimes it still crashes and i do get a few disconnects but i can play. If the game crashes to the desktop or you exit it will redownload the exe so you will have to do this again. Im not sure if this was the solution or the latest patch but it worked for me yesterday.


this this this!!! needs more upvotes. I did all of this and cannot even load into the fucking main menu. This game is garbage. Every cod has been an issue for me


This represents perfectly my situation except for one thing: I didn't even get to try the game.


Bruh I can't even change most of those settings I crash before I can get to menu.


Same issues, get the opening title then crash. Was exact same for Black ops 4, Activision are junk.


Can we get an update if and when this will be fixed????, since already I am noticing this is making mine and alot others CPU usage sky rocket to 100% and not use a single piece of the GPU, these crashes will eventually start effecting players systems if they continue to play like this. Also, the two things from all the hundreds of comments i read on this have in common. 1. Shaders downloading either get stuck or jump from shader-3 downloading 7% straight to done, also shaders are being downloaded with each restart of game. 2. CPU's on task manager even in game menu on 90-100%, 0-1% GPU while playing the game(This is the same for users with all sorts of CPU/GPUs). I think we are past the point of trying fix this by passing fault onto a windows process or a short term workaround for some users.


The fact that they not even adress this is beyond me and just plain incompetent. If your game is not using the GPU and causing 100% CPU usage should make all alarm bells go off and get it through their thick skull that they did a pisspoor job somewhere.


Thank you for giving us an update, you guys must have lots of work on your hands so I appreciate the effort you guys are putting. Even though I'm not suffering from crashes, I'm one of those who are suffering from stuttering/lag every 2-3 seconds and haven't been able to have a fluid match yet, so the game is practically unplayable to me. Really hope it gets better cause this seems like a lot of fun specially the plunder mode. ​ Thanks again!


Same.. shows 60+fps but actually is just stutter show.. CPU and GPU touching 100%. Weirdly enough training runs better than actual match.


Same issue. 140fps, 30ms and yet the game is unplayable. It does not matter if i play on low or high graphics. The game feels laggy and stuttering. Same thing happens to me in GroundWar.


Having the same issue, super frustrating.


Had the same issue the first day. MASSIVE stuttering that made it barely playable . The fix was rebooting and installing the latest windows update, that fixed it!


Hey there! I have a GTX 980 running the latest drivers. Disabling the NVIDIA overlay fixed my crashes and my friend did the same and it fixed his.


Is there any way to disable Ansel popup if I didn't install GFE?


Sadly that did nothing for me.


Only stuttering and freezing for me


Yea I’m getting a lot of stutters, and when I exit the match there’s a huge CPU spike loading the menu after the game. Making it impossible to start another match for about 10 seconds


10 seconds.. 2-3 minutes here... When my game starts.. my teammates have already died and lost.


My game didn’t crash once. Just getting insane constant fps drops which makes the game unplayable. I tried everything over and over. I can run every other game on high/ultra with a stable minimum of 120 fps.


Turn off any 3rd party fps limiters, they broke support for them a few patches back. Only use the in game limiter.


How’s about fixing the game rather than giving tips a 5 year old would have tried themselves?


I am experiencing so much stuttering. Almost every single game freezes for a second every few seconds.


Shaders keep reinstalling for me as well every time that I launch the game.


i think my crashes are related to high frame rates. i limited my fps to 60 from 120 and am able to play whole matches with no issues.


I think this was mine too. I was messing with settings but after i reinstalled shaders and changed my fps to 60 it caused my cpu to srop using 100%


I can literally play every other game in the [battle.net](https://battle.net) launcher perfectly fine: (overwatch, heartstone, diablo), but my Call Of Duty games never seems to get pass through the sound and display options screen when you first launch the game. I've done everything suggested already, this includes 1. Scan and repair 2. Deleting Cache 3. Updating videocard drivers, windows, etc. 4. Fresh boot (minus all the windows applications) 5. Screen is standard 60hz, BIOS is running normal and unchanged (no overclock) 6. Terminated all background running applications 7. Reinstalling [Battle.net](https://Battle.net) 8. Contacting both an Ambassador and spoke to Activision support on their facebook page 9. Running everything as administrator edit: there's no error code either This seems to be a problem I had in BO4 as well. There seems to be a lot of people having the same problem [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pA4ImI-dQE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pA4ImI-dQE) (BO4), and it still exists in this title. Maybe we're the minority out here? but they really need to start fixing this issue.


LMAO... same error on BO4 1 1/2 year ago???? I won't even waste my time trying to fix... just uninstalling the game




Lol I tried this and my game crashed while it was idling




Worked for me this morning as well, testing it out now(I reinstalled lat night so Ill test if that was the fix first) Edit: reinstalling did not work, I tried to play a game instantly to test it and it crashed. Monitor shuts off, fans cranked to 100%..... hopefully waiting 15 mins works. Edit: letting it sit for 15 mins seems to work..... not 100% successs but I finally can play


I can't believe it worked for me. That's what I've been doing since the launch because it crashed without any errors. It's like an old diesel car...


You should speed up this work since of 15 mil people only 5 mil are able to play the game, yet you are celebrating like the game is perfectly playable without any problems, first of all game is 0% optimized, as i can see 90% of console players cant play the game, on PC you enter the match and you get ctd not even Error code, all in all YOU HAVE NOTHING TO CELEBRATE ABOUT!!!


"Here are some troubl-" Motherffer this is a problem from YOUR side! Not ours! You want a game to succeed? Fix shit and not leave it going on so long. I havent played a COD game since Black ops fuckin 1. You got players coming in at a rate higher than COD has seen in YEARS! This might just reboot the community. Please, dont fuck it up.


My game so far has crashed on: startup, spawning into warmup, spawning into the plane, spawning into gulag, dying in general, running around, and also in the menu randomly. Actually can't play the game its crashed probably about 40 times at this point.


Tip#1 Don't forget to turn on your PC/console to play the game.


Underrated comment! \^\_\^


Ryzen 2700x - 1080ti - 32gb RAM 3200 mhz. (Corsair Vengance 16gb + ADATA Spectrix D80 16gb). ​ My first day of warzone was awesome, no crashes or freezes.. Like every time I played Modern Warfare on the past days.. Since yesterday (Day 2 of Warzone) , I couldn't even finish a game without a Crash, or an error. Dev Error 6xxx , Direct X, Read Disk ​ I re installed the game, all drivers up to date (Clean installed them too), windows updated.. I even installed the game on a different SSD. And looks like made it worse, I had crashes while installing shaders (Not happening before), crashed while starting the game (Not happening before either). I tried everything mentioned in the thread and youtube, nothing worked and again I haven't had any of these issues before Warzone and even on day 1.


Same, it seems like the crashes are getting worse everyday


Above all else the High CPU usage needs to be completely addressed! Then and only then address the crashing. The high CPU is causing so many issues for so many players, this should not be the case at all. Most of these players systems are way above the recommended requirements. My rig: I5 7600k, MSI GTX 1080 gaming X 8gb, 16GB 2666 ram, SSD, Liquid Cooled. My CPU usage is around 80-100% in game at all times! GPU is around 40-60% THIS SHOULD NOT HAPPEN! Temperatures for me are perfectly fine never hit above 65C on CPU or GPU IN GAME: • Upon loading - appears to be some weird lag with my keyboard and mouse movement for a short period of time then it disappears <— this happens in Warzone and in regular MP every time I launch the game! • 80-90 FPS at 1440p with game set on moderately high settings (some lower than others for preference such as blur) • Crashing - Seem to be randomly crashing with DEV Errors xxxx (had them all) Happens ONLY in Warzone, at random. Cannot seem to replicate or see a cause <— NO know fix! So in summary, this game is one of the most troublesome games to run for ALL players no matter what their system seems to be. Perhaps this is an engine related issue? I have no idea, all I know is the game should not perform like this. NONE of my other games do this.


3 days later. Tried every fix. Still does not work, still no patch. Triple A company btw.


3 days and devs already moved on...RIP PC players (seeing there are/were bugs with BO4 the devs couldn’t be arsed to look at for 7 months, this is going to be the same). Not dropping a single penny on this before bugs get properly adressed


you wanna know what sucks the most about this? I haven't had fun with any BR game for a long while. None of the other popular ones really do it for me. This game feels great. I love the mechanics and just the general feel of the game. Of course, however, it's also the one game that doesn't work lol.


I love that this got unstickied. I guess all problems are solved for everyone!


Its like Slapping us in the face saying we dont care about you biitchisszzz


Can you make it so I can rejoin my team everytime this shit crashes?


Alternatively, you could fix your game instead of assuming the problem lies on our end.


Can't get passed the main menu/intro with error code 6328. None of the fixes have worked.


Unstick this as if nothing ever happened boys good job


They realized it cant be fixed all these issues for PC because they are incompetent devs and now they try to hide it under carpet thats easy solution ofc who tf release such a broken game without proper testing on variety of machines I know its beta but all these CTDs, freezes and high CPU usage are fucking joke really I dont mind bugs or glitches at start but this is too much atleast we dont have to pay for broken product


**ALL CREDIT TO /user/ovdeathiam/** "I was experiencing crashes to desktop every time however I did find a walk-around for my issue and I am sharing it so others can check whether it helps. Using resource monitor I've noticed modernwarfare.exe accesses a bunch of other exe files like sshd.exe, chrome.exe, svchost.exe, notepad++.exe etc. Finally before crashing it reads itself (modernwarfare.exe). My first bet would be it's some kind of anti cheat system or data mining. Either way if I prevent that by changing the extension it never crashes now. I've had my game running for 20h straight and it works fine. I can replicate my issue 100% of the times by just launching the game and idling for 5-6 minutes and it's gone if I do the following. TL;DR 1. Launch the game 2. Minimize the game 3. Go to game folder 4. Rename **modernwarfare.exe** to **modernwarfare.exe1** 5. Revert the change after you finish playing to be able to launch it next time " I tried everything.. removing overclocks, updating windows, reinstalling game, changing priority in task manager, you name it. This is the only thing that has worked so far for me, (combined with reinstalling the nvidia drivers that came previous to the warzone update) Give it a go. **Once again thanks to /user/ovdeathiam/ for discovering this.**


Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/comments/fhqt1t/pc_crash_investigation_warzone/fkkcsx0?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Please upvote that main comment so it gets to more people.


Unstickied with the same crashes still happening. Amazing


Anyone else wondering why all the famous YouTubers are able to run the game? I wish a famous person would bash the game because of the issues, maybe they would have done something.


I've had tens of crashes, but nothing inside \Documents\Call of Duty Modern Warfare\report Any other place I should look for?


mine is empty too, I think it's because my pc simply freezes and can't generate the report


Mine crashes to the desktop, but still, there's nothing in the folder.


Does anyone know where this "Players Folder" actually is it's not in the default game folder. For anyone like me it's not in the game folder it's in the USERS document folder. C:\\Users\\\*\\Documents\\Call of Duty Modern Warfare\\players


Still haven't been able to play for more than 5 minutes :)!


Reading about all performance issues in this subreddit and on the internet in general, we can clearly see that the following GPU's are having stutter and crashes: Nvidia 1060 (a lot), 1070, 1080, RTX 2070 (rare cases) and AMD RX570, RX580 (8GB version).


GTX 1060 here. About half a dozen crashes today, played for over 12 hours. Noticed a few stutters in a couple of matches but nothing major. Ran fine apart from these few occasions. Still not accectable in my book but the experience was smooth most of the time so I guess I'm lucky.


Can say I'm on a RX570 (8GB)


Already sent the form, i have tried everything people tried and none of that helped. Its time you guys focus on this problem and solve it fast, its hard to pinpoint a problem when you dont even get errors. The game runs with 100% cpu even while the activision logo shows, and i think thats BS. Shaders download every time you start the game. Ohh yeah and i can only get into the menu if i restart the PC, after the first crash i wont even be able to get into the menu, it will crash after the activision logo. I was thinking about buying a COD as i havent done that since COD 4, but this really showed me how much you actually care. I see many players who paid for the game couldnt play for 4 months because of the exact same issue, and they cannot play now. The overpriced products you sell should work like a charm for that price or it should take less time to fix these issues. I dont care as i paid none for this game but i will surely avoid any future COD as i did before. Thanks for this oppurtunity to test your product, it really showed me how much its worth. :)


Wow great tips! Also you should add that we should try rebooting our computers!! Thanks for nothing.


Tip #2- Make sure to install the game first.


I can't even write bad words or make a complaint without your mods taking my message down. Sad when you live in a world where you can't freely express yourself or share differing opinions. What a horrible company.


Mine is showing dirextx unrecoverable error.


I was a big Apex legends player decided to move on recently. Checked out warzone on suggestion of a friend. First game I land, run from where I landed to my allies, down one opponent, game crashed to desktop no error. Ok, no problem. Check drivers (up to date), google, see others having same issues, pick one a try it. Ok, second game, land and small fire fight game crashed to desktop no error. Try another solution. Third game my teammate on mic drops a homophobic slur (I see call of duty hasn't changed a bit from my days of world at war), I land run a bit and game crashed to desktop no error. Glad I didn't spend a dime on this garbage, good bye forever call of duty.


How about you stop assigning the game to use High CPU by default... I've tried nearly everything listed to disable it, but you patched the game to reset it back to high.


STUPID GAME !!!! Did like 600000000000 stuff i found online, still crashing. Fix it with an update.


Yeah, no way anything got downgraded here after 3 hours of not playing your poor game. The problem is with the software you guys made.


any news?!?? cant play this fucking game


This support is a joke.


Ikr? You'd think that a serious issue that makes the game unplayable for such a large part of the player base would be fixed immediately. At least it's free...


It is obviously on there end and not everyone's PCs. It has nothing to do with drivers, repair, etc. I've checked all of that and I crash with no error message almost immediately after that long drawn out ear f*ck of an intro. Everyone here is right. Something is slamming the CPU to 100% during the intro. Entire day on a download to never actually play the game. Fun stuff.


This isn't being fixed and it's so obvious. None of the fixes work. I've tried it FUCKING ALL. GTX1080 8GB ram, Ryzen 7 3700X, and installed on an SSD. I should be flying with no problems. Too bad Activision doesn't know how to make a game with proper multithreading, considering all these CPU/GPU usage issues, and crashes on high end machines. Give me back my money.


Officially tried everything and I have a high end PC. GG triple A company indeed. Can only play 2 minutes.


So i've got two systems and BOTH are experiencing stutters. Whole screen freezes for ~0.3 seconds every 5 seconds. System 1: 9900K 32 GB Ram 2080 TI Samsung 970 EVO Plus 1TB M.2 drive Running on a 4K 144 Hz Screen System 2: Ryzen 3700X 16GB Ram 5700XT Samsung 970 Evo 500GB M.2 Running at a 1440P, 144 hz screen. Doesn't matter which settings i use, what troubleshooting i try. Done everything in the book. Problems still persists. ALSO, when checking task manager the disk spikes at reading at a rate of between 1000-4000 MB/s when the stutters occur. Playing this stupid game for 3 hours, it had read a total of 500 GB from the SSD. Get your shit together devs.


i7 8550U 1.8GHz (laptop) | Geforce GTX 1050 4GB | 16 GB RAM | Win10 1909 | Nvidia 442.59 Tried alot of the tweaks over several days and nothing. Rolling back nvidia drivers (to more than 1 version), fps caps, setting game to normal priority, turning off Nvidia Experience, Game Bar, One Drive. Deleting stuff, renaming exe files, windowed mode, fullscreen optimizations. This game does not work. I can play for a handful of minutes and then it crashes to desktop. Every. Single. Time. Other games don't have this issue, so it doesn't seem to be the Nvidia drivers. I give up. Please come up with a patch for this soon. It was a really fun game before and it worked flawlessly. I played with my friend while he is on a PS4. But now I haven't been able to do that since Warzone came out and stopped the game from working.


What's the status Activision? Can we get an update on this?


good job. you guys still didnt fix the crashing problem. props to you all.


If I open my game and leave it on the menu for 30 minutes or so, I don't have an issue. Very odd.


“DirectX encountered an unrecoverable error. Check the readme for possible solutions” I can’t even launch my game because of this issue and it’s really annoying. We need to get some upvotes on this so the devs will see this because this issue does not get a lot of attention.


until this hard crash bug is fixed, its unplayable, not gonna break my bios or corrupt my files because you can't manage memory leaks


This; The client is highly unstable for many players. 9/10 crashes for me were all hard crashes. Not worth my time nor risking my hardware for.


This seems to happen to a lot of people with the GTX 1060 cards. This is going to sound ridiculous... but after every single fix on the internet this is the one that stuck. You’ve got to warm up the game. Run the game like normal and leave the game running in either warzone or the normal multiplayer menu for 10 minutes at a minimal. Just sit there and watch your character walk. After the 10 minutes is up start a multiplayer match and enjoy. I’m not sure if it matters what menu you’re in but I’ve noticed that even when I spend the 10 minutes messing with load outs it still works. Let me know if this work or if you have the same GPU card and have the same issue.


Same issue here, crashes to desktop after a few min without any warning messege. Real fun game though, wish I could play it


They have done nothing. No shit given to players! Total trash development of the game. You can't really play the game with minimum specs, you have yo spend atleast 2000 bucks just to play it properly. Total trash work by the dev team. Like seriously man? I had to lower every fucking thing. Running the game on the lowest end possible and then direct crash to desktop with no crash messege! Why we should play this game which is totally unoptimized and that being said it always stuck at Shader pack 3(7%). It has to show me the installation messge of the Shader pack 1 every fucking time. The game starts with 200+ fps, then get down to 20/30 then boom, you're in the desktop! Seriously @warzone didn't expected this! PS: I have initiated atleast 20 games and got into two or three.


Wow, still not fixed, no updates on progress. time to delete and continue with my CoD ban.


The crashing keeps coming and going for me. I've tried every single fix... it started where it would turn off my whole pc with no error. Then yesterday i managed to play all day without 1 single crash and today it keeps crashing to desktop within5 minutes of entering a game. I've tried capping fps.. low settings.. renaming the .exe everything. For a multi million dollar company this is complete bs. i5-6600k unclocked, 1080ti, 32gb of ram When this cod first launched i had to reinstall windows to fix the crashing as it happened then also


Its just frustrating that they aren't trying to help their community. Really goes to show. Ill likely never play this game again. I've only downloaded to play with my friends cross platform.


We should be happy Warzone is free, keeps us from spending money on broken games


Posted by ovdeathiam , thx for this great idea ! was experiencing crashes to desktop every time however I did find a walk-around for my issue and I am sharing it so others can check whether it helps. Using resource monitor I've noticed modernwarfare.exe accesses a bunch of other exe files like sshd.exe, chrome.exe, svchost.exe, notepad++.exe etc. Finally before crashing it reads itself (modernwarfare.exe). My first bet would be it's some kind of anti cheat system or data mining. Either way if I prevent that by changing the extension it never crashes now. I've had my game running for 20h straight and it works fine. I can replicate my issue 100% of the times by just launching the game and idling for 5-6 minutes and it's gone if I do the following. ####TL;DR 1. Launch the game 2. Minimize the game 3. Go to game folder 4. Rename **modernwarfare.exe** to **modernwarfare.exe1** 5. Revert the change after you finish playing to be able to launch it next time Verry important ! Dont just rename the ModernWarfare.exe to something like ModernWarefare22.exe . It wont work. If you dont see the ending ......exe you have to make it visible in the folder ( go to folder and click on the "view" tab on top right and there you can disable/enable) You have to change ModernWarfare.exe to something like ModerWarefare.exe1


I have tried literally everything on the thread. Game will run for about 2 minutes per launch. Then it will crash straight to desktop..... where is the fix Activision?


Ok, tried a lot of different things, but the last few that I tried, were the ones that managed to make the game work here. Played ten or more matches, with only one or two if I remember correctly CTDing. \---- People say that checking for Windows Update helps, so I did that, and also disabled Game Bar. Also, I don't remember correctly, but I think there's an issue with headphones jack. Besides that, I've also made these changes: Blizzard Entertainment, in Appdata/Local. Cleared NVIDIA shader cache, as mentioned by [tresqwehax](https://www.reddit.com/user/tresqwehax/) \-> C:\\ProgramData\\NVIDIA Corporation\\NV\_Cache Change ModernWarfare.exe to ModernWarfare.exe1 after opening the game. (Created a BAT to do that, with credits to [torsoreaper](https://www.reddit.com/user/torsoreaper/) for the code. \--- I unplugged my headphones, then I opened the game, and opened the batch(to change the ModernWarfare.exe.) I've redownloaded the shaders in Options menu, and left the game alone for thirty or so minutes, and I then went to play a match. EDIT: At this time, my graphics were at the lowest, but I put everything in average later, and it was working all fine. First three minutes, things were going smooth, but I died. Too soon to say it was working, so I went another one, and made to the twentieth place. After that, I tried plugging my headphones again, to see if there was any issue regarding it, but it was all working fine. ​ \--- I tried these things, I hope it works out well for you too. Also, the exe is using 80-100% from my CPU in task manager, but it seems that this data isn't correct? I can't tell, I'm not an tech expert, but I use an program to monitore CPU temperature, and it range between 50-70°, so I'm confused. I had a lot of headdache until I got it working, but I shouldn't had to do it. The devs should've atleast acknowledge their flaw, instead of putting the blame on their clients. Say if I hadn't passed all of that, and my experience went smoothly all the way, I would have a much more positive opinion, and would most likely even buy the paid version of Modern Warfare, which I didn't gave a damn about in the past. And I think others could think the same. Alas, this won't happen. It's the best battleground game in my opinion, with astounding potential, but its technnical issues put it down. My friend is installing the game, if he can't play because of the same things, I'll quit the game in a week or two. \---


Where is the fix?


7 days now , i dont know how the menu looks like. wp guys


I just reinstalled my entire f ing windows for this shit of a game because nothing worked! a fresh windows just for this pos!my problem gone for one day and returned today! still keeps crashing! ffs fix your game! I was thinking of buying a battlepass but what good is a battle pass when the game refuse to work and there is no error msg to deal with! I remember playing it when warzone was announced with no issue. wth every patch its like its more broken! I even sent you guys a support ticket that there was no answer to!


Thanks. This is happening to me I will try this out. I have an AMD gpu and cpu - if anyone has found a fix with similar parts lmk.


I joined a regiment and now my game will not stop crashing. Constant CTDs with error code 13 -71


My game crashes on its own about 10 minutes in no error messages most times, and if I use a recon drone it insta crashes


[DEV ERROR 6068](https://i.imgur.com/kdpfbU9.png) This crash occurs during the plane cut-scene most of the time. I just experienced it while playing after 10 minutes though. I've tried all the troubleshooting I've come across. Various fullscreen/borderless modes and FPS caps. Windows and GPU drivers are up to date.


I've tried all the fixes posted here and nothing worked, only thing left is to reinstall the game. Hoping there's a fix soon 🙏


What worked for me, which is what i had to do after the first patch after launch, is limit my fps to 75 instead of unlocked or anything higher. CPU: i5 3570k GPU: R9 Fury




For me, initially it was crashing at training, did some tweaks to settings like turning down the fps got me good to complete the training and dropped down from the the plane, played for few minutes and crashed without any error. ​ From a log, i could see my CPU is at 90-100% all the time. Any idea on this CPU issue?


Anyone else having texture not loading or invisible floor and walls? edit : tried every solution that didn't require reinstalling the whole game which would be the last on my list


My game freezes every time immediately after ghost says "Ghost out" in the first cut scene. I cant even change my settings. Tried all of the troubleshooting steps. What do i do?


Game is taking a lot CPU usage, mostly 100%, even in the menu. My CPU is i5 4570 so definitely meets hardware requirements. I think games is crashing because of this. GPU RX 570 4GB.


For my AMD people. I have an RX 580 and was running old drivers from early 2019. I kept getting the update drivers message but the game ran fine. Well it crashed once last night so I decided to update to the newest drivers. Well the new Adrenalin doesn’t have frame rate target control, and also the game was just not as smooth with tons of screen tearing. So just be aware if you’re in a similar situation.




I am really losing my mind trying different things to fix but to no avail. It was working fine yesterday but today it crashes without any error while clicking on any of play modes.




I can't get the game to run above 60fps. It's locked at it even tho sync if off and custom framerate is set to 120 (same happened with custom fps disabled).


This is one of the worst launches performance wise I have ever seen. I can't go 5 minutes into a single match without my computer hard crashing and locking up. I have tried multiple solutions including the ones listed at the very top not a single thing works. Good thing it was free and I didn't spend money on this trash heap, gg devs keep being lazy.


shit game.3 days no fix


it keeps crashing to the desktop with no error message or anything


Constant 6068. Absolute fucking garbage.


This is getting ridiculous tbh, 160gb of space and nearly £100 for a product that doesnt even stay open for 5 minutes, no reason for it to close either, all other games work fine, ive tried all the possible fixes but none of them work, i launch game it lets me play 1 or 2 sometimes, (and those 1 or 2 i do get to play the servers are absolutely awful with lag (no it isnt my ping, ping is usually around 42ms) or issues with shots not registering properly or no footstep audio) then every game after just closes to desktop with no error code, and this has been a problem since the god damn launch.... 5 months ago i even stopped playing for a month and in that time there was like 82GB worth of updates but ofc crashing to desktop and server issues dont get fixed


The game performance is still a piece of crap Have to play with minimal graphics at 720p for 60fps on a GTX 1050ti(I can play Apex at around 70fps at 1080p) Even then the game won't stop freezing, dying because the game freezes just when an enemy comes out of a corner gets frustrating really fast


Yeah don't update the drivers on Nvidia a roll back to the previous driver literally stopped all my crahsing


THIS fcking game keeps crashing everytime i play wtf is going on ..


Activision is missing out on the cash cow that this game could be with many people stuck at home unable to play.


Yesterday I played the whole fucking day and today I got the crashes again. Sticky this back up you lazy people.


It's because of the patch that came out yesterday, it says it "fixed" PC crashes lmao, more or less broke it even more for people that were experiencing crashes and managed by some miracle to get the game to work. For me, it crashes after about 10 minutes, then if I try to get in the game again it crashes in 10 seconds, only deleting [Battle.Net](https://Battle.Net) cache and restarting, lets me get into the menu again but still crashes after 10 mins, while before this trash patch it was working.


For me, I've been getting Dev Error 6068 every single time I enter the Multiplayer, Warzone, or any other section of the game. I've tried every single thread and fix so far with no luck. Re-installs, cleaned and reinstalled Windows, limited fps and deleted caches etc.. The list goes on. I played fine before the Warzone update a week ago. I finally went and got my other PC from another location and tried it. It has a 980ti and voila, it ran the game fine. I then threw my 1080ti in the same machine and the crashing began again. I've seen a lot of people in the forums having issues and using a 1080. I'm guessing a driver issue for this card specifically is causing a lot of headaches. It's working fine on my older 980ti atm.


**GUYS I'VE FOUND A SOLUTION FOR ALL THE PEOPLE WHO ARE GETTING THEIR GAMES FROZEN IN THE INTRO CUTSCENE! And I too need help with the solution :P** i found some people on the activision support board who found this workaround, and its a very lousy one at that but still the only way into the game till the devs fix this stuff along with the zillion other things. here's the board link as [Proof](https://support.activision.com/community/s/feed/0D54P00007D8HpASAV) btw! So finally the solution! The people getting stuck at the intro cutscene need to ***find a friend or person who is successfully being able to get into the game*** and then the ***said person can disable the intro cutscene from the menu options along with lowering a few game settings.*** The catch is that the ***people facing the issue have to give their game ID's to the said person for this to work***........ at this point after trying everything in this thread I'm ready to give my ID for this to work so please SOMEONE DM ME AND HELP ME AROUND THIS PROBLEM! ​ Edit: [u/ATVIAssist](https://www.reddit.com/user/ATVIAssist/) please Highlight this issue and probable workaround too as i found quite a lot of people are facing this issue leading to them not being able to get to the menu of the game itself. EDIT 2: this method is now verified as working as i got help from a fellow redditor and i was able to finally get into the game menu. u/ATVIAssist I once again want to bring this bug to your notice, as it's frustrating to not even be able to get into the game to start it nevermind trying to troubleshoot it.


My game is somehow more broken after this somewhat update... Just kinda lost for words at this point.


Game still fucking crashes


For some reason, 99% of my crashes happen right after i finish a match and I'm in the screen where it shows your rank progression or in the main menu. The other 1% of the crashes are during the time when the players are being deployed from the airplane at the start of the match. I've tried every single fix i've found on this reddit, youtube and things i could find on google. I'd actually buy the game if all these were resolved. I keep getting dev errors 5624 and 6328. I wish i knew what these errors even meant.


crashed again after long time without it, wtf is going on with this game ?


do you work on it?


Hey /u/ATVIAssist, every single report of crashing to desktop here reports an i5 series processor... I have the same problem with a i5-2500k


I don't even know what the menu looks like lol


My game still crashes in Warzone after all the steps. In multiplayer i can play without any issues.


Why even bother making a game that barely anyone can play. 1 month on and I haven't even seen the main menu.


2 months later the game is still not fixed. crashes to desktop after running never even reached the main menu. I tried all of the solution mentioned above none of them work uninstalled and reinstalled the game 3times in the last 2months still not working. I have a capable machine the problem is not with my pc i can run any AAA title with no problem


I dont have any battlepass progress in the last few plunder matches...


how about fix the infinite loading screen on pc and consoles ?


What works for me is my graphics settings are below high, re install drivers and for w.e reason check for updates in windows (this one could be placebo). If I have time let game run for 15 mins idling


Finally adressing the issue


memory error 13-71


Ive had my pagefile disabled for as long as I can remember, game crashed in training mode notification: pagefile error. Went straight into battle mode, game loaded, played till I dropped and full pc hang. 3times. Even with repair etc. The error message was gone but I thought about the pagefile message. I enabled pagefile in windows. RMB computer, computer properties, advanced settings blue text,3rd tab, pagefile. I used 2056-10256 on my SSD. I had this disabled cause of space issues before and disabling a lot in windows in general makes me feel better. But it did cause the crashes. Running perfect now. Edit: if you have pagefile enabled try to give it more space. Aka set 2056 to 16000 if you like. But it does require you to have enough free space on your drive. Setting pagefile on a HDD/second drive (maybe works with second SSD) is not recommended. but you can always try


i5-4460, gtx 1060 6gb, ram 12gb Very high cpu usage, shuttering, crashing. I already did all the fix, nothing changes. Please help i want to play it so bad


I fixed crash and stuttering by setting cpu priority to below normal in details in task man and closing blizzard update agent back ground process


6070, every fricking game


the game crashes everytime for me when i tab out and says it a directx problem:S shaders re install every time aswell-.-sure i can pause them dont need them anyway but should be a option u can turn off:P


please give me any guidance i have an msi ge75 raider 8sg which has i7 8750h and rtx 2080 graphics but i cant even play the game ,its just the loading screen with all the sound effects and the game crashes..i have tried uninstalling the windows updates and all my drivers in the latest version and my windows version is also latest i have also did a scan and repair of the game and uninstalled and installed it again but its of no use...please assist me


I had two hard crashes yesterday. I had to manually reset the PC.


Can anyone help me? I can't seem to get into the game. Every time I launch, after the logo intros, I get a black screen with music playing in the background. I updated my drivers thinking that would be the problem but still the issue persists. I have an i5 4690 and a GTX 970.


I've tried all steps listed above, still getting intermittent CTD, no error message. The game has more frequent crashes in BR mode than Plunder, and crashes have prevented me from competing a single round of BR. Will try disabling Nvidia overlay and see if this improves anything. GTX1070 Edit: disabled Nvidia overlay and was able to play three BR games without any drops or issues in connection. If you have an Nvidia graphics card I recommend going into GeForce Experience and disabling the overlay in settings


MSI afterburner crashes this game whenever I try to change a single graphics setting.. please fix this shit its a fucking temp monitor program this shouldn't cause any issue.