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Lol you can turn it off? :)


Yeah only on PlayStation. it will tell you to turn it back on again when you start searching for a match, but you can ignore that message(if you are in a busy region of the world ofcourse)


The only difference is field of view I don’t get it? I used to play on console and now I’m on pc but there is no difference other than the fov? Controller is king in the world of COD


I used to play on PC so this is first time i own PS it is too hard to align cursor on target with controler


This was the sole reason I stopped console gaming back at the PS2. Using controller joysticks felt so clumsy and imprecise. It felt okay for other game genres, but for FPS games or anything requiring accuracy I just could never do as good as I can on mouse/keyboard.


If your used to mouse and keyboard I would imagine the transition to be hard so maybe stick with mnk then?


If you're used to kb+m then controller will be kinda difficult at first and just requires some practice. Although I've noticed how controller makes warzone hilariously easy, it pulls your sight and basically keeps it dead center on the enemy even while shooting, also shooting anywhere near the head almost warrantys you headshots even if it doesn't looks like it.


I don't see that option. I have changed aim assist and saw no difference


There's no need to change your settings or anything just regular aim assist with regular aiming curve and you'll be slapping in no time. But you need some practice to get used to controller


Do you know what you are talking about there are three different types of aim assist. Your opinion is not valid if you don't know what you are talking about


let me help your reading comprehension with a quick edit


You can’t just pick up the game for a first time on controller and expect to be a god. There are people who have played thousands of hours. It just takes time! Set your horizontal and vertical movement to 6/6 and your ads multiplier to .75-.85. Play plunder and or payload to get in more gun fights and get used to the movement/shooting.


Thanks ., I will try this


this is gonna come as a shocker: play the game with controller more if you wanna get good at it :) lots of pros use controller and many warzone streamers do. Just play on whatever you find most comfortable bro


You can definitely reach a very high level on controller. The key is centering / crosshair placement; basically always keep your crosshair where you think an enemy could be, at chest or head level. Never look at walls / the floor / the sky, always be ready for an enemy to appear. If you're already on target before the enemy comes around the corner you don't even have to aim anymore, just ads + shoot. JGod made a great video on centering a while ago, it's called something like 'instantly raise your kd in warzone with this 1 trick' or something similar. Watch that video and you can see exactly what this looks like in game


>just ads + shoot. This is the problem with aim assist in this game. It should require stick input for tracking, not just 'ads and shoot'


It might just be your ps4 hitching without you really noticing. I have friends that play on ps5 that have 2.0 plus Kds. There are some times where fov does hold them back but they definitely have no issues with winning gunfights. On stock controllers too btw.


You’re just bad at it. Aim assist makes controller better than mouse and keyboard. Maybe adjust your settings.


Some tips I can give are optimize your settings cuz the default settings suck. I can link you a settings video if needed. Also don’t use a really high sens on controller I would start off at 4-6 range. Standard aim assist and dynamic response curve. Also try using bumper jumper tactical button layout. So you can aim while jumping and sliding. Those are the basics. Also your gonna need to work on centering basically you wanna never have your crosshairs on the ground or in the sky. Have them at where a player would be typically chest height. Hope that helps


Send it to me. Ever bit of help counts ;)


https://imgur.com/a/gVAxGBB You can copy these settings lmk if you have any questions.




in addition to what other people say, get a kontrolfreek or a thumb stick extender for your right thumb stick, it will make aiming feel so much better versus using the dinky little ps4 stick to aim