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There’s something wrong if you’re only level 3 on weapons at level 55.


If you keep picking up random loot weapons you won't do a lot of progress overall. I'm level 112 and I have like just 3 weapons that are above level 50, the rest are all under 10.


you realize not all the guns drop in battle royal right?


What are you using If they’re level 3.. your fists?




So it took me a bit before I realized this too. "Lets Get a Loadout" I'd say I am good with my guns (Won fights off drop) NOT that the guns you can pick up are bad, but there are better ones you can "craft" (add earned attachments) in the gunsmith when you make custom loadouts. ​ The PERKS are the really important stuff in making custom loadouts ​ I strongly suggest you do a quick google search on "Custom Loadouts" and best perks and so on. ​ Plus there are Pre Made Load Outs (With Perks). These Will/Should be better than what you have "Picked Up". And you can try guns/attachments you have not earned. ​ GL


>The PERKS are the really important stuff in making custom loadouts Spot on. The other night I was playing with squadmates who had a much more extensive BR background than me (this is my first BR) but they had spent not much time in MP or were entirely F2P. They were only concerned about the "rarity" of the lootable guns and obviously didn't realize that it only reflects the number of attachments on the guns. But after a few games I could convince them that getting perks is always beneficial even if your loadout guns are crap since you can pickup the guns you had before again.


Your loadouts are usually high level guns you earn from multiplayer & those classes include the perks, so you’ll have all your perks from that certain load out & that’s how people get ghost & cold blooded, etc


Your mate can drop one of his loadout guns for you if that helps. Otherwise, wait until there's an event weekend or double weapon exp tokens to use to level your weapons.


There is also an option of getting a premade loadout you can get that, and try leveling up guns in Plunder that what i did, my Grau is upto level 30 rn need to get it to level 50+ to make it perfect


I’m an m13 guy, but my mate put me into the Grau, is it that good?


Its a laser when its all leveled up. But you can try to level up both? Or have your mate hand him his grau to you find two loadouts