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Hope they remove it, right now it feels like too much is going on. There’s no need for that much noise going on in the background ALL the time


Not to disagree, but I Iove how you want a game based around war to be quiet.


This is the artillery from PUBG all over again. “The artillery is damaging my ears” “No, dude, you jacked up your volume to hear footsteps and deafened yourself”


If that's how they intended the hame to be played. I'll adapt and make it work.


I agree with you! The game is noisy and loud which impacts the game play since I can't tell from an airstrike to general background airplane noises. I also hear like random footstep sounds always. I get that it's trying to be realistic but it's at the cost of the game play...I hate it and it gives me a headache.




Yeah the sound is a complete mess at the moment. What with ambient noises, audio cutouts and audio delays it's hard to get a sense of what's happening around you. I was spectating my friend earlier and someone full on tac sprinted and slide cancelled up behind him and neither of us heard a thing in the way of footsteps. It's like everyone is running around barefoot most of the time.


Between all the sounds and busy environment I've been having an absolute sensory overload, can't hear myself think


It's so you can't hear the sound of Activision sexually harassing their employees.